Eric called at 6:06 to advise me that he was on his way to pick me up... I also noted that I'm finally feeling better! We discussed the news on the way over; Christon had given him the hint ("What do you think the church would do if Pastor John left?") at Rogers Arena, but he thought it was just a hypothetical. It's no wonder I wasn't invited! I couldn't afford it anyway! (I was thinking the pre-season game was a get-together at someone's house) I said that when I had called Steph, she already knew about it... I also have no idea what's behind my dad's not being the church admin anymore, either. Should have asked Jon tonight, but forgot. We also discussed Randal, anger, moving on, Mr. Creep not being smart to avoid holiday rushes, savory food, people poisoning Randal's mind, hearing what you want to hear, agreeing with one part NOT being agreement with everything, manipulators, cooking sheets, machines, and more.
When we buzzed to be let into Jeremy's building, Eric said that "my pal" had answered the door. I was expecting Mr. Creep (Christon WOULD invite him...), but it turned out to be Raymond, who was wearing purple AGAIN! Jon and Harmony showed up late, and Wesley couldn't make it because he was studying. There were also three new people, whom I didn't talk to much as per protocol. (one of them was the person named Enoch - Jon apparently knows him from Regent) Otherwise, Eric / Jeremy / Christon / Vivian / Vania / Karen / Vicky / Martin / Isabel / Raymond / Randal / Jen / Lincoln / I had a good time. It was pretty crowded, so Jeremy brought out his ironing board for us to put our plates and glasses on! I agree with Harmony that it's much easier than dismantling his closet door! (Jeremy even drilled extra holes into it so it would be lower - he got it for free from the garage!)
Discussed the resignation news, KFC, gravy, fries, poutine, telling stories (Isabel and I were sitting in front of Lincoln who was in an armchair - CLASSIC TABLEAU POSE!), the "break-in" on Friday, Christon's disappointing experience at the Cloud 9 Revolving Restaurant, Stanford's exacting "julienne" standards for the potatoes and such / pranks involving alarms at the Fellowship retreat, Lady Gaga's meat dress (which apparently has been turned into jerky to preserve it!), and more. Christon, Wesley, Jon, and others had made it to the liquor store / Safeway JUST before closing time to get some Hop Head IPA and a cake with "Happy Birthday, Jeremy" written on it! Apparently, everyone who had come over after Fellowship had thrown stones at the window, knocked on the window, and did various other things to try alerting Jeremy to their presence. He did hear noises, but figured it wasn't anything to be worried about.
They figured he was in the shower, but luckily Ryan came home at 11:45 or so, and HE thought they really WERE trying to break in. Jon jumped in front of his car (he would!), and explained the situation to him... Ryan recognized them from previous Sunday Dinners. When they were unpacking stuff, they wondered what would happen if Jeremy came out of the shower without clothes on. They thought he'd gone out of the shower once, but that was a false alarm. When he really DID come out of the shower, he was surprised and very confused when they all appeared in front of him! (I told him that I would be, too) They stayed till about 12:15 or 12:30 - Jeremy DID have to work on Saturday, and midnight signified October 2 and Christon's own birthday!
As for the revolving restaurant, it was Christon's choice for a family dinner, and his dad (a chef) complained about everything! They had a reservation for 7:45, but didn't actually get seated till 8:15 because people were hogging the window view, and the restaurant staff didn't hurry the people up! Chinese people would just stand RIGHT THERE at the table, and stare at you - that would get most people to hurry up! The food was disappointing... they paid $45 for a prime rib, and it definitely did NOT wow them! There's another revolving restaurant around here, but Christon's friend who WORKS there told him NEVER to go there... that's when you KNOW it's bad!
Also discussed the phone going practically non-stop since 6:15, the dinner satisfying all of Vania's cravings, marks, Quebec, "Extra High" beer from Japan, mocha beer, Halloween / Kids Night, passion fruit / papaya cake, Harmony's paella (I was too full even from last night to try some!), rice, salad, and pimentos on the crackers. Talked about leftovers (I have a lot from last night - it works since I don't have to cook for the next few days!), mini chocolate bars, Eric's joke that I get drunk before church (I told this to Jeremy), beer pictures (two-handed beer!), Zimbabwe, long-distance girlfriends, deep-fried cheesecake, DEEP-FRIED LARD, KFC, Vivian taking off the chicken skin (Jon joked that he could superglue it to his face for a Halloween costume), and more. Jen gave Christon and Jeremy some T-shirts that her cousin's girlfriend makes in Hong Kong: they have Christian messages. These had a bastardized version of the McDonalds logo and slogan: "Messiah: He is loving us." HAHAHAHA, too funny!
At around 9:30 or so, we could hear fireworks outside. After trying to figure out WHY there'd be fireworks (it's not a HOLIDAY!) and looking out the window, Jeremy said that we could at least see them from the viewing deck upstairs! Jen was feeling lazy and didn't want to go, but everyone else went... it was the crowd mentality, so she had to go as well. Eric, Jon, Jeremy, and I went upstairs and down the hallway of the fourth floor - we could also see into someone's apartment from there! We saw the last couple of fireworks, and met a couple of other people who had just missed it. We wondered where everyone else was, and found them just waiting in the hallway when we got back because they weren't sure where we'd gone. Dude, how hard is "upstairs and down" to understand?! You gotta go more than a few steps out the door, man! Jon asked whether I was going to be a boob and skip the family Thanksgiving dinner at the lards' place - the presumably hectic nature of next weekend means I must sleep!
While Jen, Randal, and Harmony were discussing UBC job postings and crazy requirements, the guys were discussing ironic emails from Dylan and such in the kitchen as they cleaned up. I found the latter conversation to be more interesting, so joined them. Christon didn't tell Dylan, but he HAD found out from someone! He only has Deb to vent to now, poor guy! Eric said that HE had found out about the Pastor Glen situation through an email since he'd been in Victoria at U. Vic then, but couldn't remember who'd sent it to him. I told him that *I* had sent it, and explained to Christon that my email situation at the time was totally FUBAR - I couldn't check email because the computer was crazy slow! By the time I got to his reply email asking me to explain ("What?! There was a vote?! Please explain!"), he'd already found out more details about what had happened. So then we discussed spiritual formation, discipleship, questions which SHOULD be brought up at the family meeting, and more.
Later, someone HAD to bring up Mr. Creep; Jon was glad to see him, and Jeremy was glad he'd found us! (poor misguided souls...) Apparently, Jeremy and Jon like the new perspective he brings to us because he's a little different than we are; he's not Asian, so doesn't know the unwritten rules about what NOT to say, and can be brash. I'd say he's OUT OF TUNE! Apparently, he thinks Randal and Jen should date; the result was that Mr. Creep and Jen bickered like an old married couple at lunch! I refrained from saying anything about Mr. Creep - unlike him, I definitely DO know the unwritten rules!
On the way home, I reiterated my reasons for not liking him (the sheet signing / his offending me / his being discordant) and said that he wasn't intelligent AT ALL. Yes, I found out about the atrocious spelling and grammar after he'd signed the Kids Night sheet, but still. Also discussed the new people, blogging, and more. When Eric dropped me off, I said I'd see him on Saturday for the wedding - he made no demur (although I'm sure Friday will be a different story) because he was busy trying to rectify my FAIL at slamming the car door! I counted five or six slams, haha. At home, I found that Nathan knew about the situation, and wishes he couldbe here: a sad dire mess, indeed... also talked to Chinese Eric for a bit.
Also found this on my friends page, explaining the fireworks... so of course I emailed it to everyone:
so this is all over twitter right now:
The #fireworks you just saw were for the IBA Annual Conference that started today! Bring back some summer memories? #vancouver #yvr #bc"Labels: alcoholic drinks, birthdays, christon, crap, dylan, eric m., harmony, hockey, isabel, jen, jeremy, karen lew, martin, maxed-out tags limit, nathan, randal, raymond, steph, sunday dinners, vania