CTV Olympics on Youtube
Talked to Corey when I got home from seeing the Olympics, of course. This is the relevant Taiwan stuff, since I edited everything else out:
[19:44:41] Flami: WE WON GOLD!!!! SET A RECORD!!!
[19:45:59] Corey: AT WHAT???
[19:47:45] Flami: Canada set a record for most gold by a host country, for one... and we won the hockey game - SO INTENSE!
[19:56:08] Corey: I haven't been able to watch the Olympics at all here
[19:58:23] Flami: oh yeah, you said Jane wasn't interested in it or something
[20:00:21] Corey: I don't know what channel it's on here. surely they have it. right now, her niece is home sick, and she's watching cartoons in here
[20:01:29] Flami: oh, okay... well, it's officially over now
[20:26:15] Corey: well, that's annoying
[21:07:30] Corey: well, I have pictures of poop things for you, but they're on my phone... so it's not easy to get things off there now without my laptop working
[21:07:52] Flami: oh, well... you're nuts
[21:08:40] Corey: I missed one opportunity, but that would have involved taking pictures inside a bathroom, which would probably not be very kosher
[21:09:34] Corey: (and no, it's not what it may sound like :P there was a sign in there :P)
[21:12:31] Flami: .... WHAT?! um, okay then
[21:13:20] Corey: it was a sign about which animals poop while they run :P
[21:16:07] Corey: ha :P
[21:29:04] Flami: what do you mean, "HA" ?! :P
[21:29:29] Corey: you always try to deny your love of poop, but now you're mad that I didn't take that picture for you :P
[21:30:42] Flami: HAHAHAHAHA. Go back to the washroom and take a picture.
[21:30:59] Corey: it's too far away! that's at the zoo
[21:33:30] Flami: did I say you had to do it now?!
[21:34:13] Corey: well, I'm probably not going to the zoo again........
[21:34:35] Flami: DANG IT. Convince the niece to REALLY WANT TO GO TO THE ZOO! although maybe not if she's sick
[21:35:00] Corey: she went with us! :P
[21:35:28] Flami: ("hey, niece... you REALLY want to go to the zoo AGAIN, right? [insert stuff about her favorite animals]")
[21:36:21] Corey: well, she's in here with me... but if I say that, I don't think she'll understand :P there is a language barrier to deal with here, you know
[21:36:28] Corey: she does like the zoo, though
[21:36:48] Flami: oh yeah, that's true :P hmm
[21:39:08] Corey: now she just tried to climb on my head or something
[21:40:13] Flami: ouch
[21:41:23] Corey: she's sick and wouldn't eat lunch, but she still wants me to throw her around, I guess :P she's trying to get up on my shoulders so I'll carry her around and eventually dump her off onto the bed :P she uses my face and throat as handholds to get up there, though................... she stands on the bed which is right behind this chair, so my shoulders aren't too high
[21:43:24] Flami: you are definitely not a jungle gym
[21:48:45] Corey: oh yeah?
[22:00:40] Flami: well, other than the niece, I'm not sure too many other people think that :P
[22:00:59] Corey: probably
[22:34:57] Corey: I think Jane should see
Avatar for the 3D, but she doesn't seem interested... we have passes to see two movies, so we need to see something here soon :P we saw
Book of Eli in Taipei, but that didn't use up any passes since that's a different place
[22:42:27] Flami: I've never heard of that movie
[22:46:49] Corey: it's a post-apocalyptic thing where some guy named Eli is supposed to take a book to the West. the bad guy wants his book because he knows he can use it to control people and gain power
[22:46:56] Corey: Denzel Washington is Eli
[22:57:49] Flami: ah... NOW Trillian works :P
[22:58:16] Flami: interesting... I take it this is one of THOSE kinds of books :P
[22:58:28] Corey: what's THOSE kinds?
[23:19:48] Flami: a powerful book filled with secret things :P
[23:20:41] Corey: no, it's a book that causes wars :P that's why they destroyed them all, except for the one Eli found
[23:21:17] Corey: they decided that that's WHY they're in a post-apocalyptic world :P
[23:25:56] Flami: oh, okay... makes sense
[23:38:18] Corey: Jane thought it was too violent :P
[23:39:41] Flami: not surprised
[23:42:22] Corey: it wasn't very graphic. Eli slaughters about three dozen people every time he gets in a fight, but it's a new movie... so that means shakycam action and 9 billion angles, so it's sort of hard to see what's going on
[23:55:02] Flami: I guess she doesn't like violent movies
[00:34:36] Corey: Japanese wrestling is on channel 77 even now.. this must be like the 24-hour Japanese wrestling channel
[00:35:27] Corey: it has this Viagra-type thing they advertise during almost every commercial break, with these really ugly old men who all have hot young women now because of this pill :P it's like 5 minutes long too
[00:37:12] Flami: .... oh dear.
[00:38:28] Corey: it includes scenes of them with their pants down, pushing their underwear in so you can see the outline of the results of the pill, plus shots of them happily going at it with the women :P a lot more graphic than ads like that back home
[00:39:27] Flami: WHAT?! OH MY! don't they have laws about this kind of thing? (and I hope Jane's niece isn't in the room)
[00:41:04] Corey: Jane's mom made her go back to her room and stop watching TV in here :P
[00:44:56] Flami: oh, phew
[01:55:02] Corey: the sound here isn't very good. she only has one place for speakers on her computer, so I had to unplug her speakers (tiny ones on her monitor that are really quiet) and put headphones in... which is a lot louder, but is obnoxious since there's interference from the other stuff in her computer making noise all the time.. kind of like constant static. that's normal, though
[01:55:55] Corey: my laptop does that (at least it did when it worked :( ) and my desktop did before the Christmas upgrade, but now my desktop's sound is nice and silent when nothing is playing... no line noise at all. it's nice.
[01:56:45] Corey: we asked around for video cards yesterday, but nobody knew what I was talking about. it's not really common for a laptop to even have a replaceable video card, so they're confused when I ask for a laptop video card
[02:16:49] Corey: my watch is alive again! woo hoo! Jane got it fixed for me after work :P
[02:17:31] Flami: sweet!
You Are a Rock Star

Even if you can't play a single instrument, you're a total rebel and creative type.
You couldn't imagine yourself with a corporate job, and you couldn't imagine having a boss.
You are expressive, original, and oftentimes a bit moody. You are very real about who you are and what you're feeling.
You tend to get in trouble a lot. You have a total bad girl or bad boy attitude, and you just always seem to be landing in hot water!
Trivia fact for Monday, Mar. 1: When it comes to ships, what's the orlop? The lowest deck on ships with four or more decks.
Labels: 2010, conversations, corey, games, golden, hockey, jane, kids, lunch, maxed-out tags limit, movies, msn, new records, page-a-day, poo, sick, sports, taiwan, war, youtube