Thursday, March 19, 2009

Shout about zany unworn clothing!

Bingo of the night so far:

AEROSTAT (108 points) - against Sherry-Ann P.-B.

High-scoring words of the night so far:

AEROSTAT (108 points) - against Sherry-Ann P.-B. [two 2W, bingo, hook off LAY for a plural]
SHOUT (273 points) - against Rachel W. [4W, 2W, 5L on H, hook off TZAR for a plural]
UNWORN (105 points) - against Lesley S. [5W, 3L on W] {good deficit-erasing word!}
ZANY (240 points) - against Polly T. [2W, 5W, 2L on Y] {good deficit-erasing word!}
CASE (135 points) - against Pino E. [5W, 3L on C]
SMIT (168 points) - against Itamar R. [3W, 2W, 4L on M, hook off ZEAL for a plural]

Interesting racks of the night so far: AWEENOVA (against Kathleen C. - read that as "A wee nova"), STUMINDS (against Alice P. - read that as "Stu minds")

Jon says there's another Sunday Dinner at Jeremy's... good thing I know now, since I need to buy some stuff tomorrow before / after I see this suite on Swinton Crescent. Plastic wrap, Bridge Mixture, Mars Bars, a dessert item, whole-wheat pasta, and some healthy stuff... here we come!

And this thing just restarted... great... :P

Poo nugget for Thursday, Mar. 19: Dr. Stool Says - Anal Fissures - An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anal sphincter, usually occurring after passing a particularly hard stool. This break in the lining causes spasms of the internal anal sphincter (similar to any other muscle cramp), and can make having a bowel movement feel as if you are passing razor blades. Treatment consists of topical anesthetics, stool-softening agents, and sitz baths.

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