I just finished preparing 18 birthday cards and 6 baptism / Easter cards with greetings and stickers, as is my wont. Everyone knows when a card is from me, even if they do not / cannot recognize my bad handwriting: there are stickers on the envelope / inside the card, and a smiley face on the envelope.
Here's a link I came across in an LJ grammar community:
Tomato Nation. This is when I wish Matt was still on my LJ friends list, so I could send it to him and his "girlfriend." Then again, they probably wouldn't care... that would be a wasted effort, and I don't care much for those sorts of things anyhow. :P
Corey went to take a shower, and said I could amuse myself with something while he was gone:
Something Awful's "Ever caught during masturbation?" thread. That reminds me, I should really get an account there or something. :P He's always trying to get me with gross things, but I get him back very occasionally. We were discussing it last night, and here's the conversation:
AlenaBrolxFlami: so exactly what did this review say?
mrptptpt: it said, "Leslie wants to read these books!"
AlenaBrolxFlami: riiiiiiight.. link?
Website.comAlenaBrolxFlami: for your information, that redirects me to
DotEasy.comAlenaBrolxFlami: which is a free web hosting, free email / domain names for businesses and individuals thing... and not a reviews site for stuff in particular :P
mrptptpt: that's because I just made that up!
mrptptpt: okay, try
this one instead then
AlenaBrolxFlami: I don't THINK so
mrptptpt: it's to the review, I went and found it
AlenaBrolxFlami: haha. I'm still not clicking on it
mrptptpt: why not!? you're not being any fun. it's boring if you won't click any links :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: I clicked on one :P
mrptptpt: yeah, but
Website.com is obviously fake and made up :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: perhaps, but that doesn't mean I'll click on the other one :P
mrptptpt: so click the one that goes to something!
AlenaBrolxFlami: but the question is, WHAT does it go to? :P
mrptptpt: you're way too paranoid! you can find out what it is by clicking it
AlenaBrolxFlami: knowing you and your penchant for giving me gross links to click on inadvertently...
mrptptpt: you've sent me some gross ones :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: like? :P
mrptptpt: some guy's horribly mutilated crotch? :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: when in the heck did I ever send you that?!
mrptptpt: a while ago! it was in a livejournal thing
AlenaBrolxFlami: link?
mrptptpt: I have no idea
AlenaBrolxFlami: um... I don't think I've ever linked to those kinds of things :P
mrptptpt: you did so :P a guy that split his dick into several sections, and was pulling them apart and peeing out of the middle, with piercings all over the place and stuff :P
mrptptpt: anyway, I'm going to bed...
Extreme Fisting... click that one too
AlenaBrolxFlami: I don't think so... you are being weird tonight, I tell you :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: no, I don't think so..
mrptptpt: talk to you later... bedtime for me :P
and you did so send me a link to that! :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: goodnight, talk to you later
AlenaBrolxFlami: did not :P
mrptptpt: it was to a livejournal thing, and I'm pretty sure you even replied to that post. on your random questions thing or whatever
AlenaBrolxFlami: um.. I'll think about it and let you know..
AlenaBrolxFlami: night
Then there was tonight's convo:
AlenaBrolxFlami: I think I may have found what you were talking about last night
Chris Hayes and his vagina smileysmrptptpt: no, that's not it :P you sent that too, though. the thing I'm talking about was a guy pulling his cut-up penis apart, and peeing out of the middle of the cut pieces :P
this one?mrptptpt: that's goatse
Most embarrassing sexual moment?AlenaBrolxFlami:
Marilyn Manson's songs? What is this person doing using Terri's icon? Math Team and Sexual Innuendo?mrptptpt: you're going to have to click on a bunch of gross links now that you're having me click on all the gross things you can find :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: YOU were the one who told me to look for it :P
Math Team and Sexual Innuendo? yeah, that one
mrptptpt: see, you DO send me stuff like that :P
mrptptpt: twice now!
AlenaBrolxFlami: this time, it's because you asked me to look for it.. the other time, it was because I kinda wanted you to see it :P
mrptptpt: well, I'll have to find some things I want you to see :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: you've already done that
mrptptpt: since when?
AlenaBrolxFlami: since years ago, when you started me off on Goatse and Tubgirl :P
mrptptpt: yeah, but I can find more
AlenaBrolxFlami: please don't
mrptptpt: awww, why not?
AlenaBrolxFlami: I've seen quite enough of those, thanks ever so much :P
mrptptpt: I'm sure I can find stuff you haven't seen yet
AlenaBrolxFlami: and I'm sure that it won't be pretty either :P
mrptptpt: oh sure it will
AlenaBrolxFlami: only in your mind :P
mrptptpt: try
this one...
I looked up "pretty," so it's pretty
AlenaBrolxFlami: ... I don't think so..
mrptptpt: click it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AlenaBrolxFlami: NO!!!!!!!!
mrptptpt: do I have to go over there and make you click it?? :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: by the time you get over here, I'd be in bed and couldn't let you in :P
mrptptpt: actually, you'll probably have gone to bed and you'd already be awake again, and possibly about to go to sleep again :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: I guess maybe if you're going here by car, sure :P
AlenaBrolxFlami: unless you plan to do something else.
mrptptpt: I'd call Superman to fly me over, but I think he's on vacation
mrptptpt: and fictional
AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, those would present huge hitches for the plan
mrptptpt: yeah
mrptptpt: what darn luck
AlenaBrolxFlami: indeed
I'm looking at
Something Awful's "Ever caught during masturbation?" thread now, and this stuff could seriously go on
Group Hug! (and that other site is comedy GOLD!)
On another note, all I need is the strength to say goodbye. ;)
You are |


You are Lord Byron! Quite the ladies' man, Byron
wrote during the early 19th century. He was
born with a deformity, and much of his life was
spent with a sense of urgency, trying to suck
up as much life as he could to make up for his
own insecurities. He was a bisexual and died
very young of fever.
Which famous poet are you? (pictures and many outcomes) brought to you by Quizilla
You are "juggling." Jugglers, tumblers, and other
street performers were a very popular sort of
entertainment once, before movies and talkies
and online quizzes supplanted them.
You like to put on a show for people, and they like
to watch. You are friendly and well-liked,
particularly for your sense of humor, although
you sometimes play with people's heads. You
are frequently the center of attention, and you
like it that way. However, you have to realize
that the world does not revolve around you.
Furthermore, you have to learn that your
light-hearted antics are not appropriate to all
situations. Your problem is that juggling has
been obsolete for a long time.
What obsolete skill are you? brought to you by QuizillaLabels: aim, birthdays, blogthings, cards, chris, corey, easter, grammar, icons, links, lj, matt, maxed-out tags limit, postcards, quizilla, sex, smileys, something awful, stickers