You make FUN of people for not knowing in-game stuff?! / Friends as divers

At Awana, Ian told me that his brother Sean was sick, and started bleeding on Thursday! Luckily, his mom Ada clarified that Sean had had a nosebleed and a fever! Mike also noticed that I wanted to get the game scores before he erased the board - yay for good people! His sister Margaret bent her glasses because of one of the kids; oops. Said hi to Eunice, who's very cute! Jordan was being loud as usual - his brother Thomas has lots of energy too. Rosenda came in to look for her younger son Gabriel because "Mom" (Auntie May) had brought him with her: I redirected her and David upstairs to the Cubbie room! Amanda and Hannah showed me their "apple" (red) and "blueberry" (blue) balloons: plenty of them for the taking from the open house! On the way home, Ian asked "Are we there yet?" and also told me that he wanted to eat dinner the WHOLE night, haha. Now Corey and I are just talking about PORTAL and getting electrocuted:
[19:04:08] Corey: I just got electrocuted!
[19:10:12] Flami: the hamsterette: YOU LIE.
[19:10:22] Corey: then crushed by a ceiling
[19:10:27] Flami: YOU LIE.
[19:11:36] Corey: and it happened again
[19:13:50] Corey: yay, I got past it!
[19:15:04] Corey: I'm playing a Portal mod someone made... they added a storyline and voices and everything. it's really slick, but it's frustrating because most of the puzzles give you no time to think, and you have to be totally accurate with super-precise jumps through like three portals while you don't know where the hell you're going, since you don't even know which way is up when you come out of a portal you jumped through :P
[19:15:49] Corey: if they focused more on the puzzle aspect and less on the "let's make this as hard as we possibly can" aspect, this mod would be like a whole new Portal game
[19:15:59] Flami: that would be interesting, I guess
[19:16:23] Corey: most of their puzzles are decent, they just need to loosen up the accuracy a bit...
[19:17:10] Corey: basically, I'll get the right idea, and it doesn't work.. then I get mad and go look up a walkthrough and they're doing EXACTLY what I'm doing... but I didn't hit the right arrow early enough by like .02 milliseconds...
[19:17:54] Corey: this game isn't supposed to be all skill, it's about figuring out the physics of what needs to go on to get you through it.. it's a puzzle game, mostly :P
[19:23:59] Flami: that skill thing seems annoying
[19:26:47] Corey: there's a video showing the one I'm stuck on at the moment.... also keep in mind that the guy playing it made the levels, and somehow manages to come out of portals facing a direction.... when you really do it, it's almost impossible to tell what's going on :P you could be facing any direction or be upside down, or who knows
[19:31:24] Corey: and that's the one where you get squished and electrocuted if you don't get through in time, but that probably doesn't show him failing
[19:42:54] Corey: and this fucking level doesn't work. the one in the first video. it's probably just barely possible to line things up that perfectly, and it sure as hell isn't happening for me, and I'm even trying to directly copy what's in the video. how the fuck would I ever do all that without cheating and looking for a solution? the proper solution isn't apparent at all, and once you figure out exactly what needs to be done (by looking it up online), it's STILL next to impossible...
[19:43:47] Corey: I doubt I'll finish this thing... it's just frustrating, not fun
[19:46:39] Flami: so it's one of those things where you can just barely make it once, and that's it?! ugh.
[19:48:06] Corey: fucking hell. I got to the point where I'm high enough to shoot the blue portal across to the other side, and then it started flipping me upside down every time I bounced through a portal, which doesn't happen in the video, and makes it impossible to aim
[19:48:56] Flami: yikes.
[19:51:13] Corey: now I got over there despite it flipping me upside down, but it doesn't let me get over to the ledge... instead, if I try to move to the side, I just land on the edge of the portal.... on the floor, not up on the ledge, which stops all momentum and pretty much means you start over
[19:52:30] Corey: oh, and up on the ledge, the walls electrify, meaning that even if you are lucky enough to get up there, you've got at least a 50/50 shot at instant death unless your timing was perfect and you got up there between zaps and also had enough time to run past it...
[19:53:18] Corey: I've about had enough of this... I'd like to see where the story goes, but this is getting ridiculous. I'm only like halfway through this, too
[19:54:11] Corey: I went to their forums, and tons of people complain about it not even being fun because of stuff like this, and the people that made it just make fun of them for not being good at the game or something :P
[19:54:46] Corey: I just played the whole real game pretty much flawlessly right before this (though the real game isn't very hard)... so I think I know SOMETHING....
[19:58:23] Flami: of course you do
[20:01:05] Corey: well, I'm going to play a different one instead :P there's another set of maps that someone made (but I don't think it has a story) that everyone seems to like more.. much harder than the regular game, but the challenge is in figuring it out, not 800 perfectly timed jumps that have to be accurate to the millimeter
[20:04:09] Flami: that sounds better
[20:08:12] Corey: well, first level of this thing already has hard jumps.... not AS hard, but you have to duck while jumping to get far enough (a trick never used or explained ONCE in the regular game, so I probably wouldn't have ever even tried it had I not known about it from this other mod I was playing)
[20:08:25] Corey: and then, I know about it because the people in their forum made fun of people for not knowing that :P
[20:13:12] Corey: well, this isn't that much better.... seems to be based on complicated jumps and crap like that too... but, you at least don't have to be 100% perfect for it to be possible
[20:19:28] Flami: well, that's a relief
[20:19:47] Corey: well, except now I'm at a place like that
[20:19:54] Corey: people suck at making Portal levels
[20:20:26] Flami: oh
[20:24:27] Corey: well, okay, I just wasn't observant enough :P I didn't have to do what it looked like I had to do... there was a reasonable solution if you backtrack a bit
[20:26:57] Flami: that is terrific
Labels: awana, chinese, conversations, corey, facebook, friends, games, hamsterette, maxed-out tags limit, memes, mike k., msn, pictures, restarts, rosenda, sick, sports, tagging, videos, walkthroughs