Conversations with Erik: March to April 2005
aryk29: So I would have left Las Vegas by now, but the truck broke down...
flamsterette_x: Summoning an appropriate reaction from the depths of my tortured soul is going to be a challenge, since I am working hardcore on my BootyBase. :P
aryk29: (And I just posted the wrong smiley in the thread.) What's a BootyBase?
flamsterette_x: (and no, that does NOT mean what you think it does :P)
aryk29: Okay, so it's not foundation for one's butt. :p Hmm, fundament foundation? :D
flamsterette_x: Haha, no. Definitely not.
flamsterette_x: Hmm. It's a database... and that's all I can tell you without cracking up again for the third time in two minutes. :D
aryk29: Well, it's not like my jokes were that funny. :p
flamsterette_x: Jokes?
aryk29: Okay, singular. The one about my first thought on what a BootyBase was.
aryk29: Well anyway I just wanted to let you know before you saw my reply in the thread and said WTH. :)
flamsterette_x: What thread?
aryk29: This one.
aryk29: board's awful slow right now.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I noticed.
flamsterette_x: So when are you going to move?
aryk29: As soon as we can either get a new truck, or fix the one we've got.
flamsterette_x: The wrong smiley?
aryk29: :D instead of :)
flamsterette_x: Not a big deal. As long as you didn't put :( accidentally!
aryk29: If I had, I'd have immediately posted a correction. Same for :mad: :eek: :smack: and

flamsterette_x: Yeah, I bet.
aryk29: uh, make that : dubious: (lousy messsenger)
aryk29: So I figure naturally at some point, I'll want to respond to a post in there and mention that the List has been updated, so I'll take that opportunity to correct myself rather than dedicate a whole post to it. :)
flamsterette_x: ??????
aryk29: Exactly what are you not clear on?

aryk29: (BTW, have a look at this)
flamsterette_x: (Corey DID say that I have a problem lately with not following any conversations well... :P)
aryk29: Don't tell me we just simulposted again.
flamsterette_x: Dedicating a whole post to mentioning that the list has been updated? Why not? You'd have to.
aryk29: I can correct the smiley in the same post as where I mention the list. :)
aryk29: Here's the message that got lost in the simulpost: BTW, have a look at this
flamsterette_x: Ah. You were talking hypothetically.
flamsterette_x: And it didn't get lost. I have it right here.
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: aryk29: BTW, have a look at this
aryk29: w00t
flamsterette_x: Remember, this isn't the buggy version of Yahoo that I had with the old computer.
aryk29: I didn't know that any chat programs were supposed to be able to simultaneously send and receive (although I guess there'd have to be a few milliseconds delay)
flamsterette_x: It's just weird, is all. :D
aryk29: What is, the picture?
flamsterette_x: No, the send-and-receive thing.
aryk29: Oh, okay. Well, FTR, I only got your "dedicating a whole post" message once so my chat pgm seems to still have that trouble.
flamsterette_x: I only sent it once. :P
aryk29: Oh. 'Cuz I saw the "typing a message" indicator, and stupid me, I figured if I timed it just right I could sneak a comment in, and when I hit Enter, the "typing a message" indicator disappeared. So I assumed we'd simulposted again.
flamsterette_x: Probably when you hit Enter, I'd sent my message. That, or I'd paused for a bit.
aryk29: I dunno, maybe.
flamsterette_x: Have I mentioned how I hate Excel?
aryk29: Ah, you mean Expell. :D
aryk29: See, MS Orifice consists of Weird, Expell, Inaccessible, and What's-Your-Point. :P I'm not sure offhand if Lookout Express is part of that suite.
flamsterette_x: Hahaha.
aryk29: MS Weird is what they called it when I worked in the college; the other names I'm not sure if I heard there or made up. But we'd approach each other saying a student had a "Weird question."
flamsterette_x: Haha.
flamsterette_x: All right, what did you do to that picture?
aryk29: I drew the outline of the horizon in Paint Shop and applied an ocean texture to try to make it look like ice. :D
flamsterette_x: Ice?! All I noticed was the earth and sun in the sky at the same time!
aryk29: Look closely... that's not the Earth. ;)
flamsterette_x: There's something that looks like it!
aryk29: It's a fictional planet. (And that's not the Sun, either... it's 47 Ursae Majoris. :p )
flamsterette_x: Now you're trying to get me confused already. Sigh.
aryk29: No. :)
flamsterette_x: Well, okay. Just tell me when things are fictional. :D
aryk29: It's the view from a fictional ice world which is a moon of a fictional utopian "planet" that is actually a moon of a real gas giant planet that orbits a real star in the constellation of the Big Dipper. :D
flamsterette_x: Are you mixing up fiction and reality again?
aryk29: When did I before?
flamsterette_x: You might have, but not to me.
aryk29: Well, anyway... I started with a real star that is known to have at least 2 planets orbiting it and added some make-believe worlds to it.
flamsterette_x: Weird. You should write about these things, haha.
aryk29: Eh, I can never seem to keep a story consistent long enough to think of anything interesting to have happen.
flamsterette_x: Neither can I. Heck, you ought to see my bad poems.
aryk29: Never understood poetry myself.
flamsterette_x: I can't really get it, but eh.
aryk29: Unless they're sung. A couple of Enya's songs are really poetic, and actually quite nice.
flamsterette_x: Sounds good then.
aryk29: They're in Gaelic though. :D
aryk29: Hey, remember that quiz that said I was shorthand and I posted that I was going to learn it? Well I'm now on page 6 of this online book.
flamsterette_x: Ah, Gaelic. :D
flamsterette_x: Interesting.
aryk29: Enya lyrics
flamsterette_x: Nice.
aryk29: :)
flamsterette_x: "To protect your computer, Firefox prevented this site from installing software on your computer."
aryk29: Eek!
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Mar 01 14:43:20 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Mar 01 14:51:10 2005
flamsterette_x: Thanks.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Mar 01 14:51:23 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Mar 01 14:52:01 2005
aryk29: *Makes mental note not to open lyricsdomain in IE*
flamsterette_x: Or use another lyrics site altogether, perhaps?
aryk29: Maybe. Usually I just search AltaVista and whatever comes up, comes up.
flamsterette_x: All right then.
aryk29: Yesterday, my father was complaining about some quirk IE does that ends up closing the whole thing out. I told him to use a different browser and it wouldn't give him the trouble. :p
flamsterette_x: That might do it.
flamsterette_x: So what DO you have to do with Excel to get it to sort properly by month?
aryk29: I'll tell you what I told the students in college...
aryk29: "Hang on while I get somebody who knows Excel and can help ya. :)" Of course that doesn't apply here...
flamsterette_x: THAT helps. :P
aryk29: Did you enter the names of the months manually, or are you using mm / dd / yyyy date fields?
aryk29: :p
flamsterette_x: It wouldn't be a big deal if I weren't trying to get it done by month. I seem to have done it before, years ago.
aryk29: I dunno. Maybe if I saw a screenshot. You could crop it to show only the date field if you want.
flamsterette_x: Hang on. Let's see...
flamsterette_x: I think I managed to find a (temporary?) solution.
aryk29: Yeah?
flamsterette_x: Yeah... name, place known from, words from initials, and THEN the birthdays last. :P
aryk29: Okay...
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I know. It doesn't make sense. :P
aryk29: Had to let the cat in.
flamsterette_x: That's all right. Can't leave it outside in the cold.
aryk29: Oh, she certainly wasn't cold out there... it's a nice warm day. Starting to feel like springtime... in the desert. :p
aryk29: Sunny, too... a nice break from all the rain and T-storms we've been getting lately.
flamsterette_x: Well, I think that's a good thing then!
aryk29: :)
aryk29: And it's gonna be hotter and sunnier in AZ.
flamsterette_x: Yes, that's what I hear from Corey occasionally. Get ready for it.
aryk29: Where's he at?
flamsterette_x: In Colorado.. Fort Collins. His ex lives in Arizona, though.
aryk29: ic
aryk29: Well, this summer it'll mean 115 degree highs - been there done that. :p The desert sure is pretty though.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, that's also what I heard from Sarah.
flamsterette_x: Perhaps. But now you know I'm too obsessed with true crime. The first thing I thought of when you said "desert" was Harvey Glatman.
aryk29: ?
flamsterette_x: Crime Library story on Harvey Glatman
flamsterette_x: (Google's habit of inserting random spaces in URL's trips me up again. Yay.)
aryk29: Ah, that explains it. I was just about to say.
flamsterette_x: Note to self: Go to site first, and then get a non-weird working link.
aryk29: There ya go. I just started skimming through the text. Ick. What is with these people.
flamsterette_x: I have no idea.
aryk29: Did they catch him?
flamsterette_x: Yup, read further.
aryk29: Eh, no thanks.
aryk29: Hey, I wonder if there are any new thread replies...
flamsterette_x: Heh, I don't blame you. But yes, they did catch him. And yes, he was electrocuted.
flamsterette_x: You want to know how they caught him?
aryk29: I suppose.
flamsterette_x: Chapter 5
aryk29: Good thing for that police cruiser.
flamsterette_x: I'd say so!
aryk29: brb, the other cat wants in
flamsterette_x: k
aryk29: Did you see the deep sea creatures thread?
flamsterette_x: No, I don't think I did.
aryk29: here
*** "aryk29" signed off at Tue Mar 01 16:23:33 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Tue Mar 01 16:23:35 2005.
flamsterette_x: ?
flamsterette_x: Interesting.
aryk29: Neat critters, yeah? :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, for sure.
aryk29: It must be fun to be a dragonfish, all alone in the dark abyss carrying a light nobody else can see. :D
flamsterette_x: That kinda reminds me of LOTR:ROTK.
aryk29: Never seen it.
flamsterette_x: Seen it twice.
aryk29: we had Hobbit books when I was a kid, but I've forgotten the story.
flamsterette_x: I couldn't tell you with the accuracy of certain people I can think of. But basically it revolves around the ONE RING.
aryk29: And 9 fingers.
flamsterette_x: Hey, these creatures look like stuff I've seen for sale as food!
aryk29: Some of them probably are edible... particularly, I would imagine, the big spiny red crab. :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, and now this is making me hungry. Good job.
aryk29: Ah sheesh, I've done it again. *d'oh*
aryk29: :D
aryk29: Someone in another thread linked to this site... I'm clicking on the dropdown list reading all the descriptions, lmao. Some of these are very good descriptions of certain Dopers. :D
flamsterette_x: Hahahaha.
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: You've given me material.
aryk29: For...?
flamsterette_x: My various writings, of course.
aryk29: Ah, ic
flamsterette_x: Read blog for an example. :)
aryk29: Maybe later; I'm still in the I's. :)
flamsterette_x: Haha, okay then.
flamsterette_x: Funny, I could swear I sent you a message quite a while ago.
aryk29: 5:02 PM was the last one before this one.
flamsterette_x: Ha! I *did* send you one!
flamsterette_x: You just didn't reply! THAT was what it is! Phew.. I'm not losing my mind right now after all.
aryk29: I didn't know how to reply to "Haha, okay then" because I thought you expected me to keep reading the site. :p
flamsterette_x: Heh, that's all right then. Read blog, read the site, it's all good.
aryk29: I'm looking for your blog in my History.
aryk29: Found it! Had to go looking through my message archive. I was looking for the wrong site - Livejournal. Needed to look for Blogspot. :D
flamsterette_x: Well, you COULD go to the LiveJournal... but then you wouldn't be able to read most of it!
aryk29: Shame on anyone who shuts you out for forgetting what goes on in their lives. ;) Why, if everybody did that, I'd have no friends. *blush* :p
aryk29: Hey, you found the link I sent you useful enough to post. :D
flamsterette_x: Heh, okay then.
flamsterette_x: I haven't posted those links yet, what are you talking about?
aryk29: bugmenot
flamsterette_x: Oh, yes. Decided to post it. I do have readers of that thing, believe it or not.
aryk29: I believe it. :)
flamsterette_x: All right. :)
aryk29: Food's here, so typing's a challenge at the moment. I followed your link to the LJ SDMB community and probably shouldn't subject myself to what goes on there, but there's one thread I'll regret not reading if I don't...
flamsterette_x: No, don't subject yourself. But yeah, I know how it is.
aryk29: Eats_Crayons, DocCathode, and KellyM are there... that means I *have* to read it. :p
aryk29: I am tempted to add my $0.02 there among such folks as the aforementioned plus Guin and Esprix, but I really don't want an LJ account. Oh well.
flamsterette_x: Ah, THAT kind of thread. :P
flamsterette_x: You can post anonymously.
aryk29: hmm, now you're tempting me. Don't do that. :p
flamsterette_x: Hey, you were the one tempting me a while ago. :P
aryk29: Oh yeah, with the deep sea creatures. Did you subsequently eat?
flamsterette_x: Eating now.
aryk29: heh, me too
flamsterette_x: And I dare you to try the Puzzle Donkey 1.
aryk29: no thx
aryk29: It goes against my better judgement, but if I post, it'll just get it off my back...
aryk29: Nope, anonymous posting is disabled.
flamsterette_x: Ah, all right. Shows you how long it's been since I've gone there. What did you want to say?
aryk29: Basically, that in retrospect, Number Six's posts have the male mind written all over them and I should have seen that. Also, the implausibility IMO of turning out looking like the pics posted without changing orientation.
flamsterette_x: Hmm. Anything else?
aryk29: Well I spent a few hours mulling over in my head trying to figure out what the heck was going on, and it really unnerves me that I don't remember which "facts" on TS-ism I heard from #6 and which I heard from reputable posters, but I don't know if I want to post that. And I suspect that my thread inspired Johanna, and together the threads inspired #6, and that I'm so peeved to think my thread might have had anything to do with his stunt.
flamsterette_x: Do you mind if I post that for you?
aryk29: Lemme think about that for a minute.
aryk29: If someone takes issue with the statement, I'm not there to back up or clarify my position. Some of the posters there can reach me via other means (I doubt the SDMB mods would take kindly if one of them started a Pit thread), but basically I wouldn't be there to discuss it. At least if I could post anonymously (but not really 'cuz I'd sign it umop ap!sdn), I'd be able to return to the thread to check up on it from time to time. Anyway, do LJ's terms of use allow by proxy posting?
aryk29: Oh and another thing... I'll lay you odds Can Of Pineapples is #6's sock, and since Pineapples reads those LJ fora, I'd just be feeding the troll anyway.
aryk29: So anyway, as much as I'd like to air my comments, maybe it isn't the best idea. :(
flamsterette_x: I don't know. They might, or might not.
flamsterette_x: But yeah, perhaps not. This whole thing is just... :|
aryk29: Well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Kinda puts a surreal, fantasy-like mood to everything from December onward and gives me a strong dire feeling. FTR, your smiley shows in Yahoo as a straight face.
flamsterette_x: That's what it is. : |
aryk29: Are you trying to make a sick smiley?
flamsterette_x: No.
aryk29: Hmm
aryk29: Your BootyBase is a list of all your friends?
flamsterette_x: Haha. Not quite.
aryk29: Those book titles are hilarious!
aryk29: Got a few more for ya, courtesy SNL.
aryk29: The Yellow River by I. P. Moore, Freeley Under The Bench by Seymour Butts, Life Of A Prostitute by Lotta Cox, Lights Out At The Boys' Room by Holden and Sharon Dix, Stain On The Great Wall by Hu Phlung Pu... Oh, and don't forget History of the Alphabet, Part II: The Middle Ages, by Jay K. Elliman O'Pea :D
aryk29: Yep, that tinyURL goes to an explicit .jpg :O
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I figured.
aryk29: The link he sent with the .jpg extension, it's the same one as the tinyurl.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, that's what I also figured.
flamsterette_x: Let's just say Corey has a history of sending me... rather dubious... links.
aryk29: Yup.
aryk29: Hey I didn't know hoi polloi was in usage in the English language!
flamsterette_x: Where did you see that?
aryk29: In the Flame Warriors site, under Royalty.
flamsterette_x: Ah. Well, it is in use. How about that.
aryk29: you checked urbandictionary? :D
flamsterette_x: No..... why?
aryk29: 'Cuz it's listed there too.
flamsterette_x: Everything is listed there.
aryk29: Yeah.
aryk29: Firefox doesn't do about: links?
flamsterette_x: What do you mean?
aryk29: I typed about:οι πολλοι into Firefox hoping to see "hoi polloi" in Greek but to no avail. Works in IE, though.
flamsterette_x: You typed all those characters? Cool.
aryk29: Nope, wrote a VB program that does the Unicode codes. :D
flamsterette_x: That works for me. :D
aryk29: It works when you paste it into Firefox?
flamsterette_x: No idea.
flamsterette_x: Oh.
flamsterette_x: Your writing a program would work for me, whatever sense that would make.
flamsterette_x: (and I think Corey is right)
aryk29: Ah ic
aryk29: he's right about...?
flamsterette_x: My losing track of conversations / generally not knowing what's going on. :P
aryk29: Eh, it's all about context. :) I do that too sometimes, when I'm not sure which idea you're responding to.
flamsterette_x: Ah well, as long as we kinda know what we're talking about. :)
aryk29: :)
aryk29: ¢oi polloi... there, that works, haha :D
flamsterette_x: There we go.
aryk29: It'd be fun to have a conversation with someone who's fluent in Attic Greek.
aryk29: My parents say I should be an interpreter. Ya know, that might be a worthwhile line of work!
flamsterette_x: That would be very interesting!
aryk29: Especially with my grasp of noun cases... a lot of languages require you to keep track of a noun's ending so you know what position it is in in the sentence.
flamsterette_x: That would be useful then.
aryk29: There are a lot of Spanish-speaking people in Arizona... I'm not sure that Spanish has a lot of endings for nouns, but I do know it does for verbs.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, that is true.
aryk29: Verb endings can be a nightmare though. One of the language books (not about Spanish) has an appendix that's conjugation of a regular verb, and the darn thing is over a page and a half of different endings and prefixes. :O
flamsterette_x: Oh my holy crud.

aryk29: Yup, and to be fluent, one must memorize all of them, plus irregularities in other verbs. Fortunately, they don't expect you to learn the whole thing all at once; they start with the present active indicative and introduce other tenses, moods, and the middle and passive voice. There is quite a bit of regularity that can be used to simplify the learning process. It's almost a mix-and-match with the suffixes. :D
aryk29: From what I hear, Russian is the worst in this regard... to the point that speakers who were taught Russian from the crib often muddle or drop word endings because they're not always sure which one to use. :p
flamsterette_x: Aiya. :P
aryk29: Between that and English with its spelling / pronunciation anomalies, I'm not sure which is worse. :p
flamsterette_x: No idea. I hear that idioms and such are the hardest for non-native English speakers to learn.
aryk29: Really? Hmm.
flamsterette_x: Probably because the idioms / slang may completely change the meaning of a word.
aryk29: Like for instance, "make believe"? :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah.
aryk29: Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem. But then it isn't only English that does that. :p
flamsterette_x: I know, I was just bringing up an example.
aryk29: ic
aryk29: I've been told that the most consistent language in the world is Swahili.
flamsterette_x: How so?
aryk29: Like, no irregular nouns or verbs, stuff like that. Dunno if it even has distinct word endings... probably not, since it doesn't belong to the Indo-European language family.
aryk29: (which is what Russian belongs to :p )
flamsterette_x: Very interesting stuff.
aryk29: Really? :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, it's cool enough. Did you know that I have a bit of an interest in linguistics?
aryk29: No, I did not.
aryk29: I used to have a site bookmarked with summaries of the major language families and stuff, and now I'm trying to find it...
flamsterette_x: Well, now you do.... and knowing is half the battle. ;)
aryk29: This is way cool! :) (Still tracking it down...)
flamsterette_x: Yeah, yeah.. I had to get the G.I. Joe reference in there. :P
aryk29: <---- never was into G.I. Joe. ;)
flamsterette_x: Like I was. :P
aryk29: Fair enough, but I still didn't get the reference until you explained it. :D
aryk29: So, do you suppose that all languages share a common ancestor?
flamsterette_x: Maybe. Kinda hard to tell in some cases.
aryk29: I like to think that they are, and that reconstructing ancient languages and tracing them back will eventually link them all together.
aryk29: And that the Nostratic theory is a good place to start. :D
flamsterette_x: What's that?
aryk29: The theory that the Indo-European, Uralic, Altaic, Afro-Asiatic, and maybe a few others are all part of a vast language superfamily called Nostratic.
flamsterette_x: The Urals... reminds me of a mountain range somewhere.
aryk29: The Ural Mountains divide Europe from Asia, and yes, the language family is named after them.
aryk29: Lemme see if I can remember what languages are Uralic...
aryk29: Ah yes, Finnish, Hungarian, and Estonian. Wikipedia has the answers I seek. :D Also in the article are links to the Nostratic and other theories, which I'm sure further link to other language families.
aryk29: g2g anita bath. :D bcnu l8r
flamsterette_x: Heh. All right then. Later.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Mar 01 20:25:28 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Apr 12 17:20:12 2005
aryk29: ltns :)
flamsterette_x: ?????????
aryk29: long time no see. (on IM anyway.)
aryk29: so did you like that Indo-European site I linked to?
flamsterette_x: aiya! it's you! I knew that. I think? haha
aryk29: lol
flamsterette_x: haven't quite looked into it as thoroughly as I want to, but eventually will
aryk29: ic
aryk29: I've got this idea actually, for an artificial language
flamsterette_x: Hm.
aryk29: Derived from proto-IE, with different word endings... now that I've been exposed to a language that has a lot of word endings, I'm spoiled. English's clumsy word order doesn't cut it for me anymore. :D
flamsterette_x: Heh, that's to be expected.
aryk29: why, because it's new and different and fun?
flamsterette_x: eh, sure.
aryk29: hmm, you have a point.
aryk29: I'd give it 7 noun cases though. :D
aryk29: *yawn* SDMB's being slow again
flamsterette_x: All right then.
flamsterette_x: What else is new?
aryk29: Not much. I'm about to referee a game thread.
flamsterette_x: Your game thread?
aryk29: Yup. Did I ever tell you about Assassins?
flamsterette_x: Probably a long time ago.
aryk29: It's where each player is trying to get another player to post a specific word, and when they do they're out of the game. Well, everybody's been waiting for Horseflesh to get around to starting his version of the game, and it's been long enough, so I decided to just do one to hold everybody over.
aryk29: shoot - forgot to bold username
flamsterette_x: Doesn't matter. I know what you mean. :)
aryk29: We had a problem with our cable box
flamsterette_x: And that affected your bolding of the username? Aiya. :P
aryk29: No :D it's just something else that happened recently.
flamsterette_x: Heh. okay then.
aryk29: It was giving us the listings and graphics (digital cable, you see - real fancy stuff, myriads of menus, an oversize remote with buttons that just aren't long nail friendly) but no picture or sound. Just a black screen and silence. Right as we turned it off though, the pic and sound would very briefly come back. So we had to turn it in and get a new one.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I guess you'd have to, in that case. So things are okay now?
aryk29: Yup, 900 channels of $#!+ on the tube. :D It's actually nice, though, because there's all the digital music channels & stuff.
flamsterette_x: Haha. Yeah, I know what you mean.
aryk29: And it's good to be able to watch 7 Days again. (And 4 consecutive hours of Star Trek per weekday)
flamsterette_x: Oh man. I have got to do something.
aryk29: Do what?
flamsterette_x: Link you to that. :D
aryk29: uh-oh :p :D
aryk29: oh, cool! :D
aryk29: #7 is clearly Bajoran
flamsterette_x: I wouldn't know.
aryk29: 39 and 40 are the same species
flamsterette_x: All right. I will take your word for it.
aryk29: now, if this site wants to give me my results (technical difficulties)
aryk29: OMG it gave me Klingon.

aryk29: You scored as Klingon. Klingon "Today is a good day to die" Klingons are a race of proud Warriors who value honor above everything else, and never back down from a fight. Klingon 50% Borg 45% Vulcan 45% Bajoran 40% Cardassain 35% Romulan 35% Ferengi 25% Jem'hadar 20%
flamsterette_x: Hm. Haha. I think I got the Borg on that one.
aryk29: I'm not at all surprised. :)
aryk29: Did you post this one at OP?
flamsterette_x: Of course not. Nobody would be interested in that stuff. :P
aryk29: I think a couple of the guys are... oh, and Tess. I'm sure Tess would take the quiz.
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: Well, YOU can post it then! :P
aryk29: I will. :D (had to get up and let my mom get online quick)
flamsterette_x: Okay then!
aryk29: thanks for the link! :)
aryk29: Here.
flamsterette_x: Whee.
flamsterette_x: No problem. :)
aryk29: I haven't been spending enough time in Quizzes lately.
aryk29: my energy is blue :D
flamsterette_x: Good for you.
aryk29: Now I'm taking the superhero quiz...
flamsterette_x: k
aryk29: (see my post, teehee)
flamsterette_x: Fine.
flamsterette_x: Ha.
aryk29: :D
aryk29: now for the Sesame Street quiz...
aryk29: ... posted
flamsterette_x: Hm.
flamsterette_x: Haha.
aryk29: which?
flamsterette_x: Either.
flamsterette_x: Hahahaha!
aryk29: Viper's a Cardassian!? :D
flamsterette_x: Apparently, whatever that is.
flamsterette_x: and you, a wine elitist? ha

flamsterette_x: Can't, I'm not one of those wine snobs. :P
aryk29: hahahaha
flamsterette_x: Mmm, seaweed and shredded pork.

flamsterette_x: Got both of them from Big Crazy.
aryk29: Is that like a supermarket or something?
flamsterette_x: Asian supermarket.
aryk29: ic
aryk29: I'm reading the "we're still in Kansas" thread at the SDMB
flamsterette_x: Okay.
aryk29: I've seen time and again now, people typing "women" when they intend the singular "woman." I could understand if it was an occasional typo, but it's been cropping up like crazy lately. Somebody just did that in the thread - not once but twice.
flamsterette_x: I've seen worse.
aryk29: Over and over again?
flamsterette_x: Well, perhaps not... but I dare you to call them out on it. Actually, maybe not.
aryk29: Nah, not in that thread, I wouldn't... thought of starting my own thread, but it's not quite that big of an annoyance. :p
flamsterette_x: Yeah, that's true. Still. I can be quite the Nazi at this time. Let's just say that. ;)
aryk29: Okay.
flamsterette_x: So... I never really got to talk to you about all that stuff that was going on about a month or so ago....
aryk29: Go for it. :)
flamsterette_x: As you know, it wasn't quite working out as well as I wanted it to. He probably would've been good with things continuing on as they were, but I wanted something more. :P
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: So then I sent him some email with a whole bunch of questions.... and waited for an answer. I didn't get it.
aryk29: :(
aryk29: So that's when you decided to break it off?
flamsterette_x: Well, I tried to give him time, since I knew he was busy and all. You know, try to be understanding and all of that.
aryk29: Sure.
flamsterette_x: But then after a couple of weeks (and I -did- remind him, but try not to be too pushy :P), I had to do a LOT of thinking.
aryk29: Understandably so.
flamsterette_x: I mean, I did want to make it work. I could have done things differently, too. But ultimately, I kinda knew what I had to do. Not just because he didn't answer the email, mind you.
aryk29: ic
aryk29: yeah. you said he wasn't communicating as much as he should have been.
aryk29: phone problems and not answering emails, etc.
flamsterette_x: I mean, he did communicate, and was nice and romantic and suchlike. :P But there are other elements to it besides that. I mean, I'm not a really impatient person, or try not to be. Still, though.....
flamsterette_x: Oh yeah. You can read that thread I linked you to a couple of weeks ago.
aryk29: I'll do that... didn't do more than skim it at the time, since I was on a library computer, and now that I have to timeshare the computer at home, it's hard to find a lot of time when I can just be on... the few times I have, I've connected to Y! Messenger so that you'd see me online and we'd be able to chat. :)
flamsterette_x: yeah, I know... but this is actually the first time I've noticed you on :)
aryk29: and I had to page you first! :p
flamsterette_x: (That's because I'm myopic :P)
aryk29: lol
aryk29: well, I'm astigmatic so there. :D
flamsterette_x: Fine. :P)
flamsterette_x: So... timesharing the computer... ?
aryk29: yeah, it's my parents'... and they both like to spend long stretches on here...
flamsterette_x: Ah, yes. That's what I thought you meant. Is this the one you had before?
aryk29: Way back when, before the move, when I used to have to timeshare it? No, that was a different one, a K6-II 500. I'm not sure if we even have that one anymore. We got this one quite some time ago because it was on sale cheap, and took it home to discover that it's a dual processor system. At night before we moved, I used to get on with mine (PIV-1.6GHz) and while we were in Vegas and had DSL, I was also able to get online with it.
aryk29: Speaking of which, I think they're back. :(
aryk29: They're more than likely going to want to get online for a few hours, but I can come back later tonight.
flamsterette_x: Ah, okay then.
flamsterette_x: Well, whenever. :)
flamsterette_x: I have missed you, though!
aryk29: Same here. :)
flamsterette_x: :)
flamsterette_x: Well... go if you have to then. Later...
aryk29: They're going right back out, so I guess I'm okay for a while yet...
flamsterette_x: Heh, okay then.
aryk29: I think I will get up and stretch my legs though. :D
flamsterette_x: Good idea.
aryk29: Right then, where were we? :)
flamsterette_x: Let's see.... breakup, Yahoo Messenger, missing each other, seeing if your parents were out or not....
aryk29: Do you suppose 7 noun cases is too many? :D
flamsterette_x: For what?
aryk29: A language. To keep track of; I mean would the learning curve be too great for most people.
flamsterette_x: I don't know. Define a noun case.
aryk29: Hey I thought you were familiar with this stuff. ;) Okay, noun case... in a sentence such as "I gave some food to the cat", the nouns I, food, and cat have different functions within the sentence. So in a language that uses inflected endings for nouns, one would put I in the nominative because it is the subject, food in the accusative (direct object), and cat in the dative (indirect object).
aryk29: Oh, and English has separate nominative and oblique forms for the first person (I, me) and third person (he, him; she, her) pronouns.
flamsterette_x: All right then. I never claimed to be overly familiar with it. ;)
flamsterette_x: But all right... don't know if that would be too much.
aryk29: Nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative, and locative. Vocative for addressing persons; genitive for possessives and cases where English uses the word "of." I would use the dative for people and objects that play a passive role; recipients, benefactors, etc... ablative for agents and means by which an action takes place, and locative for places, times, and states of mind.
aryk29: Aaaaaaagh, they're back again.
aryk29: So soon.
aryk29: Anyway, I hesitate to codify the exact vocabulary, case endings, and rules just yet because it should involve somebody else who is willing to help develop the language.
aryk29: I'll let them take some time online & be back later tonight... bcnu. :)
*** "aryk29" signed off at Tue Apr 12 20:44:56 2005.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Apr 12 20:45:18 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Apr 14 16:10:38 2005
*** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will be received when he/she logs into Yahoo! Messenger.
flamsterette_x: Here's a quiz you might be interested in
Cheers, talk to you later! :)
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Apr 14 16:12:14 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Apr 14 17:42:08 2005
aryk29: Hey, thanks! :)
aryk29: My result: You are very close!! You scored 68 variable 1! Well done... you know a lot of things about Greece and Greeks, but unfortunately, you are not Greek!!!! Read more and retake the test.... till that time, filakia polla! xxxxxxxxxxx
flamsterette_x: Oh, hey!
aryk29: Crazy thing hit send when I hit enter. Hi! :)
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I thought it would be a bit TOO esoteric for the board in general, and something I wouldn't be intereted in. But you might be, so I sent it your way. (this is why I get along with people who actually tell me what they like, which isn't how someone else apparently operated :P)
aryk29: Ah ic.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Thu Apr 14 17:44:18 2005.
aryk29: The language has changed so much though in the last 2500 years...
flamsterette_x: Like any language.
aryk29: Yup. It's to where with what I know of the ancient Attic dialect, the modern is still largely incomprehensible to me. Once, just for kicks, I did a web search for the word thn... and in one of the pages that came up, I had trouble with about half the words.
flamsterette_x: Random thought: Let's pour vodka on our heads and bathe in conditioner.
aryk29: Because drinking the conditioner would be a really not good thing? :P
flamsterette_x: Apparently not.
aryk29: Actually that reminds me of a practical joke I once read about.
aryk29: It's where you go into a kitchen, see, and generously coat all the pots and pans with an extra thick layer of soap. When they are used for cooking, the soap gets in the food... and when a big fancy dinner is served to a room full of guests, the results are disastrous.
flamsterette_x: Ha, I bet.
aryk29: It's a really s#!tty thing to do. :p
aryk29: I would imagine conditioner would have the same effect...
aryk29: Hey, I found an interesting linguistic cognate today. Did you know the words governor and cybernetic are ultimately from the same root?
flamsterette_x: Really.
aryk29: Yup. Governor is obviously cognate to the Latin word gubernator, which also means helmsman; the Greek equivalent is kubernhthr, from which we get the word cybernetic. :D
flamsterette_x: If you say so.
aryk29: How they made the leap from helmsman -> robotics is beyond me. :p Maybe there was a component that was referred to as cybernetic because it was the central controller for some early device?
flamsterette_x: Maybe, who knows?
aryk29: I'll have to look up the PIE roots for those... it seems odd though the way they're derived - not quite what one would expect for those particular languages.
flamsterette_x: Okay then.
aryk29: They're back... dunno if I have to surrender the online yet. :(
aryk29: brb a few minutes.
flamsterette_x: k
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Apr 14 18:32:19 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Apr 14 18:34:01 2005
aryk29: If I'd a known mom was going to take that long, I'd a logged off. :p
flamsterette_x: Haha. It wasn't that long.
aryk29: 20 minutes?
flamsterette_x: Well, okay. Yeah, I'd feel that way. Hah.
aryk29: Your buddy has a new Buddy Icon. Take a look! @[fwpscript]Icon:none@[/fwpscript]
aryk29: I now have 2 IM windows open & I initiated both of them. :p
flamsterette_x: Are you a bot?
aryk29: You mean a cybernetic organism? :p No.
flamsterette_x: aryk29: Your buddy has a new Buddy Icon. Take a look!
flamsterette_x: Sounds bot-like or very mechanical, at the least. :P
aryk29: Oh, it must mean the display image. Yeah, I, umm... changed it recently. ;)
flamsterette_x: Damn you, then. Hang on. :P
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Apr 14 18:46:56 2005
aryk29 (6:53:18 PM): Allô, salut...
flamsterette_x (6:53:45 PM): Fine, let's see this thing you refer to.
aryk29 (6:53:56 PM): Brace yourself! :P
flamsterette_x (6:54:45 PM): So you dyed your hair black. Nice touch.
flamsterette_x (6:55:13 PM): That is, if that's you.
aryk29 (6:55:14 PM): tyvm :) I wanted a color in between black and brown but they don't have that, so I went with the one I like better.
aryk29 (6:55:25 PM): Well, that's an aspiration, put it that way. :D
flamsterette_x (6:55:41 PM): Aiyoh. :P
aryk29 (6:56:39 PM): You saw what I looked like in that photo (eww), although I look a little better now since my hair grew out a bit.
aryk29 (6:56:53 PM): The scorpion represents Arizona. :D
flamsterette_x (6:57:28 PM): Oh, that thing you can hardly see.
aryk29 (6:57:58 PM): Yeah that. Brown on purple, etc.

flamsterette_x (6:58:27 PM): ComplEment.
aryk29 (6:59:08 PM): Is there a difference in spelling between the 2 meanings?

flamsterette_x (6:59:17 PM): Yes. Hold on.
aryk29 (9:22:23 PM): wb :)
aryk29 (9:22:25 PM): I was just about to give up
flamsterette_x (9:26:43 PM): ???????
aryk29 (9:26:55 PM): and go out to look @ the sky
flamsterette_x (9:27:25 PM): Haha. Oh. Let's see... answering email and comments, three Trillian sessions, one Yahoo session, one voice conference...
aryk29 (9:28:40 PM): comments about what?
flamsterette_x (9:29:26 PM): Journal comments.
aryk29 (9:29:32 PM): Oh.
aryk29 (9:30:26 PM): So, any idea which Doper?
flamsterette_x (9:30:54 PM): No comments from any Doper. Haha.
aryk29 (9:32:12 PM): Right then. I really shouldn't be hogging the computer this long, as much as I'd like to stay and chat. bcnu l8r hopefully sometime when you're less busy. :)
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Apr 14 18:59:54 2005
aryk29: <---- just learned something new. :D [Offline Message (Thu Apr 14 18:59:32 2005)]
flamsterette_x: And what would that be?
aryk29: About the compliment / complement thing. Darn you, log out while I'm typing a message, why dont'cha! :p
aryk29: I just wish Yahoo's display images didn't look like they were 12.
flamsterette_x: It didn't say you were typing a message. :P
aryk29: That's 'cuz you were signing out! :p
flamsterette_x: Haha, whatever! :P
aryk29: So there's an upcoming Dopefest that I'm going to try to make if I can. *excited*
flamsterette_x: Eh.
flamsterette_x: Sounds interesting, but who'll be there?
aryk29: Heloise, Coldfire, lel, Cisco, The Sonoran Lizard King...
aryk29: Phlosphr
aryk29: GIGObuster
flamsterette_x: Aiya.
flamsterette_x: Those two in a LDR. Lel, whom I used to talk to. Someone else who I saw a picture of when the aforementioned GIGOBuster forwarded me a picture of himself. Some dude who I don't know, but whose screen name reminds me of Jim Morrison. Another person who I know. And... well... someone whom I've been exchanging emails with.
aryk29: You've communicated with Lel? So have I! :)
aryk29: She wants to meet me b4 the 'Fest.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I did that a couple years ago or so. Summer 2002 into 2003. Maybe even 2004, but not that often..
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: Yeah.
aryk29: brb again
flamsterette_x: k
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Apr 14 19:28:22 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Apr 14 19:30:41 2005
aryk29: k back so soon. :D
flamsterette_x: Yay.
flamsterette_x: Hee hee.
aryk29: So lel said the fest would be a total snooze except for the margaritas.
flamsterette_x: You're talking to her now?
aryk29: No... reading Dope. She and I have exchanged private messages.
flamsterette_x: Aiya.
aryk29: Why aiya?
flamsterette_x: You'll get to meet her.
aryk29: Yup. Have you?
flamsterette_x: Vodka.
aryk29: No not vodka; margaritas. :p
flamsterette_x: VODKA!!!!
aryk29: Are you pouring it on your head? :D
flamsterette_x: NO!
flamsterette_x: What gives you THAT idea?!
aryk29: And I quote: Flami: Random thought: Let's pour vodka on our heads and bathe in conditioner.
aryk29: ;) :D
flamsterette_x: That was a RANDOM THOUGHT! Aiya!
aryk29: um, okay. I'm confused.
aryk29: Is it 7:47 PM where you are or 6:47 PM?
flamsterette_x: 7:47
aryk29: Shoot! I'm still not in a time zone that's later than one of my friends. I'm often in a time zone that's earlier, but never one that's later.
aryk29: Ooh, there's a Commonly Confused Words Test
flamsterette_x: Yes, there are two of them. :P
flamsterette_x: So what time is it where YOU are? Arizona is weird when it comes to this Daylight Savings stuff. :P
aryk29: No Arizona doesn't have Daylight Savings stuff. It's the rest of the states and provinces that are weird. :p It's 7:52 over here right now.
flamsterette_x: What. Ever.
aryk29: the 9th question is a case usage :D
flamsterette_x: Sure.
aryk29: (It's a nominative.) ;)
flamsterette_x: If you say so.
aryk29: You know the trick to determine when to use who and when to use whom, right?
flamsterette_x: I think so. Refresh my hazy memory.
aryk29: Use who where you would use he, and whom where you would use him. :D Well, he and who are nominatives.
aryk29: Here you go.
flamsterette_x: Ah.
aryk29: *tapfoot* :p
flamsterette_x: What?!
aryk29: How many percent of respondents I scored higher than.
aryk29: This computer is doing some really sheared wit!
aryk29: I'm going to reboot.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Thu Apr 14 20:04:19 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Thu Apr 14 20:06:04 2005.
aryk29: 'Puter was making a camera sound over and over and over.

flamsterette_x: So, go look now.
aryk29: okay, I will :D
aryk29: I lost my results when I shut down. :(
aryk29: (see my reply :D )
flamsterette_x: See mine.
aryk29: Is it because I refused to sign up a username?
flamsterette_x: No, I got those results even before I signed up with the site.
aryk29: Maybe it's my browser.
flamsterette_x: Did you answer those stats questions at the end?
aryk29: Yup
flamsterette_x: Hm.
aryk29: (3 guesses what I put there too, teehee )
flamsterette_x: Hm. "Alien from Mars."
aryk29: :p
aryk29: 3 guesses for somethng that has 2 choices is a bit much, yeah. Still, it's for statistical purposes, and it's what's between our ears that we use for taking quizzes and posting to boards, etc. :D
flamsterette_x: Don't tell me you skewed the stats.
aryk29: No... I put May 3, 1981.
flamsterette_x: Yeah....... so?
aryk29: So the stats will accurately reflect my age.
flamsterette_x: Okay..... so what else did you put?
aryk29: No blog, no username. Maybe I should get a username. I used to have a HotOrNot profile way back when...
aryk29: So I bet you didn't think I'd be Mayan. :D
flamsterette_x: Oh. Well, okay then.
flamsterette_x: Hahaha. Hot Or Not. Hahahaha.
aryk29: My score was 6.2 :p
flamsterette_x: Heh.
aryk29: I used to have this double match, she and I had sooo much in common, exchanged messages, all that good stuff... but she lives in Florida.
flamsterette_x: Dang.
aryk29: Yup.
aryk29: She's bi, too. *sigh*
flamsterette_x: Ah well..........
aryk29: Plenty of fish in the sea, right?
flamsterette_x: True.
aryk29: There's actually a Doper I have a real crush on, and am just waiting for an excuse to send her a PM.
aryk29: You still here? :D
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: Oh. Oops. Been caught up in commenting, IMs, and email. Sorry.
aryk29: sokay... Dad just saw a UFO and is going out to look at the sky... from his description, it sounds like it was an iron meteorite, but I might just go join him in case it comes back. :D
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Apr 14 21:18:57 2005
Session Start (flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Apr 22 09:20:35 2005
[09:20:36] aryk29: Hey, just so you know: take a look at my biography field. I haven't decided for sure yet though. Chat with ya soon! :) [Offline Message (Fri Apr 22 02:32:56 2005)]
[09:21:12] flamsterette_x: Hey, I have news for you too! I am no longer a kissing virgin. ;)
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Apr 22 09:21:17 2005
Session Start (flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Apr 22 09:38:44 2005
[09:38:45] *** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will be received when he/she logs into Yahoo! Messenger.
[09:38:56] flamsterette_x: Um, unless I'm missing something, that is not your bio.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Apr 22 09:39:02 2005
Session Start (flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Apr 22 13:17:32 2005
[13:17:33] aryk29: Re: not my bio: I did send you the link to the right profile, right? *unsure*
[13:17:33] *** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am currently away from the computer.
[13:17:37] *** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Apr 22 13:17:37 2005.
[13:17:53] flamsterette_x: Nah, you sent me one to Lee's.
[13:18:02] aryk29: Oh shoot
[13:18:06] aryk29: okay, lemme try again
[13:18:14] aryk29: My Member Profile!
[13:18:16] aryk29: my mistake
[13:19:14] aryk29: she and I were having a conversation in a thread... I musta clicked the wrong username
[13:20:38] flamsterette_x: So what did you want me to critique?
[13:21:16] aryk29: I wanted to let you know that I hadn't decided yet whether I'm staying on the board.
[13:22:09] flamsterette_x: Ah yes. Well, it turns out I am.
[13:22:37] aryk29: Ah okay. "It turns out" - that mean there's a specific reason? :D
[13:23:45] flamsterette_x: I made some post in the "subscription fee request" thread, not expecting anything out of it. But then TLD emailed me last week, and said he could do it for me.
[13:24:27] aryk29: He's been so helpful with getting you paid up. :) I'll go find the post now...
[13:24:44] flamsterette_x: Yeah, he has been. :) Okay then..
[13:25:43] aryk29: By the way, it was TubaDiva's response in this thread that influenced my decision. Did she even understand my question!

[13:27:21] aryk29: Ooh, I see they finally banned Billy The Sock. :p
[13:28:12] flamsterette_x: From what I think, she should have just answered yes or no.... then maybe given you something a bit more helpful.
[13:31:29] aryk29: Yeah. I decided that I didn't want to risk it going through without asking for a number. Because I closed out my old account, and while I don't think the bank would soak me any fees for trying to bill a closed account, I didn't want to take that chance. On top of that, Eats_Crayons has left; SanguineSpider hasn't posted in ages; a couple dozen other posters I'll miss are leaving; I'm not alone in getting the feeling that the board isn't the same as it used to be; Eve and lekatt have returned even after they said they were leaving. If it weren't for the billing issue, I'd probably stay, but it just isn't worth the hassle of sorting it out. :(
[13:32:13] flamsterette_x: Yeah, I can understand. :( But hey, I'll still see you on here and at Our Place! :D
[13:32:21] aryk29: Yes! :)
[13:32:36] flamsterette_x: Oh, and did you get my original message?
[13:32:53] aryk29: The one about the kiss? :)
[13:34:35] flamsterette_x: Yes.
[13:34:45] aryk29: I'm happy to hear that!
[13:36:17] flamsterette_x: Yeah, it was very nice. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable with it. Although that was VERY out-of-character for me.... meeting people off the Net isn't necessarily new. But taking them home to act on the attraction we feel for each other, and then letting them stay overnight because I want to be a good hostess and not let them walk in the dark to catch a bus?! Aiya.
[13:37:42] aryk29: Yeah I understand about that. It sounds like you two really hit it off though.
[13:38:14] flamsterette_x: Yeah. Of course, I won't let myself get too attached, since there are other considerations.
[13:38:30] aryk29: I see.
[13:39:51] flamsterette_x: For one thing, he's into multiple relationships at the same time. For another, he's bi. Nothing against either of those, but I know those aren't for me....
[13:43:01] aryk29: Ah, he's poly and bi. I know about poly people and bi people. ;)
[13:44:30] flamsterette_x: I know... I know. I'm leading myself down some torturous path if I do this for real. But... well.... at least I'm not attached to him?
[13:44:58] aryk29: Does he know that you're wanting a monogamous relationship?
[13:45:43] flamsterette_x: We haven't even talked about that yet. But I'm pretty sure he knows I'm not into that kind of thing. We were just saying "let's play it by ear and see what happens."
[13:46:42] aryk29: Hmm, then he's probably willing to try being in just a one-on-one straight diad. It could work out - I wish youse the best. :)
[13:47:51] flamsterette_x: Maybe, but then he's already in two relationships.... and these two people are also interested in each other. We discussed all that to some extent.
[13:47:58] aryk29: Oh, I see.
[13:48:16] aryk29: Wow.
[13:48:29] flamsterette_x: Yeah, That was my reaction.
[13:48:29] aryk29: So essentially he's part of a triad already?
[13:48:41] flamsterette_x: Yes. Hey, how do you know all this stuff?
[13:49:12] aryk29: I knew some poly folks when I was in my early teens. In fact, I still know two poly folks now and they're also bi. ;)
[13:49:42] aryk29: Triads IME if they work out, only do so for a few years. There's too many issues and too much friction between "rival" partners.

[13:51:00] flamsterette_x: Ah, I see. Yeah, I think that would happen... :|
[13:51:57] aryk29: Well it certainly sounds... interesting. Shoot, I just remembered I have to give the cat some water.
[13:52:29] flamsterette_x: .... yeah, that would be one way to put it.... Go do that.
[13:55:27] aryk29: Okay, I'm back. I dunno if I'd ever try the poly thing... I used to think it'd be really neat, but now I'm not sure it'd be worth the friction.
[14:03:32] flamsterette_x: You know, I took some quiz recently that said I was poly-curious. I used to think that was gross, then I thought it would be neat, but now... it's like you said, it's not worth the hassles.
[14:03:45] aryk29: Link? :D
[14:08:13] flamsterette_x: Here you go.
[14:08:44] aryk29: cool, thanks... I'm taking it now... :D
[14:08:59] flamsterette_x: No problem!
[14:09:14] flamsterette_x: Poly curious
You scored 1!
You may or may not know much about what polyamory is, but you might be
open to the concept. Perhaps you should do some research and reading to
learn more.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender

[14:09:30] flamsterette_x: (ignore random emoticon)
[14:10:04] aryk29: I don't see an emoticon in there. Oh, and FTR, when you type :| I see a "straight-faced" smiley.
[14:12:27] aryk29: My results: Poly curious You scored 6! You may or may not know much about what polyamory is, but you might be open to the concept. Perhaps you should do some research and reading to learn more.
[14:27:25] aryk29: u still here? :)
[14:55:37] flamsterette_x: Uh, oops. Yes. The window wasn't blinking. Sorry.
[14:55:47] aryk29: 'sokay. :)
[14:55:59] flamsterette_x: Here we go.
[14:56:08] aryk29: I was just reading Dope, and went off on a tangent about whistled languages in Wikipedia. :D
[14:56:49] flamsterette_x: Hm. Interesting.
[14:56:58] aryk29: Whistled languages.
[14:57:26] flamsterette_x: So you wrote that?
[14:57:32] aryk29: Nope.
[14:57:52] aryk29: Went off on a tangent reading about whistled languages in Wikipedia.

[14:57:55] flamsterette_x: Well, I'll take a look at it.
[14:58:00] aryk29: k :)
[14:58:11] flamsterette_x: Oh. Okay.
[15:00:24] flamsterette_x: Interesting.....
[15:00:53] aryk29: Yup. It's kinda hard to encode consonants in a whistle, so I wonder how they managed to do that.
[15:01:27] flamsterette_x: Who knows. Ask!
[15:03:00] aryk29: Hey, that reminds me... that quiz that said I was Gregg Shorthand, and I said I was off to learn it? Well, I got through the first several chapters of an online textbook, and can read and write it somewhat. :D
[15:03:20] flamsterette_x: Cool!
[15:04:42] aryk29: The topic came up in a conversation with my mother, and she said: "wait a minute, when did you learn shorthand!"
[15:05:20] flamsterette_x: Hah.
[15:05:47] aryk29: that be the book. :D
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Apr 22 15:12:50 2005
Labels: alcoholic drinks, birthdays, bootybase, computer, conversations, corey, erik, gay, languages, lord of the rings, lyrics, maxed-out tags limit, our place, palmer, restarts, sdmb, smileys, songs, true crime, ym