I turned on real ICQ for a while tonight just to mess around with stuff in there. (Trillian's good, but doesn't give you all the features of IM programs!) Once again, I was amused by the ICQ details that I'd put in one time after deciding I was bored with the "normal" stuff I'd originally put. It helped when I looked at Emily and Melia's crazy profiles too... and everyone else's, haha. I remember Kate put herself as being from Christmas Island, heh.
Crazy ICQ DetailsHome AddressStreet Address: on the Hydro Flame Planet!
City: like I'll tell you...
Zip: 73048
Work AddressStreet Address: 1787 Pootine Way
City: Track 6
State: A-1
Zip Code: 69342
Company Name: Booty Productions, Inc.
Occupation: Manufacturing
Division / Department: bathroom smell-adjuster
Position: manager
Website: http://www.productionsauce.com
Personal InfoHomepage: http://www.thecrewrules!.com
Spoken Languages: English, Welsh, Icelandic
All that may SEEM immature, but it mostly relates to inside jokes... at least I didn't put stuff about bombing / production! In the Richmond Crew sense of the word, that means doing a "3-1," as Nathan put it once. (pooping :P)
You should all call Tom Green at 1-310-717-1919. This is why, according to Corey...
[23:11:38] Corey: so have you called Tom Green yet?
[23:15:23] Flami: I SOLVED MY COPY-PASTE PROBLEM... YAY!!!!!!: ?????
[23:16:39] Corey: 1 (310) 717-1919
[23:16:49] Corey: you might not get through, but it's real :P
[23:16:59] Corey: he put it on his website :P
[23:18:17] Corey: he put his cell phone number online because someone posted a message on his site where they left their phone number for Tom to call them, and Tom Green happened to be online at the time and called the guy like 5 minutes after he posted.. then decided he'd put his cell phone number online too :P
[23:18:38] Corey: I haven't called, but I'm tempted to
[23:19:42] Flami: aiya... well, you tell me what happens when you call then..
[23:22:09] Corey: when are you calling? :P
[23:23:04] Flami: YOU call
[23:25:00] Corey: can I tell him he should call you?
[23:28:56] Flami: ...... no..... tell him to call my parents instead, haha
[23:29:17] Flami: or maybe not... I called my parents at 11:10 yesterday and they said that was "late" :P
[23:30:57] Corey: well, when do they go to bed?
[23:36:12] Flami: they weren't even IN bed at the time! They were watching the news and doing Sudoku!
[23:36:16] Corey: I am currently idle.
[23:36:20] Flami: around 12:30 to 1..
[23:39:33] Corey: well, that's probably not terrible then if they're always awake then..
[23:41:40] Flami: no, I certainly didn't think so!
[23:44:36] Corey: well, Tom Green messes with HIS parents... call and ask him to mess with yours :P
[23:49:25] Flami: hahahaha, I've heard..
[23:50:38] Corey: well try it :P
[23:53:30] Flami: hahahaha, I dunno
[00:01:15] Corey: he's probably not going to, but you could ask :P
[00:01:31] Corey: he doesn't really do mean things, just annoying things :P
[00:06:48] Flami: hahaha. hmmmmmm
[00:06:54] Corey: I am currently idle.
[00:07:23] Corey: hey auto response, I am not!
[00:12:14] Flami: well, the "online indicator" also said you were idle..
[01:42:17] Corey: I'm going to bed... you should call Tom Green before you go to sleep. if you wake him up in the middle of the night, he'll help you bug your parents for sure :P
[01:42:34] Flami: .... yeah, if he doesn't bug ME for doing that first! :P
Questions 151-200 of 5000Got these questions from
this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.151. What is louder and more annoying... 200 adults talking in a restaurant or one four-year-old screaming? The four-year-old.
152. What do you think is up with the Bermuda Triangle? No idea... great mystery, that one!
153. Are you jealous of anyone? Who? Why? Yeah, but I'd rather not say who or why.
154. What is the happiest way you can start your day? Not having to get up at a certain time, getting a ride from Eric to church, and listening to rock music!
155. Have you ever had a moment where you felt everything was all right with the world? Yeah, but I don't remember the specific events.
156. What does it mean when a person is deep? Are you deep? It means that the person thinks about profound things, and is probably a philosophy major... by that definition, I'm not deep. :P
157. What does it mean when a person is spiritual? Are you spiritual? It means that the person believes in God and does his / her best to follow God's commands / plan. Meh...
158. What makes people different from animals? Probably not too much, really... people can control their animal instincts, for one.
What makes people different from robots? People aren't programmed to do one specific thing, and are capable of thinking for themselves.
159. What does the word "gay" mean to you? Homosexual.
160. Is it just me or are people getting more and more sensitive and touchy? Yeah... it's because of this society of paranoia that's going on these days. Nobody can trust anybody else... o_O
161. Would you still love and stay with your girlfriend or boyfriend if he or she had to have a breast or testicle removed? Definitely!
162. Fate or free will? Free will.
163. Are you bored with life? If so, why? Yes... I don't do anything new. There's nothing much to look forward to, nothing really going differently...
What could someone who is bored with life do to fix it? Seek out more stimuli.
164. Can life change, or are we all stuck in vain? Life can change.
How can a person bring about change? Implement their own ideas and not be shy about it like me.
165. Are you afraid of change? Somewhat...
166. Are you a day person or nocturnal? Nocturnal, as this past week certainly proves.
167. Can you come up with a good joke to match these punchlines?
He didn't want to get snaked. Why did Jim run away from the hose?
"Thanks, God... I really appreciate it, but there's one more thing... can I have my hat back?" What did Paul say after he nearly drowned in the ocean and God saved him
sans headcovering?
168. Have you ever worked in retail? No.
169. What's the coolest job you ever had? None of them were THAT cool.
170. What's the difference between slavery and being forced to work because everything is so expensive? You get no money and can get whipped if you're a slave (or you could)... being forced to work because things are so expensive means that at least you're earning money and won't get whipped for poor performance.
171. Have you ever wanted to be an actor / actress? Not really, but those Drama classes were fun.
172. If you had the power to make one person at your school do anything you want them to for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do? I would have made Leanne Giroux be my slave for the entire day... that girl never liked me at all. :P
173. What star sign are you, and what is your sign like? Virgo, and I have no idea.
174. Were you scared by the
Blair Witch Project? ... not really...
175. If your teacher gave you a map to do that you didn't want to do, would you fold it into a paper hat? Would your teacher be cool with that? No, and no.
176. Do you believe there is something strange going on with the freemasons? Yeah, but I can't quite articulate it.
177. Do you like everything to be in widescreen? Fullscreen is probably better...
178. Are you a fan of any comic books? Sure..
Fox Trot,
Bloom County...
179. Do you collect something? Books, coins, stats...
180. Do you usually smell good? I would certainly hope so!
181. Where does love come from? The heart.
182. Where did your parents tell you babies come from when you were little? I don't remember what they told me or where I learned this stuff... o_O
183. You're taking a 5,000-question survey. Are you nuts? Fo' shizzle.
184. What's the best cheesy 80's song?
Livin' On A Prayer, Bon Jovi
185. What's the best date movie? Anything that's a good comedy, without a squillion sex scenes. :P
186. Do you like to sit in the front, middle, or back of the movie theater? The middle.
187. Have you ever been inside an abandoned building? Nope.
188. What's a gutterpunk? Those jobless (often homeless and / or runaways) kids that panhandle. A lot of gutterpunks have fancy punk hairdos and lots of patches and spikes, but not all gutterpunks like punk rock or subscribe to the Punk ideology.
189. Candles or strobe lights? Strobe lights.
190. Who can take a rainbow, wrap it in a sigh, soak it in the sun, and make a strawberry lemon pie? The Candyman!
191. What besides money can make you extremely happy? Love and friendship.
192. You have to choose. Would you be happier marrying someone rich for their money, or living in the streets and subway tunnels with someone you love? Someone I love. Money, while important, can't replace an actual person that I truly love.
193. What commercial made you really want to buy something? Lots... like those commercials they have for food, haha.
194. Have you ever made a snow-something-else... not a man or woman? Snow angels.
195. If someone wanted to understand you, what book should they read that will help them?
The Joy Luck Club, haha.
196. When was the last time someone called you crazy and why? My sister on Sunday... I was showing her
a link to a book called How to Good-Bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way? (the whole title sounds like it should be in
Engrish, hahaha)
197. Are you a space cadet? Nope, not most of the time... certain people reading this may beg to differ, though. :P
198. Are you magically delicious? .... sure, why not...
199. If you could wish for one object (nothing alive, no money) that was the size of your computer monitor or smaller and it would appear right now, what would it be? A new computer monitor, haha.
200. What does "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride" mean? Original answer: "it means beggars need things more than we do." HAHAHAHA, idiot! My correct answer: If wishing could make things happen, then even the most destitute people would have everything they wanted.
You Are 90% "Average American" |
 You are average because you support affirmative action.
You are not average since you do make New Year's resolutions. |
Labels: 5172, amusement, blair, blogthings, christmas, coinage, comics, computer, conversations, corey, emily, engrish, icq, leanne, maxed-out tags limit, nathan, paul, poo, snow, surveys