Update from library: Guilt is written upon my features as surely as if it were engraved on a tombstone. WHY did I do this, and what am I to do with myself? I must email Corey, and look forward to seeing all my true friends tonight. They'll get me through this trying time!
213 email messages in my inbox, 30 journal comments.
I am NOT a comment fiend whore, as SOME people like to say. :P
I'm not sure "crack monkey fiend" makes it as a pet name. :P
Had fun this morning, and will have more tonight. :D
Take the quiz:
What X-Files character are you?
Fox Mulder
You are torn between many things in your life, from the search for the Truth, to knowing that you have the chance to take some power if you want it, to living your life like a normal person... you are an idealist, but you don't really want to listen to other opinions. You are one of the people that, if possible, will stand in the way of injustice..
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Fox Mulder (You scored 2)
* Dana Scully (You scored 1)
* Alex Krycek (You scored 0)
* AD Skinner (You scored 1)
* the Cigarette-Smoking Man (You scored 0)
* Mr. X (You scored 2)
Take the quiz:
Which "Marmalade Boy" character are you?

Koishikawa Miki
Miki is a junior at Toryo High School. Her closest friends are Suou Ginta and Akizuki Meiko. She has a sweet personality, and is overall a really cool person. CONGRATS!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Koishikawa Miki (You scored 1)
* Matsuura Yuu (You scored 1)
* Suou Ginta (You scored 1)
* Akizuki Meiko (You scored 0)
* Suzuki Arimi (You scored 0)
* Miwa Satoshi (You scored 0)
* Tsuchiya Kei (You scored 0)
* Sakuma Suzu (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:

Average Christian
You're not going to become a minister anytime soon, but you do your best to live your life in a Christian way. This means that although you probably don't attend church every Sunday, you do your best to follow the Ten Commandments, help the needy and generally be an all around good person. Who needs to follow the entire Bible anyways? It was written ages ago, and Christ transmuted it by giving his life.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Fundamentalist Christian (You scored 2)
* Holy Roller (You scored 1)
* Average Christian (You scored 5)
* True Christian (You scored 1)
* Modern Satanist (You scored 0)
* Theistic / Traditional Satanist (You scored 0)
* Luciferian (You scored 0)
* Devil Worshipper (You scored 0)
* Atheist (You scored 0)
* Agnostic (You scored 0)
* New Age / Wiccan (You scored 0)
* Pagan / Occultist (You scored 0)
* Discordian (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:
Do Squirrels have an evil plot out to get you?
no, you're safe ::whee::
Luckily, you were not the chosen few to follow squirrels or to be attacked by them!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Hell, No... you're a squirrel lover (You scored 1)
* No, you're safe ::whee:: (You scored 2)
* Hell, yes.. RUNNN (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
Who is your celeb soulmate?
Clay Aiken
Your soulmate is Clay! You are both waiting for Mr. / Mrs. Right
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Clay Aiken (You scored 3)
* Ashton Kutcher (You scored 0)
* Benji Madden (You scored 0)
* Chad Michael Murray (You scored 0)
* Nick Lachey (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
what metal band are you? (this quiz has better metal bands)
the Black Dahlia Murder
The Black Dahlia Murder is a death metal band that has a lot of good qualities, but about half as many bad. They also know how to have fun... so you probably need to change something, but still stay the same.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Slipknot (You scored 0)
* the Black Dahlia Murder (You scored 2)
* Static-X (You scored 0)
* Slayer (You scored 1)
* Korn (You scored 0)
* Judas Priest (You scored 1)
* Murderdolls (You scored 1)
* Rob Zombie (You scored 0)
* Himsa (You scored 1)
* Iron Maiden (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
how do you feel about your life?
you just wanna die
You want to die, you don't want to live your life a lie, you need to go leave strong, your life has been too long. You really want to kill yourself, so why haven't you? I guess you're like me... maybe you want help and there's a deadline like a specific day that you want to die?
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* you feel empty inside (You scored 0)
* you just wanna die (You scored 1)
* you are happy with your life (You scored 1)
* you are having love problems (You scored 1)
* you just don't care (You scored 1)
* you are unsociable (You scored 0)
* you are confused (You scored 1)
* you are angry (You scored 1)
* you hate your family (You scored 1)
* ... (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
Will you fall for my charm?
Whoa! You think WHAT about me?! You must love me!
hehe... well, never too much love for me, I guess
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Yes, straight away... you are gonna love me! (You scored 0)
* Whoa! You think WHAT about me?! You must love me! (You scored 1)
* Say what?? What's wrong with my charm? (You scored 0)
* Awww, too bad... at least you like me a LITTLE. (You scored 1)
* Wow... those thoughts in your head about me... HOT!!!! (You scored 0)
* DAMN right!! My charm is da best! (You scored 0)
* AWWW... most girls feel that way about me, haha... (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:
what are you
you're weak, scared, and like killing things weaker than you (which is very rare) for sport... and always lose wars, but like being there to see.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* elf (You scored 1)
* dwarf (You scored 0)
* human (You scored 2)
* orc (You scored 0)
* goblin (You scored 1)
Labels: benjamin, bible, characters, comics, comments, corey, drugs, emails, fellowship, friends, japan, maxed-out tags limit, michael, music, nick, palmer, sex, tv shows, war, zenhex