Corey said he got my Christmas card yesterday, and also a new laptop that wasn't for him - that sucks, haha. Janina mentioned getting my Christmas card too, which is cool. Finally got back into Myspace today - dunno why I never noticed the "Forgot Password?" link before, or maybe it was just never there! I'm going to Grandma's funeral on Monday morning, for sure. I always DID ask how she was, and I want to support them - sleepover on Sunday, it shall be! Tried sending pics of Jon to Michelle, too. Yay for this picture! Hahaha... let's just say that my sibs and I barely fit into a cruise ship washroom. :D

Apparently, my handwriting is way worse than I thought! (I knew it was bad, but to THAT extent?!) Here's a conversation that Corey and I had on the subject:
(06:32:22 PM) Flami: where am I?
(06:40:57 PM) Corey: Canada
(06:42:07 PM) Corey: #706-[rest of address]
(06:42:10 PM) Corey: that's where
(06:42:18 PM) Corey: unless you're not home :P
(06:44:34 PM) Flami: that is NOT where I am, and you know it :P
(06:44:58 PM) Corey: have you moved to Ghana or something then?
(06:50:24 PM) Flami: of course not
(06:50:36 PM) Corey: so you're not in Canada? :P
(06:55:06 PM) Flami: yes, I am in Canada
(06:57:20 PM) Corey: well, you said no to that the first time!
(07:04:29 PM) Flami: that's because the address you gave me does not exist!
(07:05:38 PM) Corey: oh yeah? then which one does? I just read that off the envelope you sent me :P
(07:05:55 PM) Corey: you should probably correct me if I'm wrong because I do plan on sending something to you pretty soon :P
(07:15:11 PM) Flami: well, most of it was correct... but the 1 is not a 7 ;)
(07:16:09 PM) Corey: which one?
(07:23:51 PM) Corey: okay, so it's 106-[house number]... which is how it's written on an old one I just found.. the new one you just sent most definitely has a 7 at the start :P
(07:30:59 PM) Flami: it what?! NO WAY
(07:31:41 PM) Corey: your other 1's are a straight line, no horizontal line on the top or anything...
(07:31:54 PM) Corey: that 1 on the latest letter has a big horizontal line :P
(07:32:05 PM) Corey: it doesn't look at all like a 1, it's a 7
(07:32:06 PM) Flami: why would there be a horizontal line?! I wasn't spacing out...
(07:32:24 PM) Corey: on your other letter, that is clearly a 1.. but not on the new one :P
(07:32:34 PM) Flami: wait... does it have like a line at the bottom? maybe that's why?
(07:32:42 PM) Corey: nope
(07:33:06 PM) Corey: it's a long horizontal line...
(07:33:56 PM) Corey: and looks the same as the other 7 on there :P
(07:42:33 PM) Flami: hmm... odd :P I wish there were a way you could show me what it looked like... sorry, was taking out the trash :P
(07:45:14 PM) Corey: does GAIM do webcams?
(07:45:39 PM) Corey: well, actually that doesn't really matter :P I could just send a picture
(07:46:25 PM) Flami: I have no idea, but that works too
(07:50:11 PM) Corey: I emailed it to you on Gmail
(07:52:36 PM) Flami: do I even use any other email these days?
(07:53:25 PM) Corey: I dunno
(07:55:31 PM) Flami: That's not a 7! That is a ONE with my need to connect the octothorpe and the one since they were close together. :P
(08:02:27 PM) Corey: what the hell is an octothorpe??
(08:02:51 PM) Corey: the pound sign? #? :P
(08:03:02 PM) Corey: it's a separate line from the one on the #
(08:05:29 PM) Flami: I said I tried to connect it - I never said I succeeded :P
(08:11:03 PM) Corey: why would it be connected to a number in the first place?
(08:13:18 PM) Flami: because the lines need to be really connected and joined together!
(08:29:48 PM) Corey: what lines? :P the 1 doesn't have lines to connect! :P
(08:34:02 PM) Flami: the # was a bit close to the one, maybe :P
(09:04:58 PM) Corey: I saw Bathroom Readers at the store today :P a couple of them
(09:05:08 PM) Flami: so did you get any?
(09:05:16 PM) Corey: nope
(09:05:22 PM) Flami: darn, why not?
(09:05:46 PM) Corey: I already have one, don't I? :P
(09:06:39 PM) Flami: my browser disappeared again!
(09:07:18 PM) Flami: I guess so... but the others are cool too :P
(09:09:33 PM) Corey: so do you have the new ones? :P this one was something like Weird World of something or other... I think... mostly red cover. I don't remember what the other one was
(09:23:35 PM) Flami: I have the 20th anniversary one... and I've read the
Weird World of Odd (I think)
(09:24:49 PM) Corey: I think that's what it was
(09:25:50 PM) Flami: cool... I was on the phone making plans and such for a funeral, sorry
Labels: bathroom readers, canada, christmas, conversations, corey, cruises, death, gmail, grandma, janina, jon, mail, maxed-out tags limit, michelle, msn, myspace, pictures, plans, random, steph