Seeing Karen at the dentist office / Quizzes
had steak for dinner again.. when did I get so expensive?
heard Billy, Randal, and Andy share with us.. yay!
talked to Tim, Maxine, Andy, Phil, Randal, Lesley, Derek, and Joe: mostly about my trip, plus updates..
Randall wondered when I'd share with everyone.. later?
maybe I'll get his phone number when I get back, haha!
made plans with Jon and Eric via phone calls.. got a ride..
we met up with Eric H., Nathan, Jen, Vivian, Karen, Jeremy, Dawn, and Dianne at Dragon Ball.. saw Sherman there..
discussed whether "Neptune" was a real word, then "Uranus" got Nathan to thinking totally wrong things :P
his brain was very weird, as he brought up poo / pee / blood / guts during a continuation of his and Dianne's sing-off..
Eric H. thought his brain should be scrubbed out when he got home.. that, or some self-counselling would be in order!
Dianne's a picky eater.. no bananas, red apples, or yogurt..
we talked about the consistent pearls at Dragon Ball..
Jeremy definitely likes his durian ice cream with pearls!
no, Eric M.'s not a health nut.. it's his health issues..
the CDs will be given to me on Sunday.. I gave Nate all the Canada stickers, even if it wasn't a big sheet..
seeing the whites of our eyes was a weird human trick..
all good times with friends, which I'll miss for two weeks!
Which character from the Lion King are you?? Simba You are very brave and wise. When people need help, they come to you. You also protect the ones that you love. |
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Hmmmm... strange, you're not Kara. You're a regular sane person. Get away from me.
Are You Kara? : The Quiz
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You are a chicken armed with a flamethrower. You rule the land of CDs and are worshipped by CD jewel cases. *Hides*
Randomness quiz...
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you are an idiot (no offense) and I only have one thing to say...... welcome to the club!!!!! ^_^
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You are meant to be in: Firebringer!!
Order Quiz
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the "yes" result
the useless quiz
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You're like me!! (scary, isn't it?!)
Pointless Quiz
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Aaron! You are talented, and incredibly smart. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and some fly specs on your face.
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You're Kellie. You like movies, and you like to make fun of most celebrities. You're very cynical and make sarcastic, funny comments all the time.
Yet Another Which One of my Friends Are You Quiz
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Funny. You can always make people laugh. You are very easy-going, and fun to be around. You are optimistic and always have a joke on hand.
RP personality quiz
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THINKING IS OKAY - you think a little when you really need to for school, or when you're choosing something.
THE CONFUSED QUIZ.. (do you think or not?)
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Ego Quiz
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You are Mr. Krabs!
The Spongebob quiz
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Labels: aaron, dawn, derek, dianne, dragon ball, durian, eric h., fellowship, ice cream, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, maxine, nathan, phil, poo, quizilla, stickers, tim, vivian l., youthink