Saturday, June 21, 2003
Arbutus Club
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WILLIAM.. I hope you have a really great one today! :) It's been cool watching you as a kid.. very fun and interesting.
well, Yazmine and I did NOT go to the ferry terminal.. we decided to wait till it was actually sunny, so we could see the scenery and such better.. good fish and chips there, according to her.. maybe next month or something..
we went to Boston Pizza for lunch, then to the library and the dollar store.. she bought me some Philippines bread (pan de sol), and I bought myself a bunch of stuff as well..
later, I had good times with my other friends discussing a lot of things.. the Arbutus Club experience was good, too.. I said it a few days ago, and I'll say it again: bonding time rules, and you've got to get some of that into your life ;)
take my word on it.. I wouldn't steer you wrong there!
Labels: birthdays, brian, church, consumer whore, fellowship, food, friends, pizza, yazmine
Friday, June 20, 2003
Weird dreams about hermaphrodite babies and church people
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAISIE.. I hope you have an awesome one today! :) It's been great getting to know you at church.. we should definitely get together again sometime soon.
I swear my subconscious is getting weirder by the week.. take a look at the highlights of this dream, and tell me what you think. (yes, I'm aware you most likely don't know the people involved.. but what are you gonna do about it, huh? :P)
a hermaphrodite baby.. sort of both a boy and a girl, but we referred to it as a boy
an A&W restaurant being out of business, but the associated A&W gas station across the street still in business.. go figure
Dawn and some others (including me) having to ride to Jon's in a police car (no, we weren't arrested or anything)
Helen K., Jessica L., TLD (inexplicably enough), Lesley, Lily, Maxine, and a bunch of others having a cookoff / bakeoff contest thing (lots of food for everyone to have)
my having to page Lesley from the outside of the building we were in at the time (pictures of the people we were paging on the pager, too.. now is that neat, or what?)
my attempting to avoid the huge meal from the competition because there was some kind of Committee meeting afterwards (was kinda successful, but not really)
playing on the computer in the church office (great fun, really..)
a LOT of different TV channels on our satellite TV (like at least 100,000 with lots of different shows)
Auntie Ping having a double who went by a different name, and the two of them launching themselves off the rocks in separate canoes to go to the Island
the whole church getting together to see the various members of Awana (in their red-and-grey uniforms) and the choir (in black and white) perform a skit.. it involved everyone playing with Vanessa; everyone piled on her at the end, and it got too much: a "why won't she wake UP?" kind of thing
too weird.. and no, I definitely don't wish Vanessa would die! (though I seriously don't know how I feel about those endless Committee meetings ;) )
should add that I'm going out to meet Yazmine..
we might go to the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal..
then again, we might not coz it's raining outside..
(where has summer gone, man?)
I might also go to Fellowship, too..
I'm not sure on that one quite yet!
now I'm out to have fun.. seeya later! :)
Labels: andrew, babies, birthdays, church, computer, dawn, dreams, helen, jessica, jon, lesley, lily, maxed-out tags limit, maxine, meetings, school, vanessa, weird stuff, wishes, yazmine
Thursday, June 19, 2003
No water in the building
last week when this happened, I managed not to go out (though I was definitely thinking about it).. but today, I think I will.. one thing's for sure now: Wednesday will be the only day that I'll spend at home this week.. um, yay?
oh well.. as long as you're spending money on fun things, it should be definitely A-OK .. right? ;)
Labels: annoyances, kathy, kelly, management, money, water
Reading about royalty
You may not know this, but I like to read about royalty at times.. it's interesting to know about what court life was like, and the myriad anecdotes surrounding the royals. (among other things) To that end, I borrowed The Royal Book of Lists: An Irreverent Romp Through Royal History from Alfred the Great to Prince William from the library on Friday. Very interesting book.. I'm about halfway through it now, and learned all sorts of things I didn't know before. Reminded me of various other things I had previously read, also. Suffice to say there's a lot of varied material in that book.. maybe I should hang around the "royalty" section of Chapters or another bookstore one of these days, and buy a book or two. (or even Yann Martel's Life of Pi, which my friend Phil says is very good) Something to think about, at any rate.. friends are cool to have! :)
Labels: birthdays, books, history, life, palmer, phil, reading, school
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
DRAGON WARRIOR 1 Enemy List, #1-40
This is a complete enemy list for DRAGON WARRIOR 1. This walkthrough (DARKNICIAD!) helped when I was playing the game, and this enemy list helped as well. Maps found here. Chronological Order: 3, 1, 2. ARMOR OF ERDRICK: 140 to the north, 80 to the west of Tantegel Castle. Text dump for the game.

Red Slime













Metal Scorpion


Green Dragon (mini-boss; guards Princess Gwaelin)





Wraith Knight




Metal Slime

Shadow Knight



Rogue Scorpion

Star Wyvern

Axe Knight (mini-boss; guards the Armor of Erdrick in Hauksness)


Golem (mini-boss; Cantlin guardian)

Blue Dragon


Armored Knight

Red Dragon

Dragonlord - Wizard [boss; first form]

Dragonlord - Dragon [boss; second form]

Labels: 2012, characters, charlotte, dragons, dungeons, games, golden, gwar, links, lists, lj, nicholas, ocdl, parties, pictures, vernon, walkthroughs
Meaning something to friends
certainly my parents don't respect what I say..
if I don't want to speak to Mom, so be it..
I did call to talk to my sister for a reason, you know..
doesn't give Mom license to call me right back..
I don't want her voice in my head.. (among other reasons)
I do know I mean something to my friends..
how much I mean to them, I don't know..
it was good talking to Darren last night, though..
haven't talked to him in some time..
I know I mean something to him..
and perhaps more to my church friends and Yazmine..
and even some of my other "wired" friends ;)
but maybe it's better that I don't know how much..
wouldn't want to get disappointed in certain cases..
or get a swelled head in other cases! (oh my..)
so what am I trying to say here? don't really know..
but suffice to say that if I mention you in this thing..
I most likely have some degree of affection for you..
(unless I totally trash you, of course.. then, not so much)
you'll just have to be satisfied with that for now :)
Labels: darren m., friends, mom, phone calls, sex, steph, wishes, yazmine
Soundless vacuums
I definitely wish my next-door neighbors would be at least a little less noisy.. they always talk in these impossibly LOUD voices in the middle of the apartment hallway when *some* people are still trying to SLEEP at 11:45 or noon.. (yes, I'm talking about myself here.. and what of it? :P)
believe me, I know that Hongers can have loud voices.. having been exposed to way more than my share of them in crowded, noisy Chinese restaurants at lunchtime on weekends, I certainly know that one for sure..
I don't really wish fiery death to come upon my neighbors.. but it would be great if they were put into one of those soundless vacuums you occasionally hear about.. that would work for me, so I could get more rest at the tail end of my sleep cycle.. and then they could try to shout as loud as they wanted at each other (in a vain effort to be heard), but then they couldn't hear each other either.. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.. :P
yes, I am evil.. as if you had any doubts ;)
Labels: annoyances, birthdays, chinese, church, death, sleep, wishes
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Cards Received, 1992-1994
Christmas 1992
Belinda: "Dear Leslie, Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Love in Christ, Belinda."
Christmas 1993
Eric Bin: "Leslie, hi! I notice you're not enjoying study skills very much. Well, at least Christmas break is upon us. Merry Xmas."
Frances C.: "Dearest Leslie, Hi! How's it going? I hope that this Christmas will bring you many surprises, adventure, romance, peace, joy, happiness, and most of all, the real Christmas spirit. Thanks for your birthday card! It really cheered me up. Anyway, hope that the New Year will be successful and prosperous, and that you may grow wiser and more wonderful. May your inner beauty shine forth like a bright morning star for all the world to see! Thanks for being a neat friend! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And may all desserts you eat be zero calories so we don't have to gain any pounds! (YES!) SFU is #1! :) Luv, Frances."
card from Serena
Elaine Litchfield: "Hello Leslie! Did you have a good school year so far? I'm glad you came to McNair. Best of luck over the holidays and next year. Love, Elaine."
Reisa: "Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an even better 1994. Stay as sweet as you are!! Love always!! xx"
Carina: "Leslie, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Yours, Carina."
Leni: "Dear Leslie, I hope that you have a wonderful, happy Christmas! Try to spend some time thinking about the birth of our God, Jesus Christ. His life is what makes Christmas meaningful for me. Have a great holiday time! Leni."
Lisa Vanderstelt: "How are you? I'm fine. Not much to say. (but then, I'm not exactly the talkative type) However, I sincerely wish you all the joys of the Christmas season (Merry Christmas), and wish you all the best for 1994."
Graduation 1994
Mimosa: "Dear Leslie, Congratulations on making it through high school. I'm sure it was a lot of hard work! I hope you have a wonderful summer. May God bless you in all your future endeavors. Remember to dream and to make your dreams come true."
card from parents
Uncle Eric and Auntie Brenda: "We are very happy for you and wish you all the best in the future."
card from Serena's mom
Auntie Bessy: "Dear Leslie, Congratulations! Graduate! I'm sorry that I'm not able to attend your graduation banquet. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Amazing! I remember the first time I saw you when you were a preschooler. Now, you are a blossomed young lady. I also remember you enjoyed reading and writing. (You did these even in class time. Ha!) May you continue to blossom not only physically and emotionally, but you will have the desire to learn God's Word and spread out its fragrance to the others. (Notice the wrapping paper, card, and the clay arrangement are in the theme of FLOWERS. Your life will be colorful when you abide in God's guidance like the cover of your diary.) If God's will allows, I will attend your university graduation banquet. Have a nice summer!"
Birthday 1994
card from Megan ("Don't you hate people who do all these things?!")
Erin: "Yo yo yo, Leslie! Happy Birthday! You be a good girl this year, okay? Do this and make me proud. Canucks are going to have an awesome season!! Hope you like my present and make use of it! See ya!"
Wendy: "Thanks for all your help in the Joshua Fellowship, and good to see you in the choir."
Elaine M.: "Leslie, I wish you a totally awesome 18th birthday... CONGRATULATIONS! I also hope that school is okay for you and remember, I get to sign your annual whenever you get it!" (she drew a beet-shaped heart, a flower, and a great birthday cake!)
Leni: "Best wishes for your first year at Capilano College and for the future! I hope that you're having a thoroughly enjoyable birthday! Your friend, Leni."
card from Uncle Richard and Auntie Gloria
Christmas 1994
Anita: "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" (the card has 2 Corinthians 9:15 on it)
Leni: "Dear Leslie, You're a special friend of mine. I hope that you have a merry Christmas! Please remember (this is a reminder to myself as well) that the reason for our holiday is to celebrate the time when the loving God became a man! :) Merry Christmas."
card from Joshua Fellowship signed by some then-kids (Daniel Barry, Priscilla, Christine, Matthew, Mike K., Sam, Citrus, Carrie Barry, Emily Choi, Clement, Fidela, Evelyn T., Vivian, Chrystal, Karen Lew, Melia, Jason M., and Cordia)
Total: 23
Labels: 1992, 1993, 1994, birthdays, cards received, carrie, christmas, clement, erin, frances, friends, guestbooks, holidays, lisa, lists, maxed-out tags limit, sam, school, wendy, wishes
Being conservative
being conservative is part of the Chinese thing ;)
you may not understand it much..
(I'm not sure I fully do, either..)
but just accept it, and I may expand on it later :P
that doesn't mean I can't or won't be affectionate / show my emotions.. conservative people DO have those things, y'know.. conservativeness does not necessarily equal stoicism!
Being Chinese in restaurants
not too much at all..
weekends are my social life..
no idea what today will bring me..
it's supposed to be the last hot day of the week..
with temps from 25° to 31°, it'll be summer..
maybe I'll go to BP and be Chinese.. ;)
pasta specials two days in a row.. I rock! :)
(Translation: Boston Pizza has this "Pasta Tuesday" special on, where all orders of gourmet pasta are $8.95 as opposed to the regular price of $11.95 to $13.45. Being Chinese in this context means that I'll save as much money as possible by choosing the most expensive kinds of gourmet pasta. We were joking about this yesterday at Chianti's, which has a Monday-Tuesday pasta lunch special where selected kinds of pasta only cost you $6.95.. as opposed to the normal price of $8.95 to $10.95)
and before you say anything.. in case you don't know, I am Chinese.. so yes, I can more-or-less freely joke about these things without fear of censure coming my way from certain quarters ;) so don't bug me about it :P
Monday, June 16, 2003
Chianti's lunch with Nathan
these quotes are slightly delayed..
given the last few days, they had to be..
(I was busier than normal with friends..)
you get more bang for your buck this time round..
additional quotes from "bonding times"..
what more could you want, really? ;)
"I hope you're not serving that." -- Jon to me on MSN, about my party. (Monday, June 9) ["that" being Tutti-O Frutti-O Booty-O.. of *course* I wouldn't serve it, especially as it's really a joint imaginative collaboration of Jon and Eric's]
"Thanks for the updates.. they helped me to remember when the service auction was, even though I was helping in it!" -- Tim in an email to me about the Fellowship announcements I send out every week, emailing myself in the process. (Tuesday, June 10) [shouldn't you remember anyhow? ;) ]
"good party trick!" -- Chironex, about my memory for birthdays. (Thursday, June 12) [like I *really* go up to my friends at parties and recite the birthdays of everybody in the room :P]
"You have to wash your hands first!" -- Erin to Jon, before he played her brand new guitar. (Sunday, June 15) [Jon says that she'll lose that sense of ownership *very* soon]
"It shows how good friends we are when we can read the papers at lunch, and none of us minds!" -- Nathan to the three of us at Chianti's. (Monday, June 16) [that's funny, but oh so true..]
Had fun at lunch.. we discussed a bunch of topics:
that crazy Lethbridge (Alberta) alderwoman who disappeared in Montana for a few days (Dar Hetherington, who now denies writing stalker letters to herself)
the Gillian Staples case (this girl who disappeared in the States while ostensibly getting help for her problems)
crazy people in the world, in general
Daniel's move (Nathan might see more of his brother once he moves out.. he doesn't see him much now, but it'll be strange to be home and not have him around)
Danielle's move (moving is a pain, and she's had to do it twice in as many months.. she'll be moving in with her brother at the soon-to-be family condo, and hopefully won't have to worry about it again anytime soon)
Garfield (we were reading the papers, and came across a neat one featuring the contemporary Garfield talking to the retro-Garfield of 1981 or so)
sports (specifically, David Beckham being used as a political pawn between Barcelona and Manchester United)
how various newspapers cover the news, and whether the coverage is fair and objective
my next party (Nathan asked when it was.. I don't know, maybe in five weeks or so?)
cream sauce vs. tomato sauce for pasta (Steph likes tomato, Nathan likes cream, and I'm not sure whether Jon or I ventured much of a preference)
Anton's pasta (this local Italian place.. apparently, they have these HUGE stacked portions of pasta.. so much so, even the guys are seemingly unable to finish it in one sitting)
yup, bonding time rules..
try it for yourselves, kiddies..
it'll enhance your relationships for sure!
Labels: birthdays, comics, daniel, danielle, david, emails, eric m., erin, friends, hilarity, jon, lunch, maxed-out tags limit, msn, nathan, news, parties, sports, steph, tim
Smiles, sexuality, jackets, weirdness, surprises, Invader Zim / doom, Naruto, colors, sex, and more!

You're the smirk, a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant (but attractive) people. You
probably just don't give a damn, but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are straight. How original...
Sexuality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a long, flowing jacket. It reaches to the ground and flows as you walk. You're probably artistic, and maybe even graceful.
jacket quiz
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weird quiz
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Plastic magnifying glasses
Most useless quiz ever...
brought to you by Quizilla

CONGRATULATIONS! You are... Maria! You like to sing beautiful songs and take care of children... or maybe you just enjoy selecting checkboxes when you answer a question with multiple choices.
The Surprise Quiz!
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Well you are part of the population that is normal... congratulations!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Gaz. A video-game queen (or king, depending on your actual gender), you despise your sibling(s) and have no other goal in life than to be the ultimate gamer. "I'm only thirteen levels away from finishing this game. So I either finish my game, or make you wish I was never born."
Quiz of Doooooooom!
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You are Rock Lee!
Naruto Quiz
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The Color Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, you are a pencil... or you should be one. Yah, that's all...
Should you be a pencil? TAKE THIS QUIZ
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Sex quiz: What are you like in bed?
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You are a spoon. Yay? Well rounded and useful. Yup. *shifty eyes, thinking of how lamely that ended*
THE RANDOM QUIZ- A quiz about completely strange things without relation to each other at all...
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Francois: Blue-eyed, Black-haired and youthfully Beautiful. You tell the future in your dreams... and although you are a bloodthirsty killer, you hold your humanity close to you.
Blood and Water Character Quiz (Only people who know me will be able to take this quiz :p)
brought to you by Quizilla
If you answered yes to question number one, then you most definitely have a nose. If you answered no... well, I dunno what to tell you except... get your vision checked, or go see a doctor.
Do you have a nose? This is a serious quiz!
brought to you by Quizilla
Battle axe.
Quiz of insanity
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You're normal... what else is there to say?
Are You Outgoing? (My First Quiz)
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: characters, colors, dreams, games, quizilla, smileys, war, water, weird stuff, wishes
First blog entry from Nathan's!
(this happens to be the first blog entry I've written from Nate's place.. way cool stuff ;) )
Labels: blogging, computer, games, jessica, jon, lunch, nathan, steph, wishes
Sunday, June 15, 2003
Good times at Erin's... Ab-Doer video, Ultimate, and more!
Definitely had a good time talking with everyone about funny stories, parents, church, Cutco knives, etc. (also watched an Ab-Doer video.. the narrator was named John Abdo, so great laughs there) So all in all, a good time with friends.. looking forward to more of the same tomorrow with Nathan. :)
Labels: amusement, church, erin, friends, john, jon, lunch, names, nathan, parents, videos
ICQ attracting all sorts of random chatters
Reminds me.. I should clean up my ICQ list, which I never seem to get around to doing. Probably won't do it before I go to Erin's, either.. but tonight should be fun with a bunch of us there. :)
Labels: corey, erin, icq, lists, online people, random, spoz
Babies in the baby room
especially the smaller ones when they're quiet..
they look so peaceful, and feel so soft..
I like spending time with them.. very cool :)
Vernon says he'll drop by later this week..
it'll be neat when he does, for sure..
Sarah says Hannah's coming back early..
definitely very good news to hear..
Labels: babies, church, computer, hannah, news, sarah c., sean c., twins, vernon, wilson
Dreaming of something cool
he told me: "dream of something cool.."
I told him that I'd try, then report anything back here..
church on a massive cruise ship with a lot of banquet halls..
(chandeliers, awesome food, and everything else..)
message boards relating to this "cruise ship church"..
Connie and Jenny making some of us late for a dance..
Anita calling her boyfriend Jeff to pick us up..
Jeff showing up with our acquaintance Danny W.
(not to be confused with Helen K.'s husband Danny)
talking about a whole lot of stuff..
that's all I can remember, so it'll have to do..
not really "cool" in the "aliens and horror" sense..
(which I'm sure is what Corey meant :P)
but to tell you the truth, I don't dream of that too often!
so there you go.. you'll have to be satisfied with that ;)
(besides, my friends and nice people are cool enough :P)
Labels: church, connie, corey, danny, dreams, food, friends, helen, jeff
Nothing of note
not too much to put here tonight..
I've done nothing of noteworthy interest..
(like I usually do? :P)
guess you'll just all have to come back later! ;)