LJ Testimonials: 16
GJ Testimonials: 24
Total Testimonials: 40Here are testimonials that various LJ and GJ people have written about me:
LJ people (16)1. Chris Hewitt (pianodude34): "In the love of meeting LiveJournal, I also became acquainted with a glowing_dragon. Her personification of the name "Tatiana" with "Wanderings" is sheer love. Her persistency of replying to comments is addicting, and altogether glowing_dragon is worthwhile." (April 5, 2005... Tuesday)
2. Andre (unsuspended): "Happy Birthday i??????? (Happy Birthday, Internet!)" (April 5, 2005... Tuesday)
3. Caitlin (harlicat): "glowing_dragon changed my life! Before I knew glowing_dragon, I was sad and alone. Now I am happy. Buy one today!" (April 5, 2005... Tuesday)
4. Ronnie R. (hopefulworeason): "glowing_dragon is as much fun as you can have with two bricks and a bag of sand!" (June 23, 2006... Tuesday)
5. Alex (indefinitetheca): "Because without the underscore, glowing_dragon would be pretty lame!" (June 23, 2006... Tuesday)
6. Alicia (dopshoppe): "glowing_dragon is so funky, her journal should come with a Speed Stick!" (June 23, 2006... Tuesday)
7. Jenna (atomic_goo): "When our grammar and spelling is off, glowing_dragon is always there to save the day." (June 23, 2006... Tuesday)
8. Jared Watts (smokedglass7429): "glowing_dragon has crabs... and clarified butter." (June 23, 2006... Tuesday)
9. Desiree (sunshine2607): "glowing_dragon rocks my bubble tea!" (June 23, 2006... Tuesday)
10. Janina Schmalfeldt (pinkfloyd63): "glowing_dragon always has the last word!!" (June 24, 2006... Saturday)
11. Chris Hoskins (dingo727): "glowing_dragon is the hottest LJer I've never seen a picture of." (June 24, 2006... Saturday)
12. Jasmine C. (surrey_sucks): "glowing_dragon is one of the most OCDL people I know!" (June 24, 2006... Saturday)
13. Jon (weatherguy80): "She is the queen of commenting." (June 24, 2006... Saturday)
14. Sara (axbesm_starr): "glowing_dragon is more fun than a barrel of monkeys *and* the best thing since sliced bread, all in one exciting package." (July 13, 2006... Thursday)
15. Billy Schmalfeldt (fdolarhyde13): "glowing_dragon cured me of my crabs!" (July 13, 2006... Thursday)
16. Matt To. (yaymatt): "You rock, and are definitely the queen of leaving comments. If you ever leave the beautiful confines of Vancouver (not that I know why you would) and are on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, let me know and we will go eat
spätzli. (recipe in French) *spinhugs* xoxo" (November 28, 2006... Tuesday)
GJ people (24)1. Emma (draugr): "Whee! This girl has the coolest icons I've ever seen. I mean, just look at her default icon. And plus, she is very sweet, and funny, and just all-around awesome. <33" (September 6, 2004... Monday)
2. Bob (urbad2): "A relatively new friend, but a doll! Talented, intelligent, loving, caring, humorous, just full of life. She has been a joy to know, and has become a wonderful friend." (September 28, 2004... Tuesday)
3. Ruben Fothergill-Brown (_manifesto): "Man. You're REALLY cool. And. I like you. And. Stuff." (October 17, 2004... Sunday)
4. Candy B. (xsimplyperfectx): "This girl rocks my socks... get to know her - you know you want to!" (December 19, 2004... Sunday)
5. Mary O'Malley (x0secrets0x): "You rock, I swear you make me feel good a lot. Thank you for being a good friend, honey." (December 24, 2004... Friday)
6. Cassie Needham (august_nbethany): "Testimonial #6! Wooo!! You rock, way to go!" (December 30, 2004... Thursday)
7. Billie E. (mrgrim): "This girl rocks. Plain and simple. If I didn't add her, I wouldn't be laughing as much about some things as I would be now that I have! ♥ <3333333 mrgrim" (January 7, 2005... Friday)
8. Nicole Mackowiak (yakusoku_shouri): "You have such a good heart and are always willing to help everyone out... Plus, you take so many quizzes, no one else has to look for them.. Thanks!!!~" (February 15, 2005... Tuesday)
9. Emma (sarcasm_): "I love you like a fat kid loves cake! ;*" (February 15, 2005... Tuesday)
10. Mareah (lies_that_lie): "Aw. I love her! She's sweet, smart, and funny. She listens and has such a big heart. Everyone should add her as their friend. :) ♥ Mareah" (March 13, 2005... Sunday)
11. Chris W. (garould): "Hilarious! A wonderful personality and I agree with another user, her icons definitely made me smile and laugh. I also applaud her for being able to cope with her CP. I love you!" (March 20, 2005... Sunday)
12. Jeremy S. (jremymb): "I love reading her entries. She is very entertaining and has a great personality. Reading her entries always keeps me up to date in current events and also quizzes. <33" (March 23, 2005... Wednesday)
13. Mareah (cuddles___): "She's cute and fun and knows how and when to listen. I love her so much! ♥ Mare" (April 10, 2005... Sunday)
14. Courtney R. (bjornskjold): "I love reading Leslie's (I hope I spelled that right!) journal. She has a great sense of humor and always has fun quizzes and stuff in her entries. Plus, she's a Virgo, which automatically makes her awesome." (April 30, 2005... Saturday)
15. Kyle Napier (oncewas): "Leslie is DEFINITELY cool as Hell and even though her entries are long as f*ck - they're definitely entertaining and mind-provoking, something definitely lost in society! Way to go! Everybody add her!" (June 15, 2005... Wednesday)
16. Tobi (candiies): "Leslie is really funny and awesome! Even though her entries are a little long, they are definitely worth reading! She's the best! ♥" (August 14, 2005... Sunday)
17. Carmen (female_anatomy): "You're a funny person with great entries. I'm glad I got to know you and am looking forward to knowing you more! ♥" (October 20, 2005... Thursday) (and then she took me off her friends list on May 1, 2006 [Monday] for no reason that I know of... go figure!)
18. Faye R. (im_just_a_girl): "Such a lovely, sweet person and great co-moderator with a really good, frequently updated journal too. I'm really glad to be her friend. xx" (February 12, 2006... Sunday)
19. Jade (itmakesmesick): "Your entries may be long, and there's lots of 'em! But they're all great and I enjoy reading them. And you find all the best surveys! I'm glad we are GJ friends. =]." (June 20, 2006... Tuesday)
20. Cat (falsemirrors): "I don't know you very well, but I already know that you rock. I love reading your journal, and you always have lots of quizzes to steal. I hope that I can get to know you better. ♥" (July 9, 2006... Sunday)
21. Kathy L. (kat15lee): "Her name says it all... she's a flamer, but a very entertaining one. Thank you for always replying to my comments. And I love reading your journals, they're a hoot!" (September 22, 2006... Friday)
22. Kaitlin O. (norsk): "The flammiest flam ever. [P.S. So sorry I like never comment on your entries at all. :x]" (October 31. 2006... Tuesday)
23. Billie E. (murse): "Leslie, dearest!!! I am so glad to have met you both in this website and outside it... we have some fun times and should go out more!! You're like the older sister I've never had, and you get me. Here's to more adventures! ♥ Billie" (November 18, 2006... Saturday)
24. Candy B. (candyxpants): "A wonderful Canadian gal! Lovely recipes, too! :)" (March 20, 2007... Tuesday)
RQ Testimonials: 49
Random_Musings Testimonials: 6
Total Testimonials: 55Here are testimonials that various GJ people have written about my communities:
RQ 21. Marylynn R. (yinyangscurse): "A complete space hog in the friends page, and sometimes a bit drama queen-esque... but often entertaining, and sometimes even thought-provoking!" (July 23, 2004... Friday)
2. Angela (girlwiththehat): "I like questions. :)" (July 30, 2004... Friday)
3. Mia (miaroo324): "I love it... it's always updated and it's interesting. :)" (July 31, 2004... Saturday)
4. Kathy (zipzu): "Really nice to see what people will say." (August 1, 2004... Sunday)
5. Vicki (tigers_eye13): "This place is awesome! It's so great! I love it so damn much!" (August 4, 2004... Wednesday)
6. Kelly (blink_x_182): "A great community to ask stupid questions & get stupid answers. =) But it's an awesome community, nonetheless!" (August 4, 2004... Wednesday)
7. Whitney (whitnaaaaay): "Wow, I love this place... it's so fun just to answer random questions and get yours answered. :)" (August 5, 2004... Thursday)
8. Anasia (forever_unsaid): "This is one of the most interesting communities that's ever found me... you guys rock!" (August 11, 2004... Wednesday)
9. tinmanthegreat: "Prepare to have your questions answered!" (August 12, 2004... Thursday)
10. Mike D. (mrd488): "Awesome community. Very interesting, frequently updated!" (September 1, 2004... Wednesday)
11. Meg (magesticfaith): "I love Randomness, and I seem to get a lot of mental stimulation from all the random questions I get to think about and answer. This community is great!" (September 8, 2004... Wednesday)
12. Samantha (gettin_it_out): "This community is so much fun! You can ask the most random questions, and they always get answered! =] I love you guys!!" (September 11, 2004... Saturday)
13. Chicherina (chicherina): "Cool community... you should really join it. You get to ask all kinds of questions. Haha." (November 7, 2004... Sunday)
14. Mareah (lies_that_lie): "Very cool community. Any questions can be asked, and any questions can be added. Awesome job, guys! Mare" (November 21, 2004... Sunday)
15. Amy (dollyface): "Great time-waster, and mind-bender of a community. If you ever need to know something strange and bizarre, this place is a godsend." (December 5, 2004... Sunday)
16. Beverly (_tequilasunrise): "rq_version2 rocks my entire sock drawer." (December 7, 2004... Tuesday)
17. dead_letters: "Still not figured out how to post in it yet, but it seems great! x" (December 13, 2004... Monday)
18. Dana (candies2009): "I can't live a day without RQ2. It's awesome. Who needs friends when you have RQ? Dana" (December 31, 2004... Friday)
19. Shauna (morbid_otaku): "rq_version2 rox my sox! kick arse! \m/" (January 1, 2005... Saturday)
20. Amber (___amber): "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<333333333 x 235583234" (January 9, 2005... Sunday)
21. Chastity (romanticidal): "Do random questions annoy you? *walks away* " (January 18, 2005... Tuesday)
22. Analiz (countrymusicrox): "this is a good community, keep asking questions" (February 25, 2005... Friday)
23. Tiffany (tifferz): "Great place to ask and answer any sort of questions. I ♥ this community." (April 5, 2005... Tuesday)
24. Liz (lizxo35): "OMG, I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY! YOU SHOULD SO JOIN!!! It's awesome how you can ask the most random questions, and get like a ton of answers! Some people are quite interesting, too. JOIN, PEOPLE!! <333" (April 11, 2005... Monday)
25. Mary W. (doyouloveme): "Basically, this community is like OMG the best!" (April 12, 2005... Tuesday)
26. Brittany (x_breakdown): "Much love to the mods! Love the random questions - they make me laugh. So keep asking, all you wonderful members... as will I! haha" (April 12, 2005... Tuesday)
27. akerlicious: "awesome community! ♥ ak" (April 30, 2005... Saturday)
28. nuclei: "This place's got all the answers, man. Really." (May 18, 2005... Wednesday)
29. Jessica (jessica218): "you guys are fricken sweet!!" (June 13, 2005... Monday)
30. Serena (phoenixxcore): "The most random community with the nicest random people around. :) random questions = love!" (June 25, 2005... Saturday)
31. anotherfable: "I have to say I am a very stubborn, odd person. But, at least here I can feel that someone agrees with me." (June 27, 2005... Monday)
32. Lindsay (cali_dreamin): "Gotta love it here. You should join now! :)" (July 19, 2005... Tuesday)
33. hits_ofsunshine: "This community is so much fun. I'm glad I found it! :)" (July 28, 2005... Thursday)
34. Desiree (arethekidssafe): " OMFG, this community has answered so many questions I have. I LOVE IT!!" (August 1, 2005... Monday)
35. Marie (_sweetmorphine): "RQ2 is like WHOA. There's always an interesting question. Never a dull moment. No holds barred. Some of the nicest, smartest, most fascinating people around. Nothing but love, randomness, and too much free time. LOVING IT! <3" (August 2, 2005... Tuesday)
36. Alex (_askingforit): "Takes up all my friends page. :P But it's a great community. There's always a question to answer, and any questions you have will be answered!" (August 11, 2005... Thursday)
37. Candace (limegreenangel1): "OMG, I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCH! I CAN ASK WHATEVER, AND THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEONE TO ANSWER!" (September 5, 2005... Monday)
38. Jeni (killmelater): "Best mods and members on GJ." (September 7, 2005... Wednesday)
39. Lauren (loopylolly): "A friendly and close community. xx" (September 29, 2005... Thursday)
40. girrrlpleasedie: "Awesome community! So much fun! ♥" (October 15, 2005... Saturday)
41. Rinny (soylentgreen): "Best question community ever. The only reason I come to GJ." (November 4, 2005... Friday)
42. Mystique (trippin_breezy): "Constantly being updated, and always interesting. I love it!! :D" (November 12, 2005... Saturday)
43. migranes: "great advice, when i need it most. ♥" (November 21, 2005... Monday)
44. Abi (emo_snail): "00 random questions just got better" (December 2, 2005... Friday)
45. Sarah (danceswithwind): "Very useful, and totally awesome community ^_^ So join it =P " (January 3, 2006... Tuesday)
46. Margaret B. (biitchinbabi17): "This has to be the best community on GJ. It's very useful when you're confused about something. All you have to do is ask a question, and within at least an hour, you have your answer. You guys rock!" (April 17, 2006... Monday)
47. Jolene (fucksauce): "Best community ever! ♥ ♥" (July 31, 2006... Thursday)
48. Brittany M. (yourchemicals): "This place answers virtually EVERY question I ask, within the hour! :D It's amazing." (September 1, 2006... Friday)
49. Hayley R. (thesurgeon): "I've been a member of this community for longer than I care to remember (under many usernames ;D) There *is* a reason why I keep coming back, y'know?" (November 16, 2006... Thursday)
Random_Musings1. Mandy (manda48): "Very cool community to just go and rant or rave about something random. What a great idea!! Being the random person that I am, I love it! Keep up the good work!! ~A <3" (September 23, 2004... Thursday)
2. Hope B. (wannabe_agent): "Random Musings!! w00t! It 0wnz you!!!" (October 19, 2004... Tuesday)
3. Brianna (thellort): "Wow, I think this community might be the best idea ever... Randomness is what I do best, it's great to meet other random people!" (June 24, 2005... Friday)
4. Aimee (harvest_falling): "Great site right here." (August 31, 2005... Wednesday)
5. Kaitlin O. (triptastic): "the place to put stuff people wouldn't normally think of, I suppose." (September 1, 2005... Thursday)
6. girrrlpleasedie: "great community ♥" (April 1, 2006... Saturday)
You Are 51% Indie |
 You're pretty indie, but you don't make a fuss letting everyone know. You just do what you like. You enjoy many types of things - from trendy to bizarre. |
You Are Beer! |
 You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars. More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends. And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper. But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!" |
Labels: alex, andre, billie, blogthings, bubble tea, chris, gj, jared, jasmine, jeremy, jessica, kaitlin, kelly, liz, lj, mary, matt, maxed-out tags limit, ocdl, testimonials