Conversations with Erik: December 16 to 31, 2004
flamsterette_x (6:15:13 PM): Which is absolutely stupid.
aryk29 (6:15:27 PM): Agreed!
aryk29 (6:16:29 PM): Shall I retry sending the deranged sample?
flamsterette_x (6:17:27 PM): I can send files to people on AIM / ICQ / MSN... just not YM.
flamsterette_x (6:17:33 PM): Sure.
flamsterette_x (6:17:41 PM): As long as you don't mind Merzbow.
aryk29 (6:17:57 PM): :D
flamsterette_x (6:19:00 PM): Sending you the long one first.
aryk29 (6:19:08 PM): This is a clip of Rodeo by Aaron Copland... first the original, and then the deranged.
aryk29 (6:19:08 PM): ok
flamsterette_x (6:19:32 PM): Haha, "deranged" makes it sound like he did really strange things to the music.
aryk29 (6:19:50 PM): De-ranged.
flamsterette_x (6:20:06 PM): All right.
aryk29 (6:20:15 PM): Hear the difference?
flamsterette_x (6:20:27 PM): I got the first one already?! Wow..
aryk29 (6:20:36 PM): Think so.
flamsterette_x (6:20:49 PM): Must not be very big.
aryk29 (6:21:02 PM): 446 KB
aryk29 (6:21:16 PM): It's just a clip, not the whole song.
flamsterette_x (6:22:22 PM): Haha, makes sense. Mine will likely take an hour. :|
aryk29 (6:22:45 PM): Yup.
aryk29 (6:22:49 PM): Beef - it's what's for dinner. :D
aryk29 (6:23:23 PM): If my DSL doesn't go caput again
flamsterette_x (6:24:02 PM): Well, yeah.. always that possibility.
aryk29 (6:24:52 PM): So anyway, I have not only that song but also 1812 Overture and William Tell Overture (Lone Ranger theme) compressed / deranged if you're interested.
flamsterette_x (6:26:29 PM): Hahaha! Go, you! (memories!)
aryk29 (6:26:41 PM): ?
flamsterette_x (6:31:31 PM): I used to know someone who was OBSESSED with Tchaikovsky.
aryk29 (6:31:39 PM): Oh yeah?
aryk29 (6:32:03 PM): g2g be back in a little while. I'll leave Y! msgr run.
flamsterette_x (6:32:40 PM): Well, sort of. He used to collect all these scores, and hum the 1812 Overture a lot.
aryk29 (6:47:46 PM): da-dut-dut-dut-dut-dut-dut-daaaat-dut-duuuuuuh, da-dut-dut-dut-dut-dut-dut-daaaat-dut-duuuuuuh... :D
aryk29 (6:48:25 PM): haha, I gotta listen to that now... compressed, of course. :D
aryk29 (6:48:52 PM): brb
flamsterette_x (6:49:22 PM): haha, just remember the CANNONS! :P
aryk29 (6:49:39 PM): At the end of 1812 Overture?
flamsterette_x (6:53:16 PM): Or wherever they are, yeah.
aryk29 (6:53:30 PM): ic
aryk29 (6:54:23 PM): All the best classical has cannons or drums or percussion or something... no wandering aimlessly over a piano for me! Except Für Elise, of course.
flamsterette_x (6:55:29 PM): Hahaha, I used to play that one a lot.
aryk29 (6:56:12 PM): Do you like Jazz Suite Waltz #2 by Shostakovich? Or Bach's Brandenberg Concerto #3?
flamsterette_x (6:56:26 PM): Uh....... never heard of them.
flamsterette_x (6:56:30 PM): Ask Jon. :D
aryk29 (6:56:46 PM): Jazz Suite Waltz #2 is the theme song to Eyes Wide Shut.
aryk29 (6:57:29 PM): I know Star Trek isn't your thing, so you might not have ever heard Brandenberg Concerto #3.
aryk29 (6:57:49 PM): Vivaldi's Spring is nice too.
flamsterette_x (6:57:56 PM): Never seen EYES WIDE SHUT.
aryk29 (6:58:18 PM): Great movie.
flamsterette_x (6:58:42 PM): I bet my sister would agree with you.
aryk29 (6:58:57 PM): She a Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman fan?
flamsterette_x (6:59:37 PM): Kinda both.
aryk29 (7:00:03 PM): I really liked how Nicole played her role in that movie.
flamsterette_x (7:07:07 PM): Really?
aryk29 (7:07:24 PM): Yup. :D
flamsterette_x (7:07:39 PM): Okay.
aryk29 (7:08:24 PM): Do you know the song Adiemus, by the group of the same name?
flamsterette_x (7:08:38 PM): No.
aryk29 (7:09:19 PM): It's a great song! It was used in a commercial for some ferry or something (or maybe an airline) back in '94 or '95. It was new then.
aryk29 (7:10:26 PM): Alaska Cruise Lines? I'm thinking back a long time here and drawing a blank. Anyway, superb song.
flamsterette_x (7:10:53 PM): Right.
aryk29 (7:11:56 PM): I'm going to make a 1993-4 memory triggers playlist. I'll put Adiemus on there, Cranberries - Dreams, Enya - Orinoco Flow (Sail Away), Proclaimers - 500 Miles, Lisa Loeb - Stay...
flamsterette_x (7:20:28 PM): Haha, sounds good to me.
aryk29 (7:21:10 PM): I'm trying to get at AMG's site... it's completely messed up. Think I'll Pit them.
flamsterette_x (7:23:27 PM): Looks fine to me.
aryk29 (7:23:58 PM): Maybe I'll download Firefox then! :P
flamsterette_x (7:24:18 PM): Haha, I thought it might be the difference between browsers.
aryk29 (7:25:02 PM): It doesn't work with IE4 or IE5, and unless they fixed it since a couple months ago, it doesn't work with Opera 7 either. It does, however, work with IE6.
flamsterette_x (7:26:14 PM): k
aryk29 (7:26:24 PM): Is Firefox free?
flamsterette_x (7:27:08 PM): Vernon installed it on this computer, so perhaps. Go look 'round. :D
aryk29 (7:27:33 PM): k I will. The site just froze up Opera.

flamsterette_x (7:29:08 PM): Whoops.
aryk29 (7:29:38 PM): I found Firefox 1.0 for free download, 4.7MB shouldn't take long.
aryk29 (7:29:54 PM): 13% already. :D
flamsterette_x (7:30:02 PM): Okay then.
aryk29 (7:31:07 PM): Catapillar just finished...
aryk29 (7:31:45 PM): It's freaking out the cat. :D
flamsterette_x (7:32:13 PM): Hahaha.. maybe I'll send you the less-freaky one now.
aryk29 (7:32:21 PM): OK, go ahead.
flamsterette_x (7:41:41 PM): This should take less time.
aryk29 (7:42:10 PM): HAH! Looks like it worked! (allmusic on Firefox)
flamsterette_x (7:42:22 PM): :P
aryk29 (7:42:36 PM): :D
flamsterette_x (7:44:23 PM): See?
aryk29 (7:44:41 PM): Still finding my way around...
flamsterette_x (7:44:59 PM): k
aryk29 (7:47:24 PM): OK yeah, you're right... it is a good browser! Not as good as Opera's MDI format, tho. :D
aryk29 (7:49:58 PM): Removing scripts from saved copies of AMG's pages is a major pain, too.
aryk29 (7:51:46 PM): Oh, it is tabbed! w00t
flamsterette_x (7:59:34 PM): Tabbed?!
aryk29 (8:00:06 PM): Yeah, if ya right-click on a link, one of the options is open in new tab. Try it. :D
flamsterette_x (8:02:53 PM): Oh yeah, I got that by accident more than a few times.
aryk29 (8:03:08 PM): You never used that on purpose?
flamsterette_x (8:05:40 PM): Nah.
flamsterette_x (8:05:52 PM): Not to say it isn't a good thing, of course.
aryk29 (8:06:55 PM): Opera's browsing gives you the choice between Open In New Page and Open In Background Page. Very similar to the tabbed browsing, but with options. I'm spoiled. :D
flamsterette_x (8:07:13 PM): Haha, you are.
aryk29 (8:08:18 PM): Reebs is back!
flamsterette_x (8:10:29 PM): Song is finished! Whee!
flamsterette_x (8:10:37 PM): Me go back to Trillian.
aryk29 (8:10:46 PM): k
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 15 20:11:18 2004
aryk29: You're going to hate me.
flamsterette_x: What did you do, flame me all over Our Place / SDMB?
aryk29: No, I was going to send you another song just now.
aryk29: Ever hear of Suzanne Ciani?
flamsterette_x: Why would I hate you for that?
aryk29: 'Cuz you just switched back to Trillian.
flamsterette_x: (I actually thought you accidentally closed the download window)
flamsterette_x: So?
aryk29: So now I can't send it. Unless, what's the attachment size limit on your email service?
flamsterette_x: You can try sending it. See what happens.
aryk29: That Merzbow kinda reminded me of this.
aryk29: (Message is sending... slowly... it's 3.37 MB)
flamsterette_x: Oh, I meant through IM. But email is good too. :D
aryk29: I've tried sending files IM before while you're in Trillian. They never go through. I guess you never see 'em.
aryk29: It's almost sent anyway. :)
flamsterette_x: Yeah... JD tried sending me a RQ chat re-invite once a few days ago when he was in Trillian too. Didn't work.
flamsterette_x: (JD = someone else I know)
aryk29: Julian Date? :D
aryk29: JD2453355.6419?
flamsterette_x: no
flamsterette_x: JD = JohnnyDeeper
aryk29: ic. :D
aryk29: So, 'dja get the song yet? :D
flamsterette_x: Dunno.. I'll have to see if Graffiti is up yet. :P
flamsterette_x: Got it.
aryk29: And....? :D
flamsterette_x: Downloading it.
flamsterette_x: It's done. (well, it was done a while ago.. but I've been busy sorting things out with Jon / reading stuff on LJ / discussing GWAR with Corey... )
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: Sorry, I wasn't ignoring you!
aryk29: I know. :D
flamsterette_x: Good.
aryk29: You like it?
aryk29: (Lemme go stealth quicklike)
*** "aryk29" signed off at Wed Dec 15 21:16:00 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Wed Dec 15 21:16:05 2004.
aryk29: Friend of mine just came online and I have like 10 minutes before I have to zip, so can't have my ear bent for long periods of time. :D
flamsterette_x: Ah yes. I know how that is.
flamsterette_x: In order for me to determine if I like it, I have to listen to it first, yes? :)
flamsterette_x: Very interesting. Sounds a bit like classical music, and soothing.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Wed Dec 15 21:25:55 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Wed Dec 15 21:26:26 2004.
aryk29: g2g cu l8r
*** "aryk29" signed off at Wed Dec 15 21:27:56 2004.
flamsterette_x: seeya
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 15 21:28:30 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 17 17:42:16 2004
flamsterette_x: Broken.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 17 17:42:31 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 17 17:42:41 2004
aryk29: What's broken?
aryk29: (sheesh... Yahoo undid my status text. I really am reaching over a plate of food here)
flamsterette_x: Go eat, then!
aryk29: k thx :)
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 17 17:46:20 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 17 17:59:16 2004
aryk29: k I'm done eating.
*** You have been disconnected. Fri Dec 17 18:00:08 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Dec 17 18:04:06 2004.
flamsterette_x: and I had to call Diven :)
aryk29: ic. :)
flamsterette_x: so that's why I signed off.
aryk29: So didja like that Suzanne Ciani song? :D
flamsterette_x: it was interesting
aryk29: It's my favorite from that album. Her next album has a track that is just the most beautiful piano number, and I'm really not that familiar with her later stuff.
flamsterette_x: Sounds good.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Fri Dec 17 18:20:13 2004.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 17 18:23:48 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sat Dec 18 11:38:56 2004
aryk29: Hey, hi... sorry we got cut off again, but my DSL was out all night. Guess you're offline right now, but I'll try to be reachable off and on today. :) [Offline Message (Sat Dec 18 11:06:03 2004)]
flamsterette_x: Eh, I had to go eat and take a shower before going out, so it's all good.
Session Close (aryk29): Sat Dec 18 11:42:25 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sat Dec 18 11:42:41 2004
aryk29: :)
Session Close (aryk29): Sat Dec 18 11:42:45 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sat Dec 18 11:45:18 2004
aryk29: So what's broken?
flamsterette_x: Broken?!
aryk29: Yesterday, you said something was broken?

flamsterette_x: I did?
aryk29: That's what I thought.

flamsterette_x: I know my MSN seems to be borked on Trillian, but other than that.....
aryk29: Maybe that's what it was then.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, probably.
aryk29: Did you see this thread?
flamsterette_x: Never.
aryk29: cuz it's that easy to tell 'em apart? :D
flamsterette_x: That was in response to your question about whether I'd seen the thread.
flamsterette_x: And now that I look at the thread, it still stands.
aryk29: ic :D
aryk29: The SDMB used to be in a UBB format way back when... I know this 'cuz I was looking through GQ and there was this thread...
aryk29: Scared me at first cuz it was saying there was a problem with the board, and all the users were listed as Guest :O
aryk29: Then I noticed the OP was from 1999 and some newbie had bumped it so I reported the post
aryk29: and this morning I discovered the newbie's account had been deleted.
flamsterette_x: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
flamsterette_x: Oh, THOSE threads! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
aryk29: :D
aryk29: Anyway I think it was Tubadiva who said it was the UBB software acting up.
flamsterette_x: Sounds good.
flamsterette_x: That's always the explanation over there anyhow.. wouldn't expect anything less.
Session Close (aryk29): Sat Dec 18 12:11:47 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sat Dec 18 12:12:01 2004
aryk29: yep
aryk29: Although, since the link to the account was member.php?something about last post of thread such-and-such, I wonder if it was really just the post that was deleted and therefore it didn't know who Guest was to view profile.
flamsterette_x: Maybe.. you never know..
aryk29: I know how to find out...
flamsterette_x: What are you, a hacker?!

aryk29: Tried searching for the user's posts by name... I might be misremembering the name, though.
aryk29: (Funny, cuz I just used the term "h4xx0r slang" in another IM window. Synchronicity, I tells ya! :D )
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: k
aryk29: Had to test my free screensaver on an XP comp. :D
flamsterette_x: It's all good... I was trying to offer words of wisdom to some gay kid who's very annoyed at his SO's parents.
aryk29: @ the SDMB?
flamsterette_x: No, of course not at the SDMB. Remember what happened the LAST time I got involved in such stuff? (even though I am trying to change for myself, and not for my detractors)
aryk29: No, I must have missed that post.
aryk29: Just as well. :)
flamsterette_x: That was last September. But yes, just as well.
aryk29: LJ?
aryk29: Oh, last September. I'm thinking it's 2005 already.

flamsterette_x: HAHAHA, not quite. But it's good you're thinking about that..
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, LJ.
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: Found this "LoversFarAway" comm.
aryk29: I think you linked me to it not too long ago. Anyway, neat! :)
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I think so. But it's good. :)
aryk29: A year or two ago, I thought I was having an LDR with someone in the south.
flamsterette_x: And?
aryk29: She said she doesn't want an LDR. And she's also a Bush supporter. :p
aryk29: Oh, I didn't tell ya, I had a rite of passage recently at the SDMB! :D Somebody said something I posted caused them to spray their monitor with a beverage.
flamsterette_x: Ah, yes. Those things can be hard.
flamsterette_x: Is it true, though?
aryk29: It was Canadiangirl's comment, third from last in the thread. :D
flamsterette_x: I wasn't doubting your veracity. :P
aryk29: :D Is what true, then? :)
flamsterette_x: Whether she really did or not.
aryk29: Well, we flirted a lot at first and kept saying we'd go visit each other, but neither of us could ever afford to. So I guess she's telling the truth.
flamsterette_x: I was talking about CanadianGirl's assertion. But yeah.. I have a sneaking suspicion that's how mine will go too.
aryk29: Oh, about Canadiangirl... okay, yeah... I would imagine cuz it's just one of those type of things. :D Sorry to hear about your suspicions though. :(
aryk29: (I just reread the last several lines of dialog.

flamsterette_x: Haha, that'll do it. Maybe I'm too suspicious / cynical, but.... yeah. Oh well. :P
aryk29: Win the lottery. :D Or come to Vegas and win big. Although, if you can make it this far, you'd be halfway there... :p
flamsterette_x: Hahaha, true.
aryk29: So I'm halfway to where my friend is too.
flamsterette_x: I guess that's good..
aryk29: But what she's seen of me (photos) is of course just an image, and I haven't told her yet... not sure how or if it's a good idea.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, that's true. I wouldn't blame if you haven't told her about THAT yet.

flamsterette_x: ...... unless you weren't talking about THAT.
aryk29: No, I was. :)
flamsterette_x: Okay.
aryk29: Thought of sending her a pic of me in my other "mode" and asking, "Do you recognize this woman?" :D But no, not gonna do that.
flamsterette_x: Hahaha. That would probably be a bad idea. :P
aryk29: Although it'll be nice when I do have such a pic, to post it sometime when an SDMB picture thread is going on.
flamsterette_x: If you ever do, let me know.
aryk29: Sure. :)
*** "aryk29" signed off at Sat Dec 18 13:37:22 2004.
flamsterette_x: Sorry, doing up an entry on death. Talk to you later.
Session Close (aryk29): Sat Dec 18 13:37:35 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 19 20:50:24 2004
aryk29: Boo! :D
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am not here... I am elsewhere...
flamsterette_x: And Merry Christmas to you too.
aryk29: Have you been able to get to OurPlace lately?
flamsterette_x: I'm on it now.
aryk29: It's giving me a network problem (same as "cannot find server").
flamsterette_x: Weird.
flamsterette_x: Okay, what weird stuff have you done to your computer lately?
aryk29: Installed Firefox. :D
aryk29: Site comes up okay on your computer?
flamsterette_x: Yes, of course.
aryk29: Can't find it on Firefox either, so it isn't the browser. It's Our Place, right?
aryk29: Must be a glitch in the communications somewhere.

flamsterette_x: Yes, it is.
aryk29: Well, just wanted to check with ya to see if it was the site itself or what. :)
flamsterette_x: Site is fine in Mozilla.. for me.
aryk29: Well, hopefully I'll be able to get back to it before my DSL goes out again. :p
flamsterette_x: Been sketchy?
aryk29: Been off more often than on today and yesterday. We found out why, too.
flamsterette_x: Oh?
aryk29: We've been getting a 49% signal strength. Seems 49% is very low for wireless reception.
flamsterette_x: Fair enough.
aryk29: So what we need to do now is go get one of those amplified antennas for the receiver, and we were going to do that today, but decided to procrastinate instead. :p
flamsterette_x: Ah, procrastination.... necessary.
aryk29: I'll procrastinate later. :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, right after I finish looking at sucky pictures.

aryk29: What sucky pictures?
flamsterette_x: Richie Rich porn!
flamsterette_x: Don't blame me, it's Corey's link. :P
aryk29: rotflmao!

aryk29: Teehee, slime. :D
flamsterette_x: SLIME?!
flamsterette_x: What are you doing, watching You Can't Do That On Television?
aryk29: No, but I used to watch that way back in the day. :D No, I was reading the comics.
flamsterette_x: Ah. I see.
aryk29: Corey is a guy?
flamsterette_x: Of course. You ever hear of any GIRLS named Corey?
aryk29: I have a niece named Cory. :P
aryk29: So, yes.
flamsterette_x: Ah, parents and naming their kids. :P
aryk29: Hey, that's my sis you're talking about. :P But yeah, you're right. :D
flamsterette_x: Well.... EXCUSE ME. :P
aryk29: :)
aryk29: So I just consider it yet another name that can be either.
flamsterette_x: Kori, perhaps.. my friend Lauren's sister is named that.
flamsterette_x: But eh.. even Corey / Cory for a girl is much better than certain names I've seen.
aryk29: I used to know a guy named Laury. Why, what else have you seen?
flamsterette_x: a sampling
aryk29: Still not going through. Is it the thread where you switched the boys' and girls' names?

aryk29: brb
*** You have been disconnected. Sun Dec 19 21:46:51 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Sun Dec 19 21:49:06 2004.
aryk29: Had to do up an Xmas list.
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am not here... I am elsewhere...
flamsterette_x: Good luck with that. :P
aryk29: thanks, I'll need it.
flamsterette_x: I'm pretty much done, except for Rosanna... she gave me something today, which I wasn't expecting. Oh well, her birthday's on Saturday.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Sun Dec 19 22:04:15 2004.
flamsterette_x: FINE THEN.
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Dec 19 22:11:22 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 19 23:03:03 2004
aryk29: Now, you know it's just my sucky DSL. :p
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am not here... I am elsewhere...
flamsterette_x: Right.
flamsterette_x: Haha, I know.
aryk29: So where were we... oh yeah, Xmas lists.
flamsterette_x: Yeah.
aryk29: Sorry, I was posting to my hangman thread.
flamsterette_x: your hangman thread?!
aryk29: Yeah, I started a hangman thread on another MB. :)
flamsterette_x: Ah.
aryk29: That's the one where I solved when someone else was trying to solve, and then when he left out a letter in his puzzle, he got apologetic and vowed never to return. Hasn't returned, either. :(
flamsterette_x: Oh, that one. :P
flamsterette_x: Some people may be really sensitive?
aryk29: I guess. I'm just letting bygones be bygones, and one of these days I'll have the opportunity to show that there's no hard feelings on my end. :)
aryk29: And OP still won't come up over here!
flamsterette_x: Works here.
aryk29: SDMB and BABB, no problems though.
flamsterette_x: BABB?
aryk29: You haven't seen my new avatar yet.
flamsterette_x: You mentioned you were going to link.. ah yes. Here we go.
aryk29: A bunch of us did Santa hats on our avatars. :D
flamsterette_x: Only now? Hahaha!
aryk29: rolandgunslinger, Horseflesh, sperfur...
aryk29: Flutterby
aryk29: paperkingdoms (Erika on the SDMB)
flamsterette_x: Erika? Hahaha.
aryk29: Yup. I pointed her to Shirley Ujest's username suggestions thread at the SDMB but she said no need.
flamsterette_x: Are you sure it's not you under another identity? ;)
aryk29: I would never use that name! :D Can't stand the sound of it, remember? ;)
aryk29: You have seen Shirley's thread, right? (Did I link you to it already?)
flamsterette_x: Hm. Let's see.
aryk29: BTW, can you see this image okay?
flamsterette_x: Saw the thread.
flamsterette_x: Dead horse?! Ack.
aryk29: k thanks
aryk29: Something very wrong with my connection because that link also gives me a cannot find server.
flamsterette_x: Hm. Weird.
aryk29: Yup.
aryk29: I'm going to call it a night soon... it's very uncomfortable sitting here, but the reason is maybe just a little TMI.
flamsterette_x: Uh..... what did you do, burn yourself? :P
aryk29: hehe close.... razorburn.

flamsterette_x: Okay then.
aryk29: I should have been more careful with that thing. Eeyouch.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, probably.
flamsterette_x: I did NOT need to see that. Ugh.
aryk29: See what?
flamsterette_x: This.
aryk29: *gulp* clicks link reluctantly
aryk29: Merry Goatse-mas to you too. :p
aryk29: Well, at least it doesn't have razorburn. :D
flamsterette_x: EW
aryk29: So, ummm.... you ever seen those green laser pointers? I put one on my Xmas wish list this year. :D
flamsterette_x: No. If I had enough money for one and knew your address (no, I am not a stalker :P), I might have been inclined to get one for you.
aryk29: I think that'd be an awful big purchase anyway for someone you only know online. :)
aryk29: (The prices of those things have finally dipped below $100 US.)
flamsterette_x: Haha, that's true. The largest purchase I've ever done for someone I only know online is about $30 with tax, so far. That seems reasonable.
aryk29: That'd just about buy a cheapie red laser.
aryk29: But they make more than one wavelength of those, and you can tell the difference. :D
flamsterette_x: Okay then.
flamsterette_x: Going to bed now.. night. Talk to you tomorrow maybe.
Session Close (aryk29): Mon Dec 20 00:45:39 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 22 15:11:23 2004
aryk29: Still can't get at the MB. :(
flamsterette_x: Which?
aryk29: OP
aryk29: brb
aryk29: I tried sendin' 'em an email but I guess they don't check that inbox often.
aryk29: I'd like to be able to post a thread at Help Desk asking 'em to email me the IP address.
flamsterette_x: Hm.
aryk29: 'Cuz I think it might be a DNS server acting up; the URL doesn't resolve to an IP address.
flamsterette_x: Um...... I don't know anything about that.
aryk29: There's a way to find out from a command prompt.
aryk29: ping
aryk29: It should give the 4 numbers of the IP address.
aryk29: brb gotta tend to the cats for a miute...
flamsterette_x: And I'm supposed to know how to ping it? Hmmm.
aryk29: In your start menu, I dunno what OS you're using but in there somewhere is the Command Prompt.
flamsterette_x: XP
flamsterette_x: Found it.
aryk29: Then it's under Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.
aryk29: :)
flamsterette_x: So what do you want me to do?
aryk29: type ping
aryk29: & lemme know what the numbers are it sends back
flamsterette_x: All right.. let's see..
flamsterette_x: You don't need to know all the "ping statistics," do you:?
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 22 15:50:57 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 22 15:51:09 2004
aryk29: No, just the IP. TYVM! :)
aryk29: It isn't giving me the board yet, but I'll try a few things...
flamsterette_x: You're welcome. If there's anything else I can do, let me know.
aryk29: k
aryk29: Ooooh... I put the IP in my HOSTS file and it worked! w00000000t! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
aryk29: is screwy too... I'm going to try Photobucket while I'm at it.
aryk29: Photobucket works but isn't resolving.

flamsterette_x: Agh.. all these messages. Let's see.

flamsterette_x: Your HOSTS FILE?!
aryk29: yup
flamsterette_x: Well, whatever that is....
flamsterette_x: I'm GLAD it worked!
aryk29: It's a list of IP addresses and domains.
aryk29: Thank you! :)
aryk29: So far I have:
flamsterette_x: (typing up list of Christmas displays around the area for someone)
aryk29: k
flamsterette_x: Heh heh. The major props of gratitude aren't THAT necessary. ;) But glad to know I was able to help. :D
flamsterette_x: Resolving?
aryk29: Some knot head tampering with our electricity.

aryk29: WHen you go to a website, your browser sends out the URL to the DNS server.
aryk29: The DNS server looks at the domain name and finds out what its IP address is.
aryk29: Then the IP address is used to contact the site's server.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Wed Dec 22 16:23:57 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Wed Dec 22 16:24:01 2004.
aryk29: Here you go.
flamsterette_x: Ah, all right. Hang on.
*** You have been disconnected. Wed Dec 22 16:55:04 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Wed Dec 22 17:00:48 2004.
flamsterette_x: In the time it took me to type up that email (2 hours?!), I should have been planning to go to my parents' place. :|
flamsterette_x: Should actually have been there by now, because my sister gets home fairly soon. Oh well. My brother said things will happen later. Haha.
aryk29: Hey, you workin' yourself too hard for everyone else? ;)
flamsterette_x: Haha, well... you know us Virgos. ;)
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Knocking ourselves out to help people, haha. Overall a positive trait, but not if it interferes with our personal lives. :D
aryk29: Very true!
flamsterette_x: Heh.. "a friend." Cool, thanks. :D
aryk29: Didn't know if you wanted me to name you specifically. ;)
flamsterette_x: Haha, it matters not... but considering I just replied to the thread.....
aryk29: Thank ya much! :)
flamsterette_x: No problem!
flamsterette_x: What would you do if I said I wanted credit in the thread? (not that I necessarily do, of course)
aryk29: I'd happily oblige. :) Maybe edit my first post.
flamsterette_x: Your first post? You only have one in there, as far as I know.
aryk29: Two, now. ;)
flamsterette_x: And I can't spell. :P
flamsterette_x: Heh.. all right, will have to check that out then.
aryk29: meh, 'sok.
aryk29: k
flamsterette_x: Hmm.
aryk29: your postcount is 9666
flamsterette_x: I'll get away from the devil eventually. ;)

flamsterette_x: What's wrong with your connection?
aryk29: Wireless reception too intermittent, and DSL servers are without listings for some domains.
aryk29: (IOW, FUBAR)
flamsterette_x: Ah, that doesn't sound too good.
aryk29: Nope.
flamsterette_x: So how long has this been happening?
aryk29: Since the 18th, apparently... that was my last post until tonight.
flamsterette_x: Any idea why?
aryk29: No, but this connection has been nothing but trouble all along. Can't expect too much from life in an RV park, I guess. :p
flamsterette_x: I guess not. :P
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 22 17:39:31 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 23 20:44:57 2004
*** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will be received when he/she logs into Yahoo! Messenger.
flamsterette_x: Ugly underwear, old socks, and toilet paper... I don't know about you, dude, but that's funny as all get out! :D
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Dec 23 20:45:26 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 23 23:06:27 2004
aryk29: It was just one of those moments when something humorous happens to pop into my head. ;) Thank you! :)
flamsterette_x: Uh..... what are you talking about?
aryk29: The offline message you sent me.
flamsterette_x: Oh, that.
aryk29: :)
flamsterette_x: Hey, I was meaning to ask you: how did Nutty take your message?
aryk29: Supportive and very friendly. :)
aryk29: (I assume you mean *that* message)
flamsterette_x: Yes, THAT message.
flamsterette_x: What did she say?
aryk29: That if I should ever post about it, people will either be positive or say nothing, that the board is about accepting diversity, and that all of our longtime posters would be supportive.
flamsterette_x: That sounds about right.
aryk29: I'm just concerned that if someone (we'll say a new poster) was not supportive they might leave and I wouldn't want to be the one who "chased" them away.
aryk29: BTW, did you see this thread?
flamsterette_x: True.
flamsterette_x: Hm.
flamsterette_x: Saw it, and replied to it.
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Oh, and what IS that thing in the last line of your siggie?
aryk29: What, the Greek?
flamsterette_x: whatever that is
aryk29: It's a blatant admission of what I really am.

flamsterette_x: Yeah, but no one can read Greek. :P
aryk29: Except me. And most Greek people. And many scientists. ;)
flamsterette_x: I meant, at that board, silly goose. :P
aryk29: :D
aryk29: "anér" means a man; "gyné" means a woman; "ou... alla..." means not this but that, and "eimi" means I am.

flamsterette_x: (note: I would not actually do that :P)

aryk29: Well, I know you wouldn't... but if you did, I wouldn't exactly deny it or hide it. :p
aryk29: refuses to translate it from Greek, but translating from English gives a slightly different wording.
flamsterette_x: Haha, fair enough then.
flamsterette_x: Oh, and nice "hintage" in that thread. ;)
aryk29: :D
aryk29: Well, gee... I mean, c'mon... hates beer, knows nothing of cars, likes cats... :D
flamsterette_x: No, I mean the one that you linked me to.
aryk29: Yeah, I know. :)
aryk29: Guess I was just in the mood to summarize. :p
flamsterette_x: Haha.
aryk29: I don't even remember if I posted about my musical preferences... I know I said they resemble those of a 45-year-old, but not what kind of 45-year-old. :D
flamsterette_x: Go search.
aryk29: Too lazy. :p
flamsterette_x: Cheh.
aryk29: Besides, what would I search for... Journey? ABBA? Artists like Michael Bolton, Roberta Flack, Paul Davis, Firefall, and England Dan / John Ford Coley that have only one or a couple songs that I am familiar with... pretty sure I haven't posted about most of them anyway. :D
aryk29: Although if I go to the song lyrics thread and start posting Killing Me Softly and I Go Crazy, then... :p
flamsterette_x: I am disgusted!
flamsterette_x: Not at your music preferences.
flamsterette_x: At what I just read.
aryk29: What did you just read?
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: This.
aryk29: And the kid is only 13!? Sad, just unbelievably sad. :(

flamsterette_x: I know!
aryk29: I may never understand what motivates these people.
flamsterette_x: Just because the mom's a porn queen or whatever, doesn't mean she has the right to do that to her daughter... as if the drugs weren't bad enough.
aryk29: true.
aryk29: There's a thread at the SDMB somewhere about a poster's 12-year-old daughter going over by herself to another part of the store they were in, and some creep touched her on the butt.
*** You have been disconnected. Fri Dec 24 00:18:46 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Dec 24 00:21:19 2004.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 24 00:22:05 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 24 00:22:42 2004
aryk29: wb :)
flamsterette_x: thanks, got randomly dc'ed
aryk29: dc'ed?

flamsterette_x: yeah..
aryk29: disconnected
flamsterette_x: yup
aryk29: ah, ic
aryk29: Making Our Dreams Come True by Cyndi Grecco.
flamsterette_x: ?
aryk29: I *love* that song
aryk29: (It's the theme song to Laverne and Shirley. :D )

aryk29: I'm going to bed.

flamsterette_x: Haha, okay then.
flamsterette_x: Later.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 24 00:46:08 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 24 12:58:50 2004
*** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will be received when he/she logs into Yahoo! Messenger.
flamsterette_x: I hope Photobucket works for you. Here's the picture from the "Happy Holidays" thread.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 24 12:59:24 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 26 17:25:00 2004
aryk29: Yup, Photobucket works. Thank you for linking the holidays pic! That's a sweet sentiment. :)
flamsterette_x: haha, that's true, Eric.. very true
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: Oops. Wrong window. Talking to Eric about gastroenteritis. ;)
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Dec 26 17:26:11 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 26 17:28:34 2004
aryk29: Thought maybe you misspelled... gastroenteritis? Eww.
aryk29: (misspelled the name, I mean)
flamsterette_x: No, we were discussing my brother.
aryk29: ok
aryk29: BTW, I saw the hint you left in my 1000th post party thread. ;)
flamsterette_x: What hint?
aryk29: About getting to know me even better? :D
flamsterette_x: That was a hint?!
aryk29: I thought so, maybe not.

aryk29: Shows where my mind is. :p
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Dec 26 17:39:40 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 26 18:03:45 2004
flamsterette_x: Not everything I say is a hint, y'know. ;)
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Dec 26 18:04:12 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 26 18:04:51 2004

aryk29: True enough.
aryk29: Your status text said you were away from the computer, so I had gone and sat down in front of the TV.
flamsterette_x: Yeah.. trying for sleep is NOT working.

flamsterette_x: I told my brother I was catching up on my sleep, and he said I shouldn't be short on it. Well, when your sleeping schedule is interrupted....
aryk29: Do I ever know what that's like! Long story short, last night we all went to bed at about 9:30 or so. The online connection was down. I woke up at 1:30 in the morning and couldn't sleep, so I tried to get online again. Nothing. Went back to bed, woke up at 4:00. Still nothing. Went back to bed, woke up at 7:30. Zilch. Back to bed again, got up at a more reasonable hour, and later in the day, the online came back. Now it's nighttime again, all the boards are practically deserted, and I just want to curl up and go back to sleep.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, that does suck...
aryk29: OTOH, I took photos of my new green laser pointer :D and that starburst thingy I posted about in the Xmas gifts thread. Have to upload & post them sometime.
flamsterette_x: Okay.
aryk29: Well, looks like another friend has just come online and probably wants to bend my ear for a while. :D You have another chat going on? I'll stop tying up your monitor's real estate. :p
flamsterette_x: Haha.
flamsterette_x: No, surprisingly.
aryk29: Oh, okay. :D
flamsterette_x: I'm probably just a little spacey. And no, I don't mean I've changed my name to Kevin. :P
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Dec 26 18:31:07 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 26 18:35:21 2004
aryk29: Sorry, I was just in the middle of fighting ignorance. Change your name to Kevin?!?!?
flamsterette_x: Read the message again.
flamsterette_x: Then tell me that you understand.
aryk29: Oh, duh

flamsterette_x: I was setting it up to be kinda funny.

flamsterette_x: Well, don't let me wreck your serious mood then! ;)
aryk29: :D
aryk29: I'd link to the post, but it is about ahem... *that*
flamsterette_x: Ah.
aryk29: Somebody posted an uneducated opinion, and I can see the pile-on already.
aryk29: (foresee)
flamsterette_x: Not everyone can be educated about everything / THAT in particular, but I do know certain people at that board LOVE to do the Colorado Avalanche-Todd Bertuzzi thing.
aryk29: ???
aryk29: (Besides, this is the Straight Dope. :D )
flamsterette_x: Let me guess.. that went right over your head.
aryk29: Like an airplane.

flamsterette_x: After Todd Bertuzzi sucker-punched Steve Moore, the Avalanche players PILED ON both of them.
aryk29: Oh, duh.

flamsterette_x: Not only in one night, but in the space of 10 minutes. ;)
aryk29: :D
aryk29: It's 84° in here. Lousy heater that has to run making it swelter, and we're not allowed to open our windows. *grumble*
aryk29: There was a pile-on at another board recently.
flamsterette_x: Why can't you open your windows?
aryk29: Cuz it'd let the heat out.
flamsterette_x: Ah.
aryk29: You know how mothers are. ;)
flamsterette_x: So which board was it?
aryk29: SkipMagic's.
flamsterette_x: Haha, oh yes. All TOO well. ;)
flamsterette_x: Ah. Well, what happened?
aryk29: I naively posted about an incident with a bell ringer where in the spur of the moment, I muttered a comment about her needing to learn how to sing on key. Pretty lame, and a poor judgement call. Then TeaElle gets on and starts confronting me about how insensitive and socially unacceptable that was, and the little b@#$% practically turned my thread in poor Skip's MPSIMS type forum into a mini Pit.
flamsterette_x: Oops.
aryk29: Yup.
aryk29: Yeah, but live and learn, right? :)
flamsterette_x: Very true. :)
*** You have been disconnected. Sun Dec 26 18:57:33 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Sun Dec 26 19:05:29 2004.
flamsterette_x: I had to call my brother and give him some medical advice. ;)
aryk29: ah, ic
aryk29: Cat Laser. Christmas Star.
flamsterette_x: EWWWWW
aryk29: ???
flamsterette_x: The second picture's not so bad, but what are those red streaks in the first?
aryk29: I don't see any red streaks.

aryk29: There's an orange toy mouse, and a red-and-white sock.
flamsterette_x: That thing on the carpet is a toy mouse?!
aryk29: Yup. :D
flamsterette_x: I thought it was blood!
aryk29: Haha, no.
flamsterette_x: Shows you what I've been reading these days. :P
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Specifically, I almost finished a book called Kiss Me, Kill Me yesterday at the hospital.
aryk29: Novel equivalent of a horror movie?
flamsterette_x: No, a book by Ann Rule.
aryk29: Ah, nonfiction.
flamsterette_x: Yes.
aryk29: Sad stuff, from the sounds of the review. :(
flamsterette_x: Oh yes.
aryk29: (I'm playing around with doctoring the photo.)
flamsterette_x: Whatever you do, don't Goatse it up. ;)

aryk29: La cul la chatte is intact, as is the rest of the critter... however, that carpet is beyond repair. :D
flamsterette_x: Oh well.
flamsterette_x: Looks like it....
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Dec 26 19:34:09 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Dec 26 19:34:19 2004
aryk29: ?
flamsterette_x: Your carpet.
aryk29: Want I should send you the doctored pic? :D
flamsterette_x: Uh...... what have you done to it?
aryk29: A little dark humor.
aryk29: I put a great big stain with a ghost rising up out of it, and turned the laser blue.
flamsterette_x: Hm.
aryk29: A great big red stain. ;)
aryk29: (It was your message that gave me the idea. :D )
flamsterette_x: What?!
aryk29: You thought the mouse was blood.
flamsterette_x: Well, it LOOKED like blood....
aryk29: Yeah, if you split the original photo to RGB, in the G and B channels, it looks really dark... but in the R, it kinda blends in with the carpet. :D
aryk29: The pile-on has started. :(
flamsterette_x: Eek. Link?
aryk29: scroll down about halfway, to Martin Hyde's post, then read on...
flamsterette_x: BST?
aryk29: Basal stria terminalis or something like that.
aryk29: (I hope my reply to Martin wasn't too harsh)
flamsterette_x: Haven't got there yet. Just reading the page.
aryk29: ah, ic
aryk29: g2g Simpsons bcnu l8r
*** "aryk29" signed off at Sun Dec 26 19:55:52 2004.
flamsterette_x: k
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Dec 26 19:55:57 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 31 19:58:50 2004
aryk29: Hi. :) It's 7:58 PM New Year's Eve, and everyone at Our Place chat is asking about ya. :)
flamsterette_x: Not you, too.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 31 19:59:11 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 31 19:59:26 2004
aryk29: You want me to tell them to buzz off? :D
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 31 19:59:37 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 31 20:01:00 2004
aryk29: Or I can tell them you're busy. Phoe is about to call ya.
flamsterette_x: what?!
flamsterette_x: You aren't serious?!
aryk29: that's what she said
flamsterette_x: Hahahaha! That is too funny!
flamsterette_x: (Alyssa was trying to get me in there too.)
aryk29: I wasn't trying to get ya in... just lettin ya know they're talking about ya
aryk29: they said someone call ya... so I said here, let me

flamsterette_x: Haha, yeah... I know they're talking about me. Thanks, though.. you're too sweet. :)
aryk29: :)
flamsterette_x: You are. :D (and no, I am not drunk)
aryk29: me neither. :D
flamsterette_x: Um.. please tell them I'm doing a RECAP OF 2004 that is IMPORTANT, and I'll get back to them later.
aryk29: brb
aryk29: okay, I will
flamsterette_x: thanks
aryk29: ur welcome. bcnu l8r :)
flamsterette_x: k
flamsterette_x: By the way, I know you like quizzes. Why don't you post some? I can give you the links. ;)
aryk29: send 'em by email maybe. :)
flamsterette_x: You can even start the threads at OP if you want. How's that? I'm sure people are sick of seeing my name as the thread-starter there. :P
aryk29: lo well id id stqart one not too long ago :p
flamsterette_x: Are you hitting the sauce?
aryk29: not yet
aryk29: trying to multitask y msgr and op chat
flamsterette_x: Never mind. I'll start them all.
aryk29: okay :)
flamsterette_x: I have 'em all saved in Notepad. :P
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: If you really want to keep THAT a secret, do NOT take the one I just posted.
aryk29: what did you post, the moir-jessel brain sex test? :p
flamsterette_x: haha, no
flamsterette_x: go and see
aryk29: okay
aryk29: who are you inside, for girls only?
flamsterette_x: (as the shepherds were told)
aryk29: maybe I'll get up the nerve to come out first, then go take the test :p
flamsterette_x: Hahaha, yeah.
aryk29: but if Viper takes it just to be spiteful, I ain't waitin' :D
flamsterette_x: Well, he probably will.
aryk29: maybe if they tease me about it, I'll put up my other avatar. :D
flamsterette_x: AIYA
aryk29: you haven't seen my new years avatar yet, have ya?
flamsterette_x: I've seen the one of you as a girl.
aryk29: the blood red sky is a U2 reference :D
flamsterette_x: Yes, I caught that.
aryk29: you saw the one with the city background? how about the evergreens and Santa hat? oh, okay
flamsterette_x: Oh, and don't take the last quiz I posted.

aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Well, you COULD.... if only to see what dresses you'd look good in. :P
aryk29: and maybe someday that will be a helpful piece of info

flamsterette_x: hahaha, maybe
aryk29: I'll betcha it'll tell me the same thing as that where's your beauty quiz
aryk29: (and I thought that cartoon gal was hot)
flamsterette_x: Haha, it might.
flamsterette_x: There isn't anyone left, right?
aryk29: just me and angelize
flamsterette_x: Oh, oops.
aryk29: oops, what?
flamsterette_x: Never mind, I missed almost everyone.
aryk29: oh well, it's not too late to catch me and her! :D
flamsterette_x: Haha.
flamsterette_x: I've been missing people right, left, and centre nowadays. Methinks I should have better aim. ;)

flamsterette_x: Heh.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 31 23:21:20 2004
Labels: alyssa, comics, computer, conversations, erik, gay, lisa, lyrics, martin, maxed-out tags limit, michael, nicole, our place, paul, restarts, sdmb, smileys, steve b., suzanne, ym