High-scoring words of the night so far:
FEYEST (344 points) - against Nancy S. [two 4W, hook off LURK for a plural]
WARTHOG (152 points) - against Shelley R.-B. [3W, 2W]
GILBERTS (115 points) - against Kathleen C. [5W]
Interesting rack of the night so far: GROWHATE (against Shelley R.-B.)
Poo nugget for Monday, Mar. 16: Neonatal Poo - The dark and sticky stool produced in the first 24 to 48 hours after a child's birth is called meconium. It is formed during the fetus' nine months in utero and is remarkably odorless. A fetus' intestines are sterile and have yet to become overgrown with bacteria. Meconium shares its green-black color and pasty texture with Marmite (the pungent yeast-based spread of the Brits), and Vegemite (beloved by the Aussies), but thankfully lacks its overpowering aroma.
Corey told me earlier that I did indeed send the Hershey's Kisses to him - DARN!
[14:45:24] Flami: learning about martyrs: hey, did I happen to give you a pack of Hershey's Kisses?
[16:32:04] Corey: I don't know if you did or not! :P you tell me
[16:44:03] Flami: if you think I remember, you're nuts.
[16:44:16] Corey: well, you sent it, didn't you? :P
[16:49:28] Flami: I did, but I was preoccupied with being late :P
[16:53:44] Corey: well, what were you late for?!?! you should be more prompt
[16:56:12] Flami: I was about half an hour late to meet Eric that evening, but I got lucky
[16:58:16] Corey: so you probably forgot things, like the floor mix
[17:01:10] Flami: no, I put that in there after I bought it
[17:03:58] Corey: well good, I require a variety of floors
[17:09:51] Flami: I never said it was FLOOR!
[17:10:30] Corey: isn't it a mix of candy that fell on the floor?
[17:18:45] Flami: from a bridge, sure
[17:19:32] Corey: so it has floor particles on it. and dirt and stuff
[17:23:03] Corey: okay, I just checked (we didn't get the mail yesterday) and yes, you sent Hershey's Kisses, and the bridge mix is open and scattered all over the place inside the envelope
[17:24:02] Flami: it does NOT have dirt on it... at least I sent it!
[17:26:20] Corey: is that supposed to be open or did something happen on the way here?
[17:26:56] Corey: and I finally get to see the crazy Canadian Smarties and mislabeled Smarties (Rockets) neato :P
[17:28:53] Flami: mango?
[17:31:36] Corey: yep
[17:41:24] Flami: card, stickers?
[17:43:54] Corey: yes.................
[17:44:29] Flami: then that's everything... and no, the candy isn't supposed to be open already
[17:47:26] Corey: well, the envelope was torn or cut open on the side, and it looks like it's been run over or something :P all dirty and stuff. there's a "fragile" sticker on it, so they probably threw it around or something. why is there a fragile sticker, anyway? :P
[17:52:03] Flami: did you happen to get Christmas bells?
[17:53:31] Corey: you mean
Clochettes Arc-en-ciel?
[17:55:34] Flami: nice use of French

[17:55:47] Corey: that's what it says!
[17:55:58] Corey: it doesn't say Christmas anywhere, though
[18:39:10] Flami: the "Fragile" sticker was because of the candy! do you think I wanted to have it all get SQUISHED on the way over?!
[18:40:12] Corey: well, it doesn't seem squished, but it doesn't look like they cared much about the fragile sticker :P and I've seen several times online where people that work for UPS or the post office or whoever say they love to throw and kick anything marked as fragile.... since they're very nice people :P
[18:41:47] Flami: oh, dear. :P no, it might have been squished because of the processing machine
[18:50:49] Corey: I don't know... usually, that type of envelope is still in pretty good shape after it goes through the mail
[19:14:55] Flami: is this the first time it's happened to my mail?
[19:18:11] Corey: I don't know. stuff Jane sends usually gets here looking like it's been through a lot, too
[19:21:23] Flami: does she put Fragile stickers all over everything?
[19:21:42] Corey: I don't think so
[19:23:20] Flami: hmm. I didn't want to risk it getting totally pressed... how IS the candy?
[19:28:29] Corey: I don't know, it's already gone and I don't really remember it much. maybe I ate it too fast
[19:30:52] Flami: the hamsterette: .... I sent a billion candies over, and you ate them all ALREADY?! :O
[19:31:46] Corey: the wrappers on the Hershey's Kisses taste terrible, though... would have taken too long to unwrap them
[19:35:34] Flami: you are joking, right?
[19:36:34] Corey: I don't feel so good now
[19:39:32] Flami: too much chocolate consumption
[19:39:58] Corey: of course I'm joking... all I've had is one piece of floor mix :P
[19:40:33] Flami: so how is it?
[19:42:00] Corey: uh, okay I guess :P it was one of the bigger ones with some type of fruit flavor inside, I think
[19:42:29] Flami: the orangey ones? now I'm finishing all of my dried mango... reminds me, I need to buy another thing of Bridge Mixture
[19:48:01] Corey: I think it was an orange one
[19:51:24] Flami: give the mango to your mom!
[19:56:21] Corey: I'm supposed to give that to her? :P
[19:57:57] Flami: well, you said she liked it... you might as well give her some to try
[19:58:28] Corey: I think that's the same exact brand she usually buys
[19:59:19] Flami: in that case, you keep it.
[20:00:36] Corey: it's different packaging, but I think the brand is the same
[20:02:17] Flami: you might want to check...
[20:06:34] Corey: pretty sure it is... Philippines brand
[20:19:42] Flami: yep
[20:30:09] Corey: yes siree, Bob
[irrelevant stuff about Jedi Academy powers][20:56:24] Corey: I also think I'm at great risk of becoming fat.. Jane already sent me a ton of candy recently, which I've barely even touched, and now I have a whole new load of it on top of that :P
[20:57:57] Flami: oh :P I didn't know that!
[21:00:26] Corey: well, as long as I don't keep open bags next to me while I'm at the computer, it will be okay :P if I do, entire bags will go away daily
[21:21:29] Flami: that might be a problem, yes :P what did she send you?
[21:25:25] Corey: a whole bunch of pineapple cakes, chocolate-covered bananas (dried banana slices), these three-flavored chocolate thingies I like, ice cream-themed hard candy, ice cream cone chocolate / wafer things (like Milk Duds, kinda), soda-themed hard candy, milk ball candy..... candy candy candy candy
[21:34:43] Flami: oh dear.
[21:40:21] Corey: so I'm pretty much set for candy for a while now :P
[21:44:55] Flami: seems that way :P
[21:52:37] Corey: I haven't found a milk chocolate-coated caramel that's notorious for being too hard yet
[21:56:31] Flami: neither did I
[21:56:51] Corey: well, the interweb says they're in there
[21:57:22] Flami: I know
[22:12:59] Corey: you've never seen one?
[22:14:52] Flami: don't think so
[22:15:07] Corey: how many times have you had it?
[22:18:36] Flami: not counting the samples I had last summer, twice
[22:26:05] Corey: so not very often
[22:31:35] Flami: nope
[23:00:21] Corey: I just looked it up and found a review that says there's a US version made by Brach's
[23:01:09] Corey: I mentioned Bridge Mixture to my mom today, and she said she thought that was just a bunch of nuts mixed together.. so maybe there's something else with a similar name or something
[23:05:31] Corey: and... I'm not seeing a place to buy the stuff you sent me anywhere online. a Google shopping search for "bridge mixture" has a whole bunch of people selling "bridge mix" which looks like it's mostly nuts
[23:08:39] Corey: and I also just found a caramel one, which wasn't hard :P
[23:09:29] Flami: oh, okay... I did find caramel ones, but not HARD ones.
[23:54:46] Flami: the hamsterette: I hope this recognizes my name change.
[00:03:10] Flami: the hamsterette: DAMMIT. What do I have to do here?
[00:12:22] Corey: for what?
[00:16:39] Flami: how did I ever manage to get my MSN name changes to stick in Trillian before?
[00:22:56] Corey: I don't really know... try changing it in real MSN and going back
[00:24:29] Flami: that's what I did
[00:25:17] Corey: looks the same as always to me :P
[00:25:37] Flami: me too... so what should I do?
[00:26:31] Corey: step on it
[00:28:00] Flami: I don't think that's gonna work
[00:29:14] Corey: lick it?
[00:29:52] Flami: no, and I'm not going to munch it either.
[00:35:22] Corey: you can't munch an MSN name, don't be insane :P
[00:36:18] Flami: well, you can't lick or step on it either!
[00:37:05] Corey: yeah, so what's your point?
[00:37:35] Flami: you don't make sense
[00:38:40] Corey: agreed!
[00:44:28] Flami: hey, I Googled and found a very obvious answer... "Set Display Name"
[00:47:35] Corey: have you done that?
[00:47:58] Flami: I will
[00:48:21] Corey: change it to something about big boobs
[00:49:41] Flami: no thanks, I already have something else in mind :P
[00:49:51] Corey: big butts?
[00:50:47] Flami: NO!
[00:51:29] Corey: then what on earth could you name it if it doesn't have anything to do with boobs or butts?
[00:52:01] Flami: .... you'll see...
[00:52:55] Corey: why, is it about me or something???
[00:53:48] Flami: such an egotistical little boy... :P
Labels: 2009, babies, candy, conversations, corey, eric m., ice cream, interesting racks, jane, maxed-out tags limit, msn, page-a-day, poo, presents, shelley, sick, smileys, stickers, vivian s., wordscraper