For some reason, I like this icon...

My friend Laura found this link:
Steve the Sex Addict...

Corey and I have been talking pretty much all day from about 11:15 AM onwards... that's a nice feeling, and I wish I'd had that with a certain someone. But let's not live in the past, haha. We've been talking about eating brains, nonsense songs and DBX, clothing, drinking, my sister not going to my birthday party because of "prior commitments," MSN patches, CD / DVD 50-pack (or 100) spindles, drinking, books, and other things. Good times, indeed. :D
[17:47:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: my friend Eric just asked me how many kegs would make an appearance at my birthday party.
[17:47:33] mrptptpt: how many people? :P
[17:47:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, kegs of alcohol :P
[17:48:01] mrptptpt: how many people do the kegs need to serve?? :P
[17:50:15] mrptptpt: you probably only need one, though...
[17:54:15] mrptptpt: I'm sure you'll go with zero :P
I need to go eat dinner, I'll be back soon
[17:55:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, I will go with zero :P Eric says his mysterious "sources" say I have at least 10 and possibly 55 :P
[18:17:29] mrptptpt: 55 kegs... now that's realistic :P
[18:17:48] mrptptpt: I think you should go get a keg :P or have him get you one
[18:30:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: hahaha, he signed out already.. so can't suggest that :P
[18:30:26] AlenaBrolxFlami: you WOULD think I should get a keg :P
[18:50:13] AlenaBrolxFlami: why on earth would I?
[18:54:53] mrptptpt: why on earth not? nobody is going to drink at all? :P
[19:01:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: not 55 kegs of stuff!
[19:02:39] mrptptpt: get ONE :P
[19:03:05] mrptptpt: you probably don't even need the big kind
[19:05:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, does Red Robin's even HAVE kegs of beer? :P
[19:09:25] mrptptpt: they won't let you bring a keg :P
[19:09:34] mrptptpt: the keg is at your place later or whatever
[19:09:56] mrptptpt: or someone's place :P and people will probably get really drunk and pass out and stay the night and leave when they are sober
[19:10:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, there you go :P there ARE no kegs at my place! :P
[19:10:43] mrptptpt: ....
[19:10:59] mrptptpt: you GET a keg :P
[19:23:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: I think maybe I'll limit myself to maybe a beer.
[19:25:52] mrptptpt: it's your birthday! people should be buying you SHOTS.
[19:31:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: at Red Robins?
[19:33:01] mrptptpt: I found my 21st birthday list, by the way.....
White Russian (tame, but as much booze as a beer or more very easily)
Car Bomb (a beer and a shot of Irish Creme... drop the shot in and drink it before it explodes! (it will :P))
Prairie Fire (I don't remember what this is, but it's one that most people are afraid of :P STRONG :P)
3 Wise Men (triple shot... Whiskey, Vodka, and Rum? maybe that's not right... three pretty strong things... maybe Tequila is one of them)
Tequila Shot
Flaming... Fleggm? (getting hard to read here :P this was a flaming shot, I believe)
Red Bull & Vodka... probably to try to perk me up so I could be abused with strong alcohol more
Cement Mixer.. (yep.. that's a strong one :P)
Sean's Nasty Shit... I'm not sure I want to know.... I VAGUELY remember them just mixing stuff together at this point and giving me stuff :P
Blue Shit
RIUPIIU Shit (no idea what the first word is :P )
Brown Shit? I think that's what it says... as you can see I stopped trying to figure out what I was supposed to write down :P
[19:33:22] mrptptpt: all the "shit" ones were probably shots of really strong things :P
[19:33:33] mrptptpt: and you can get shots at Red Robin.. they have a bar
[19:36:45] mrptptpt: Cement Mixer
Your Guide, Kathy Hamlin From Kathy Hamlin,
Your Guide to Cocktails / Beer.
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This is one of the grossest shots there is. The lime juice makes the Irish cream curdle in your mouth. I've seen a few that can handle it, but not many can. Make sure there is no line for the bathroom if you order this for your worst enemy.
* 1 1/4 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
* 3/4 oz. Rose's Lime juice
Chill Bailey's and strain into shot glass. Pour lime juice in another glass. First take the Bailey's in the mouth without swallowing. Follow that with the lime juice and swirl in mouth before swallowing.
[19:37:42] mrptptpt: I handled it as far as I know :P there was plenty of puking, but that was at the end, not during :P
[19:38:29] mrptptpt: Prairie Fire
* 1 oz Tequila
* 2 tsp Tabasco sauce
Mixing instructions:
Pour one shot of tequila into the glass. Add Tabasco to taste
[19:38:42] AlenaBrolxFlami: ... lovely...
[19:39:46] mrptptpt: Three Wise Men
A particularly vile alcoholic shot composed of:
* 1/3 shot Jack Daniels
* 1/3 shot Jim Beam
* 1/3 shot Johnnie Walker
[19:40:24] mrptptpt: Variants abound and may swap or add Jose Cuervo, or Yukon Jack. This does little to improve the taste. It is a 'good' drink to get someone for their birthday, as long as they can't remember who bought them that shot.
[19:40:26] AlenaBrolxFlami: sounds bad to me, yeah :P
[19:42:06] mrptptpt: people are stupid about shots though... none of them are THAT bad :P first, you're already drunk and don't really care much, and you just slam a shot down in like half a second anyway. maybe I'm just good at doing shots, I don't know :P lots of people can't even do a tequila shot without a lime to put in their mouth immediately afterwards...
[19:42:10] mrptptpt: I just... take the shot :P
[19:42:46] mrptptpt: one thing I DO remember from that night was people being amazed at how well I was holding up :P
[19:43:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: hahaha, let me guess... you practiced beforehand? :P
[19:43:42] mrptptpt: I've had shots before that night....
[19:44:16] mrptptpt: it's not HARD... a shot is a really little glass... just pick it up... tip it back ALL THE WAY, and swallow :P you don't sip that stuff :P way too strong for that
[19:44:36] mrptptpt: too strong for that to be a very enjoyable experience anyway
[19:44:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: ... then I must have done my shot the wrong way at Rasputin that time :P
[19:44:48] mrptptpt: what did you do?
[19:45:33] AlenaBrolxFlami: eh, took it bit by bit..
[19:45:39] mrptptpt: it's a SHOT... think about the name :P it's not a slow knife wound, you get hit with it all at once :P just slam it back and you're done
[19:45:48] mrptptpt: and yes, that's wrong... and you'd look dumb doing that ;)
[19:46:14] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, well.. no one noticed. haha
[19:46:24] mrptptpt: it's a lot easier to just have it all at once anyway :P
[19:47:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, I bet... but maybe some other time, haha
[19:48:20] mrptptpt: well, you're getting shots from me next time I'm there for your birthday :P
[19:48:34] mrptptpt: and you'll do them right too! a line of 6 in a row ;)
[19:48:44] mrptptpt: the whole gun
[19:48:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: ............
[19:49:01] mrptptpt: then you'll fall over and pass out since you probably have a low tolerance :P
[19:49:45] mrptptpt: 6 would be stupid :P a couple during a night would be reasonable enough :P
[19:50:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: that reminds me, I really have to email my sister / Nathan and get them to tell me the name of that Asian red-face gene :P
[19:50:59] mrptptpt: I've been drinking with Asian people :P didn't see that. drunk as hell Asian people...
[19:51:07] mrptptpt: female even! :P
[19:51:58] mrptptpt: the girl did start throwing pieces of bread around the room for some reason towards the end of the night at the height of everyone's drunken idiocy :P
[19:52:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: there you go... drunken idiocy
[19:53:35] mrptptpt: that's the party where we hooked up a computer to the stereo and spent some time getting it working well... so the idea was that me or one of the people that lived there would be the DJs and play different stuff throughout the night, and we ended up just letting the same 13 or so James Brown mp3s play the entire time... from early evening to whatever in the morning :P and had several neighbor complaints about it
[19:54:09] mrptptpt: we all forgot about changing the music :P
[20:00:52] AlenaBrolxFlami: .... haha, sounds like good times...
[20:03:16] mrptptpt: actually, I think the Asian guy was there too :P he just suddenly got all pissed off towards the end of the night and said "fuck this, I'm going HOME"... then got really mad when people tried to stop him (very drunk and possibly leaving in a car? :P) but he lived really close and just walked or something, so he got to leave
[20:03:27] mrptptpt: but I don't remember any instant red faces
[20:05:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, you should see my mom... two sips and she's already very red :P
[20:06:12] mrptptpt: well, maybe you guys are just broken or something ;)
[20:07:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: whatever :P
[20:16:30] *** "mrptptpt" signed off at Mon Sep 12 20:16:17 2005.
[20:18:19] *** "mrptptpt" signed on at Mon Sep 12 20:18:12 2005.
[20:20:07] mrptptpt: broken I tell you! like my computer! it just reset on me
[an hour of talk that's not relevant]
[22:18:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: now, if I do happen to do shots on Saturday, you'll know, but I probably won't since I have church the next day :P
[22:19:04] mrptptpt: so go hung over :P it'll be ok ;)
[22:26:52] AlenaBrolxFlami: at church?! you must be insane ;)
[22:26:57] *** "mrptptpt" signed off at Mon Sep 12 22:26:54 2005.
[22:27:02] *** "mrptptpt" signed on at Mon Sep 12 22:26:59 2005.
[22:29:20] mrptptpt: you should have 3 Wise Men shots.. then you can say it was religious drinking if anyone at church says anything about it :P
[22:31:49] AlenaBrolxFlami: from the description you gave me earlier, I'd say I'd be dead if I tried that.
[22:34:59] mrptptpt: you would not :P
[22:35:05] mrptptpt: just drunk
[22:45:24] mrptptpt: you won't be drunk the next day! :P
[22:47:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: hmm... there was the time I consumed wine coolers at someone's Jack + Jill... I was still kinda tipsy the next day...
[22:49:24] mrptptpt: I think most of this is in your head :P
[22:51:04] AlenaBrolxFlami: it is NOT in my head :P even my sister and Eric said so! :P
[22:51:29] mrptptpt: you're all crazy then :P
[22:51:42] AlenaBrolxFlami: you think so?
[22:53:01] mrptptpt: they were probably just teasing you about it
[22:53:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, probably.. but still.. do I really want to do that? :P
[23:03:22] mrptptpt: yes
[23:04:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: ha, says you. :{
[23:05:44] mrptptpt: well, everyone that does a shot dies, so it's probably not safe :P
[23:07:09] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, there you go.
[23:17:41] mrptptpt: I died like 10 times alone on my birthday I told you about!
[23:19:09] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, yeah....
Labels: 2005, aim, alcoholic drinks, computer, corey, david, eric m., james, kathy, lists, maxed-out tags limit, photos, recipes, redrum, robin, sex, smileys, stephen, steve, winnie