Just comes to mind:
You do it to yourself
You do
And that's what really hurts
Is you do it to yourself
Just you
You and no one else
You do it to yourselfI wish things had been different, but we're going to try friendship.
My new friend Bryan linked me to some Grateful Dead MP3s, too.
Chimpy and others have offered me support... nice of them! :D
Take the quiz:
French Quiz
Vous etes hyper-chouettes.
Wow, you know your French! Or maybe you were cheating. Ca m'est egal! You are an awesome French speaker! Let's go to France together, OK? Okay, I'll see you there.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
Vous etes hyper-chouettes. (You scored 13)
Vous pouvez parler un peu. (You scored 0)
Euh... comme ci, comme ça. (You scored 2)
Vous êtes stupides. That means you're stupid. (You scored 1)
My French is kinda rusty, but serviceable enough for this quiz! Whee! :D
Take the quiz:
What Yellowcard Song Are You?
Life Of A Salesman
You are Life Of A Salesman, which probably means you are mad at your parents and are determined to be a better parent to your child than they were to you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
Way Away (You scored 1)
Only One (You scored 0)
Life Of A Salesman (You scored 2)
Underdog (You scored 2)
Avondale (You scored 0)
Powder (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
What will you be when you grow up

Yo, yo, yo dog! Ludacris, Nelly, and even 2pac will be cool with it! And I ain't bullshitting.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Rapper (You scored 1)
* Politician (You scored 0)
* Teacher (You scored 0)
* Sports Player (You scored 1)
* Terrorist (You scored 1)
Take the quiz:
Would I date you? (Guy or girl friendly)
I'd marry you.
I'd marry you if you asked me, without a doubt in my mind. I'd kiss your pee pee or wee wee any day of the week, for free! But people like you don't exist, and definitely not where I live. Call me!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* I'd date you. My parents would hate you. (You scored 1)
* Hahaha, yeah right. (You scored 2)
* Hmmmm... maybe, if you won the lotto. (You scored 3)
* I'd marry you. (You scored 4)
* Sex and a Snapple, please? (You scored 3)
Take the quiz:
Which Mean Girls character are you?
You are Ms. Norbury!
You're a cool teacher, but sometimes you get a little TOO involved in your students' lives. Also, are you really a pusher?
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* You are Cady Heron! (You scored 2)
* You are Regina George! (You scored 0)
* You are Janis Ian! (You scored 2)
* You are Damien! (You scored 0)
* You are Ms. Norbury! (You scored 3)
* You are Aaron Samuels! (You scored 3)
* You are Karen Smith! (You scored 1)
* You are Kevin Gnapoor! (You scored 1)
The goth girl Janis Ian was named after the singer of the same name, who wrote the song
At Seventeen. It can be heard playing in the background when the girls were fighting at Regina's house.
Take the quiz:
What is your poser quotient?
one cool fucker
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* poser!!!! (You scored 1)
* wannabe (You scored 0)
* on the edge (You scored 0)
* you're punkish (You scored 2)
* one cool fucker (You scored 3)
Take the quiz:
which Twiztid album are you?

Most Tasteless
you are Twiztid's first album Most Tasteless, where the birth of the Serial Killaz first started out
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
Most Tasteless (You scored 2)
Freek Show (You scored 1)
Mirror Mirror (You scored 1)
The Green Book (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
Are you a poet?

Almost a Poet
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Great Poet (You scored 2)
* Sucky Poet (You scored 1)
* Almost a Poet (You scored 4)
Take the quiz:
Which random vegetable are you?
Kohlrabi. Very random. Very nice. A kohlrabi is like a turnip, round, and presumably eaten by Peter Rabbit....... but don't hold me to it!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Artichoke (You scored 0)
* Asparagus (You scored 1)
* Sprout (You scored 1)
* Runner Bean (You scored 0)
* Kohlrabi (You scored 2)
Take the quiz:
Natural death or suicide... how will you die
Natural death
you will die a normal boring natural death
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Natural death (You scored 6)
* Suicide (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
Do you talk too much

Normal Rate
Eh, I have nothing against you.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Talkative bitch (You scored 1)
* Normal Rate (You scored 2)
* Shy or Disabled (You scored 1)
Labels: aaron, brian, characters, david, death, george, ian, janis, kevin, languages, lyrics, maxed-out tags limit, music, parents, random, serial killers, sex, songs, stephen, zenhex