The dinner's cancelled because of a death!
True to form, my browser keeps disappearing. If I could talk to Corey, he'd say that I should get Eric to install Windows XP already. Good idea, except I'm not done with my BootyBase files. Must work on that next week! Maybe I'll talk to Corey tomorrow on Feast Day since my Sunday doesn't LOOK very busy... *hmm*
Ada picked me up, and said that her son Ian is sick. We discussed allergy shots, the improving sunny weather over the past few days, the Veggie Tales movie AND dinner (Ian termed it "a lucky night!" - cute kiddy thinking!), Chinese doctors, herbal medicine, wanting to throw up whenever you tasted the vile black concoctions prescribed by herbalists, and getting sick every February. At Awana, I talked to Melia about the leadership dinner tonight of pizza: she totally understood that I needed to leave with my ride.
She also mentioned something about Steph's party tonight getting cancelled because Viv's dog Bams had died suddenly of a seizure while out on a walk. Steph wants to be with her, of course... and it just sucks! =/ Good thing Melia told me, because when I got a free moment to call Steph later to confirm this, SHE said that she'd sent an email last night which I never got! Anita stopped by briefly to show off Allison to people - the baby was awake for a bit, then fell asleep.
Talked to Andrew about a family dinner and his new hairstyle, bantered with Mike, wished Meg a happy tenth birthday, and sympathized with Samantha when she said going up and down the stairs a lot was tiring. I admired Jordan's cool drawing, told Matthew that wipes had soap in them to wash your hands (he LOVED the bubbles!), and shared in the discovery of a pad of achievement slips - so we AREN'T supposed to photocopy them! Also let Jason and Amos use my calculator while Danny told them that he did private math tutoring for free, and tried to smell Andrew's raspberry cooler breath which Golden said was gross. I couldn't smell anything, so perhaps that was just as well.
The guys gave me a cute blue CLASSY Beanie Baby from the store, which was sweet. That makes me think of the missed opportunity I had last year with the plastic Livestrong bracelets knock-offs that said LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, and other things! Told Benedict to move since he was blocking my view of the scores - he told Martin to do so as well. Now that I'm home, I see that Raymond sent me an Evite to next week's small group outing - hmm, okay! I'm getting into the candygrams that my sister gave me last week: cinnamon hearts, striped Hershey's Kisses, and heart gummies! No, this is not my dinner. :P
Labels: andrew, awana, blogs, bootybase, danny, eric m., evites, facebook, firefox, golden, ian, just say hi, korey, maxed-out tags limit, melia, morbid, msn, raymond, vivian s., wikipedia