Session Start (flamsterette_x:musicfan259): Mon Oct 03 13:24:31 2005
[13:25:03] musicfan259: Boo! :D
[13:29:28] flamsterette_x: .... so you want me to call you "umop" then now? Man, too many name changes... first it's Erik.. then it's Lee, and now it's Umop.
[13:29:41] musicfan259: Lee is fine. :D
[13:30:05] musicfan259: I was just using my internet handle - force of habit, you see. :)
[13:30:23] flamsterette_x: Makes me rather afraid of what you'll come up with next.... "the Grand Potentate of Love," perhaps.
[13:30:31] musicfan259: :p
[13:30:39] *** "musicfan259" signed on at Mon Oct 03 13:30:39 2005.
[13:31:05] flamsterette_x: Righto. Chill while I make the requisite changes..
[13:31:14] musicfan259: ?
[13:45:17] flamsterette_x: Done now.
[13:45:19] flamsterette_x: So what's up?
[13:46:32] musicfan259: Not much other than what I wrote about. I put the latest version of my astronomy program online, and I'm running a game of Assassins over on UnaBoard. :D
[13:47:21] flamsterette_x: Oh yeah! I kinda keep on meaning to go over there at some point.
[13:47:35] musicfan259:
UnaBoard Assassins. :D
[13:48:44] flamsterette_x: Well, at least I don't have to ask you if I WANT to go to that link, haha.
[13:49:04] musicfan259: :D
[13:49:14] flamsterette_x: .... let me guess. Una and Fierra have been playing around with the whole look / feel of the board again.
[13:49:37] musicfan259: Yeah. They did that before? :O I hope they change it back; this looks awful.
[13:50:36] flamsterette_x: Yeah. There were the Halloween editions, the Christmas editions, the 1890s edition, the Noir edition, and probably a bunch of other misc. things.
[13:51:18] musicfan259: Oh okay - I was using the 1890s skin there for a while. Seen the noir avatars too. :D Did they rename the fora before?
[13:51:44] flamsterette_x: Yeah, all those came with renaming things.
[13:52:19] musicfan259: Oh good then - it's temporary, LOL.
[13:52:50] flamsterette_x: Yeah.. until the next time one of them gets an idea in her head. ;)
[13:53:12] flamsterette_x: Oh, and if this is a ploy to get me posting there (I have no idea why :P), then... well.... uh...
[13:53:37] musicfan259: Nope it's not - just sharing about what I've been up to lately. :)
[14:03:29] flamsterette_x: Heh, I know. :D
[14:03:45] flamsterette_x: But true to form, I'm posting... or I kinda posted. Whatever you want to call it.
[14:04:13] musicfan259: In the Assassins thread?
[14:06:36] flamsterette_x: No, I'm not even playing in that one. In the... uh... Water Cooler.
[14:10:47] musicfan259: So were the previous forum names (Jibber-Jabber, Diversions and Distractions, Tea and Sympathy, etc.) the usual names or do they just rename everything at whim?
[14:13:35] flamsterette_x: Those are the usual names, yeah. The new forum names go along with the whole "theme" they're trying to create.
[14:15:21] musicfan259: I see. They picked a bad time IMO - another board just upgraded to Invision 2.1 and all the old skins are gone. :( One board changing its format is enough - 2 at the same time is just too much. :p
[14:17:16] flamsterette_x: Yeah, that can get confusing or whatever, especially since you just got used to the old format.
[14:19:20] musicfan259: They used to have this really neat skin - I'm told Our Place used to have it, so you may have seen it - well that went away with 2.0, and I created my own skin to replace it. It was a poor substitute, but I held out that maybe the old one would be re-released for 2.0. Now, mine won't work with 2.1 and the original is subject to copyright.
[14:22:47] flamsterette_x: Oh yeah! That pink skin! I didn't like it, as I don't really like pink all that much... but I know what you're talking about.
[14:23:36] musicfan259: Yeah, that one. Heh, maybe I should submit mine to Our Place. :D
[14:24:30] musicfan259: Several posters would probably use it - misstee was using it for a while.
[14:25:02] flamsterette_x: Hey, sounds good then..
[14:25:18] flamsterette_x: I know Raynbow would, if you had that pink skin thing at Our Place.
[14:26:03] musicfan259: Neat - maybe I will then. :D
[14:26:17] musicfan259: While I'm at it, I'll bring up the 10 quote limit.
[14:26:38] flamsterette_x: The what limit?
[14:27:08] musicfan259: The thing where if there's more than 10 quote tags per message, they don't show up.
[14:30:57] flamsterette_x: Oh, okay. I've never run into that myself... I don't think.
[14:31:45] musicfan259: The last private message you sent me. :p I replied in 2 parts because I wanted the quote blocks to show up - I'm picky like that. *blush* :D
[14:36:11] flamsterette_x: OH. Yeah, I haven't gotten around to that board yet. Too busy picking apart random internet people's spelling and grammar, haha. :D
[14:36:26] musicfan259: :D
[14:36:26] flamsterette_x: With the appropriate icon, of course.
[14:36:39] musicfan259: On LJ?
[14:38:11] flamsterette_x:

[14:38:53] musicfan259: LMAO that's funny.

[14:45:01] flamsterette_x: Yeah... I mean, I just CAN'T pass it up when someone describes the "staff infection" they had last week, for example.
[14:45:33] musicfan259: Definitely not. :D
[14:47:00] flamsterette_x: I know it makes me sound quite pedantic sometimes, but honestly. I can only take so much Netspeak and "abbreviations" for 4-letter-words...
[14:47:39] musicfan259: Perfectly understandable. :)
[14:49:48] flamsterette_x: Haha, get a load of this comment. "You have 'helping people' listed as one of your LJ interests... maybe you should take that off." Hahaha!
[14:50:33] musicfan259: Someone posted that in response to your profile?

[14:51:23] flamsterette_x: No, someone posted that in response to a comment I made correcting someone else's spelling.
[14:52:00] musicfan259: Oh, I see. Well, it was mean of them anyway.
[14:54:15] flamsterette_x: Oh yeah. Ah well, not much to be done about it.
[14:54:37] musicfan259: True.
[14:59:01] musicfan259: There's a lot of animosity going back and forth in the alternative theories forum of the Bad Astronomy / Universe Today forum. *rolleyes* I don't know why people are so mean with each other. Especially over something as silly as a mesa on Mars. :p
[14:59:16] flamsterette_x: ..... hm.
[14:59:36] flamsterette_x: What's the argument there?
[15:01:21] musicfan259: One poster said something that was apparently a joke, then a couple of others responded in a similar fashion deriding the substance of the joke. Poster #1 took the replies personally, and it degenerated into an argument about what evidence there is for / against the "face" and who has the burden of proof.
[15:04:54] flamsterette_x: Eek. Sounds messy.
[15:07:30] musicfan259: There's a lot of hard feelings between the skeptics and the against the mainstream / conspiracy types. I've never hung out in those fora much, but from the tone of that one thread it sounds like there's been a long history of hostility. The skeptics aren't patiently and kindly making their case, they're responding with vitriol.

I think they're just tired of reiterating the same points all the time.

[15:08:20] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I can understand how that might make your responses vitriolic if you argue the same points all the time to people who can't / won't see your point..
[15:10:32] musicfan259: True. It's not always the same people each time - a lot of posters join, start alternative theory threads, and either decide not to stay with the board or fly off the handle and get banned. In this particular thread, they're arguing with a regular poster, so maybe that's the difference.
[15:16:27] flamsterette_x: Maybe.... I wouldn't be able to say.
[15:16:38] flamsterette_x: Did I ever tell you about that creepy dude last night?
[15:16:46] musicfan259: No, you didn't.

[15:17:30] flamsterette_x: Okay, so one of my Internet friends really wanted me to come to her birthday dinner last night. Fine, whatever.
[15:18:15] flamsterette_x: So I went... and then there was this creepy older guy there. For some reason, I got the impression that he kept staring at me throughout dinner... or at least when half the table got up to take a smoke break.
[15:18:28] flamsterette_x: .... I mean, eesh.
[15:18:38] musicfan259: Eek.
[15:22:14] flamsterette_x: Luckily, I wasn't seated near him. But then my friend mentioned that she met him on a local polygamy community. Not to say that the poly people are automatically creepy perverts, because of course that's not true..... but what would you think if someone you'd just met started handing out cards for a function to everyone at the table?
[15:23:34] musicfan259: I'd think that they were only there to promote the function. Seems a little rude IMO.
[15:25:42] flamsterette_x: Yeah.. I mean, he DID stay and eat dinner and such... but man. I could understand if we were at a related dinner or something, but this is someone's birthday dinner.
[15:26:16] flamsterette_x: It would be like me going to your place, meeting all your friends, and then handing out a bunch of tracts and stuff. (which I would never do, haha)
[15:27:10] musicfan259: Oh, I know you wouldn't. :) But yeah, that was a really gauchรฉ for him to do.
[15:27:33] musicfan259: or a really gauchรฉ thing to do (I have got to be more thorough in re-wording my sentences)

[15:29:18] flamsterette_x: Heh, that's all right.. I knew what you meant.
[15:32:52] musicfan259: Oh, I didn't tell you - I got an email after I put a photo on my new Yahoo profile. This guy in Brazil is going through the TG groups looking for a wife. Which kind of concerned me, because 1.) that's a whole new thing for me, and 2.) what's he like if he hangs out there of all places to meet partners? Well, I told him the truth - that I'm still relatively new to all this and am limiting myself to women partners at the moment. I also said that the world needs more guys who are so understanding.
[15:37:05] flamsterette_x: ... no, you didn't tell me about that. Sounds kinda weird...
[15:37:26] flamsterette_x: But at least you think he seems understanding..
[15:40:35] musicfan259: Well, what I told him implied that he is. As for what I really think, he seems nice from what little I can tell (about 3 or 4 emails), but the thing that most concerns me is why would someone specifically look _there_ for a mate unless that's the type they prefer. Which there's nothing wrong with in and of itself, but I've been told that guys who prefer TS women will only stick around while she looks "different."
[15:46:21] flamsterette_x: Different... ?
[15:49:21] musicfan259: Yeah, umm... obvious, not passable, etc. I was trying to track down where I saw that statement when I came across
this page that makes a case for such guys not being the best choice.
[15:50:21] flamsterette_x: Oh, okay. I'm kinda dense today, heh.
[15:51:49] musicfan259: S'okay... I'm a space case right now. :D
[15:54:20] flamsterette_x: Interesting article... now I understand a little more.
[15:55:10] musicfan259: It's a really informative site. I've read most of the articles there, but that was a while ago and I've forgotten which ones. So I'm going back over it again. :D
[15:55:58] flamsterette_x: Sounds like a good idea, if only for a refresher. :D
[15:56:47] musicfan259: True - but sooner or later, I'll stumble on the few I haven't read yet.
[15:57:12] flamsterette_x: That's good too. :D
[15:59:24] musicfan259: Or, I could get called away for ice cream. :p I'm gonna finish listening to the song I have playing first, which should give me enough time to read another article. :D
[16:01:08] musicfan259: I'll be back in a little while. :)
[16:02:09] flamsterette_x: All right.
[16:23:10] musicfan259: I have to go back down in a few minutes to help write an e-card for my youngest nephew - he turns 3 tomorrow.
[16:30:35] flamsterette_x: Hey, sounds good then!
[16:30:44] flamsterette_x: Oh yeah.. Alyson's jealous of you.
[16:30:59] musicfan259: She is???
[16:31:54] musicfan259: What for?
[16:34:13] flamsterette_x: [16:33:39] Asterisk665: Hell, I'm just jealous she can pass. That she looks good just compounds things.
[16:35:02] musicfan259: Oh that... well, just between you and me and her, the face is photoshopped. ;)
[16:35:25] musicfan259: Actually paint shopped. :p
[16:37:33] flamsterette_x: Haha, okay..
[16:38:01] musicfan259: Are you chatting with her now? I could upload the original and then take it down after she's seen it.
[16:38:21] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I am. Do you want her info?
[16:38:31] musicfan259: Sure - if it's okay with her.
[16:38:58] flamsterette_x: As for the original, sure.
[16:40:27] musicfan259: *uploads BLAH original photo*
[16:51:49] flamsterette_x: She's still jealous!
[16:51:58] musicfan259: *sigh*
[16:53:02] musicfan259: All's I can say is I cannot tell you how many TS women I've seen on these sites who are even better-looking than I am. *shrug*
[17:08:31] flamsterette_x: They look better than you do?!
[17:09:12] flamsterette_x: Oh yeah. Her YM name is.. uh... likethephoenix120.
[17:09:55] musicfan259:
four pages of better looking TS women than me :D
[17:10:02] musicfan259: Thanks, I'll add her to my contact list.
[17:10:29] flamsterette_x: Sounds good.
[17:10:45] flamsterette_x: But... yeah. There are TG women out there who look better than you do?!
[17:11:00] musicfan259: Waaaaaaaaay better. Harisu, for one...
[17:12:02] flamsterette_x: .... who?
[17:12:51] musicfan259:
Harisu[17:13:31] musicfan259: Maybe we 3 should do a conference chat.
[17:21:27] flamsterette_x: ... you sure that woman on the page there is TG?
[17:21:56] musicfan259: I guarantee it. :D You do mean Harisu, right? She transitioned in her teens.
[17:22:08] flamsterette_x: Yes, her.
[17:22:24] musicfan259: Yeah - I totally missed the boat on ever looking like that.

[17:23:22] flamsterette_x: How do you know she transitioned in her teens?
[17:23:52] musicfan259: Says so somewhere - if not on the site, then on the success stories site.
[17:24:03] flamsterette_x: Oh, okay.
[17:24:11] flamsterette_x: Nice Soul Asylum reference there. ;)
[17:24:30] musicfan259: What Soul Asylum reference?

[17:24:58] flamsterette_x: Haha, the "we 3" thing. ;)
[17:25:29] musicfan259: Oh, that - no, I meant it'd be easier than having 2 separate chat windows. I know nothing of Soul Asylum.

[17:29:02] flamsterette_x: Hahaha. They have this song that's called
We 3... I know, I know. I'm a music geek, somewhat. ;)
[17:29:10] musicfan259: :D
[17:31:12] flamsterette_x: So who all is in this chat room so far?
[17:31:27] musicfan259: Just me at the moment.
[17:31:48] flamsterette_x: Heh, okay.
[17:50:10] musicfan259: I just sent an irate email to the jerk I have to do the class project with.
[17:55:19] musicfan259: brb
[17:57:53] musicfan259: I'm going to have to get ready to eat supper here soon, so I'm signing off for now.
[17:59:11] *** "musicfan259" signed off at Mon Oct 03 17:59:11 2005.
Session Close (musicfan259): Mon Oct 03 17:59:49 2005
Labels: birthdays, conversations, emails, erik, gay, grammar, halloween, holidays, icons, jasmine, lee, maxed-out tags limit, music, our place, restarts, smileys, spelling, stupid idiots, unaboard, ym