Appreciation in spades / Overdoing poo
Hey, this card from the guys is nice... it even has a photo of them on the back! It includes messages from Eric (about being more sane :P), Kevin, Richie, Chuck, Raymond, Johnny, Randal (surprisingly), Nathan, Jeremy, Martin, Phil, and Dylan. This thing JUST restarted... I guess I should go to bed now, but it's still annoying!
Poo nugget for this weekend: Poo-Phoria: Can You O.D.? (Over-Doodie) - The stool "high" that contributes to the feeling of "poo-phoria" is relatively safe, but can become an addiction for those who can willfully reproduce the sensation. The distention of the rectum that occurs with the passing of a large mass of stool causes the vagus nerve to fire. The net effect of this is a drop in your heart rate and blood pressure, which in turn decrease blood flow to the brain. When mild, the light-headedness can lend a sense of sublime relaxation; "the high." A more significant drop in brain perfusion can cause "defecation sycope," a dangerous syndrome that results in a transient loss of consciousness; the O.D. Poo of the Month!
Poo nugget for this weekend: Poo-Phoria: Can You O.D.? (Over-Doodie) - The stool "high" that contributes to the feeling of "poo-phoria" is relatively safe, but can become an addiction for those who can willfully reproduce the sensation. The distention of the rectum that occurs with the passing of a large mass of stool causes the vagus nerve to fire. The net effect of this is a drop in your heart rate and blood pressure, which in turn decrease blood flow to the brain. When mild, the light-headedness can lend a sense of sublime relaxation; "the high." A more significant drop in brain perfusion can cause "defecation sycope," a dangerous syndrome that results in a transient loss of consciousness; the O.D. Poo of the Month!
Labels: 2009, cards, chuck, fellowship, itamar, jeremy, johnny, kevin, martin, maxed-out tags limit, memes, nathan, page-a-day, photos, pictures, poo, raymond, restarts, vivian s., wordscraper
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