I had a weird dream that Auntie Bessy, Pastor Fulton, and Uncle Richard were all losing their memory simultaneously, and it was up to me, Jon, and Harmony to save the toddler kids from their weird thoughts! We also tried using the art that I looked up on Google for the wedding to jog their memories - but had no luck. What the heck?!
Before going to church, I quickly wrote a Christmas card for Chantal, and gave it to Steph later. The ride over to church was all right - I got one apple, some apple juice, and two buns. When I got to church, I sat next to Harmony - there was no way I could have gotten a pew to myself, but that was okay. Connie liked my Santa hat, and Jen seemed to like it as well. Found out that redrum had started during service - yay for reinforcements! Talked to Helen K., her boys Nicholas and Cory (who loves stairs and can walk now!), Maxine, Tim, Joshua, Keenan, Citrus "on duty," Billy, Stella, Noah, Benjamin, Karmie, Vivian, Chrystal, Jon (who warned me that Mr. Creep was coming tonight... SO AWKWARD! DIDN'T YOU TELL HIM THAT THE MENU WAS SEVEN-EIGHTHS VEGETARIAN?!!!), Jeremy (who told me the saga of the broken dishwasher being fixed... old pipes and solder!), Anita, Allison (who gave me a high-five even if she wasn't impressed with my Santa hat and sparkly jewel shirt!), Steph, and others. Of course I watched Cory when Helen was talking to Maxine - even though I was holding an empty cup (which used to have coffee in it), I'd have dropped it if I'd seen he was going to take a tumble! Auntie Catherine said that we'd get together BEFORE her surgery, which is fine by me!
Went upstairs after a while, and presented Auntie Ying and Rachel's grandma with their Christmas gifts - apparently, it was their first of the season! Harrison talked to me right away, which was fine. Conor drew Christmas lights, Amanda drew hearts, and Esther drew flowers and people. Amos just played a lot and was hyper! When I went downstairs after that, Steph was declining Mr. Creep's invitation to lunch - GOOD! I learned that we WERE going to eat at Mui's, but Alan had come to see Mom - ah, the usual place! Dad was not impressed that Jon, Harmony, Jeremy, and Christon had all skipped Sunday School to cook and such... but what could they do?! The stuff HAD to be cooked, despite a five-hour marathon LAST NIGHT! (took Christon SEVEN HOURS to buy the ingredients)
We went to lunch with Alan, Polly, Auntie Ying, Uncle Peter, and Auntie Teresa too. Vernon and Sarah moved yesterday - AIYA, IN THE RAIN! Steph forewarned the parents that she wouldn't be eating with them next week because "people" had wanted her to lunch with them - when she declined for the fourth time or so, they were like, "You NEVER lunch with us!" Well, I will probably lunch with the parents - we'll see. They already want me to come over on Tuesday before they leave so Mom can show me where the food is and stuff - fair enough! After lunch, I took the bus to Kingsgate Mall - bought fifteen Vancouver postcards and a pair of scissors from the dollar store prior to heading over to Jeremy's. Helped stir the mushroom soup on the balcony and peel carrots in the kitchen - Jon doesn't understand why I like peeling carrots. It's like peeling SKIN off someone's FACE! MUHAHAHAHA!
Also helped Christon do a "Paid / Not Paid" list: Isabel, Dianne, Lucas, Andrea, Raymond, Hubert, a guest, Randal, Vivian, Karen, Lincoln, Eric, Jon, Jeremy, Steph, Christon, Jennifer S., Johnny, Joey, Wesley, Winnie P., Phyllis, Aaron, Ying, Lesley, Darryl (who's already here), and Tony are also coming. Talked about Ray HATING cilantro, the web community FOR people who hate cilantro, cooking, and other things. Cindy also sent me an email, thanking me for the "sweet" Christmas card I gave her and Dianne - "you're right... it's wonderful to have good friends! See you next Friday for our potluck - YUM!" Everyone's laughing because someone dropped the ladle into the LARGE mushroom soup pot... boy, they're ALL tired, haha!
Tonight's menu:
Apple Cider, augmented with cinnamon sticks, cloves, and lemon juice
Our famous Chicken a la King, made at last year's birthday dinner
Cream of (many different varieties of) Mushroom Soup
Thai Vegetable Curry (either Panaeng, green, or red)
Hearty Vegetarian or Vegan Lasagna
Coconut-grilled Kale, adapted from a recipe in Vij's
Winter Beet Salad
Astoundingly Delicious BBQ Tofu
Imperial Stout Cheesecake
You Are a Hundred Dollar Bill

You're money, and you totally know it. You have a very high self worth, so much so that some people can't deal with it.
Even though you're clearly a very valuable and powerful person, some people aren't willing to accept you.
You tend to hang out with your own kind. You don't have a lot of time in life for chumps or "chump change."
The world is your oyster, and you have many opportunities. You're very lucky to be who you are.
Labels: aaron, blogthings, church, cindy, dianne, food, helen, jeremy, joey, johnny, jon, maxed-out tags limit, money, randal, ray, shopping, steph, sunday dinners, tony, winnie