This morning, I made Jon sign Rosenda's birthday card at least before I gave it to her during service. It turned out that I had to sign it too, so I wrote something really quickly before we parked the car - good thing that Steph signed all the August cards already! I need to write in the rest of those later on this week sometime, hopefully before K comes. If not, he'll have to live with me writing out various cards, haha. Sat between my usual seatmates, and told them about the fireworks and the absolute MESS of humanity we encountered. Jeremy's bike saved him a LOT of time (no getting home at 1:30 for HIM!), and got Christon interested in biking again - if we'd called a cab when we thought of it, that would also have saved us time! (or if we'd crashed at Nathan's by taking the 22 before we thought of it in the massive Skytrain lineup, although I would have needed certain necessities that I'm not sure would have been in the house even if Isabel is / was there for some of the time!) Told Erin about the food she'll have tonight after picking Steph up: she's excited about that! Gave Rosenda's card to her during a bathroom break, then got back to find that Pastor Edward was making a joke about making fun of both assistant pastors during the sermon because their partners' names were both in there! ("someone's really excited to hear the word Harmony... and Grace is in this direct quote from an author... it changes the heart!") Then I was looking at the church project update, and had to show Jeremy the part about a "mysterious water flow" on the construction site... oh my! o_O
In the parking lot, Jon and I were telling Calla / Nathan / Jeremy / Randal / Danielle / Vanessa / Mike / Emily about the girl we saw get arrested last night. We were making fun of the guy who got into an altercation with her a few minutes before it all started because Jon (with his perfect pitch) could tell that he was singing Rihanna's UMBRELLA song at least a tone off-key! (Jon: "It's like the Richmond Night Market, only with more drunk people!") The girl had told Christon a few minutes before that if anyone else pushed her, she would push back - even if you were being pushed along by the crowd wanting to get into the Skytrain station. The guy asked his friends a bit later if they'd seen what just happened, but got no real answers. Our group had a good view of events, especially Eric because he's tall. (I was leaning against him at some points during the wait, and had to bring my arm up to a socially-acceptable place for a friendly punch when he mentioned that I'd prefer walking to the church and other such jokes) Basically, the guy and the girl got into a shouting / pushing match, complete with personal insults ("whore!" "a man shouldn't push me around!") - just when it seemed things would escalate, a police officer came down and separated them. The girl's boyfriend tried to hold her back, but to no avail. After trying to reason with them, the police officer took the girl away in handcuffs, presumably for being disorderly. Then the guy announced to his friends that he'd relieve the stress of what just happened by singing more stuff that was on his iPod... we lost track of him after that!
Everyone thought that was an interesting story to varying degrees, haha... same with the tub of marijuana story! (I noticed little Nathaniel just behind us, but he wasn't paying attention when we used the word "whore" :P) We figured Calla and Jeremy were lucky since they don't watch TV / the media / music videos on Youtube; therefore, they don't even KNOW about the saturation of Rihanna (like her suggestive videos - she has a thing for taking her clothes off in videos that have nothing to do with the actual lyrics to the song!) or the Pussycat Dolls or even Shakira! (Jon was going to do a "HIPS DON'T LIE" dance just before the fireworks last night when the song came on - NO, BAD IDEA! When he heard the group behind us yelling that it was ONE MINUTE TO THE FIREWORKS, WOOOO... he wondered where Steph was because she would yell like that only SOBER!) We liked rocking out to Rush and the new Ozzy Osbourne - DON'T STOP and Geddy Lee are the best combo ever, haha. Eric and I had seen some kids on the Skytrain asking others if they had liquor, and high-fiving everyone in sight. Thank goodness he looked after me during that whole elevator / escalator fiasco! Yay for good friends! :D
Randal asked Danielle whether she thought Edmonton or Calgary was better: what do you think she's going to say?! (EDMONTON, since that's home for her - she's going there for three weeks) He told me that he'd be going off to Sunday School - good idea! (I told him that Canada won the competition, and that the fireworks were pretty good - Spain should have used their grand finale for the competition, according to Christon) Mike told us that Emily bruised easily - maybe girls do bruise easier than guys, since I know I've had some weird bruises! Talked to Vanessa about K; she's seen him multiple times, which is good. Jon asked who'd do her roast: "Cindy can provide the ammunition, and Steph can provide more stuff!" Cindy's in the Maritimes right now, so won't have regular access in the hotels - even if she does, email might be the last thing on her mind what with sightseeing and all. It's funny how you miss people you haven't seen in a bit even when you know where they are and when they'll come back! We saw baby Anne, whose mom Sophia said that new big sister Olivia isn't over her honeymoon phase: it's only been a week and a half, so I'm sure jealousy will enter the picture sooner or later! Just before I helped the toddlers, I said hi to Eric and heard Sam plotting how to destroy Jeremy's old guitar - they should fundraise and have it be for a good cause, haha.
The toddlers were okay today... I told Auntie Bessy about K's coming to watch me with them, so she won't be totally surprised next weekend. Little Rachel loves talking to me, I accidentally took Wilson's toy car which I'll give back next week, and Amanda tried to sit Sean back on the bench a few times. Sean liked the drawings of water in a Bible story picture book: "SPLASH! OH NO! WATER!" Kid's certainly cute, and definitely much socially improved than when he first came to the class! After that, I looked for the twins but couldn't find them - maybe next week so Andrew and K can bond over stuff like Akon and the Pussycat Dolls. Talked to Andrew, who is a half-boy / half-girl according to Samantha - kids are interesting! Then I talked to Amos and Jason for a bit; at least summer school will be over for them this week! Went outside for a bit and talked to Jon / Danielle / Jeremy / Christon / Stanley about drumming, practice, SLB (I had no time to check email - Christon told me it might be dinner on Aug. 16), guitar group, my relationship status (I'll email Danielle about it, and K is not the one she doesn't like - Palmer kept making fun of HARRY POTTER that time at Pho, and I've not talked to him since January 2006!) / eating / having money to throw around on guitars ($700) and pickups which would cost $100-300 / K being one of Karen Choo's fave people. (Saw Karen and talked to her for a bit about K - next Friday might be bad for her because her cousin's having a wedding rehearsal and then she'll move away forever after the wedding. She doesn't mind if I give K her email address, though! Apparently, the "favorite person" thing is mutual, heh.) Had lunch with my parents at Mui's, then got to the townhouse. Maybe now I'll check my friends list and email before dinner with Erin, Derek, Darren, their parents, and grandma Paula...
Were Ted Bundy and George Bush separated at birth? HAHA, Jeremy would love this!

Hilarious quotes!
Mom, on her love of singing inappropriate things and her insistence that I love it when I really do NOT: "Have you told K that I love to sing? (no) Well, if he's to be my DAUGHTER-in-law..." o_O
Mom, on Grandma's reaction to Korey since she assumes he's white: "Well, you can just tell her that he's Mexican!" (then I tell her that a black person and a Mexican person look quite different) "Well, she's 87... maybe she won't be able to tell!" (I don't think she's COLOR-BLIND or that her sight is phenomenally BAD...)
Mom, on my need to go "do something" (editing this post and such) three times in twenty minutes: "Why do you have to poop so much?" ("do something" does NOT imply bodily functions!)
Mom, on me and Danielle: "You're cougars four or five times!" (we know her intent, but it's still funny! - what she means is that Danielle is five years older than Citrus, and that I'm four years older than K)
Labels: alcoholic drinks, amanda, andrew, calla, christon, church, citrus, derek, emily, george, grace, hilarity, jason, jeremy, kids, korey, lyrics, maxed-out tags limit, vanessa, wilson