Dominic, escalaphobia, Weird Al, odd picture, Babel Fish entry, 10 things, five lists, other quizzes
Thanks to Eric's suggestion last night, I looked up escalaphobia. (Reference entry.)
Weird Al's Angry White Boy Polka... hilarious! Thanks, Dominic!
What the hell is up with this picture?!

BabelFish Entry Translation Meme
Taken from some random person's journal:
1. Take your last journal entry.
2. Go to Babel Fish Translation.
3. Translate the entry into a language that you are studying / have studied / know more than 3 basic phrases in.
4. Translate translation back into English. Post.
As soon as Eric took this evening to me, it teased me as usual. Then it adopted a Italian accent and started to speak about the pizza pie. We then spoke about the news, the Christian songs, and any other general substance. These turns of car always amuse very, even if it thinks while joking that I am responsible for a carbon monoxide leakage in a local basement of school. Although he says that he would raise to the politicians in the electoral race this all-important question of election: "the blubberschnitzel obtained?" *to laugh* When we arrived at the church, I spoke with the citron / a Danielle / a aube / a Randal / a lie / lis / Karen / Billy / Dylan / Andy / Derek. We discussed the assistance of the this evening, making cook chicken and Chinese food in general, helping cook of Randal, being a harbour worker (with ties of troop), our weeks, and how we were. I also divided some of my chocolate caramels with them like breakage-croute / dessert.
After friendship, I went in bottom. Christon required of me why I had not left yet: the simple response to that one was provided by my pointing to Eric, who *is* my turn nowadays! Then he said that he did not think, and that its brain must be in mode of stop already. His / her friends were accustomed to teasing it about being more deaf-mute in summer, and I said to him that that I would read something there is a long time that showed that it was really true. Eric then decided to join the conversation and to tease Christon: "you are always deaf-mute... I do not note a difference between the summer and the winter!" Sheena complimented me on my hoodie on UT, and asked whether my brother had sent it. I said to him that my sister had, and that it was really handy since I did not want to carry my pink jacket of flames when to survive it heating. Jason then mentioned that it would be 24° tomorrow! Then I said to Sheena that I decided to carry the hoodie when I was outside to 9 AM this morning. Just because it is sunny outside, does not mean that the weather will be HOT! :P
Then Jason, Janette, Juliana, Eric, Christon, Sheena, and me represented a moment around: we all discussed the camp of friendship of Daniel the next week, and the suggestions on ending up knowing the better people in the other gatherings of church. I said to Sheena that Eric needed the sheet with directives of camp relating to him, even if it were the same one which obtained re-used each year. Eric protested, statement which it A KNOWN when he would leave work Friday. Do He, I look at outside for my good friends... what can I says? Thereafter, Sheena indicated that it would type it to the top and would send way or of other to him.
On the way at the house, Eric laid above a Scottish stress during one moment. The part of tea came on the radio, thus I said to him that I had the best album of part of tea (edges of twilight) Eric asked me if I had more part of tea of the albums, and with me the aforementioned not. Then I thought that it asked me another question approximately if I had any parts of tea in general, thus I the aforementioned not. This was greeted with a glance completely incredule, and it his indicating to me that I did not include myself / understand. It was a total misunderstanding, obviously. At least I gave him the alga and the chocolate without sugar!
Now Corey and I speak about strange substance of sex. :P
HAHAHAHA... this thing is hilarious!
(English to French, and back again)
Ten Things I Like About Myself Meme
* Copy this meme to your journal! Do it! C'mon, what's there to lose? It's a good self-esteem boost; sometimes it makes you think HARD.
* Try and fill out 10 things about yourself that you really like. Mental, physical, emotional, whatever. If you can't get ten... really can't get them... then settle for five or so.
* Sit back and enjoy. Indulge yourself -- you're all good people, and you all deserve some love.
The Ten Things
1. I like that I'm a giving person.
2. I like that I'm gentle around little kids.
3. I like that I surround myself with good friends.
4. I like that I can be random.
5. I like that I can help people with their problems.
6. I like that I am very thoughtful and sweet.
7. I like that I can hold my tongue.
8. I like that I know a fair bit about music.
9. I like that I have a good vocabulary.
10. I like that I enjoy learning new things.
Five Lists Meme
1. Peruse Merlin's Lists of Five Things.
2. Select five lists for which you have five entries of your own, and substitute your entries for Merlin's.
3. Post your five lists of five things in your journal.
My lists:
Five locations where nearly all my dreams take place
1. church
2. people's houses
3. random fields
4. my old junior high
5. music shops
Five things I used to look forward to each Autumn
1. my birthday
2. Halloween
3. new school supplies
4. brand-new TV shows
5. meeting new people at school
Five bastardizations of my first name
1. Lester
2. Wesley
3. Lessee
4. Leanne
5. Lindsay
Five most popular dishes to bring to church potlucks
1. Mom's tuna noodle casserole
2. steamed chicken
3. BBQ pork
4. noodles of some sort
5. fried rice
Five indignities
1. Kneeling with hands over ears, 1983-1998
2. Looking for lost retainer in school dumpster, 1990
3. Getting period at school, 1990
4. Throwing up in bowl of hot and sour soup at family dinner, 1986
5. Jason Leonard pulling down my pants at school, 1992
Your True Birth Month Is January |
![]() Loyal Social Logical Easily jealous Loves children Rather reserved Highly attentive Likes to criticize Needs close friends Ambitious and serious Smart, neat and organized Hardworking and productive Loves to teach and be taught Quiet unless excited or tensed Sensitive and has deep thoughts Knows how to make others happy Searches for the greatest romance Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds Romantic but has difficulties expressing love Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses |
Your Travel Profile: |
You Are Extremely Well Traveled in Canada (100%) |
You Are Mostly Untraveled in the Western United States (16%) |
You Are Untraveled in Africa (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in Asia (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in Australia (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in Eastern Europe (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in Latin America (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in New Zealand (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in Scandinavia (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in Southern Europe (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in Western Europe (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in the Middle East (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in the Midwestern United States (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in the Northeastern United States (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in the Southern United States (0%) |
You Are Untraveled in the United Kingdom (0%) |
Yeah, I don't need a quiz to tell me THIS! :P
American Cities That Best Fit You: |
70% San Francisco |
60% Honolulu |
55% Los Angeles |
55% San Diego |
55% Washington, DC |
Night Walker, the second class of vampire. You are
depressive and introverted, making it hard to
reach you. Your servants are very few, because
you do not like to take prisoners. Your powers
are comprised of shadow magic. You are lonely
deep down inside, but won't let others see your
true self. You should try to open up more often.
What class of vampire are you? (more new images!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Are You Damned?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
You will die a warrior, and be spirited away by warbling wenches to the Hall of the Slain. Meat and mead forevermore, well until Ragnarok, anyway. This is when you will do battle with giants, giantesses, dwarfs, elves, and Nidhug (a dragon who likes to nibble trees). Odin is great!
Your Taste in Music: |
80's Alternative: Highest Influence |
80's Rock: Highest Influence |
90's Alternative: Highest Influence |
Alternative Rock: Highest Influence |
Classic Rock: Highest Influence |
Progressive Rock: Highest Influence |
Punk: Highest Influence |
80's Pop: High Influence |
90's Pop: High Influence |
90's Rock: High Influence |
Hair Bands: High Influence |
Old School Hip Hop: High Influence |
Ska: High Influence |
Adult Alternative: Medium Influence |
Heavy Metal: Medium Influence |
90's R&B: Low Influence |
Dance: Low Influence |
Labels: aim, corey, danielle, derek, dominic, dragons, dreams, dylan, halloween, icq, janette, languages, leanne, maxed-out tags limit, pizza, quizilla, restarts, rum and monkey, sheena, something awful