Session Start (flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu May 05 10:40:52 2005
[10:40:52] aryk29: fnord! :D
[10:41:00] flamsterette_x: ?
[10:41:14] aryk29: Just being silly. Hi! :)
[10:41:31] aryk29: (it was supposed to be white text, but @#$% messenger messed it up...)
[10:43:41] flamsterette_x: In a better mood than the other day?
[10:43:47] aryk29: Yup. :D
[10:43:56] flamsterette_x: What happened there?
[10:44:07] aryk29: I'd rather not say... :(
[10:44:14] flamsterette_x: Ah. All right then.
[10:44:25] aryk29: So what's up? :)
[10:48:19] flamsterette_x: The ceiling. ;)
[10:48:24] aryk29:

[10:51:15] flamsterette_x: Seriously though, I'll see my "friend" later today. I accidentally overslept on Tuesday afternoon / evening when I was supposed to meet him and a few others to play board games. :|
[10:51:33] aryk29: ic
[10:52:38] aryk29: I was just asking because you said in your PM that you wanted to ramble. :D
[10:53:23] flamsterette_x: Haha, and I have nearly 2 hours to do it all in. If you are still up for it, of course.
[10:53:41] aryk29: Sure, by all means go for it.
[10:54:05] flamsterette_x: Okay, so you know about Mr. Two-Names and my first kiss. I won't go into that any further since you do.
[10:54:23] aryk29: Why is he Mr. Two-Names?
[10:54:29] flamsterette_x: But after that, my dad's sister came to town for about a week... and she had to live with me since my mom doesn't really like her.
[10:54:46] flamsterette_x: (because his real name is Jayson, but he also goes by Palmer online for some reason)
[10:54:53] aryk29: hmm, okay
[10:55:36] flamsterette_x: So my aunt's reaction to her living with me was "I don't know her!" Well, I don't know YOU either. Heh.
[10:55:54] flamsterette_x: Then my parents wanted to book us on a bus tour. That was interesting.
[10:56:01] aryk29: hmm
[10:56:27] aryk29: yeah, that'd be awkward going on a tour with an aunt you're not well acquainted with...
[10:58:54] flamsterette_x: I guess you can see my personal thread there for more... but she told me that she'd paid for it since she wanted to get to know me better.
[10:59:08] aryk29: ok ic
[11:01:13] flamsterette_x: It was only an overnight bus tour. So last Thursday night, she tells me WHY she's been "going to toilet" (as she put it) so much.
[11:01:27] aryk29: oh
[11:02:15] flamsterette_x: Let's just say there are certain things I don't NEED to know.
[11:02:43] aryk29: right. :O
[11:04:42] flamsterette_x: Seriously.
[11:05:36] aryk29: Yeah, what's with older relatives who so freely share every detail about their medical conditions.

[11:06:46] flamsterette_x: I have no idea. It's like, I can probably figure out why by myself... and if I can't, I don't really want it spelled out in explicit detail. Y'know?
[11:06:55] aryk29: Yup.
[11:09:42] aryk29: My grandmother used to do that too... not so much with the gross stuff, but more the painful stuff
[11:10:02] flamsterette_x: Ah. Maybe they want you to know what's going on, but still....
[11:10:08] aryk29: yeah
[11:10:36] aryk29: & this one time I told her, you ever get that feeling where you're real sensitive to anything that might hurt. Kind of a hint hint. :P
[11:11:00] flamsterette_x: Heh. Did she pick up on it?
[11:11:08] aryk29: No, I don't think so.
[11:11:27] flamsterette_x: Aiya.
[11:12:25] aryk29: Maybe if I'd acted all squeamish... :p
[11:12:55] aryk29: (which I was, anyway)
[11:15:12] flamsterette_x: Maybe... I guess it wouldn't have been polite to just walk away..
[11:15:45] aryk29: True enough. Although I coulda said, "oh shoot, I think I left the TV on" or something. :D
[11:16:05] flamsterette_x: Haha. You should try that next time.
[11:16:51] aryk29: Maybe... but this was 9 years ago, when she was still with us... anyone else tries that though, and I'll keep it in mind. :p
[11:18:14] flamsterette_x: Ah. Sorry to hear about that.
[11:19:29] aryk29: 'Sokay... it was 4 years ago. But it was the day before my father's birthday :O and when I last saw my grandparents, I kinda knew it'd be the last time...
[11:20:18] flamsterette_x: Eek. Yeah.... not much to be done about that. =/
[11:24:40] aryk29: True enough. And it would have been nice to get to know them better, but I was born late for my generation, and all that moving to the west coast made it difficult to stay in contact.
[11:27:20] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I can understand that. Speaking of grandparents, I saw my paternal grandparents in a photo.
[11:28:27] aryk29: A photo, where?
[11:28:37] flamsterette_x: Oh, my aunt had a bunch of photos.
[11:28:47] aryk29: Oh okay, like an album then?
[11:32:49] flamsterette_x: Yeah, it was titled "Attractive Figure." :P
[11:33:14] aryk29: Oops. :D
[11:34:08] flamsterette_x: Heh. it was Engrish. Hehe.
[11:34:41] aryk29: I've seen what might be an Engrish username over at Bad Astronomy.
[11:35:11] flamsterette_x: Which is?
[11:36:36] aryk29: Eroica. At first I thought it was a mistype of Erica - I mean the I and O keys are right next to each other - then someone else linked to a photo on a site that showed a backpack or suitcase or something with a metal thingy on it inscribed with the word EROICA. I have no idea what the manufacturer's intent was. :O
[11:38:24] flamsterette_x: Eeep. Neither do I.
[11:39:54] aryk29: Speaking of message boards, the SDMB now has my 3rd highest post count. :D
[11:40:21] flamsterette_x: It'll be stuck there.
[11:42:00] aryk29: Yup. Unless I decide sometime down the road to pay up my $15, but that won't be for a while at least, and maybe not at all. Which reminds me, do you still have my username in The List? Seeing as I can't post and all, and may or may not even see the threads anymore, I don't see any reason why it needs to stay.
[11:42:41] flamsterette_x: Oh, I have a bunch of people who probably aren't around any more in that list.
[11:42:50] aryk29: oh okay, then
[11:43:39] aryk29: Oh and my post count there might one day end up in 4th place if either A.) I rack up a bunch of posts at BABB or 2.) I decide to join one of the other satellite boards and get all prolific there. :D
[11:44:13] flamsterette_x: Satellite boards?
[11:44:36] aryk29: Fathom, UnaBoard, etc.
[11:46:00] flamsterette_x: Ah yes. I used to be a somewhat prolific poster over at the UB.
[11:46:36] aryk29: Yeah, I ran across one of your posts just browsing to see what's there... I see lel is also a member.
[11:49:01] aryk29: Didn't see much there that would interest me, other than the game threads (Mafia looks like fun), and the various news items that Tuckerfan posts... but he also posts at BABB.
[11:50:54] flamsterette_x: Is that good or bad?
[11:52:00] aryk29: Good, of course. :p But seriously, half the time, the threads disappear off the main page with a couple dozen views and no replies anyway.
[11:52:22] flamsterette_x: Ah. Not very active?
[11:52:41] aryk29: Here, I'll show you what I mean...
[11:52:54] flamsterette_x: All right.
[11:55:09] aryk29: It won't let me search for all threads started by a particular user, but in the general forum on the board...
the Mission To Venus thread near the top is typical of what I'm referring to.
[11:56:59] flamsterette_x: The time is WEIRD. :P
[11:57:04] aryk29: GMT?
[11:58:00] aryk29: (Be glad it isn't local sidereal time for wherever the server is located. :p )
[11:58:13] flamsterette_x: Why? Would that be even more wacky?
[11:59:41] aryk29: Yup. Sidereal time deviates from solar time by 4 minutes a day (a siderreal day is 23:56, whereas a mean solar day is 24:00), meaning as the seasons progress, it'll wander across all 24 hours each year - and it won't just be different hours; the minutes will be different too. :D
[12:00:36] flamsterette_x: EEEEEE.
[12:01:24] aryk29: That's why they just suck it up and use JD. :P
[12:02:18] flamsterette_x: JD?
[12:02:57] aryk29: I told you about JD once - it's the number of days since some date way in the depths of prehistory - and the decimal indicates time of day: .5 is midnight GMT.
[12:03:17] aryk29: Right now is JD2453496.2934
[12:04:26] aryk29: Hey, speaking of message boards, I haven't seen Aketsu-what's-his-name post in a long, long time. Just sayin' is all. ;)
[12:05:31] flamsterette_x: Ah, I see.
[12:05:47] flamsterette_x: You never know. He could be using his awesome lurking powers. ;)
[12:05:54] aryk29:

[12:05:59] aryk29: Well, lemme see here...
[12:07:14] aryk29: Last Active 20th April 2005 - 04:26 PM - son of a gun, he is lurking. Last post was on Mar 23 though, and that's out of only 10 posts this year.
[12:08:16] aryk29: Anyway, Eats Crayons is there *excited* so's Misstee, Horseflesh, sperfur, Flutterby, BuckleberryFerry, dantheman, NCB, TeaElle...
[12:08:59] aryk29: Exgineer, rolandgunslinger, mlerose...
[12:10:55] flamsterette_x: I sense a bit of excitement when talking about EatsCrayons. Just a tad. :P
[12:11:34] aryk29: No kidding, really? :D It's just that she seems so nice to be around (online, anyway - I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her IRL).
[12:13:30] flamsterette_x: That's good, then.
[12:16:17] aryk29: It's good that she's there.
[12:17:32] aryk29: So who else is at UnaBoard?
[12:18:34] flamsterette_x: Probably a lot of people who've joined since my hiatus thing.
[12:19:14] flamsterette_x: Let's see. Lel, Tuckerfan, the aforementioned person, Una, Fierra, Mauvaise, racinchikki, Politzania, Scotticher, others.....
[12:20:35] aryk29: Politzania has posted at my other hangout too... and Mauvaise was possibly going to come to the Dopefest, but couldn't.
[12:21:28] flamsterette_x: Heh. No love lost between me and her.
[12:21:42] aryk29: ?
[12:21:55] flamsterette_x: We don't like each other.
[12:22:08] aryk29: Oh. :(
[12:23:53] flamsterette_x: Ah well. Whatever. Can't like everyone. :D
[12:24:57] aryk29: True enough... sometimes TeaElle and Every Color Of Fun get on my nerves, but I try to coexist. (ECOF was banned from the SDMB - I have no idea what his Dopernae was.)
[12:25:16] flamsterette_x: Don't ask. I don't know.
[12:26:41] aryk29: Unless he has an LJ ID - haven't bothered to check. imthjckaz posts there too but under a different name - someone looked at his profile and recognized the LJ username. :D
[12:27:46] aryk29: No LJ ID, but I did find something - wsler at Fathom ring a bell?
[12:29:31] flamsterette_x: .... no, I haven't posted there in an age or so.
[12:29:41] aryk29: hmm
[12:32:17] flamsterette_x: ?
[12:33:39] aryk29: just thinkin'. I remember a whistlepig at SDMB but don't think that user was ever banned... also a whuckfistle - really cool username that ended up getting changed to something or other. Unless maybe there was a wsler or whistler there before I joined.
[12:35:03] flamsterette_x: I have no idea.
[12:37:21] aryk29: I did tell you I went to the Dopefest, right?
[12:37:30] flamsterette_x: Yes.
[12:38:55] flamsterette_x: And now I have to leave. Have a good weekend! :)
Session Close (aryk29): Thu May 05 12:40:06 2005
Session Start (flamsterette_x:aryk29): Mon May 16 12:18:27 2005
[12:18:32] flamsterette_x: Bloop.
[12:18:51] aryk29: hey. what's up? :)
[12:18:51] *** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am currently away from the computer.
[12:20:42] flamsterette_x: Too much.
[12:21:36] flamsterette_x: Palmer decided to end it with me (because of his other attachments), Stephen wants to get back together with me (blerk), I'm going on an Alaskan cruise next week, my sister's back, my brother WILL be back....
[12:21:54] aryk29: oic

[12:23:10] aryk29: Guess Palmer didn't want to commit to monogamy. :(
[12:23:55] flamsterette_x: Well, I knew he was poly in the first place... but yeah. I didn't want to ask him that on the strength of only three weeks or so! :(
[12:24:10] aryk29: definitely.
[12:24:34] flamsterette_x: Never mind that I might have been moving too fast for myself!
[12:25:32] flamsterette_x: But yeah. He says it would have happened no matter who it was, since The Three (his primary attachments?!) felt he was getting overextended. (translation: they had trouble dealing with his outside involvements and with his being away all the time, not just with me)
[12:25:58] aryk29: overextended? I'm surprised that he'd say that.
[12:28:27] flamsterette_x: Keep in mind that those three are all long-distance relationships. So maybe they felt he wasn't spending enough time with them? Who knows.
[12:28:44] aryk29: wow.
[12:29:55] flamsterette_x: Yeah. Apparently, he feels that they're right. :|
[12:31:49] aryk29: Well I can see how an LDR could be stressful... 3 of them, all competing for his attention... OTOH, it seems to me that a real life relationship should take precedence.

[12:32:13] flamsterette_x: Did I mention that those three are also presumably all interested in each other?!
[12:32:27] aryk29: doesn't surprise me.
[12:33:02] flamsterette_x: So when he mentioned that they'd all be coming up here in the summer or whatever, I had this... image... in my head. I'm sure you don't need me to elaborate on that one. :P
[12:33:56] aryk29: I have pretty much the same image. :p These 3 "friends" of his, are they both men and women?
[12:34:58] flamsterette_x: All girls.
[12:35:06] aryk29: ah geez. :p
[12:36:20] flamsterette_x: Yeah..... I still don't know what to make of it. They don't have anything against me (apparently), and they still think I'm sweet and nice. Still. Not that I thought it would really work out, but you know how a person can hold on to irrational hope.
[12:37:55] aryk29: Do I ever. Well, if he was trying to divide his time between you and 3 other women, plus you know he's going to want to be with men too (believe me, one or the other is not enough for bi folks), that'd be the reason for the stress he was going through. But absolutely, I know what you mean about irrational hope.
[12:40:02] flamsterette_x: I mean, I wouldn't even normally consider such a thing! I have almost no idea why I did this in the first place. Probably because he seemed so open to the possibility of exploring such with me if I wanted to. And I did, in a way. But... aiya. Stupid brain.
[12:41:01] aryk29: Attraction is emotional, not logical. Love makes us do strange things.
[12:41:48] flamsterette_x: I'm not sure I was in love with him, anyhow. Who knows. Maybe these types of arrangements aren't for me. Possibly that's one thing I learned.
[12:43:02] aryk29: I think you're right.
[12:43:31] flamsterette_x: Man, this whole thing has been a learning experience in more ways than one.
[12:44:05] aryk29: Indeed!
[12:44:25] flamsterette_x: Yeah... one of those things.
[12:45:35] aryk29: It's a different lifestyle. I've seen how poly relationships work - they seem to have more than their share of problems, and IME tend to fall apart in the long run. :(
[12:46:43] aryk29: I don't think things would work with Stephen either, BTW.
[12:47:36] flamsterette_x: No, I don't think things would work with him either. He wants me again, but I don't think that would be a good idea. Not to say that I didn't love him in a way, but.... no. Not a good idea.
[12:47:54] aryk29: Definitely.
[12:49:07] aryk29: A few years back I met a woman online, we flirted for a while, but she said she didn't want an LDR. As we got to know each other better, I found I wasn't really attracted to her. We're still very good friends, but only friends.
[12:49:53] flamsterette_x: Yeah, all I want from him is friendship. He sees that, but still wants me to know that he misses my voice and affection and such. :P
[12:50:27] flamsterette_x: That's all very well and good, and I might miss certain things about him too, but I don't think a relationship would work between us again. You know what I mean?
[12:50:34] aryk29: Absolutely.
[12:52:29] aryk29: BTW, that friend of mine - I mentioned her in that "what do you think of your friends" quiz. Care to guess what her name is? :D
[12:53:10] flamsterette_x: It's like NO. It won't work.
[12:53:13] flamsterette_x: Let's see...
[12:55:34] aryk29: :D
[12:59:01] flamsterette_x: Man, could be anyone.
[12:59:25] aryk29: It's not Michelle (that's sperfur) or HF (Horseflesh)
[12:59:39] flamsterette_x: From what I hear, sperfur is married now.
[12:59:45] aryk29: yeah, to withaK
[13:00:04] flamsterette_x: Eh. Could be Misty or Andrea.
[13:00:24] aryk29: Misty is misstee. You're right, it's Andrea. :D
[13:01:06] aryk29: Havi is from IRL (haven't seen her in years and years though) and Lorna is from a non-SDMB-related MB
[13:01:56] aryk29: So, you gonna see the Aurora Borealis? :D
[13:02:12] flamsterette_x: The who?
[13:02:23] aryk29: Northern lights! :p
[13:03:44] flamsterette_x: Ah yes. It's too light out yet to see those. :P
[13:04:25] aryk29: Oh yeah, on account of it being so close to summer. That means they won't be visible again until at least autumn. :(
[13:04:56] aryk29: the cruise going up into the Arctic Circle? :D
[13:06:54] flamsterette_x: Cruise?
[13:07:10] aryk29: Yeah, Alaska.
[13:07:50] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I think it may be.
[13:08:25] aryk29: Alright! :D
[13:09:10] aryk29: <---- never been that far north.
[13:10:07] flamsterette_x: Neither have I. Then again, my siblings and I have never been on a cruise either...
[13:10:33] aryk29: well, have fun! :)
[13:10:42] flamsterette_x: Oh, I will! :)
[13:10:48] flamsterette_x: So... how are things going with you?
[13:12:32] aryk29: We have a possibility for work for my parents over by where we used to live when I used to work at the college; lel and I are trying to figure out when to meet so I can teach her Greek; Cleo is pacing around looking for a nice secluded place to have her kittens...
[13:14:20] aryk29: Punky seems to be feeling better after being sick.
[13:15:47] flamsterette_x: Hey, at least you can meet lel now. :D Aww... poor kitten (I think)...
[13:16:45] aryk29: Yeah it's good to have a friend in the area. :) (Punky is 8 already, FTR)
[13:19:56] flamsterette_x: Is that old for cats?
[13:20:31] aryk29: They can live about 15 years. I think the world record is 27.
[13:20:58] aryk29: Oh and cat years - I figure cat years as 12 years for the first 6 mos and 6 years for every year after that
[13:21:21] aryk29: so that'd make him 57 :D
[13:21:34] flamsterette_x: Haha, whoa.
[13:22:40] aryk29: Cleo's 5 which would be 39 in cat years; Brat Kitten is 3 1/2 which would make her 30 - but she doesn't act a day over 16. :p
[13:23:19] flamsterette_x: Brat Kitten? :D
[13:23:50] aryk29: Punky & Cleo's offspring. I call her Brat Kitten; my parents call her Baby Girl...
[13:23:50] aryk29: :p
[13:23:57] aryk29: and I'm 153 in cat years. :p
[13:24:32] flamsterette_x: And I'd be even older. :P
[13:24:38] aryk29: 180 :D
[13:25:06] aryk29: That's nothing, though - humans often live to be 500 in cat years.
[13:25:18] flamsterette_x: Haha. I'm not surprised!
[13:26:03] aryk29: I was playing with numbers a few days back, and found that as far as cats are concerned, my father might just as well have been born in the 1600s. :D
[13:26:21] flamsterette_x: Oh? How's that?
[13:26:51] aryk29: 1/16/43 so that'd make him almost 62 1/2 now...
[13:27:03] aryk29: which comes out to 384
[13:27:18] aryk29: 2005 - 384 = 1621 :D
[13:28:02] aryk29: When I told him that, I says wasn't that around the time of the Renaissance? :D
[13:28:16] flamsterette_x: Haha, oh right. So what did he say?
[13:28:26] aryk29: He said he isn't sure.
[13:28:46] flamsterette_x: Hm. Well, you can look up anything on the internet these days....
[13:28:53] aryk29: that's true
[13:30:02] flamsterette_x: Let's see... Renaissance English Literature covering 1485-1603. "Renaissance," French for "rebirth," perfectly describes the intellectual and economic changes that occurred in Europe from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries.
[13:30:10] flamsterette_x: So that could be it..
[13:30:38] aryk29: Ah, ic... thanks! :) So 1621 would be shortly after the Renaissance then.
[13:31:34] aryk29: makes sense too re + naiss + ance, after the same Latin root that gave us "natal."
[13:31:35] aryk29: :D
[13:31:53] flamsterette_x: Yup!
[13:34:45] aryk29: I was reading up on the derivation of languages a couple of days ago in Wikipedia... whoever wrote the article claims that because languages borow from each other and change the meanings of words, that it becomes impossible to trace their origins beyond a certain point.
[13:35:06] aryk29: But it seems to me one need only identify and trace these various changes.
[13:36:07] flamsterette_x: Hm. That could be true. Is that another project of yours, then?
[13:37:32] aryk29: It'd be fun to pursue, but I'd first want to get into what's already known about proto-Indo-European as well as all the other language families so as not to reinvent the wheel.
[13:38:34] aryk29: I mean they have quite a bit of PIE reconstructed, if they also have proto-Uralic, proto-Sino-Tibetan, etc, etc, then it should be fairly simple to compare them.
[13:38:38] flamsterette_x: Yeah, that's true. You don't want to go through all that work again, haha
[13:38:44] aryk29: :D
[13:38:58] flamsterette_x: PIE. Mm.
[13:39:08] flamsterette_x: (and yes, I know you don't mean THAT kind of pie :P)
[13:40:10] aryk29: *sigh* you shoulda been a Magic Minion. :p But anyway, I do recall reading somewhere online that there are similarities that cut across all these language families. One word they showed has various meanings related to "point," "finger," "sharp," "stick," etc. But I lost the cite. :(
[13:40:43] flamsterette_x: A Magic Minion?
[13:41:50] aryk29: The other message board. :p And even aside from the similarities, if root words in 2 language families with similar meanings often start with P in one language and S in the other, that right there is a link.
[13:42:14] flamsterette_x: Ah.
[13:42:26] aryk29: (All the poll threads have a pie vote and a suckup vote to the admin. :D )
[13:43:10] aryk29: I forget what the word for wheel is in Sanskrit, but it's very different from our word wheel. But, the 2 are from the same PIE root. :o
[13:46:07] flamsterette_x: Wikipedia says CHAKRA is from that word. Ring any bells?
[13:47:06] aryk29: I was thinking something like
kakka (but kak- means something completely different in other languages! :O ) Yeah, "chakra" might be from the same root as wheel; it'd start with kw which became hw in Old English.
[13:48:06] aryk29: I'm going to look for something...
[13:48:12] flamsterette_x: (haha, I know it does! :O )
[13:48:21] flamsterette_x: Okay then.
[13:48:46] aryk29: that PIE resource I sent you the URL to not long ago? I lost the bookmark (it's on my parents' PC)
[13:48:50] aryk29: gonna search for it
[13:49:24] aryk29: hah, found it! :D
[13:50:12] aryk29:
Bartleby... the entry for kwel- (1) says this is the root of "wheel"...
[13:50:41] aryk29:
cakram is the Sanskrit word.
[13:52:02] flamsterette_x:
Cakram, "chakra"... yeah, they sound similar enough.
[13:52:09] flamsterette_x: I still have that one... somewhere.
[13:53:12] aryk29: I'm thinking the -a and -am endings might be inflected endings... I'm not
that familiar with Sanskrit but I don't recall it having a letter C that's different from CH... so yeah, more than likely forms of the same word. :D
[13:53:51] flamsterette_x: That sounds likely, then. (not that I'd know anything about it, but eh.)
[13:54:20] aryk29: My father has a Sanskrit dictionary (somewhere) so I sat down with it a while back and read some of it.
[13:54:40] aryk29: The language has 3 S sounds!
[13:56:37] flamsterette_x: How?!
[13:57:00] aryk29: S, SH, and another one in between that's written with a cup over it. :D
[13:57:10] flamsterette_x: A cup?
[13:57:42] aryk29: Å
[13:58:59] flamsterette_x: Oh. Okay.
[13:59:02] aryk29: trying to think what that's called... it's not diaresis; that's 2 dots... not a caron; that's a line.... macron? Or maybe I have macron and caron mixed up...
[13:59:42] aryk29: Caron.
[14:00:09] flamsterette_x: You know, I used to know someone named Caron.
[14:00:32] aryk29: Oh yeah? Neat. I used to know 3 Karens. :D
[14:00:43] flamsterette_x: Only three? :P
[14:01:09] aryk29: 2 of them were in a triad together. :P
[14:02:09] flamsterette_x: Let's see... I currently know at least seven.
[14:02:26] flamsterette_x: Ha, I bet that got confusing after a while?
[14:02:50] aryk29: No... different last names so we called them by first and last. :D
[14:03:14] flamsterette_x: That's a good thing then. :D
[14:04:22] aryk29: Yeah. One was married to the guy and the other was with them as a partner (I have no idea if she was just with him or with both), but last I heard the Karen who wasn't married has since left.
[14:04:42] flamsterette_x: Ah, I see. Messy?
[14:05:04] aryk29: I'm really not sure.

[14:11:03] flamsterette_x: I'd hope not, but then I guess you never know....
[14:11:21] aryk29: True enough. IIRC, I think she went off with another guy.
[14:13:53] flamsterette_x: I guess that would be her prerogative.
[14:14:43] aryk29: Pretty much, yeah. They'd all 3 been together for so long though... it kinda surprised me because they seemed like the picture of stability.
[14:16:19] flamsterette_x: Like an example of one of those poly relationships that DID work out despite everything?
[14:16:29] aryk29: Yup. :p
[14:17:00] flamsterette_x: As evidenced above, I still can't type.
[14:17:54] aryk29: 'sokay. Shift keys tend to be what does it for me - oh and the space bar. :p
[14:19:04] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I'm not one to bug people about their obvious typos unless I can't pass up the joke opportunity. :P
[14:19:28] aryk29: :D
[14:20:17] aryk29: yeah, you seem to react to typos the same way I do - notice them, and only bring them up in certain situations. :D
[14:20:28] flamsterette_x: Like this recent example...
[14:20:37] aryk29: Yup.
[14:22:04] flamsterette_x: [11:58:47] YourLrdAndGod: The violin wok in
Deception, on the other hand, is amazing
[12:09:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: You do not want to know what I COULD answer that with. :P
[12:09:35] YourLrdAndGod: :p
[12:11:52] AlenaBrolxFlami: Or perhaps you do. So do you?
[12:12:05] YourLrdAndGod: Up to you
[12:13:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: I already have it typed out:
Answer #1: Hm. Then I should somehow get my brother to listen to that and duplicate at least one violin layer. He should still be in practice, after all.
Answer #2: Violin woks, eh? Hmm. I never knew they made cooking utensils shaped like musical instruments. ;)
[14:22:39] aryk29: lmao. :D
[14:23:16] aryk29: Maybe they make musical instruments out of cooking utensils? :D I seen on TV some instruments a guy made out of used matchsticks.
[14:23:58] flamsterette_x: "I seen," eh? :P
[14:24:40] flamsterette_x: Haha, That reminds me of what I saw in the Ripley's Believe It Or Not museum. All kinds of things made of used matchsticks and toothpicks, and such. :D
[14:25:18] aryk29: (Okay, eblepsa on TV. :P :D ) Yup I think it was Ripley's.
[14:25:58] flamsterette_x: Eblepsa?!
[14:27:04] aryk29: ebleya. I was just thinking about such colloquialisms of English that I use all the time, but would never make such a lapse in grammar in any other language. :D
[14:27:37] flamsterette_x: Haha. Yeah, I know what you mean. I am not perfect, either.
[14:28:18] aryk29: (never try to type with a hand full of Chips Ahoy. :D )
[14:29:01] flamsterette_x: Ha, I'll keep that in mind. Don't try to type with a sandwich in one hand, either.
[14:29:08] aryk29: oic
[14:29:26] aryk29: ever have a peanut butter and honey sandwich?
[14:29:34] flamsterette_x: Not that I'm eating a sandwich now, but I know this from previous experience. No.
[14:29:50] aryk29: Oh, they're delicious!
[14:30:00] flamsterette_x: Sounds like they'd also be awfully sticky.
[14:30:33] aryk29: eh, it's good to have a plate for the honey to drip on so you can lick it off when you're done eating. :p
[14:31:42] flamsterette_x: Haha, yeah. That's what I was thinking.
[14:32:17] flamsterette_x: Speaking of food, I should probably have something soon. Not sure what, though.
[14:32:42] aryk29: didn't you have lunch today?
[14:33:18] flamsterette_x: I had some chocolate halvah and mango crackers a while ago. (didn't want to have cereal, as I'd had that for dinner)
[14:34:13] aryk29: I'm confused. Dinner the night before?
[14:34:39] flamsterette_x: Yes.
[14:35:17] aryk29: oh, okay. I don't know what halvah is, and never tried mango crackers, but I do know that bacon crackers are really good. :)
[14:36:38] flamsterette_x: Mango crackers are pretty good. I think I may have tried bacon crackers, but I haven't had them in a long time.
[14:37:00] aryk29: me either. Ever try white cheddar cheez its?
[14:40:10] flamsterette_x:
Halvah.[14:40:44] flamsterette_x: No, but I've had white cheddar popcorn.
[14:41:20] aryk29: eww!

(the link gave me a page cannot be found.

[14:42:22] flamsterette_x: It worked for me.

[14:43:01] aryk29: that's odd...
[14:43:31] flamsterette_x:
Try this[14:43:46] flamsterette_x: That should work.
[14:44:01] aryk29: yeah it does, ty
[14:44:23] flamsterette_x: Phew. You're welcome.
[14:44:26] aryk29: ooh, sesame seeds! :D
[14:45:12] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I bought some halvah last week to try. It's kinda dry, but it's all right. :D
[14:53:40] flamsterette_x: So do you think it'll work if Palmer and I try to be friends?
[14:54:37] aryk29: I don't see why not. Then again, I've heard people say time and again that it's difficult to stay friends after being in a relationship, but never saw it turn out that way myself.

[14:58:36] flamsterette_x: Then again, this wasn't really a relationship.. more like a "friends with benefits" thing. Someone else says that we may find we have nothing in common besides the sexual component and drift apart.
[14:59:04] aryk29: ah, okay... "friends with benefits"... how
Seinfeld. :p
[14:59:48] flamsterette_x: Why do you say that?
[15:00:59] aryk29: Seems to me that's where I heard the phrase from... then there was that episode with Jerry and Elaine going down that road. Guess the phrase didn't originate on the show then?

[15:03:00] flamsterette_x: Oh, I have no idea where it originated. Language is this ever-changing thing.
[15:03:25] aryk29: Yes, quite so. :p
[15:09:48] flamsterette_x: I'm not sure where it originated. But I'm not sure that kind of relationship is for me, anyhow. Too many feelings and such. :P
[15:10:26] aryk29: Ah, ic. Then I would think youse can still be friends, just without the benefits.
[15:10:52] flamsterette_x: Yeah, probably.
[15:11:10] flamsterette_x: It's probably better this way.
[15:11:55] aryk29: Definitely.
[15:13:07] flamsterette_x: Not that I have a lot of THOSE feelings for him, but I guess maybe I had more than I thought?
[15:15:09] aryk29: Maybe... I get the impression that attraction towards men is linked to familiarity.
[15:17:22] aryk29: (Of course, I could be way off on that one. :p )
[15:20:26] flamsterette_x: Yeah, it was in my case. I mean... I thought I didn't have any feelings toward him, but maybe if I don't talk to him so much, it'll fade?
[15:21:11] aryk29: Hmm, maybe - I'm really not sure.
[15:21:56] flamsterette_x: I'm not sure, either. I guess next week might be a test of that, and also a way to relax hopefully.
[15:22:53] aryk29: Yeah definitely. Relax, have fun, collect your thoughts... that's always helpful, just taking some time alone to think. ;)
[15:23:58] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I think I need time to do that.
[15:30:04] flamsterette_x: But at least you know where I'll be next week! :D
[15:30:13] aryk29: Yup! :D
[15:30:28] aryk29: Should bring a camera, take pics of the ice and such. :D
[15:31:39] flamsterette_x: Yeah, my sister plans to take her digicam. :D
[15:32:06] aryk29: ic... so you gonna post the pics when you get back? :D
[15:37:08] flamsterette_x: Sure she is! :D
[15:37:30] flamsterette_x: So yeah, once she does, I'll see if I can get some, haha! :D It'll be cool. :D
[15:37:40] aryk29: I look forward to seeing them! :)
[15:38:00] flamsterette_x: All right! :D
[15:50:53] aryk29: So if we get a winner on the Assassins game while you're away, I'll have to wait to post round 2. ;)
[15:51:52] flamsterette_x: Haha, don't wait on my account. :)
[15:52:26] aryk29: Nah, I think I'll leave the signup thread run for a week anyway. Give everyone interested a chance to respond. :)
[15:52:43] flamsterette_x: Yeah, sounds good.
[15:52:58] flamsterette_x: So if someone dies in the course of the game, you'd inform them right away?
[15:53:39] aryk29: As soon as I see that they've died, yeah. (You do mean die as in post their word, right?)
[15:54:43] flamsterette_x: Uh, yes.
[15:56:14] aryk29: Yeah, I let them know what word did them in, and tell their assassin who their new target is. Although recently I got a scare with one of the players elsewhere, and almost had to deal with that.
[15:56:51] flamsterette_x: What happened?
[15:58:26] aryk29: Horseflesh was at his sister's house and there was a fire. He sustained some serious burns but lived - she, unfortunately, did not. This all revolves around her ex who apparently was being a jerk and didn't fare too well himself. I'd link you to the thread, but it's in a private forum. So anyway HF is away from the board recovering for a while and I put rule #6 on suspension.
[15:59:05] flamsterette_x: Oh no!
[15:59:25] aryk29: There's no mention of this on the SDMB?
[15:59:32] flamsterette_x: I don't know.
[16:00:36] aryk29: I don't know if he renewed, but I didn't or else I'd search. Yeah, pretty sad... actually had me feeling down for a couple of days! :( Like how in the world does this kind of thing happen, and what the heck took place there, ya know?
[16:00:56] flamsterette_x: Oh, I know. Hang on.
[16:01:53] flamsterette_x: Let's see if I can find anything, if the board will cooperate.
[16:02:03] aryk29: ok (hope it cooperates :p )
[16:02:08] aryk29: brb
[16:02:16] flamsterette_x: k
[16:05:25] aryk29: The OP would be on 5/11; maybe also check to see if he's listed as a paid member or a guest.
[16:07:46] flamsterette_x: Hm. His last post is on January 15 or something. But he's listed as a paid member.
[16:07:55] flamsterette_x: So there's one thing answered.
[16:09:43] aryk29: hmm, okay... maybe he'll post when he's done recovering. Paid but hasn't posted since? Hmm. Could be that he only paid to retain search capability.

[16:10:48] aryk29: This seems serious enough for MPSIMS at the very least. More likely the Pit since his thread was originally in the Pit type forum.
[16:11:00] flamsterette_x: Yeah. But nothing about it in MPSIMS, anyhow. I'll check the Pit.
[16:12:11] aryk29: Oh, okay. I don't know if you'll find anything since it wouldn't be him posting and I'm pretty sure sperfur didn't renew... but ya never know.
[16:12:29] flamsterette_x: True enough.
[16:14:39] aryk29: I think I'll check OP Assassins...
[16:15:16] flamsterette_x: Okay.
[16:16:48] aryk29: Nothing since this morning! :O Last kill words were assigned on the 13th; it is now the 15th... guess what that means. :p
[16:17:02] flamsterette_x: You're going to kill everyone?
[16:17:08] aryk29:

[16:17:09] aryk29: no.
[16:18:29] flamsterette_x: So what then?
[16:18:56] aryk29: I'll show ya in a minute. :D
[16:19:25] flamsterette_x: Okay.
[16:21:07] aryk29:
Here.[16:22:42] aryk29: My next post is #2500. By Og, I hope it's to announce another player eliminated. ;)
[16:23:05] flamsterette_x: Haha.
[16:23:19] flamsterette_x: Well, maybe.. do you keep ALL your PMs?
[16:24:32] aryk29: Pretty much, although I tend to delete the chitchat ones after a few weeks. But I've kept the ones related to game play, and for a good reason too - many a time I've had to refer back to them!
[16:24:48] flamsterette_x: Yeah, sounds good.
[16:25:14] aryk29: I figure after the game ends, I'll archive and delete them.
[16:25:32] flamsterette_x: Archive them?!
[16:25:53] aryk29: Yeah, you remember I was telling you about the message archiver? ;)
[16:26:03] flamsterette_x: Uh.... not really....
[16:26:33] aryk29: eh, you have a point
[16:28:08] aryk29: anyway, I really do need to keep them while the game is in progress.
[16:31:28] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I can understand that.
[16:38:44] aryk29: I wonder how the game would have worked on the SDMB before the big game thread crackdown.
[16:39:02] flamsterette_x: I don't know. It might have been really interesting.
[16:40:55] aryk29: Yeah, on a board that size, with people posting to it from all over the place. Would have made keeping up with the deaths fun - lots of skimming and speedreading. The game itself would have been gigantic - imagine 20, 30 players? :D Plus the Mods would have stepped in and closed it almost as soon as a winner was announced. I think it'd need more than one ref. :P
[16:41:38] aryk29: I wonder if they'd allow it now... it'd almost be worth the $15 to resubscribe. :D
[16:42:59] aryk29: 13 people have posted to the OP game thread... there were nowheres near 13 players initially.
[16:44:28] flamsterette_x: It's interesting!
[16:46:57] aryk29: Yeah! :D I'll think about it and figure out what I want to do, if anything, after these 2 games are finished.
[16:47:18] aryk29: (still leaning strongly towards not resubscribing.)
[16:47:31] flamsterette_x: Might as well think about it, yeah.
[16:53:01] aryk29: Did you ever see the
Mole TV series that ran a couple of years back?
[16:54:46] flamsterette_x: Heard about it.
[16:56:30] aryk29: I've been trying to figure out a way to extend that concept into a game thread. Basically, the show had all these players trying to work together to complete various tasks to add money to a jackpot, but one player (the mole) was being paid to sabotage everything. Players were eliminated based on how well they could identify the mole.
[16:57:33] aryk29: Thing is, what would replace the tasks. Questions about the mole could be asked / answered in PM's, and eliminating players would be easy, but the mole would have to be sabotaging something.
[16:57:35] flamsterette_x: Yeah, that was it.
[16:57:46] flamsterette_x: True. But what?
[16:58:15] aryk29: A conversation, maybe? The mole's job might be to hijack the conversation without being obvious?
[16:59:21] aryk29: That way, player A flirts with player B; player C points & says "you're the mole!", answers the questions wrong, then player C is out. :p
[17:03:19] flamsterette_x: Possibly...
[17:03:36] aryk29: It's certainly something to think about! :)
[17:04:59] aryk29: Then some player will accuse the referee of being the mole. :p That happened on the show, actually.
[17:05:14] flamsterette_x: Haha, I'm not surprised.
[17:11:02] aryk29: Yeah... 'course IIRC they were half joking. :D I gotta get ready to go eat (fast food again, wonder of wonders! :p ) bcnu l8r. :)
[17:11:42] flamsterette_x: Heh. All right then! Later!
Session Close (aryk29): Mon May 16 17:11:57 2005
Session Start (flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Jul 29 23:22:56 2005
[23:23:01] flamsterette_x: Aaaah!
[23:23:17] aryk29: Hi. :)
[23:23:18] *** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am currently away from the computer.
[23:25:05] flamsterette_x: You're on! I can't believe this!
[23:25:18] aryk29: Yup - the thunderstorms are north of here. :p
[23:25:30] flamsterette_x: (well, actually I can... but it's much funnier this way :P)
[23:25:36] aryk29: :D
[23:25:36] flamsterette_x: Thunderstorms?!
[23:25:48] aryk29: Monsoon.
See here[23:26:57] aryk29: We went to the store earlier and the sky was flashing and blinking like crazy to the north.
[23:27:33] flamsterette_x: Eeep.
[23:27:40] aryk29: Yup.
[23:27:51] flamsterette_x: I am just so happy.
[23:28:03] aryk29: Oh yeah, why so? :)
[23:29:10] flamsterette_x: I thought I'd never talk to you again!
[23:30:08] aryk29: Oh. No, I've just not been on as much lately because of the afternoon / evening storms. Give it another month or 2 and they'll pass. :) In other news, I'm going back to college this fall...
[23:32:22] flamsterette_x: Heh. Yeah, I figured there was something else. :)
[23:32:33] flamsterette_x: You DID survive my massive purge for a reason, dude. :D
[23:32:49] aryk29: see how much time I'll have then :p Massive purge?
[23:33:15] flamsterette_x: Heh. Fine, if you won't have time, that's a sure warning. :P
[23:33:38] aryk29: I'll make time. :)
[23:33:40] flamsterette_x: Yup. I decided to go through my buddy list and do this purge, which I'd been procrastinating on for like the past two years.
[23:33:45] aryk29: wow
[23:34:15] aryk29: I wonder if I should do the same... you remember the SDMB, umm, mutual friends club type thingy from a while back?
[23:34:44] aryk29: 4 contacts still on my list who added me that nevver bothered to chat. :O
[23:37:09] flamsterette_x: (mental note: typos are contagious)
[23:37:35] aryk29: actually, there's a story behind the typo as well...
[23:37:38] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I remember that. I added some people, as you know... and then they never bothered to say hi. Then again, they could be like me and just IM-shy.
[23:37:42] flamsterette_x: Do tell.
[23:37:57] aryk29: I was chatting with another friend a couple of nights ago
[23:38:13] aryk29: and I had a glass of limeade on the desk in front of my keyboard.
[23:38:23] aryk29: Then I reached over to type something...
[23:38:35] aryk29: Guess what happened next. :p
[23:38:45] flamsterette_x: Gah.
[23:38:51] aryk29: Yep.
[23:39:58] aryk29: Keys 1-4, Q-T, A-H, and Z-B got completely flooded with sticky electrically conductive liquid, plus the left-hand side Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Windows keys.
[23:40:29] aryk29: The X key still goes down hard, and the spacebar sometimes jams and goes into repeat mode like this.
[23:41:30] aryk29: I had to take apart the keyboard, fumble with the little springy rubber doobies that hold the keys up, and clean out the spaces between the 3 layers of flexible transparent plastic circuitboard.
[23:42:42] flamsterette_x: Erk.
[23:45:08] aryk29: I had to use Character Map to "type" out my messages to the guy I was IMing with, and tell him that I needed to shut down and reconnect the keyboard, and that if he didn't see me online within a few minutes, it was because it didn't work and I couldn't log in to Windows. So I rebooted and tried the newly cleaned keyboard, and it worked well enough to log in. So I started Y Messenger and changed my status text to read "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs." :D
[23:45:40] flamsterette_x: Haha, sounds okay then.
[23:46:50] aryk29: 'cept for the x key. I'll probably have to take the thing apart yet again, pop the key out, clean both it and the hole it fits into, check for any loose springy things (they're very easy to lose track of) and hopefully that'll fix it.
[23:47:35] flamsterette_x: Hopefully so. :D
[23:50:21] aryk29: So it'll be nice to be going back to the college again. When I went there to sign up, I revisited some of the places I used to frequent before, and it's interesting how, although a few things have changed drastically, overall most of it is exactly the same as I remember. :D
[23:50:40] flamsterette_x: Hey, that's good!
[23:52:01] flamsterette_x: It's like... everything new is old again, or something.
[23:52:04] aryk29: Even saw some people I knew from before - only one seemed to recognize me though, which isn't surprising after 5 years and who knows how many students, and that was because I had emailed her already.
[23:52:07] aryk29: Yeah. :D
[23:52:15] flamsterette_x: Wow. Cool.
[23:54:23] aryk29: Taking Introduction to SQL using Oracle. This after combing the newspaper and finding that SQL is in demand. My other choice would have been Macromedia Flash, mostly just for the fun of it rather than any particular job opportunities. Maybe another semester.... :D
[23:57:11] flamsterette_x: Hey, that's good though!
[23:57:21] aryk29: Yup.
[23:57:25] aryk29: :)
[23:59:40] flamsterette_x: Hey, have you heard about the Durian Palace?
[23:59:51] aryk29: No, what is it? :D
[00:01:07] flamsterette_x:
Look here.[00:03:45] aryk29: That's neat!
[00:05:30] flamsterette_x: Yeah... someone else found it and linked me to it, so I passed the link on to my brother... of course, I told him to forward it to Durian Dude if he hadn't seen it yet either.
[00:05:53] aryk29: ic
[00:07:03] flamsterette_x: Durian Dude = his friend Jeremy, who's this Asiaphile white dude. :D
[00:08:51] aryk29: dsl sux.
[00:09:02] *** "aryk29" signed off at Sat Jul 30 00:09:02 2005.
[00:09:06] *** "aryk29" signed on at Sat Jul 30 00:09:06 2005.
[00:09:15] flamsterette_x: ah
[00:09:59] aryk29: I'm reading about the people of Borneo being able to find concealed durians in the undergrowth.
[00:11:05] aryk29: Hey, did you ever get past level 8 of that Acno game?
[00:13:27] flamsterette_x: No, I actually haven't tried it quite yet.
[00:13:53] aryk29: ic
[00:14:10] aryk29: it's a challenge... but it's really neat to finally get it.
[00:22:36] aryk29: plus you almost run out of time in the process :D
[00:23:09] flamsterette_x: Haha, yeah. Pressure!
[00:30:32] aryk29: yup
[00:30:40] flamsterette_x: heh
[00:30:45] aryk29: there was a game posted on UnaBoard not long before I joined
[00:31:16] aryk29: thread was titled got a spare hour or seven
[00:31:35] flamsterette_x: heh
[00:31:50] aryk29: me see if I can find it
[00:32:27] aryk29:
[00:33:13] flamsterette_x: OH MAN. I HATE THAT GAME.
[00:33:27] aryk29: You do? *confused*
[00:33:41] flamsterette_x: I've played it before.
[00:33:50] flamsterette_x: Or rather, tried to.
[00:33:56] aryk29: same here
[00:36:33] aryk29: found out how to get the bird to carry the eggs over, how to get the blob to eat the man or go inside, how to move the thing that looks like a cave...
[00:37:25] flamsterette_x: Well, you got further than I did. :D
[00:37:49] aryk29: wow
[00:37:59] flamsterette_x: What?!
[00:38:30] aryk29: *blush* I mean
[00:39:08] aryk29: you're usually much better than I am at these kind of figure out the sequence type games. ;)
[00:39:51] flamsterette_x: Yeah, but we all have our off-days. ;)
[00:40:00] aryk29: ah, I see :)
[00:40:46] flamsterette_x: Yeah, it happens. :)
[00:41:00] aryk29: happens to me more often than I'd like...
[00:43:24] aryk29: I can get an off-day anytime by simply forgoing my morning coffee. :D
[00:44:05] flamsterette_x: Heh, that's understandable.
[00:44:48] aryk29: Almost happened yesterday (the 29th) morning because there was no milk - but fortunately there was cola, so I had that instead of coffee.
[00:47:12] aryk29: omg it's almost 1:00 *yawn*
[00:47:40] flamsterette_x: Haha. You should try some yin-yang on for size. :D
[00:48:09] aryk29: the symbol that looks like 2 fishes?
[00:48:10] flamsterette_x: Half milk coffee, half milk tea.
[00:48:14] aryk29: oh!
[00:48:21] flamsterette_x: Yeah.
[00:49:06] aryk29: sounds neat. I've never tried milk in tea though
[00:49:26] flamsterette_x: It's milk tea. Not milk in tea necessarily.
[00:49:51] aryk29: *confused*
[00:50:51] flamsterette_x:
Google Image Search for MILK TEA[00:55:13] aryk29: Ah, okay.
[00:59:38] flamsterette_x: Yeah. It's not milk in regular British tea. It's just a name, heh.
[00:59:54] aryk29: Yeah.
[01:00:24] flamsterette_x: But the stuff is good. :D
[01:00:36] aryk29: I'll have to try it sometime.
[01:01:30] aryk29: Meanwhile, my hair is dry... and I'm getting tired (VO5 is a wonderful thing, BTW)
[01:01:47] flamsterette_x: Heh, I'll keep that in mind.
[01:02:10] aryk29: oh hey, something I noticed
[01:02:26] flamsterette_x: ?
[01:02:54] aryk29: you know how people like me, umm, sometimes change our, umm, preference?
[01:03:28] aryk29: I was looking at the thread about what kind of rocker are you
[01:03:48] flamsterette_x: yeah...
[01:04:09] aryk29: pulling it up here
[01:04:59] aryk29: well, I was looking at
this picture, and I know it's only a cartoon but
[01:05:12] aryk29: yummy :D
[01:07:27] flamsterette_x: So are you saying you've changed your preference?
[01:07:34] aryk29: Not completely
[01:07:40] aryk29: maybe like 70/30
[01:07:50] aryk29: still prefer women
[01:08:16] flamsterette_x: Ah, okay. You wouldn't be any less of a friend to me if you DID... I'm just asking for curiosity's sake. :D
[01:08:24] aryk29: oh, I know :)
[01:08:52] aryk29: and I'm not taking anything yet, so who knows I may change over... hard to predict that.
[01:09:03] flamsterette_x: Very true.
[01:09:31] aryk29: It's more likely for someone young like myself than for someone older.
[01:09:46] aryk29: (like 40, 50, or thereabouts)
[01:12:29] aryk29: so anyway, it's been good to chat with you again, but I'm about ready to doze off here - catch ya later. :)
[01:13:24] flamsterette_x: Haha, true.
[01:13:43] flamsterette_x: Yeah, it's been great! Later.. give me a buzz if you see me on, heh. :)
Session Close (aryk29): Sat Jul 30 01:13:50 2005
Session Start (flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sat Jul 30 01:13:54 2005
[01:13:54] aryk29: Will do. :)
[01:13:55] *** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am currently away from the computer.
Session Close (aryk29): Sat Jul 30 01:14:03 2005
Labels: brian, conversations, durian, engrish, erica, erik, gay, google, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, palmer, restarts, sarah m., sdmb, smileys, stephen, stupid idiots, tuckerfan, unaboard, ym