Hey, Joyce added me to Facebook - sweet! It took me three tries, but I finally found a computer (MONTALE) which accepts online games... also very awesome to keep up on Scrabulous moves!
Quizzes all stolen from Janina:
Your result for The what Proto-Goth Icon are you? Test...
Peter Murphy!
Our test has determined that you possess
24% Hellbentness, 58% Sanguinity, and 37% Creeps!
Well done!

Your Proto-Goth Icon match is Peter Murphy of Bauhaus!
Thin, with prominent cheekbones, a rich voice, and a penchant for gloomy poetics... Murphy is often called the "Godfather of Goth." Rising from a coffin on-stage, driving a hearse called the "Bauhearse," or appearing in concert as a vampire... these all helped to cement the gothic look...
Murphy's Bauhaus epitomised a dark post-punk world. Suburban lost souls turned to the shadowy otherworld feel of the music that came from a mixture of flickering over-exposed '20s horror and glistening '80s sartorie. The single strobe lit live concerts, writhing with a feeling of going one step too far, capture a spirit that lives on quietly,even though the patent shine of the Shelley's shoes have long gone.
Take The what Proto-Goth Icon are you? Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for How good of a Calvinball player are you?...
Your Grade= A- Good Calvinball knowledge and strategy
54% Game_Knowledge and 76% Game_Skill!

Well done! You are part of the 8.7% of the population that landed in this category.* You placed very well in both knowledge of the game and skill.
You probably have a natural talent in Calvinball, and you are clearly no dummy. It seems that you have learned that the trick to doing well in Calvinball is not brute strength, but quick wit. With your natural ability you could go far.
There is, however, still some room for improvement. You are probably already talented enough to beat Calvin, but it will take some more work before you could defeat the quick-witted Hobbes. Keep reading and practicing, and one day you'll be able to take that tiger down.
* This is a made up number.
Take How good of a Calvinball player are you? at HelloQuizzy
Your result for The Firefly / Serenity Test...
Yeah, that was OK...
You scored 69%!

Yeah, you did okay... but not great. Go and watch Serenity and Firefly again, then re-try. Thanks for taking the test, though! Much Appreciated!!! :)
Take The Firefly / Serenity Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for The Fuck me that's a film quote! Test...
Film Fu*kwit
Congratulations! You scored ###! Now get off me laaaand!!

Get it first time or get it free thats where you need to be!!
Take The Fuck me that's a film quote! Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for Which Chess Piece are You Test?...
The Rook's Hawk
Congrats! Only 12-16% of the population score this!

The Rook's Hawk is like a judge. They have a great sense of right and wrong, especially in their area of interest or responsibility. They are devoted to duty. They are punctual. People who set their clocks on others are typically measuring their time with the Hawk. It is common to perceive that the Hawk is cold or aloof. They frequently protect their emotions via practicality.
They work systematically to get the job done. When a new procedure is proven, they can be depended upon to carry it out. The Rook's Hawk is deeply frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when it comes to commitments. They will keep their feelings to themselves – but when asked, expect truth over tact. They are quite able to make the tough call and carry it out. You will find the Rook's Hawk at home in government, schools, military, or any other organization which maintains strict hierarchy. They are the traditionalist and are perfect for balancing out the idealists of other types.
The Rook's Hawk thrives on organization. They keep their lives and environments well-regulated. They bring painstaking attention to detail in their work, and will not rest until satisfied with a job well done. They are obviously hard workers. They will sort through ideas and find the most practical ones, again revealing how common sense prevails in this type. This 'Pawn' is the cornerstone of an ethical working society. They are centered on dealing with the present and most practical affairs. They observe life and promote consistency in society. They value loyalty, and others are best to acquaint themselves with this type if they wish to gain a fruitful insight to what makes the world tick.
Take Which Chess Piece are You Test? at HelloQuizzy
Labels: church, comics, computer, facebook, games, hello quizzy, icons, janina, korey, maxed-out tags limit, movies, music, peter, rich, scrabble, shelley, sports, tv shows, visitors, wikipedia