Survey from my sister
1. What time did you get up?: Today? Around 12:40, but that was because I stayed up till 3 AM talking to Corey and doing random things on the interweb. Normally, I get up around 11 or earlier though. :P
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?: Old friends that I need to reconnect with... yeah, sounds about right. :P
3. Gold or Silver?: Silver!
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
5. What is your favorite TV show?: Not sure if I have a fave right now... random stuff is always good. ;)
6. What did you have for breakfast?: Spicy ramen udon for brunch.. very good stuff!
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with?: Certain people who make my life a living hell.
8. What / Who inspires you?: Wish I could come up with an answer to this question...
9. What is your middle name?: Chi Wah.
10. Beach, city or country?: Beachy city! :P
11. Favorite ice cream?: Cookie dough!
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn?: Butter!
13. Favorite color?: Blue / purple / black.
14. What kind of car do you drive?: No license, no drive. :P
15. Favorite sandwich?: Cheddar, sausage, pickle, and jam? Man, my sister's really weird! :P As for myself, I'll eat almost anything.. comes from growing up in a Chinese household. ;) But I do like ham and cheese. (so pedestrian!)
16. Favorite Flower?: Hahaha, I like my sister's answer! I'd say roses, too. (I don't think for myself :P)
17. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would it be?: Someplace in Europe.. with culture, romance, and adventure!
18. What color is your bathroom?: Beige.
19. Favorite brand of clothing?: I'm not brand-conscious at all. :P
20. Where would you retire to?: I like Spoz's answer he gave once.. on a trippy little Jamaican island with plenty of people and stuff to do!
21. Favorite day of the week?: Fridays and Saturdays.
22. What did you do for your last birthday?: Met Yazmine at City Square mall, met a few of my friends at Cactus Club, and then went to Dragon Ball for bubble tea later on. Fun times! :D
23. Where were you born?: Vancouver General Hospital.
24. Favorite sport to watch?: Hockey, I guess. Maybe some baseball, too.
25. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?: Nobody, since I'm not sending it off!
26. Person you expect to send it back first?: See above answer.
27. What fabric detergent do you use?: Don't have any.
28. Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi.. I like my sister's answer. ("Pepsi.. the Mormon empire is rich enough. Not that Pepsi, Inc. isn't.") Although I still remember Kevin Cromie and his "four bottles of Coke a day" habit... :D
29. Are you a morning person or a night owl?: Probably night owl.. I hate getting up and being extremely cheerful in the mornings. :P
30. Do you have any pets?: "Animals shouldn't be domesticated. They should be eaten! Mmmm." was my sister's answer. No, I don't have any since both my siblings are really allergic to fur and dander.. besides, most apartments here won't let you have pets. There go my dreams of being a 200-pet owner. :P
Labels: annoyances, birthdays, breakfast, bubble tea, colors, corey, dragon ball, dreams, hockey, ice cream, kevin, lunch, maxed-out tags limit, movies, noodles, spoz, surveys, tv shows, yazmine