Bubble tea icon, seaweed, computer scare / Quizzes

I also made Corey eat some of the "Moto Moto Yama Hot Seasoned Roasted Seaweed" that I'd sent him. Well, he's in Fort Collins and I'm here in Vancouver. So technically I can't MAKE him do anything, haha. But I told him that I wanted seaweed reviews when I was back from my shower. He doesn't know whether he likes it yet, but it reminds him of what Jane in Taiwan sends him sometimes. But at least it's not a total "what the hell?!" reaction, heh. :D
My computer just scared me by finding another virus. Luckily it was just in the Recycle Bin, where I'd dumped the infected file yesterday. Problem solved by emptying the thing. :D
Are you like one of my parents or like someone else???
My dad
You might be on drugs..... or be sorta mad once in a while... or even more......
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* My mom (You scored 2)
* My dad (You scored 4)
* Not like any of my parents (You scored 0)
what drug are you?
you must be my best friend!!!!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* weed (You scored 1)
* meth (You scored 1)
* ecstasy (You scored 0)
Are you babygirl or devilgirl?
you are an outgoing person
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* babygirl (You scored 2)
* devilgirl (You scored 2)
What school should you be in?

Junior High
Innocent, but you are genuine in your own way, and are still the child you used to be!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Elementary (You scored 2)
* High School (You scored 0)
* College (You scored 1)
* Junior High (You scored 3)
Are You Goth, Or Just A Poser
You are fucking gothic, damn! You guessed I'm lez and that I'm a gothic biatch. So, hell yeah! You rock! You don't care what people say, and you are just yourself. Rancid is better then fucking Good Charlotte! Hell, yeah! Represent the lezbian gothics... they're hot!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Gothic (You scored 4)
* Poser (You scored 2)
What Part of America should you be from?

East Coast
You are very stylish and up to date! The heart of all your friendships, and a born leader! Always trendy, but a little pompous. Other than that... you got it, baby!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* East Coast (You scored 3)
* West Coast (You scored 0)
* Midwest (You scored 0)
* North East (You scored 0)
* North West (You scored 2)
* South (You scored 0)
are you lez, bi, or straight (girls only)
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Lezbian (You scored 0)
* Bisexual (You scored 0)
* Straight (You scored 5)
What you'd do if you were this dude 1000 years ago...
The sweetie! Awww! You are so nice!
You definitely are a sweetheart. The girls will practically jump into your arms! Good job, you lovable oaf - you made your dude VERY happy indeed.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* The sweetie! Awww! You are so nice! (You scored 4)
* The pervert... um.... yeah.... (You scored 1)
* The flirt! (Giggle!) (You scored 0)
* The warrior! So strong!!! (You scored 0)
* The villain! Watch out now! (You scored 3)
What type of chicken are you?
Asian Chicken with some of that bird flu
Yep, that bird did fly away!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Kentucky Fried Chicken at KFC! (You scored 1)
* Asian Chicken with some of that bird flu (You scored 2)
* A headless one (You scored 0)
What sort of killer are you?
Serial Killer
You like to see human blood, and like to see life seeping out of someone's body.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Serial Killer (You scored 3)
* Suicidal Killer (You scored 1)
What hair product are you?

You are mousse! You are fun-loving and sweet. Always innocent, but sometimes you are misunderstood by those around you!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* mousse (You scored 2)
* hairspray (You scored 1)
* gel (You scored 1)
* shampoo (You scored 1)
* conditioner (You scored 2)
Labels: bubble tea, charlotte, chinese, computer, corey, drugs, food, gay, icons, jane, maxed-out tags limit, parents, photos, school, serial killers, sex, sick, taiwan, us, zenhex