For some reason, Eric called me at 9 AM - WTF? Unfortunately, it was "go time" for church and a meeting which ended up being stupidly long, partially thanks to Jen derailing the conversation to talk about tracts at the Skeena Terrace BBQ. NONE HERE, PLEASE! On the way to church, we talked about his picking up a computer case from NCIX / pedophiles / Mr. Creep / Jen being too religious for me / how I should get up at 10 AM every day and go to bed at 2 AM / not going to Jeremy's tonight out of obligation / Wednesday's welfare block party / real life / online friends / making paper into diamonds / games / the Cheat / a tandoori restaurant in Steveston where he and his parents went for dinner last night / being addicted to stuff / being obsessed with stuff / my seeming confused when he called me this morning since I should have had Friday for reference. At church after saying hi to Jon / Harmony / Geoffrey (and discussing Richmond buses), I noticed Mr. Creep in his usual spot, so I sat in my usual spot where Nathan W. and Phil were. Noticed that Chung and Karen (with baby Marcus) were back from Hong Kong, but wondered where Jeremy was since he usually sits by me! Since Christon had mentioned a blackout he was undergoing because of a huge furniture sale at the warehouse, I thought he was THERE! I succeeded in not laughing when Randal talked about what an "exhilarating" experience it would be to get rear-ended in the alley on Broadway in the back of our church, hahaha! Phil later said that he or Grace would try to come out to the birthday thing, but I'm not worried since I know they have baby Micah to take care of now!
After talking to Auntie Ying and Auntie Kathy about Chrystal and other things, I was surprised to see the usual contingent sitting at the BACK instead! I tapped Jeremy on the shoulder to wonder what was up with all this shuffling; he said that Mr. Creep had sat at the front with them last week (which is why I'd had to MOVE), so he was just returning the favor. OH MY GOD, I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!! Hopefully, things return to normal next week or whenever I show up next! Told him about the Reddit poop link, and said I should email him about it; I just did, in fact! I said hi to Julie C., Auntie Cathy and Uncle Hansel, Shally, baby Micah (who smiled at me TWICE!), a sleepy baby Marcus, his mom Karen I. (little Mattias had been jet-lagged too), Joe T. and Helen C. (who'd been in London during the riots), Lily, Gavin, Hung (chilling in Abbotsford / Wednesday party), Paul, Jonathan C. (his Croatia mission trip pictures are awesome!), Daniel (here for the first AWANA week), Victor, and others before going upstairs to Toddler Sunday School. I saw Dad, and wondered why they'd called me the other day - turned out that I unwittingly avoided lunch with them in favor of gaming! Then Mr. Creep passed behind me and may have brushed my shirt - SHOWER AND LAUNDRY WHEN I GOT HOME! As I saw Stanford and Calla, Kevin asked me whether I was teaching right now since the Committee was going for lunch. I gave him a non-committal answer while saying hi to Frances and baby Isaac, heh.
Saw Ada, Ashley, Ramen, Shira, Arthur (who remembers me), Esther, Jessie, and Rachel's grandma in the room. Told Ramen to give a book to his sister Shira when he was done with it - when he wouldn't, I gently took it from him instead! I also discussed the puzzles that Ashley, Esther, and Ada were working on, and was silly with Arthur. My time with the kids was all too short because Eric came upstairs and offered to get me some lemongrass chicken instead - since I like control, I opted to leave right then. Of course, I offered my excuses to Jessie for next week too - YAY FOR BREAKS! We ended up going to Pho, where Deb joined us after picking Jen up from the Nanaimo Skytrain station. I told her about the birthday party, and it turned out that I did email her about it, hahaha.
Discussed French cooking, barbecues, appreciation, Google, protein from the bean drink that Kevin ordered for lunch, leftovers, Motorola, geeky things, Phil's sermon on forgiveness, technology, defining ourselves, kids, change, and more prior to the meeting. Talked about Martin, Phyllis, Jose, Shally, life stages and transitions, the Skeena Terrace BBQ, Dylan ranting about 200 bottles of bottled water for the walkathon, tans, Cuba, politics, Castro, Vivian's laser eye surgery, Grace, Harmony, Raymond, Randal, Jeremy, the CORE group, Alan, Tracy, planning, Church's Chicken, Eric and Kevin staying on the Committee while Dylan was stepping down, a new small-group format, and more. Afterwards, Dylan agreed with me that Eric had control over the flow of the discussion as chair - it was 4:15 when we left church, man! Eric says he was trying to respect her, but *I* certainly wouldn't have let the off-topic discussion go on for ten minutes! Unfortunately, the next meeting is the Sunday after my birthday - I'll have to come up with something for that! (recovery from the day before? haha)
I let the guys be geeky and talk about development work for the Android while I got a bit of sleep on the way to Aberdeen Mall. Traffic was bad around there as it usually is, and I said that transit was easier! Eric picked up the computer case, and Dylan was going to go to Coffee 2000. However, they only had Hong Kong-style coffee! When Eric dropped me off, Dylan said he'd walk home from my place since he needed the exercise before a family dinner in Surrey - haha, fair enough! I promptly threw away my 15 religious greeting cards AND the blue Aldo bag (it was getting too worn), took a shower, and did laundry when I got home in between talking to Vanessa on FB chat about stuff like feeling dirty because of Mr. Creep! I have to wait till Wednesday to replace those items, though. Dianne emailed me to say that my birthday celebration seems very intriguing, but she's moved to the land of cows, so she'll be there in spirit unless I decide to move to Calgary! Hahaha, I don't know about that!
Update on the POOP thread - the guy who hasn't pooped in the month of August.Labels: arthur, church, crap, dianne, eric m., facebook, homestar runner, jen, jeremy, laundry, links, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, online people, phone calls, poo, vanessa, vivian l., water