Courtesy of Janina:
Lots of celebrities' changed namesSabina found a site that she thought I might like, since she thinks it's cute and knows I like copy-pasting stuff into my journal: Create your avatar at
Zodiac Doll, choose your zodiac sign, and paste it on your personal webpage / blog / profile. Whenever you visit your page, your horoscope will be updated with the latest information.
Girl Confessions, from Candy via Myspace bulletin:
If you're female, mark all those that apply to you and post as "Girl Confessions."
If you're a guy, do the same and post as "Guy Confessions."
Girl Confessions
[x] I'm straight.
[] I'm gay.
[] I'm bi.
[] I'm kinda easy.
[] I do wear makeup.
[] When I walk by mirrors, I can't help but look.
[] When I walk by mirrors, I like what I see.
[x] When I walk by mirrors, I hate what I see.
[] I wear a bra to bed.
[] I wear boxers / boy shorts to bed.
[x] Occasionally, I sleep naked.
[] I wear toenail polish.
[] I have cried at a movie theater.
[] I've purposely talked to a guy my boyfriend didn't like.
[x] I love chocolate-covered pretzels.
[x] Getting a flower makes me smile, especially if it's for no reason.
[] I've wrecked a car.
[x] I can't put mascara on without opening my mouth.
[x] I'd do anything for that special guy.
[x] I get jealous easily.
[x] I love hugging.
[x] I've gotten a detention.
[] I've gotten suspended.
[] I've gotten expelled.
[x] I love to laugh.
[x] I like rock.
[x] I like death / grind / black metal.
[] I like rap.
[] I like techno.
[x] I carry a purse everywhere.
[x] I carry a bag everywhere. (if my knapsack counts, haha)
[] I'd be lost without my cell phone.
[x] I'd be lost without my iPod / mp3 / CD player / computer.
[] I own / did own a Spice Girls CD.
[] I own / did own a Britney Spears CD.
[] I own / did own a boy band CD.
[] Football isn't boring.
[] I love athletic boys.
[x] I love skater guys.
[x] I love punk guys.
[] I love gangsta guys.
[] I love emo guys.
[x] I love gothic guys.
[x] I love guys with long hair.
[x] Guys are confusing.
[] I've cheated on someone before.
[x] I've been called a slut.
[x] I've been called a bad influence.
[x] Lip gloss is better than lipstick.
[] I can't leave the house without makeup.
[x] I just don't like to be in front of people. (sometimes)
[] I play video games, even when there are other people around.
[x] My friends are the best, and they're important to me.
[x] I would do anything for my friends.
[] I am going out with a certain someone right now.
[] I am not going out with anyone, but I am with someone.
[] I smoke way too much.
[] I drink way too much.
[] I have a tattoo.
[] I have piercings other than my ears.
[x] I have been to more than 5 concerts.
[x] I have a stuffed animal(s).
[] I have cheated on someone just to make them dump me first.
Guy Confessions
[] I'm straight.
[] I'm gay.
[] I'm bi.
[] I play video games.
[] I wear boxers to bed.
[] I've slept naked.
[] I've thrown rocks at a girl's window.
[] I've drank because I felt like it.
[] I still beat my buddies up.
[] But, of course, they never beat me up.
[] I've been in a fist fight.
[] And won.
[] I own a car.
[] I own a truck / SUV.
[] My friends and I make fun of each other.
[] I have a job.
[] I currently have a girlfriend.
[] I think about a girl.
[] Girls are complicated.
[] I get jealous easily.
[] I'm cocky.
[] I can dance.
[] I've forgotten to return a phone call to a girl... or a few.
[] I'd do anything for my / a girl.
[] I tend to be shy around some girls.
[] I've acted like an ass on purpose.
[] I play hard to get.
[] I aspire to one day be like the guys from
Old School.
[] I'm in love.
[] I've honked at a girl going down the road.
[] I've hit on a girl in public.
[] I've asked a hot girl that I just met for her number.
[] I've cheated on someone before.
[] Sports overrule everything.
[] I like death / grind / black metal.
[] I like rock music.
[] I like rap music.
[] I like emo music.
[] I like techno at parties and listening to my mp3 player / CDs.
[] I like techno only at parties.
[] I can't stand techno.
[] I've been expelled.
[] I've been suspended.
[] I've gotten detentions.
[] I wear / have worn eyeliner because I wanted to.
[] I have a tattoo.
[] I have piercings.
[] I smoke way too much.
[] I drink way too much.
[] I respect what she has to say.
[] And yes, I actually care about how her day went.
You're a wildass party kid. You've loved music and making it since you were 5. I bet you're a hottie. :) |
Take this quiz at |
You are the evil monster maniac war demon SKELETOR! You spend your time fighting Dolph Lundgren and trying to look pretty! (ever since that horrific face-melting incident) |
Take this quiz at |
You are... a best friend Sue! |
Best friend Sues aren't as common as the others. Either they are their eventual love interest's childhood friend or they get to know them, and through quite a bit of angst and accidental kisses, you find you both love each other. You are kind, pretty, funny, and charming. |
Take this quiz at |
Straight as a board |
You love the ladies! There is no way you're gay! And if you noticed that rhymed and you're laughing, then retake the test! |
Take this quiz at |
Actually, I
don't love the ladies (at least in THAT way), but whatever. :P
Labels: alcoholic drinks, candy, computer, football, friends, games, gay, janina, mark, matt, maxed-out tags limit, music, myspace, names, phone calls, quiz heaven, sex, sleep, sue, war