Saturday, July 17, 2010
Bento boxes, garlic mashed potatoes, white cheddar popcorn, and Ross Gellar
BENTO (206 points) - against Juliane B. [4W, 5W, hook off FANG to make OF]
OPTIMA (832 points) - against Diane T. [two 4W, two 2W]
TACKING (300 points) - against Cheryl G. [3W, 5W]
JETON (592 points) - against Lisa C. [two 4W, 3L on J]
OUTROARS (129 points - against Janie J. [2W, 5W, hook off SKI to make SKIT]
BITING (114 points) - against Suzette W. [4W, 2W, hook off WO to make TWO]
QATS (145 points) - against Brenda S. [5W, 2L on Q, hook off AGE for a plural]
AKIMBO (276 points) - against Heather R. [4W, 3W]
PILOT (161 points) - against Will M. [two 3W]
I'm at the library on OLIVER / GIBSON now - since I went to return books, I might as well use the computer! Some guy in here just accused someone else of WHIPPING IT OUT, if you know what I mean... oh my. The red-haired woman next to me sounded like a dying cow, laughing at whatever videos she's viewing. Oh well, this is what happens when you go out in public! After 3, LiveJournal was STILL blocked! Ugh. At home, I plan to finish the garlic mashed potatoes and the white cheddar popcorn. Yes, I know - not healthy as such, but it works. :D
Candace just sent me this picture, saying that Ross and I would get along SO well... I believe it!

Labels: annoyances, candy, food, friends, grammar, jane, julie, lisa, lj, sex, teunis, visitors, wordscraper
Inflamed rookies who are around shining opals in a crucifixion!
TRYINGLY (140 points) - against Fran R.
High-scoring words of the morning:
ROOKIE (147 points) - against Marian M. [4W, 5L on K]
INFLAME (192 points) - against Carole B. [two 2W, 5L on F]
FAZE (223 points) - against Kevin M. [5W, 2L on Z, hook off VAN to make FA / AN]
SHINES (200 points; 5W, two 2W), SLOBS (200 points; two 5W; a good deficit-erasing word!) - against Ling-Hwei L.
TRYINGLY (140 points) - against Fran R. [two 2W - one used twice, hook off WIN to make TWIN]
OPALS (162 points; 5W, 4W), STY (155 points; 5W, 4W, hook off QUAD for a plural) - against Juliane B.
VOLTS (123 points) - against Marcy V. [4W, 2W, hook off SAY for a plural] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
HIDE (114 points) - against Peter N. [3W, 5L on H, hook off AA to make AAH] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
CRUXES (255 points) - against Rachel G. [3W, 5W]
PAPIST (180 points) - against Ashley H. [3W, 5W]
Billie left at around 8:30, so I have the entire day and evening to myself. I could have gone hiking with everyone, but I'd be too tired - besides, I had to go to the library and the store prior to the boring_people chat at 6! Hopefully, the computer will behave better tonight!
Labels: billie, bingo, carol, chinese, computer, crap, fellowship, frances, julie, kevin, maxed-out tags limit, peter, quadruplets, rachel, shopping, sleep, teunis, twins, visitors, wordscraper
BORING_PEOPLE Chat #1, 07.16.10
Labels: aim, billie, birthdays, books, cast of characters, colin, conversations, drugs, emily, erin, lj, maxed-out tags limit, names, netspeak, parties, poo, steve, susan, teunis, visitors
Lime sorbet or popcorn for breakfast? / PIZZA!
You Are Extra Cheese |
![]() You are outgoing and friendly. You like to have a good time, and you'll indulge your desires. You are very comforting and understanding. Your friends know they can always turn to you for empathy. You are well adjusted and comfortable in your own skin. You know what you like, and you're not trying to impress anybody. You are good at finding what you love, and when you do, you aren't likely to change your ways. |
Labels: aaron, billie, birthdays, blogthings, breakfast, death, food, friends, ice cream, maxed-out tags limit, music, pizza, plans, presents, shopping, sleep, songs, teunis, visitors, weddings
Crazy Things Parents Say / COPS
MISEATEN (1090 points; 3W, two 5W) CRUX (550 points; 3W, 5W, 3L on X, hook off OW to make COW) - against Rachel G.
ABODED (176 points) - against Ashley H. [4W, two 2W]
We discussed bad timing, replacement items, clothing, food, snark, spending money, taxes, government stuff, shorts, Aaron / text messages / birthday parties / the beach / four months, eating as a life essential, banking, school, clueless doctors asking questions with PARENTS in the room, lactation, CRAZY THINGS PARENTS SAY, and birth control. Also discussed Patrick not eating, wheat allergies (Scott's mom), glucose / fructose, caffeine, allergies in general, rats and tests, honey, stomach irritation, eggs, Krysten, hypertension, liver disease, studies, citric acid / pathways, fruit, aspartame, two-week-long headaches, diabetes, stomach capacity, sugar, processed stuff, India, and more.
Trivia fact for Saturday, July 17: What future Oscar-winning actor spoke his first movie lines - "Shall I call the cops? I'll call the cops" - when he played a boardinghouse resident in the hit movie The Graduate? Richard Dreyfuss. His was an uncredited bit part in the 1967 film.
Labels: 2010, aaron, billie, food, india, links, maxed-out tags limit, money, movies, page-a-day, parents, pat, rachel, rich, scott, sleep, teunis, thousands of points, visitors, wordscraper
Friday, July 16, 2010
Lesbian warmth as a simile, HUGE mosquitos, history, and the Holocaust
High-scoring words of the evening:
WARMTH (180 points) - against Rebecca R. [5W, 2W]
LESBO (1161 points) - against Yvonne S. [two 4W, two 3W]
CASSINE (396 points) - against Michelle G. [4W, two 3W]
SIMILES (120 points) - against Alysia N. [5W, hook off YARD for a plural]
Billie, Teunis, and I discussed a lot of stuff:
* porn, and RedTube as a suggestion to cure boredom (it's like Youtube, except for porn)
* Skype, online communication, being anti-social, being tired of social stuff
* Chapters, history / languages, war / the Holocaust, filming I, ROBOT / CATWOMAN, stripping and safety in Canada (Montreal), and work
* Brazilian / Iranian censorship, and Hollywood morals
* LUPABITCH / autographs, Austin / Rodrigo, texting / Twitter, Surrey Central Mall, smoke, and grow-ops
* Alana not knowing that Wreck Beach is clothing-optional, TOCCATA AND FUGUE, nudity in general, fishing, and agreements
* Indian tribes, parties and respect, the White House, TORCHLIGHT / DIABLO / WORLD OF WARCRAFT / BIOSHOCK / Cat / characters, robes, airflow, desert wear, Ren Faire, the lamp, and the dishes
* militant feminists, Sean and evil laughter, HARRY POTTER and Quidditch, Jordan and eye damage, 300 / Greeks / Persians, anime, and graphic novels
* his Viking tent, comfy tents, walls, the SCA, Rhiannon, fancy tents, gays, sex life, straight vs. gay, medieval Christians, black men, culture, myths, threesomes, digicams, documentaries, Corey T., the weird FART VIBRATIONS note, erotic games, and mockery
* Corey A. and the Northwest Territories, moths, mosquitos the size of walnuts in the fridge, medicine, alarms, birth control (Yasmin), Aaron, bowls, eating mint chocolate chip ice cream out of cups, tabs in browsers, SAILOR MOON, and more
Someone in the BORING_PEOPLE chat thought I was a guy, haha! Oh man.
Labels: aaron, billie, corey, drugs, food, games, gay, history, ice cream, interesting racks, maxed-out tags limit, michelle, movies, sex, sleep, teunis, thousands of points, visitors, wordscraper, yazmine
It's a total NERD PARTY over here with salad and anime!
Got home before Teunis did, to have sorbet and such. He got home later - discussed Adblock, laptops, screens, Israel adapters, ads, baking powder, garlic, Linux, viruses, Windows, the texture of potato salad, Pirate Speak / LEET SPEAK on Facebook, OK Cupid, and more. We're being total nerds and are on our respective computers in the same room, haha. Also talked about his Hotmail and my Yahoo accounts being dump repositories for spam, DOUBLE RAINBOW, "girly" anime (in Japanese), TOTORO, Dutch cooking, mashed potatoes, VERY DEMOTIVATIONAL, PEOPLE OF WALMART, Failbook, Learn From My Fail, and more.
Labels: aaron, adam, billie, chris, computer, crap, dylan, facebook, games, ice cream, japan, maxed-out tags limit, megan, ok cupid, pat, sick, sleep, sushi, teunis, visitors
Earwax, botanists, sex, mustard, counter-productive trips, weird fish, and more!
EARWAX (104 points) - against Candace B. [3W, 2W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
STOOLIE (160 points; two 4W), MADE (134 points; two 4W, hook off SI to make SIM) - against Geraldine L.
ANERGY (495 points; 5W, two 3W), NOMINA (405 points; 5W, two 3W) - against Jeannine B.
BOTANIST (359 points) - against Jenny S. [two 5W, hook off MEAD for a plural]
COITION (172 points) - against Josephine S. [3W, two 2W]
Teunis and I discussed Billie sleeping over, especially since she called at 2:25 to bring up meeting places / money / dinner / popcorn! (Her reaction to his border troubles: "Does he have a criminal record?" Hahaha, good question! For the record, he does NOT have one!) Also talked about sleeping in till 2 / exhaustion from travel / Kailee and counter-productive trips to Surrey, practically back here to the airport, the Ren Faire in Langley this weekend, and then possibly the Richmond Night Market / beards / up at 7 tomorrow / clothing / BBC pictures of really weird fish in Australia's Great Barrier Reef / efficiency in boiling sausages / hot potato salad / bacon / lettuce / sushi / banking / time limits because of the Vancity bank hours / walking to Save-On afterwards / potatoes / mustard / meat / boot laces / steel toes / sushi / storage / vinegar. Billie just called to say she's here an hour early, so I better go!
Labels: australia, billie, candy, dinners, josephine, kaili, maxed-out tags limit, money, news, phone calls, plans, sex, shopping, sleep, sushi, teunis, us, visitors, weird stuff, wordscraper
Can you be overdressed at church? Yes... yes, you can! / Mountains
You Are a Hard Worker |
![]() You carry a lot of baggage with you when you travel. Some of it turns out to be unnecessary. You are naturally low energy. You have to nurture yourself in order to cultivate endurance. When you get tired, you feel calm. You need to wear yourself out in order to be able to relax. You are happiest when you've reached an important goal or milestone. You like to feel as if your life is progressing. |
Labels: billie, birthdays, blogthings, characters, church, facebook, friends, jokes, money, nathan, sleep, teunis, visitors
Turbo jokers and French stones at rodeos / I know where things are! / Bombs
PIERROTS (132 points) - against Bridget S.
High-scoring words of the night:
POW (100 points) - against Cheryl W. [2W, 5W]
TURBOS (160 points) - against Linda C. [two 4W]
JOKER (236 points; 4W, 5L on J), TEEN (115 points; two 5W, hook off SARD to make AT / RE / DE) - against Amanda H.
DEFOG (176 points) - against Dawn S. [two 4W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
OBJECTS (112 points) - against Steve P. [4W, 2L on C]
RODEO (140 points) - against Melissa M. [5W, 4W]
PIERROTS (132 points) - against Bridget S. [5W, 2L on P, hook off POON to make SPOON, bingo] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
EXTRA (435 points) - against Karen S. [two 5W - one used twice, hook off SODA to make AE]
Called Auntie Ying after finishing a book - she would like notice, but sometimes I can't give her that! Says that Jessie's kids bother her when she's telling the lesson, but she just goes on as usual. Rachel's grandma loves helping the kids, of course. She said stuff about snacks after the lesson, which she'll prepare. Also brought up Esther, Amos losing a toy (his mom Jennifer says he learned a lesson), David and Evelyn going to daycare (according to their mom Linda), and Ada.
I asked if Conor had been there - he had, and his mom Pauline says he lost his Bible and Awana handbook. I know exactly where those items are (along with his brother Sean's stuff) because I picked them up a couple weeks ago! However, I didn't tell that to Auntie Ying, but figured "maybe they'll find them next week" was close enough to the truth. ;)
Trivia fact for Friday, July 16: Why did American planes drop bombs on Hawaii in December 1935 and April 1942? To divert the flow of lava from the erupting Mauna Loa volcano away from nearby roads and the city of Hilo.
Labels: 2010, amanda, amos, bible, bingo, brigitte, dawn, history, jennifer, jokes, linda, maxed-out tags limit, melissa, page-a-day, phone calls, rachel, steve, teunis, visitors, wordscraper
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Josephine Uy, short shorts, Aeropostale, and opening a cat's paw
CATSPAW (288 points) - against Katie H. [4W, two 2W]
AMICI (176 points) - against Ron P. [two 4W]
OPENING (275 points) - against Angela E. [two 5W]
FADEOUT (108 points) - against Shyama P. [two 3W]
DODGEM (198 points) - against Kelly F.-P. [2W, two 3W]
Teunis and I discussed feelings, EVIL tomatoes, diabetes, food sensitivity, storage, server failure damage being analogous to a library burning down, spare keys, depression, showering, dance class / rush hour, waitress abuse, relationships, being different, clothing, and more. I went out to see if I could find replacement dark shorts at Sears or the mall in general, since REDRUM happened to my white ones - Sears had nothing in my size / price range / preferred color! Decided to go to Aeropostale for some reason, and felt a tap on my shoulder - lo and behold, it was Josephine Uy from Palmer! She said her siblings Patrick, Jennifer, and Ryan are all married now - she was there with her mom. I commiserated with her on feeling old, since my brother was married too!
Went to the Bay, the Gap, Bluenotes (where Steph and I went with Terrence), Old Navy, American Eagle, GARAGE (size ZERO?!), West 49th, and more. Discovered that Hallmark Cards had moved, too! Finally, I went to Roots to discover that their shorts WERE on sale - they only had one suitable pair, but I bought it. Then I went to Coast Mountain Sports / Atmosphere, where they were having a MASSIVE CLEARANCE EVENT. Finally found some shorts which weren't $60 each - they were actually $20! NICE! Went home and took a shower before doing laundry. Called Steph, who's going to the New Pornographers concert tonight - as long as she doesn't tell Dad, who would be scandalized as he was with Jon's ROLLING STONE once - "Hmph! What kind of stuff is your brother reading?!" Told her that she shouldn't slap my butt this weekend, and also that I had bought short shorts - yup, that freaked her out! Talked about Justin asking Hon if Eva tasted good (there are some things you shouldn't ask...), Eric thinking he isn't crazy, Sean planning karaoke and telling Brian to pretend he was driving home on a night where Hansel and Cathy lectured us about going to Fellowship JUST to do stuff later (they're not THAT dumb!), Mom checking her email RIGHT AFTER cataract surgery, cataracts being a film over your eyes, it not being a good idea to remove floaters, and other things. Good times. :D
Labels: angela, brian, cards, jennifer, jon, josephine, justin, karaoke, katie, kelly, maxed-out tags limit, music, pat, redrum, ryan, shopping, terrence, teunis, visitors, wordscraper
Being FLASHY! / Dream of Eric and Dave / Shampoo or Conditioner?
FLASHY (162 points) - against Angela V. [two 3W]
TAPPET (140 points) - against Elayne B. [5W, 2W]
HAJ (109 points) - against Janie J. [two 2W used twice, hook off OXO to make HO / AX / JO]
I had a weird dream where Eric and I were meeting up somewhere, and then my mother unexpectedly turned up. She wanted to take me home, but I was understandably reluctant to go anywhere with HER. Out of her earshot, Eric said that if anything happened, I could just call him with three words ("Parents hit me") and he'd come get me. Yes, I was thankful for that... luckily, my mother did indeed take me to my place only.
I called Eric to let him know what had happened, and he wanted to meet up with me again since my mother had rudely interrupted us. While I was waiting for him outside, who did I see but a slightly fatter version of Dave Wong? I told him that I was meeting Eric - and there was his car! But I did have a Bathroom Reader for Dave, so I told them BOTH to wait while I retrieved it. He was very surprised to get it! The dream ended when the sun streamed into my window... not sure why I had it, unless Wesley's wall post to Dave wondering about his whereabouts was the reason! I stopped myself from commenting on that one, hahaha! I also DO have a Bathroom Reader for Dave, but we'll see if he ever shows his face around here again!
Teunis says his server failed, and he lost six months of work / data which can't be easily replaced. OH SHIT! Barry says he's off till August... hmm! I'm playing Wordscraper against someone whose name is a Clash song - JANIE JONES!
You Are Conditioner |
![]() You have a mellowing, softening effect on everyone around you. You bring peace. You believe that a lot of our problems would be solved if we had less emotional turmoil. You try to relax and let go as much as possible. You believe in pampering yourself. No luxury is too indulgent if it makes you feel better. Your mental health is the most important thing. |
Labels: angela, barry, bathroom readers, blogthings, coincidences, comments, computer, david, dreams, elaine, eric m., facebook, jane, mom, teunis, visitors, wordscraper
Soda jargon bylaws / Dancing and oil / Beatles records and charts
SOJA (137 points) - against Vicki H. [5W used twice, hook off THAW for a plural, hook off PEWS to make SO] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
BYELAW (135 points) - against Douglas N. [5W, 3L on Y]
JARGONS (131 points) - against Lynn K. [5W, hook off OOZE for a plural]
WIZES (105 points) - against Ying-Ju L. [5W, hook off END for a plural]
BAPTISE (130 points) - against Maylinn M. [5W, 3L on B]
COUPLE (120 points) - against Jenny S. [5W]
HORA (260 points) - against Melissa M. [5W, 4W, 2L on H]
Teunis and I discussed his moving in with Rhiannon in Surrey (near Kwantlen - walking distance and no gas money!) in August. He knows he can stay here till that happens, so he doesn't need to worry about that on top of budget concerns and everything else! Apparently, he has dance class in New Westminster tomorrow! He also called his mom to let her know about things, heh.
Discussed trouble, rent, my NOT being eager to have him out of here when I asked if he were moving in with Rhiannon tomorrow (I was really just surprised!), turning down the heat from the heater, and certain realizations. Also talked about friendship and complications, exes, privacy, appreciation, visas / sponsorship, crossing the border, recipe books, sausages, moths, oil needing to be used soon, baking sheets, flavor, and more. Corey said that he had dumplings and eggdrop soup for lunch - NICE!
Trivia fact for Thursday, July 15: How many songs did the Beatles have on Billboard's list of the five top pop singles in April 1964? All five - a feat that's not expected to be broken, according to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, The records (one through five) were Can't Buy Me Love, Twist and Shout, She Loves You, I Want To Hold Your Hand, and Please Please Me.
Labels: 2010, coincidences, corey, food, friends, lists, lunch, maxed-out tags limit, melissa, music, page-a-day, phone calls, school, sex, songs, teunis, us, victoria, visitors, wordscraper
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Risky tourism outjumping biting inkwells! / Pretending to be normal
RISKY (272 points; 4W, two 2W), HEADS (236 points; 5W, 4W used twice, hook off TRAY for a plural) - against CoraLee J.
TOURISM (110 points) - against Elayne B. [5W, 2W]
BITING (120 points) - against Janice O. [5W, 2W]
INKWELL (400 points) - against George M. [two 5W]
AXE (127 points) - against Patrick M. [3W, 4L on X] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
OUTJUMPS (115 points) - against Kathy H. [5W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
QIS (328 points) - against Nan W. [5W, 4W used twice, hook off WAY to make SWAY] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
I got up from my nap at about 3:30, and Teunis finally woke up at 3:45 - I'm assuming the deep sleep was healing for him, as he seems to have been exhausted by all the travel he's done in recent days! Apparently, his server failed and he lost a bunch of stuff on his hard drive. He tells me not to worry, since apparently Andrew can hook him up with a new hard drive for cheap next week - NICE! Also discussed interesting music (Ensemble en Arabie?) - the stuff has a bit of a medieval feel to it, but then what do I know. I am not a music expert, unlike Flime!
I joked that he stole my other three large cups when I wasn't looking because he thought I only had the one in blue - HAHAHA, so not true! But then, I didn't expect him to intuitively know this, heh. (he also put on Rammstein while trying to fix his speakers) Discussed drive size / sectors, the temperature, Nina and the beach, burning / tanning, bread dough, Sarah and Vernon catching the Benjamin kids playing DIABLO 2 on his computer, baking tonight when it's hopefully cooler, doing the dishes now that I don't have to worry about waking him up, egg foo yung for "breakfast," soy sauce, eating the black cherry and almond Hershey's chocolate bar and the Mack's toffee before they melted in the heat, and more.
Here's a new icon, which will replace my "I know I'm weird!" one, but the keywords will remain the same! I got it from hoshi3 in news, who got it from thecandystand.

Labels: andrew, annoyances, computer, elaine, food, george, icons, jokes, kathy, lee, maxed-out tags limit, music, nina, pat, sarah c., sleep, teunis, vernon, visitors, wordscraper
Editing DONE! / Dylan delivering a baby WOULD be scary!
Dianne sent us an email about paddle surfing for only $12, and added that nobody was delivering any babies today. "If you want to deliver a baby, now is the time! One patient and a LOT of nurses = YOU AS THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION!" Dylan replied to say that he'd do it - the paddle surfing, and not the baby delivery, so I had to reply and say: "Dylan delivering a baby? Scary thought!" His response: "That's right - it would be scary! Even more so if my hand's already mangled by Deb's death grip! So, honey, if you're reading this, don't grab my hand if you're in labor... I'll get you a rubber ducky instead! :)" HAHAHAHAHA! Now I'm tired for some reason, so I'll just take a nap... Teunis is still sleeping, anyway. :P
Labels: amusement, babies, computer, death, debbie, dianne, dylan, emails, restarts, sleep, tagging, teunis, visitors
Sand and Surf
You Are Tranquil |
![]() You are able to stand back and really appreciate the ebb and flow of life. You find peace even in troubled times. You know that all bad things eventually pass, and you have a broad perspective that others yearn for. You focus on the present as much as possible. You aren't weighed down by thoughts of the past or future. You seek balance, and with that balance comes bliss. You have found your happy place, and you're content to stay there a while. |
Labels: blogthings, life, teunis, visitors
Nacho vaginas and the tongue!
VAGINA (240 points) - against Melissa M. [5W, 4W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
BRIONY (205 points) - against Joyce H. [5W, 5L on B]
TAMER (144 points) - against CoraLee J. [two 4W]
NACHO (192 points) - against Erin Q. [two 4W]
Trivia fact for Wednesday, July 14: What is the only muscle in the human body that is connected at just one end? The tongue.
Labels: 2010, brian, erin, food, lee, melissa, page-a-day, sex, teunis, visitors, wordscraper
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
There's too much choice in candy at London Drugs, man...
Chrystal and I happened to get to the Canada Line station at the same time, where we discussed what to eat: Boston Pizza? Chinese food? Finally, we settled on White Spot, where she insisted on treating me to a Santorini chicken salad and half a Chocolate Passion Cake. We talked about Hannah's wedding, Nathan, Bad Movies, Billie / Teunis, friends, Emily and Mike, her wanting to be close to her mom and sister (but they push her away!), sharing stuff, life updates, cruises, Europe / Hong Kong, Calla and Stanford, summer plans, desserts, her sweet tooth, Facebook, photos, renting movies for $2 from Safeway, people-watching, Ambleside, Minoru Park, and more.
We decided to walk around Shoppers and London Drugs, where we'd bought our sunglasses last time! Looked at the chocolate, candy tubs, popcorn, interesting flavors of stuff, toffee, candy deals, funny birthday cards, scents of skincare stuff, and more. The birthday cards for kids nowadays are really neat! Some grown-up cards could be offensive if you don't know your target, heh. It was definitely a good hangout time, for sure! Got home and discussed silly games, popcorn, pasta sauce without tomatoes, banking, and other things with Teunis. Also called my sister, who's agreed to get Dad's birthday card, and she'll bring it on Sunday for us to sign. Hopefully, Jon and Harmony will be there, if they're not too drained from moving the day before! Speaking of cards, I should write one for Nathan - maybe I'll get Teunis to sign it also! Now I'm off to take a shower!
Labels: billie, birthdays, candy, cards, chrystal, crap, dinners, emily, facebook, harmony, jon, kids, maxed-out tags limit, mike t., nathan, pizza, shopping, steph, teunis, visitors
Murky major atonal pieces with oil and bean sprouts!
AMULIC (256 points; four 2W), TAXMEN (152 points; three 2W, a good deficit-erasing word!) - against Helen D.
MIRKY (294 points) - against Demetra K. [two 4W, hook off LA to make LAM] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
MAJOR (141 points) - against Wendy H. [5W]
TONALLY (260 points; 5W, 2W), IXIA (two 4W, hook off TONALLY to make ATONALLY; a good deficit-erasing word!) - against Doris D.
Teunis unexpectedly obliged me by arriving 90 minutes earlier than the time I told him that he could optimally be here. Discussed the Ren Faire, Clinton, computers, efficiency in fewer trips, storage, applying to the Surrey campus of Kwantlen (and the route there from here should things with Rhiannon not work out the way he wants), anger management via WORLD OF WARCRAFT account renewal, routers, pronunciation of Dutch words in English, baking bread, ingredients, Kailee eating out much of the time, lifestyle differences, oil, and everyone's reactions last night to his getting turned back at the border.
Also talked about power adapters, wireless devices, Staples, spare keys, shopping, vegetables, cheese, hunger, the car making things easier, gas, his sensitivity to cigarette smoke, Hester thinking he was moving in, speakers, doing laundry at Kailee's, coinage, AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER, eggs, yogurt, sausage, green onions, bean sprouts, the military bed, egg liqueur (what he'd like to introduce me to), my double chocolate stout, the liquor store, light bulbs, and more. I think Chrystal may have called me from work. I'll just assume we're still on - despite what her mom said yesterday - and see what happens later!
Meme taken from notwellknown... thanks, Jim!
Labels: chrystal, computer, dylan, food, helen, jim, kaili, laundry, life, management, maxed-out tags limit, memes, school, stephen, teunis, us, visitors, wendy, words, wordscraper
Oh good, you've already hit storage!
Note: Your Ultimate Kitchen Stadium Battle Memegen, by alexlucard.
Labels: alex, chrystal, food, kaili, memegen, messages, msn, reading, teunis, tv shows, visitors
Judging frost on huts
Interesting rack of the morning: HUTFROST, against Jessica W. [read this as "hut frost"]
High-scoring words of the morning:
JUDGE (171 points) - against Katie H. [3W, 5L on J]
TUNNELER (130 points) - against Katie H. [2W, 5W] {different game} {a good deficit-erasing word!}
PARAFORM (208 points) - against Hannah M. [4W, 3W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
MIDRIFF (171 points) - against Bridget S. [two 3W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
Labels: erin, friends, hannah, jesse, jessica, katie, kenny, memegen, sara, snow, wordscraper
DOUBLE RAINBOW is on the radio!
You Are Mild |
![]() You get as many thrills as wild people do; however, your thrills tend to be more of the laid-back variety. You believe that the deeper you get into something, the more you enjoy it. And you need calm to do that. You are one of the least superficial people around. You have intense and passionate interests. You don't get bored easily. How could you? There is so much to learn about and think about! |
I think I'm somewhere in between those two extremes, actually!
Labels: amusement, barry, blogthings, chrystal, dinners, food, isabel, jeremy, memes, teunis, visitors
They abandoned clovers and forums! / Faraway Taiwan schools / Misprision
FORUMS (165 points) - against Erin Q. [5W used twice, hook off REVIEW for a plural]
CLOVERED (115 points) - against Lori R. [5W]
ABANDON (396 points) - against Douglas N. [two 2W, two 3W] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
THEY (291 points) - against Cheryl W. [5W used twice, two 2W used twice, hook off STAIN to make TA / HI / EN]
Relevant Taiwan conversation:
[23:50:54] Corey: one of my schools just called me, but they don't want to talk to me... they want to talk to Jane
[23:51:29] Flami: .... oh
[23:54:15] Corey: something about sub classes... I'm supposed to be doing one tonight, so I kinda want to know what's happening with that... I think the girl that called doesn't speak much English, though
[23:54:38] Flami: speaking of, whatever happened with that thing yesterday?
[23:55:19] Corey: they want me to go to another school that's way too far away, so I don't know what's going on with that
[23:55:37] Corey: they said I can get 6-10 hours at the close one, but that's not a lot
[23:56:06] Flami: per week?
[00:00:24] Corey: yeah
[00:04:38] Corey: well, I just figured it out... and if I get a few more adult classes to go with those hours, I should have a little over 20 hours a week (which isn't a ton, but it's as much money as the school that screwed me over wanted to pay me for like double the hours)
[00:05:01] Corey: so maybe I can do that. there's supposedly a "free bus" I can take to the faraway school with more hours, so I need Jane to help me look into that
[00:05:10] Corey: she's never heard about it, but the school told me about that
[00:05:43] Flami: the faraway school sounds okay, does it?
[00:07:28] Corey: not if I can't get there... it's like 20 minutes of driving, so I don't think Jane's parents want to go there and back twice a day... it's way too far to ride a bike
[00:09:19] Flami: so you believe them about the free bus?
[00:10:44] Corey: well, they probably do actually want me to be able to go there and work, so I don't think they're lying about that... I don't know how practical that would be, and Jane doesn't know about it
[00:24:18] Flami: hmm...
[00:24:28] Flami: hey, can you get Axe Shower Gel over there?
[00:33:56] Corey: no! that's what I use though
[00:34:02] Corey: I brought three
[00:34:40] Flami: my brother and sister-in-law gave me one, and you can have it
[00:35:57] Corey: what kind?
[00:36:46] Corey: I use Snake Peel... why did they give you that? that's for guys, and they advertise it as something that attracts women like crazy.... that's about the least girly thing you can get
[00:38:31] Flami: they're moving on Saturday, and are trying to clear excess stuff out of the house
[00:40:29] Flami: it's Purifying Skin Contact shower gel
[01:15:16] Corey: apparently the school just told Jane lots of things about my new classes that start on Friday, which is hopefully useful because I don't really know what to do in that class other than just follow the book
Trivia fact for Tuesday, July 13: Misprision is a crime that could land someone in prison. What is it? It's the neglect or failure to prevent or report a crime by someone who is not an accessory to that crime.
Labels: 2010, body wash, chinese, conversations, corey, erin, harmony, jane, jon, laws, msn, page-a-day, school, taiwan, wordscraper
Monday, July 12, 2010
Double Rainbow Meme! / Stupid calendar accidents!
This is Jeremy's "incredibly thorough" explanation of the Double Rainbow Meme for Isabel and everyone else: They do a series called "auto tune the news," which is quite popular. Apparently, the group is called The Gregory Brothers, and they have a website. The Youtube channel with all the videos (including Double Rainbow) is there... which is a autotuned mashup of this video, which was posted by Hungrybear9562 on January 8, 2010. The video exploded in popularity after a tweet about the video by Jimmy Kimmel early this month. The original video has over 3 million views, and video mashups and parodies are flooding in. The Rocketboom Institute for Internet Studies is currently studying this breaking meme, and you can find more information on the development of the meme here. Double rainbow all the way!
I was early to meet Eric today, and almost instantly went into "crazy mode" when he picked me up. Discussed the past 24 hours, Teunis' trip being cut VERY short (Jen and Dylan were like "WHAT?!" when I told them and Kevin), theme songs, hair, Subway, French, being unnecessarily formal, hand sanitizer / OCD, civility, winks, and more on the way to church. The Subway guy slowed us down when he wanted to make sure a bunch of stuff was in my sandwich - c'mon, I have a FRIEND waiting! Of course, Eric thought it was ME, so he had time to get his jacket from the car. Ugh... all the rooms at church were locked, too! Eventually, we met in the fellowship hall - however, we had to move when the Chinese worship team came in to practice. Clara got Auntie Rebecca to open the lounge for us with her key, at least.
We discussed camping / hiking, black olives (Deb's trying to get Dylan to like them), (black) bears, Evites, fire, water, consistency in being a Committee Member, sleeping on the ground, air mattresses, the Philippines, Sheena not coming to Fellowship much (she was close to Andrea, who's gone now), the grad banquet, the PNE and some people I don't know, my birthday, Dave Wong having to work on Fridays at Kin's Farm Market (Dylan knows this - Dave says to pray he gets a job soon!), Johnny being in class, Ivan, the heat, program planning, and more during the meeting. I offered berry candy to everyone, and made Dylan take the leftovers home to Deb. Dylan offered some quiche that his sister-in-law made, too. Apparently, Raymond made a BIG MISTAKE with discretion in regards to some monetary donations and such -HAHAHAHAHA! Dylan thought he should know better since he works for the government! Yes, a Fellowship group is not even COMPARABLE to a government job, but still... HAHAHAHA!
On the way out, Eric said that he associated Sept. 17 with my birthday, but not with Uncle Stephen! Dylan said that we could now look at it as the ___ anniversary of our 30th birthday - I suppose so, but I'm still angry at these accidents of the calendar! Eric suggested taking the anger out on his car door, but I'd already done that - it was HIS door that wasn't closed properly that time! I told him NEVER to pretend like he wasn't taking me home EVER AGAIN, especially since Dylan was RIGHT THERE in his own car - so unless he wants Dylan to think that he's some sort of ass, he shouldn't do it! Then Eric tried joking that we'd go to Kin's Farm Market on Fridays to buy fruit - I DON'T THINK SO! We also discussed the big silver Lenin head, yummy brains, being lazy, zombies, brown surprises, no hiking for me, Billie and Teunis, sleepovers coinciding with houseguests, dirty minds, being mesmerized, and other things on the way home.
Labels: billie, birthdays, chrystal, david, dylan, eric m., fellowship, greg, isabel, jeremy, links, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, memes, phone calls, raymond, sleep, teunis, videos, youtube
Hefty flutes, men, zoos, and improv!
High-scoring words of the afternoon:
TEENFUL (193 points) - against Barb G. [3W, 4W]
THYMY (270 points) - against Michelle V. [two 3W]
ZOOS (1144 points) - against Lee J.-W. [5W, 4W - one used twice, hook off SLOT for a plural]
IMPROV (540 points) - against Martha J. [3W, 4W, 5W]
HEFTY (101 points) - against David K. [5W, hook off DRESS to make DRESSY]
MODICA (208 points) - against Cora-Lee G. [two 4W]
Eric called, then left an MSN message: "Stop farting around at the library. You have a meeting to attend tonight!" If you think I'm farting around at the library, then why leave me an MSN message?! YOU ARE CRAZY, 6:20 at Cambie / Jacombs or not! :P
Labels: barb, david, eric m., interesting racks, lee, meetings, messages, michelle, msn, music, phone calls, thousands of points, weird stuff, wordscraper
Sweet honeysuckle and orange peel body wash / Excel Mist gum
Good thing I didn't go out for lunch since I have these leftover crepes from Saturday in the fridge! Gonna take these vegetables and do something with them, too! On the way to the liquor store, I noticed a little boy whose mother was blowing bubbles for his amusement. He said "Look at me! I can blow bubbles, too!" Yeah... SPIT BUBBLES! EWWWWW, hahaha! I have a bunch of bubble solution myself that I'm never going to use up - maybe I'll give that to one of the little kids on the weekend.
Labels: alcoholic drinks, body wash, food, jeremy, kids, krista, lunch, money, new quirky flavors, shopping, teunis, visitors
Harrison cutting hair with overhead string (dream) / TMI / Argentine Name
Your Argentine Name is Adelgonda Asuncion Morales |
![]() The one who loves you will make you weep. |
Labels: blogthings, cards, carol, christmas, death, dreams, family, friends, generators, holidays, jeremy, jessica, kids, krista, movies, names, our place, poo, steve b., wishes
Culture / Teunis and border problems / Johnny / Monarchy
CULTURED (328 points) - against George M. [two 4W]
MICRO (102 points) - against Joyce H. [two 3W, hook off HAIRS to make CHAIRS]
Teunis says he's staying in Kaili's basement tonight and tomorrow night since he got turned back at the border. SHIT. I kinda knew he was the one behind those mysterious Washington calls this afternoon! Nothing I could do for the first two since everyone was at Steph's, but I could have maybe delayed my nap. I dunno... at least I apologized, with spare usage of "shit." Haha. At least things are worked out now: spare key confusion, my pre-existing plans with Chrystal and Billie, coming again on Tuesday before the evening (no abandonment here - we both know we have individual lives!), Skype, keeping in touch via MSN, and more.
Dylan emailed us to say that Johnny has class on Mondays - THAT'S why he hasn't been showing up lately for Committee Meetings! Pastor John also has another conflict tomorrow, but didn't pay attention to the minutes when they were sent out. Oh well, we shall still meet tomorrow!
Trivia fact for Monday, July 12: What island nation is the only remaining monarchy in the Pacific? Tonga.
Labels: 2010, billie, chrystal, crap, dylan, emails, fellowship, george, johnny, kaili, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, page-a-day, phone calls, plans, school, steph, teunis, us, wordscraper
Sunday, July 11, 2010
No, you definitely do NOT want to get deported, first offense or no!
[18:57:01] Flami: so! how was your demo?!
[21:18:31] Corey: I don't know
[21:19:37] Flami: don't give me that! you said it was successful!
[21:25:55] Corey: well, but not final, maybe. in an hour or so, I need to go to their main office to talk to someone... the boss at that school says I'll be better off at another location, since hers has fewer than half the hours the other ones nearby can give me.
[21:26:18] Corey: the problem is that those will want to give me kindergarten hours, which is illegal, and the punishment is getting deported if you're caught
[21:27:25] Corey: I'm still not sure how to handle that... I want the hours, and even teaching the little kids isn't bad, but I've never been deported from a country before, and I'd rather not start having that happen now if I can avoid it
[21:29:10] Flami: yikes, that sounds BAD
[21:32:06] Corey: well, the kids' schools all have locked gates, and in theory, the guard will block government people from coming in long enough to sound the alarm. generally, they know days in advance when they're coming to check for foreign teachers (nobody in the government aside from a few people really high up that don't like foreign people actually care about enforcing this)
[21:32:22] Corey: so I think most of the time, that's fairly safe... but still, the punishment, first time, is deportation
[21:33:08] Corey: not a warning or a fine or something, deportation! for something I'd guess 99.9% of everyone that comes here doesn't even know is illegal and schools hire openly for. there's foreign people teaching kids in every TV commercial and magazine ad for these places, too
[21:44:47] Flami: this sounds like an open secret
[22:08:14] Corey: it's a secret to the foreign people, but apparently nobody cares about them :P
[22:08:55] Corey: nobody here even knows about that unless I've told them about it
[22:09:13] Corey: the schools surely know, but they don't tell you anything about it
[22:10:24] Flami: well, if the schools DID tell the foreign teachers about that, then the foreign teachers would dry up :P
[22:21:10] Flami: hey, do you have Skype by any chance?
[22:36:30] Corey: yes
[22:36:38] Corey: corey_t
[22:39:59] Flami: now I have to open Skype again... thanks :P
Then I asked him how speaking to the office people went:
<[00:12:14] Flami: so how'd it go?
[00:44:17] Corey: I don't know
[00:44:33] Flami: stop saying "I don't know"!
[00:44:37] Corey: they want me to work in another city, and we drove there, and that's way the hell too far for me to ride my bike... Jane's mom was driving, and even that took a long time
[00:44:46] Corey: and they definitely want me to teach kindergarten
[00:45:55] Flami: AIYA :S
[01:17:18] Flami: so what are you going to do?!
[01:20:02] Corey: I don't know what I'm going to do... I'll have to see what Jane thinks
[01:21:43] Flami: okay - maybe you'll have something to tell me tomorrow night.
[01:25:47] Flami: just added you to Skype
Labels: annoyances, books, corey, crap, jane, kids, laws, school, taiwan, tv shows
15 plot keywords (survey)
2. Post the first few plot keywords of your 15 favorite movies.
3. Have people guess the movies, and bold which ones have been guessed right.
1. Future | Violence | Chaos | England | Birth
2. Judge | Widow | Razor | Lust | Implied Rape
3. Vietnam | 1950s | 1970s | Bus | Bus Stop
4. Sword | Warrior | China | Rooftop | Fugitive
5. Polish | Divorce | French | Marriage | Equality
6. Writer | Writer's Block | Hotel | Playwright | Wrestling
7. Memory | Love | Crush | Beach | Valentine's Day
8. Fashion | Male Model | Malaysia | Time Magazine | Rival
9. Poem | Poet | Beating | Cat | Begging On Bended Knees
10. Love | Zombie | Monkey | Zoo | New Zealand
11. Girl | Spain | Fairy | Fascist | Faun
12. Home | Actor | Psychiatrist | Abyss | Funeral
13. Dance | Friend | Best Friend | Audition | Dancing
14. Barrister | Stuttering | Lawyer | Tarmac | Zoophilia
15. Band | Heavy Metal | Stonehenge | Satire | Spoof
Labels: australia, characters, chinese, colors, death, friends, history, kids, movies, music, poems, sex, surveys, valentine's day, weddings, words, writer's block
So the Spaniards can DIVE to win the WORLD CUP against the Dutch...
Talked to Emily, Nina, and Gerard about the Chinese zodiac - Nina was born in 2000, which makes her a DRAGON! I told them that I was also a DRAGON, and I even had a dragon SHIRT - but wearing it in hot weather would be a BAD idea since it was practically all black! Nathan and I were lazy during handshaking time again, but I did say hi to Deb and others. Steph (in orange for HOLLAND) was impressed that I was there early, but Eric had to lead worship - not much I could do! She reminded me about Dad's birthday dinner next Thursday; apparently, Dad says we could be eating out since it'll be only two days since Mom's final cataract surgery. I was pretty tired, so couldn't really concentrate on a whole lot - there was no coffee on offer when we ended! Went outside for a bit to talk to the little kids (Joshua / Keenan [DON'T BLOCK THE DOOR!] / Christian - whom I called Alex, his DAD'S name - my brain is fried!) and Chrystal.
Asked Chrystal if she wanted to meet up - this week or next is good for her. Just in case I go somewhere with Teunis as he's back again, I opted for this week. She's back to working full-time, and wants to take the Canada Line, so Richmond Centre works for her! Tuesday at 6:30 it IS! (we can have dinner and then maybe do something later before she has to get home) I'm excited! Auntie Lillian (Calla and Acer's mom) wanted to know if I was going to help Auntie Ying, so I demanded to know if she'd sent her down there to ask me! She said no, but it seemed like I helped Auntie Ying a lot. Meh, perhaps so!
Maxine also gave me some extra Sunday School material in the form of three books - of course, I forgot all about that this week! Speaking of Sunday School, I went upstairs (getting Eric to watch my stuff) to make my World Cup-related excuse to Auntie Ying (since I know she saw me earlier) / Jessie / Rachel's grandma. Saw Ramen, Shira, Ashley, Amanda, Esther, and some of the other kids in the room. I told them that I did NOT have the Sunday School material, which was a lie - it was downstairs in the fellowship hall, but I was too lazy to grab it. Should be fine, as they don't really talk to Maxine, haha! As I left the room posthaste, I thought I heard Auntie Ying calling me back, but I was done with what I wanted to do - and we had to LEAVE! (I'll figure it out later) Of course, this means I still have Sean and Conor's Bible / handbooks / Sunday School material, but they'll keep another week!
Once downstairs, I saw Eric trying to carry my stuff along with his guitar - my things may be heavy, but they are not a head or multiple heads as he likes to joke! Talked to Jeremy for a bit: Auto Tune, Double Rainbow, cheering for the Cup itself and not any particular country, and more. Had some chips while saying hi to Victoria / Joe / Helen C. / Nathaniel / Abby / Helen K. / Nicholas. Eric and I left, taking Geoffrey with us to Steph's. Once we came in the backyard window (having been let in by a car), we saw a whole bunch of people there, with others coming later: Randal, Jen, Jon, Harmony, Steph, Nate, Christon, Martin, Wesley, Darren, Denise, Brian, Connie, and three of Steph's other friends.
While watching the DIVING game, we discussed Phil's sermon today ("Stephen has to DIE already!" hahaha) / Panago pizza / beers / SLB / BBQ pork / "juice" / her guestbook / nursing beer (NOT nurses!) / memories / fireworks / burnt Sliders / Steph's bad cooking / STD jokes / making fun of the French / Snuggies. So much diving going on, man... most people were disappointed that Spain won! Geoffrey left after it went into overtime, so that meant I was free to tell Steph that Eric would NOT thank her if I had a third beer! As it was, I was cackling pretty much all the way home (which led to "DRUNK!"), hahaha. Poor Eric puts up with a lot, I suppose - but he IS used to it!
Discussed whether I should contact Dave again, and I tried explaining to Eric exactly why I didn't. Seriously, he COULD just be busy, but man. Status comments are fine, but NO WALL / FOLLOW-UP MESSAGE RESPONSES?! How am I supposed to know that the person's read it? (that's why I usually respond to anything people leave ME!) Now it's time to have a nap, if I can manage to have one without a mystery person from Washington calling me! (I expected the door to be unlocked - Eric thought maybe Teunis would slip the spare keys under the door after locking it - and it was! HA, I WIN AGAIN!)
Labels: church, david, denise, eric m., food, helen, jeremy, jokes, maxed-out tags limit, nicholas, phil, phone calls, sex, sleep, sports, steph, stephen, teunis, victoria, visitors
People Are Drawn To Your Passion |
![]() You are intense about everything you do, and this intensity inspires people around you. It's clear that you care deeply about others. You make everyone feel like they're your best friend. You are always doing great and interesting things. You leap into action. And while you're busy, you take time to connect and re-connect with others. You are very thoughtful. |
Labels: billie, blogthings, breakfast, crap, eric m., food, friends, phone calls, sports, steph, teunis, visitors
Bad Movie Night 3 / Hostage Crisis
Warrior of the Lost World
Love Story 2050
Decided to take the mushrooms and bean sprouts along for the salad that Christon was planning to make, since they won't keep for a week. It should be okay since Teunis and I bought them on Wednesday, and they've been in the fridge ever since! I just missed the Canada Line train which would have let me be on time to meet Jeremy at his place, and I accidentally got off at the wrong stop on the 99 Express bus... Fraser instead of Main. Luckily, it was a walkable distance even for me, but I wasn't impressed since I was running late already.
Recognized the Sushi Yama / Pho Thai Son near Jeremy's place, so was going to cut across the nearby park when I spotted the Christon-mobile around the corner. Christon waved to me, and I waved back before getting a little closer to yell that the bus was late. Jeremy had screwed up (getting into the car with Christon), but had redeemed himself by seeing me from across the park: "There she is!" Oh yes... changing plans or saying that I'd missed my connection would be difficult!
Went to pick up Firewood Pizza, then went to a house to pick up Randal and Jen. Of COURSE they were together! *rolleyes* When we were on Highway 1, Jon called us to say that he was leaving his house... you should have called an hour ago, man! Discussed Daniel and Michelle's house, Michelle's small-town origins, not being able to hear the main road, Panago, Portland, foam in furniture, a run to the liquor store, rose wine, apricot wheat ale, and various other things. Google Maps failed us when we got to Primula / Sequoia / Wilberforce / Aspen / Cariboo Heights, so Christon had to call Nathan to inform him that the house didn't exist! Turns out there was an unmarked alley which didn't have a street sign - the maps completely missed that! Jeremy said that if Jon went there, he'd totally get lost!
Got into the house eventually, admired Daniel and Michelle's downstairs, and ate pizza while discussing wine / goat cheese / salad / a book Christon got Nathan for his birthday. "99 Ways To Regain Your Virginity! Oh my!" Hahaha. I had to be careful not to miss the step leading from the kitchen to the foyer! We went downstairs to start TROLL 2 - the movie is really about goblins, and there are NO trolls in it! The plot features a family going to a town called Nilbog ("goblin" spelled backwards), but the young boy sees his dead grandpa, who warns him that the town is evil... the parents are rather cold toward this! DON'T EAT THE GREEN FOOD! Classic line: "I know you love him, but you need to banish him from your heart!" Hahaha!
Then we watched the MST3K version of WARRIOR OF THE LOST WORLD - this movie didn't really impress me or Isabel, who'd shown up halfway through TROLL 2 with some pastries. I was just thinking how I'd get home if this movie night extended for too much longer... and then OF COURSE Nathan wanted to show us some clips of a Bollywood movie, and Christon wanted to see something of EQUILIBRIUM! Jon told me to shut up, but I smacked him. Seriously, how hard is it to think of your transit-dependent friends once in a while?! He said the last train was at 1:15, but I knew we'd have a transit trek before THAT!
As it turned out, we saw Daniel and Michelle (back from Hannah's wedding) for about five minutes after we finally figured out the money cost for the night. Discussed Auto Tune, Video Sift, memes, Double Rainbow, glass in beer, chairs ruining the painted concrete, and more. Then we crammed six people in the Christon-mobile for a few minutes before Jon and I got out at Production Way. (Jon said it was my favorite station - haha, whatever!)
We heard a train LEAVE the station as we entered it - Jon took that time to call Harmony to tell her where he was. Then he called Steph and tell her (among other things) that I was cackling in public. HA HA HA. I was doing so, but it wasn't a BAD thing! At least when we got to Broadway / Commercial, it was somewhat familiar territory. Got to the Canada Line station, and it was home free from there on the penultimate Brighouse train of the night - I did thank Jon for making sure I didn't get lost since it was so late.
Figured I'd have to walk home from Richmond Centre, and I was right! (the last bus left an hour before) Thank goodness it was a reasonable walking distance! Next time, we should have movie night in a more central location! Maybe Eric not going out was a good thing for him, but he was SUPPOSED to be my ride - UGH! Got home and discussed guestbooks, being tired, Andrew's email getting hacked, made-up words, crossing the border, computers, and other such things with Teunis. I should get to bed now since I have to be up in five hours... yikes!
Trivia fact for Sunday, July 11: For how many days were Americans kept captive in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran during the Iran hostage crisis? 444; from November 4, 1979-January 20, 1981.
Labels: andrew, annoyances, christon, daniel, eric m., guestbooks, hannah, harmony, isabel, jen, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, memes, michelle, pizza, randal, steph, teunis, visitors, weddings