Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 15:08:02 2004
*** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will be received when he/she logs into Yahoo! Messenger.
flamsterette_x: Note to self: "Dude" is probably not going to cut it as a generic name, for obvious reasons. Think of something else, please.
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 15:08:34 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:30:46 2004
aryk29: I will, gimme a day or two. :)
flamsterette_x: ???
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:30:54 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:31:05 2004
aryk29: "Note to self: "Dude" is probably not going to cut it as a generic name, for obvious reasons. Think of something else, please."
aryk29: ;)
flamsterette_x: I was talking to myself, in your messenger window.
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:31:22 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:31:26 2004
aryk29: :D
aryk29: Got new birthdays for the list.
aryk29: KellyM is 1/22/69 and tailake is 10/26.
flamsterette_x: Stalker. :P
aryk29: [rolleyes] :D
aryk29: I mean

. :D
aryk29: After all, if you're going to do something, do it well, no?
flamsterette_x: hang on
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:36:35 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:38:53 2004
aryk29: wb :)
flamsterette_x: argh
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:39:00 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:39:48 2004
flamsterette_x: There, all better now. ;)
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:39:59 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:40:36 2004
aryk29: :)
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I take my clothes off whenever it suits me.. line from song, I'm not ROIMU now!
aryk29: What is ROIMU?
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:42:18 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:42:36 2004
flamsterette_x: I told you before... the line's from Matthew Good Band's
Flashdance II!
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:43:08 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 17:43:19 2004
aryk29: You could address me as
w kora and only those who speak Greek would know what it means. :p
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I take my clothes off whenever it suits me.. line from song, I'm not ROIMU now!
aryk29: I don't remember what ROIMU is.
flamsterette_x: I'd say I wouldn't call you by a girl's name, but given recent events, I might have to one of these days. ;)
aryk29: How about
mon ami?
flamsterette_x: Might do...
aryk29: Is there a suitable vocative neuter second person pronoun in Chinese?
flamsterette_x: What?!
aryk29: (Maybe UA or umop would be preferable, never mind.)
*** You have been disconnected. Wed Dec 01 17:45:56 2004.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Wed Dec 01 17:48:24 2004.
flamsterette_x: My brain needs small words, it's tiny.
aryk29: Voc a tive? ;)
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I take my clothes off whenever it suits me.. line from song, I'm not ROIMU now!
aryk29: Indeed.

aryk29: Ever drink a can of soda, then a glass of milk, then the CO2 makes its way up? EEEYUCK!
flamsterette_x: Whatever.
flamsterette_x: Eww.. why would you drink milk right after drinking some pop?
aryk29: Cuz I had chicken fried rice, and the soy sauce was really salty. It was easier to handle that stuff back when I used to put milk in my coffee instead of powdered cream. Something about the potassium in the milk.
flamsterette_x: Chicken fried rice?!
aryk29: Yeah, we had a packet of some storebought fried rice stuff (has vermicelli in it, whatever that is... looks & tastes like little mini spaghetti worms) and we had some chicken, so.... there's supper. Not as good as the real thing, but it's food.
flamsterette_x: You are going to make me break, I tell you. :P
aryk29: ?
flamsterette_x: Vermicelli =
fun see. Good stuff!
aryk29: Spaghetti larvae. :p
flamsterette_x: No, it's GOOD.
aryk29: Umm, okay. I don't like spaghetti either, FWIW.
flamsterette_x: I should get you up here so you can try it for yourself.. then again, if you don't like spaghetti either... you are a lost cause. ;)
aryk29: Had to endure too much of that stuff once and got permanently burned out on it. Although I will sometimes take a raw spaghetti stick and chew on it.
flamsterette_x: Ah yes, I can understand that. Um, ew?
aryk29: No, it's good. I slide it between my teeth and the stuff flakes off and makes a paste. No, I would not dare bite down on it. (Yup, I'm weird.)
aryk29: (Spaghetti larvae. That one could go in my sig!)
aryk29: Ya know what's good, pasta shells cooked in margarine and covered in parmesan.
flamsterette_x: I am going to do something to you.
aryk29: Uh-oh.
aryk29: What is it?
flamsterette_x: Not quite sure.
flamsterette_x: But if you keep mentioning food, I'm going to have to eat. Or something.
aryk29: Okay then, I will mention cats. Cleo was just playing with the laser pointer.
flamsterette_x: Nice.....
aryk29: Wonder if Viper would feel silly about calling me Umo.
flamsterette_x: Maybe...
aryk29: But if he calls me Uma, I'll use the head smack smiley! :p
flamsterette_x: That could be a great new name for you... Uma Gagnon, Astronomer Extraordinaire. :D
aryk29: :whap:
aryk29: :D
aryk29: Besides, then my initials would be UG. :p
flamsterette_x: So? We call my brother that all the time! ;)
aryk29: Am I being whooshed? ;)
flamsterette_x: No, because it's the truth.
Proof.aryk29: Okay. Hey, I noticed if you take the letters CB and UA, they form an anagram of Cuba.
aryk29: *clicking the link*
flamsterette_x: Cuba Gooding... all right, I shall call you that then. :P

aryk29: Did you see
the Create Your Own Snowflake thread?
flamsterette_x: So what do you think of the proof?
aryk29: I saw your anonymous reply, but don't know how that relates to crazymadscientist's post.
flamsterette_x: She's my sister, "the ug" is my brother, and Jerk is our friend Dave.
aryk29: oic
flamsterette_x: No, I've not seen the thread.
flamsterette_x: Got your wish.
aryk29: Well, don't link to it! :p
there's the link to your flake, FTR. :)
flamsterette_x: I didn't link to it.. don't accuse me of stuff I didn't do.
aryk29: I was being facetious.
aryk29: #226916 is by Antigen. Funny number coincidence... look at SDMB threadid 226916

flamsterette_x: Link, please?
that's from memory so lemme know if it doesn't work.aryk29: 16 snowflakes are by me. Talk about getting carried away. :p
flamsterette_x: Your point?
aryk29: Got carried away and made 16 snowflakes.
flamsterette_x: No, what was your point about the thread?
aryk29: It's a long-running one with a high view count. Fitting that such a thread should share its number with a Doper's snowflake. :D
flamsterette_x: I don't get it, but whatever.
aryk29: Maybe it isn't such a grand coincidence. :)
flamsterette_x: Hate is still prettier in person.
aryk29: ?
flamsterette_x: Line from song. [Matthew Good Band's
Flashdance II]
aryk29: A pretty face don't make no pretty heart. I learned that right from the start. [Robert Palmer's
Bad Case of Loving You]
aryk29: (Another song. :D )
flamsterette_x: Take the rope to my heart and fall
You may just be the last before you
See the black tangled heart fall [Silverchair's
Black Tangled Heart]
aryk29: A real tough cookie with a long history of breaking little hearts like the one in me. [Pat Benatar's
Hit Me With Your Best Shot]
flamsterette_x: The trouble comes from everywhere
It's a little more than you can bear
I know it will be hurt
I know it will break your heart the way things are
And the way they've been
And the way they've always been [Natalie Merchant's
Break Your Heart]
aryk29: And you may say to yourself Where does this highway go to? And you may say to yourself How do I start this large automobile? And you may say to yourself Am I right or am I wrong? And you may say to yourself My god, what have I done!? [Talking Heads'
Once In A Lifetime]
aryk29: The mist is lifting slowly I can see the way ahead And I've left behind the empty streets that once inspired my life [Moody Blues'
I Know You're Out There Somewhere]
aryk29: (Ooh, gonna play that one right now!)
flamsterette_x: Go right ahead.
aryk29: Y'know what? UMa is the abbreviation for Ursa Major. The big dipper. Why did I not think of that before!? #-o
flamsterette_x: Maybe it's coz you're a diphead? :D
aryk29: Yup. :D
aryk29: There ya go, you could call me diphead. Or knot head. :p
aryk29: Diphead could be pronounced dye-feed, and knothead could be no-theed. :D
aryk29: There is a name common in India, Shithead, which is pronounced shi-THAYD.
flamsterette_x: Ah, that one again.
aryk29: But it's a guy's name, so that one's out. :p
aryk29: Sorry, had to show Mom how to use Opera to save a web page.
flamsterette_x: Hey, is TAILAKE one of.. um, er.. uh?
aryk29: ?
aryk29: Thai lake? Tail ache? I dunno. :D
flamsterette_x: You know who I'm talking about?
aryk29: Yeah, the 10/26 Doper.
aryk29: I don't know what the username means.
flamsterette_x: No, I asked you if he / she was one of .. uh.. er...
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 20:04:03 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 20:04:14 2004
aryk29: Mole people?
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I take my clothes off whenever it suits me.. line from song, I'm not ROIMU now!
flamsterette_x: NO!
aryk29: Ailurophobes?
flamsterette_x: No. What is one common thing with you and Kelly M?
aryk29: Oh, okay. No I don't know.
aryk29: (Assuming you mean also Eve and Lazz and phraser and maybe odaran)
flamsterette_x: Eve, I knew about. Don't know two of the last three.
aryk29: Lazz doesn't post much, and I haven't seen phraser around much. I think they are both F2M's. odaran posted to say s/he isn't sure.
flamsterette_x: I'm not trying to say you people are freaks, because you're not... But I just can't say IT yet.. although I know you want to be that way. "One of THEM" sounds freak-ish. And yeah.. I'm going to shut up right now.
aryk29: Why do you think... OH!!! Because I mentioned tailake and KellyM at the same time? No, I was going over the December list corroborating with your post, and...
aryk29: I understand. Hey, believe me, I still haven't come to terms with the word myself!
aryk29: I saw tailake in there but said waiminnit, lemme check, and sure enough I had accidently put him / her in December instead of October. The number 10 threw me.
aryk29: (Oh and do I want to be TS? No, it would have been much easier to be born with the right, umm, equipment. :p )
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, it would have been...
aryk29: I grew up hearing the word on shows like
Jerry Springer (no, I don't watch that... my mother does) so that's the image that's stuck in my mental dictionary. But I've heard that shows like
Jerry Springer are not informative sources.
aryk29: So for that reason, I didn't identify with that part of the community. The people they showed might be women and dress like women and act like women, but they looked and sounded to me like men - my opinion - and that's why my hesitancy with the word.
aryk29: Then I found an essay written by an Icelandic M2F and could really identify with her. It is the story of her trip to Thailand to have surgery. Saw something of myself in her. And to me, the story could only have been written by a gal; I can't for the life of me picture her as a guy.
flamsterette_x: I see.
aryk29: Come to find out there are soooooooooo many facets to the T* community, and some have little in common with others.
aryk29: And some of these people, you would never even know to look at them, especially the F2Ms.
flamsterette_x: Really? That's something to keep in mind.
aryk29: Lemme dig up a web page here...
Look at the men on this page.aryk29:
Women (4 pages of pics)flamsterette_x: k
aryk29: I mean, can you believe that?
flamsterette_x: most of them look okay
aryk29: It amazes me, really.
flamsterette_x: Yeah..
aryk29: I was just looking at the women's gallery... hadn't seen it before. :D
flamsterette_x: I see.
aryk29: So anyway, they're nothing like the regular talk show material.
flamsterette_x: That's good.
flamsterette_x: Not that I would take my serious info from talk shows, but... yeah.
aryk29: IOW, they're nothing like what I don't want to become. ;)
flamsterette_x: Eh.........
aryk29: I think the responses @ OurPlace to my various hints demonstrate that for the most part, people would do their best to understand (especially the moderating staff, heh heh), but still think it's waaaaaaaay too early to say anything. That high heeled car thread? Could we have been more obvious? And nutty thought that was funny. :D Still, I'm gonna wait a while.
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: Good idea.
aryk29: Have we nothing in this place to drink!? There's milk, coffee, off-brand cola, and diet 7-Up. Blech. I want a Red Bull. Maybe just drink the last of the milk. Sorry, just venting.
flamsterette_x: Water?
aryk29: Let's keep the conversation limited to stuff I'd actually consider potable. :p
flamsterette_x: No vodka?
aryk29: Southern Comfort.
flamsterette_x: Have that, then.... unless I'm encouraging underage drinking, in which case... DO NOT have that. :P

I'm 23, you know that! Unless you mean figuratively. :D
aryk29: Anyway, a glass of 70 proof would not only not quench the thirst - in fact, quite the opposite - but it would make things very, umm... interesting. :O
flamsterette_x: How is that?
aryk29: One, I'd be soused out of my mind. Two, I'd be sick tomorrow, and three, I'd have a lot of explainin' to do. A glass is like 8 ounces, and that much whiskey doesn't just up and vanish in one night around here. :D
flamsterette_x: Ah yes. Not good. Forget it then.
aryk29: One ounce, maybe, if I weren't so darn thirsty, but not 8. :D
aryk29: I heard a story once about someone who drank 23 shots of Ouzo in one sitting. That's almost a whole bottle.
flamsterette_x: Ouch.
aryk29: She was sick for 3 days.
flamsterette_x: I can imagine.
aryk29: When my parents were younger - long before I was born - they would sometimes spend a night at the bar and then find they can't stand up from their seats.
flamsterette_x: That does tend to make you wobbly-legged.
aryk29: Yeah. They said it relaxes ya, and the muscles don't want to work.
flamsterette_x: But what about your siblings?
aryk29: I'm not sure if my sister drinks, come to think about it.
flamsterette_x: I knew you had a sister
aryk29: Yeah, she's much older than me and has a different mother. So that would have been after she was born, but before I came along. :D
flamsterette_x: Makes sense.
aryk29: During that magical decade plus that I would have liked to have been around in. Although from what Maryann posted not too long ago, I suppose lots of us wish we'd been born sooner.
flamsterette_x: Really.. ?
aryk29: Yeah it would have been great to live back then. But apparently it's not uncommon to feel that way, no matter when one was born.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I guess.
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 21:44:48 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 22:11:11 2004
flamsterette_x: As you can see, I've resorted to calling you CB. Hope you don't mind much.
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 22:11:43 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 01 22:11:54 2004
aryk29: Well, I even said so in my sig! :D
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I take my clothes off whenever it suits me.. line from song, I'm not ROIMU now!
aryk29: Yes, yes, for the third time, you take your clothes off when it suits you. I get it now. Still don't know what ROIMU means.
flamsterette_x: That's an auto-response. :P
aryk29: Remind me to configure Yahoo with an auto-response.

flamsterette_x: It's cool.
aryk29: I was just reading OurPlace.
flamsterette_x: And?
aryk29: Posting there instead of chatting. :p
flamsterette_x: That's fine.. I noticed your posts.
flamsterette_x: I'm posting there, too.. one of my favorite people is off taking a shower, so can't talk to him.
aryk29: 10 cups of bubble tea. :p
flamsterette_x: Uh... no, thank you!
flamsterette_x: You can have it if you like.
aryk29: Don't know what it's like. Have to try it first.
aryk29: Tell ya what I'm picturing, though.
flamsterette_x: Okay.
aryk29: It's pink and tastes like bubble gum. Either that or it's iridescent, is mostly air, and tastes like cotton candy. :D
flamsterette_x: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
aryk29: I've had jasmine tea, is it anything like that?
flamsterette_x: Nah. Hang on.
Google search results for "bubble tea."aryk29: So IE throws an exception and the window just sits there... it died and doesn't know enough to lay down. :p Trying it in Opera...
flamsterette_x: Find the right browser.
aryk29: Wow! Must try that stuff sometime.
aryk29: (It probably helps that tapioca pudding is one of my favorites.)
flamsterette_x: I'm sure they have it in California.
aryk29: What about Nevada? :p
flamsterette_x: Um.. possibly.
aryk29: ;)
aryk29: g2g back in a few... c ya.
flamsterette_x: k
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 01 22:48:37 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 02 15:16:55 2004
*** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will be received when he/she logs into Yahoo! Messenger.
flamsterette_x: I bet you didn't get my "Don" reference! :P
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Dec 02 15:17:11 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:18:08 2004
aryk29: No I didn't, but we should ixnay on the Ender referencesjay. ;)
flamsterette_x: What Ender references?
aryk29: n/m.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Thu Dec 02 16:18:51 2004.
aryk29: I mean we should cut out any reference that is not ambiguous.
aryk29: (re: the Don thing)
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: So you want all ambiguous references? Got ya.
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:20:41 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:28:10 2004
aryk29: Yep.
flamsterette_x: Are you trying to confuse me?'
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:28:26 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:28:41 2004
aryk29: No, I'm trying to get this f@#$% thing to work...
flamsterette_x: So what, then?
aryk29: Just a minute...
*** "aryk29" signed off at Thu Dec 02 16:29:11 2004.
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:29:42 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:30:07 2004
aryk29: LaunchCast is being a PITA.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Thu Dec 02 16:30:15 2004.
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:30:43 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Dec 02 16:31:36 2004
aryk29: Okay, where were we?
flamsterette_x: Ambiguity!
aryk29: Yes. BTW, what was the reference?
flamsterette_x: Don.
aryk29: Don Henley? Don Quixote? Don' mess with Diocletian?

flamsterette_x: You sounded like the Mafia, so I gave you the most respected Mafia title. *shrug*
aryk29: Lemme revisit the thread...
flamsterette_x: K
aryk29: What, THAT!?
flamsterette_x: YES
aryk29: I was cussing at my unreliable internet connection between others' requests to help them figure out what the computer was doing.
aryk29: (I am going to KILL Launchcast, too.)
flamsterette_x: And that has to do with the thread, HOW?
aryk29: How is anybody's tone affected by their mood? ;)
flamsterette_x: Trust me, it is.
aryk29: Exactly. :)
aryk29: Don't know why it is, but this song that I never really liked sounds so catchy all of a sudden.
aryk29: Been a bit touchy lately in the mood department.

flamsterette_x: Me or you?
aryk29: Me.
flamsterette_x: Oh, and you don't think I am either?
aryk29: Well, given the trend I noticed in those quiz threads... :p
flamsterette_x: Oh, shut up. :P
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Those were just quizzy results. :P
aryk29: Now see, here I'm laughing and being silly, and a minute ago I was cussing. :D
aryk29: (And I *love* this song!)
flamsterette_x: Which song?
aryk29: Look @ my status text. ;)
aryk29: DSL bites.
aryk29: It was Enya -
On My Way Home.
flamsterette_x: I never pay attention.
aryk29: Styx -
Come Sail Away is good too.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Thu Dec 02 17:05:30 2004.
flamsterette_x: True
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Dec 02 17:05:32 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Mon Dec 06 00:12:17 2004
flamsterette_x: Hey!
Session Close (aryk29): Mon Dec 06 00:12:28 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Mon Dec 06 00:12:35 2004
aryk29: Hi!
aryk29: 'Tsup? :)
flamsterette_x: I was talking about Chapters dumps earlier. :P
aryk29: Bombing?

flamsterette_x: Yes.
aryk29: Yeah, I almost messaged ya to say "eww!?" :D
flamsterette_x: "EWW!?" ???
aryk29: Yeah... your status message you had a few minutes ago.
flamsterette_x: Y'mean "POOP" ??
aryk29: Yeah, that. I swear, it's my mother's favorite word.
aryk29: To hear her, you'd think all our cats are named POOPIE! :p
flamsterette_x: Hahahaha, you should see the transcript of the chat I had earlier then!
aryk29: Uhh, no thanks.
flamsterette_x: Seriously! I'm like two seconds away from sending it to you / posting it in RQ!
aryk29: Post it in RQ so that way I won't go read it. :p
aryk29: Or maybe I will, haha.
aryk29: So did you have an ulterior motive for linking to the SDMB from Our Place? ;)
aryk29: brb
aryk29: (had to get me a nice cold Pepsi)
flamsterette_x: Mmm, cold beer.
aryk29: Uck, I hate beer.
aryk29: Rather have a margarita or a peppermint Schnapps.
flamsterette_x: No, not me.
flamsterette_x: Just reminded me of the Viridian Room.
aryk29: What did, the IMVironment?
aryk29: People react differently to me since I put up that avatar at that other message board.
flamsterette_x: No, not the IMVironment. Can't even see that one.
flamsterette_x: ?? Why is my font the same as yours?!
Session Close (aryk29): Mon Dec 06 00:32:04 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Mon Dec 06 00:32:26 2004
aryk29: Cuz your chat client is crazy!

flamsterette_x: sldkfjslkdfjsldkjf.. good, back to normal.
aryk29: So yeah, people treat me differently over there now.
flamsterette_x: You were expecting something different?
aryk29: Haha, no. It's just interesting to see it in effect. :) They're friendlier, interact more, and I think they let me get away with more... but I also encountered a totally new and unfamiliar social situation.
flamsterette_x: Which is?
aryk29: I started a hangman game thread, my puzzle got solved, and a few games later, OtakuOverlord was right about to solve. He got one letter wrong and then, silly me, I guessed the letter right. So the solve went to me, but I deferred to Otaku to do a new one. Then...
aryk29: when I had figured out all but one word of his puzzle, TeaElle went and solved. I pointed out that an omitted letter threw me, otherwise I'd have got it, and he seemed to take it really badly that he had left off a letter in the puzzle...
aryk29: I think maybe he is trying to be overly nice and apologetic because he is upset about the earlier puzzle.
Last several posts in this page if you're interested.flamsterette_x: Eh... you can never tell what will set people off.
aryk29: So I am trying to keep a positive attitude about it.
flamsterette_x: That's all you can do, I guess.
aryk29: (Ain't that the truth, though.)
aryk29: Well, it's a whole new angle on interacting with people, and not something I learned to prepare for growing up.
aryk29: Live and learn though, eh?
flamsterette_x: Guess so.
flamsterette_x: Oh, and where did I link to the SDMB on OP? I know I may have done it before when you weren't around.. but..
aryk29: Think Dopefest photo.
aryk29: ;)
flamsterette_x: That was a bloody PHOTO.
aryk29: Well, if it's any consolation, I am the least photogenic person on the planet. So's another friend of mine.
aryk29: So anyway, it's not a bad photo. :)
aryk29: Oh, you sent the chat thing. It is loooooooooooooong!!!! I'll read it later today. :p
flamsterette_x: Eee, I did link to the Dope. You were right.
flamsterette_x: Oh well. :P
aryk29: Hey, maybe that's the best way... let 'em find out for themselves. ;)
aryk29: Besides, if any new familiar usernames should start turning up over there, that could be a good thing. :D
aryk29: Going to

flamsterette_x: Yes, of course I sent the chat thing. I told you I would. :P
aryk29: I'll read it later. I think this seasonal change is getting to me. You've heard of S.A.D.?
flamsterette_x: Yep.
aryk29: I think it's starting to affect me, but only with feeling bored / tired a lot. Hafta try getting up earlier to catch more daylight hours.
aryk29: It's like all of a sudden, it's getting dark at 5:00!
flamsterette_x: Before that, even! I *swear* I saw it starting to get dark at 4?
aryk29: I believe it!
aryk29: Every night, there's 3 hours where it feels like 8 or 9 o'clock.
flamsterette_x: Yeah!
aryk29: Oh, lemme look up something quick...
flamsterette_x: Sure.
flamsterette_x: It's not like I'm going to say: "NO. YOU CAN'T. YOU'RE A LONG WAYS AWAY FROM ME, BUT I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO." :P

aryk29: This thing says sunset will be 4:09 PM today in Vancouver, BC... now lemme reset it back to Vegas...
flamsterette_x: Ah.
aryk29: 4:21 PM. Not much difference!
aryk29: You are at 49° latitude?
aryk29: I'm at 36°
flamsterette_x: No clue.
aryk29: Well that's what my star program says. Anyway, if I get up at 9, that leaves... only 7.5 hours of daylight!
flamsterette_x: Yay.
aryk29: Indeed. :(
aryk29: So I'm calling it a night. bcn ya. :)
flamsterette_x: Going to bed now, night!
Session Close (aryk29): Mon Dec 06 01:13:21 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Dec 07 15:24:47 2004
flamsterette_x: You think DSL is TEH SUXXOR?
flamsterette_x: TRY HAVING A LDR.. THAT IS HORRIBLE. (and I'm only half-kidding)
aryk29: Yeppers.
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: one year since car accident
aryk29: What is LDR?
aryk29: DSL succors teh, at fifty five. :D I don't know what LDR is.
aryk29: Oh.
aryk29: ic now.

Sorry to hear that. :(
flamsterette_x: (why am I typing in all caps? eek)
flamsterette_x: Yeah, thanks.. I can give you links if you want, but I'm sure you don't want to hear about my love life. :P
aryk29: It isn't really any of my business unless you need to vent. :)
aryk29: (new status message, teehee)
Here you go.flamsterette_x: that status message needs a translation
aryk29: Word for word or gist? ;)
aryk29: OH!!!!!!11111oneoneoneone Reaibn is Steve! Duh!!!!

flamsterette_x: I TOLD YOU BEFORE.

<- me being dense, sorry. *Takes out pencil and psyche pad to make mental note* Reaibn, Viper = same first name. Got it.
flamsterette_x: Haha, no worries.
aryk29: :)
aryk29: Our cellphones frequently experience intermittent signals. Sometimes it sounds like the other person is laughing when they're not... occasionally, they'll go out completely and drop a call... this is with both of them in a city, the same city, and local numbers. Dunno, phone service seems about as reliable as DSL. :p
flamsterette_x: Ha, yeah... I mean, I don't want to accuse him of anything since he could very well be telling the truth.
flamsterette_x: And well... I don't know what to do anyhow.
aryk29: Me neither. *shrug* Exchange emails?
aryk29: So, translation..... "the Odysseus from the Troi he comes." As in he's returning from there, not that it's his home or place of birth. It's a line from the Odyssey.
flamsterette_x: HA. HE NEVER ANSWERS THEM.
flamsterette_x: Ah, thanks.
aryk29: WTF!? Who the heck never answers emails?
aryk29: Sure. :)
flamsterette_x: Him, of course.
aryk29: Hmmm...
aryk29: I dunno... fill his inbox with forwarded jokes and stuff. :p
aryk29: Never reaching the end...
flamsterette_x: Of?
aryk29: Just singing along to Launchcast. :D
aryk29: I guess Trillian doesn't insert a "xxx has changed their status message to" thing in the middle of the chat?
flamsterette_x: Ha, oh. :P
aryk29: It's changed twice since then, but yeah. :)
flamsterette_x: Haha, sorry. Been answering questions.
flamsterette_x: And no, it does not.
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: But yeah... did you know that I appreciate your friendship?
aryk29: Same here! :)
flamsterette_x: Is it just me, or is the Net in general slow?
aryk29: I dunno... I'm reading OurPlace. There's a thread in Serious Talk that I'm looking at the replies to, and so far am favorably impressed...
aryk29: Maybe my Launchcast is eating up all your bandwidth. Sorry. :p :D
flamsterette_x: It better not be. :P
aryk29: Why, what are ya gonna do about it?

aryk29: Uh-oh.
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: So watch out.
Was just keeping up with this thread.flamsterette_x: Well, it can't be found. :P
aryk29: Board being slow?
flamsterette_x: " cannot be found"
aryk29: Yup... that'd be because Supertramp's
Goodbye Stranger is playing. :p Lemme check something quicklike...
aryk29: Yup... board works okay for me.
flamsterette_x: Argh.
aryk29: Do like a programmer and try it again to see if it does the same thing. :D
flamsterette_x: :P
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Yup.
aryk29: It's still not working!?
aryk29: It's running slow over here...
flamsterette_x: Nope, it's not.
aryk29: Now it's down here too. :(
aryk29: Nope, just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, it's a bit slow.
aryk29: Here, I'll turn off Launchcast. :D
flamsterette_x: Ha, that might help?
aryk29: Probably not, but the last couple of songs were whiskey tango foxtrot. :D
aryk29: Umm, over.
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Sure, whatever you say.
aryk29: They weren't any good. I was thinking Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is this rhymes with cite. :p
flamsterette_x: Um, sure.
aryk29: brb
aryk29: Needed to fill an imitation Coke can with Pepsi.
flamsterette_x: hm
aryk29: Drank a can of imitation Coke (store brand, red label) and forgot we have a bottle of Pepsi. So I decided it was time for a refill... :D
flamsterette_x: I see.
aryk29: *sigh* nighttime again. 5 o'clock at night. BLECH!!!!!
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I know.
aryk29: And it's slow right now... nobody's posting to ANY of my boards. :(
aryk29: Ever do a search for someone's posts just to read what they have to say and try to know more about them?
flamsterette_x: Occasionally.
aryk29: Good, so I'm not a creep. :D
flamsterette_x: And I am?!
aryk29: No, silly, if I'm not the only one who does, then it isn't weird. ;)
aryk29: brb
aryk29: (telephone.) So anyway I's just being silly. :)
flamsterette_x: Haha, okay then. :)
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Dec 07 17:29:52 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Dec 07 18:04:40 2004
aryk29: Almost time to eat... cu l8r
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: one year since car accident
flamsterette_x: k
*** "aryk29" signed off at Tue Dec 07 18:04:51 2004.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Dec 07 18:04:56 2004
December 10flamsterette_x (2:31:16 PM): Yo.
aryk29 (2:31:39 PM): Well, you're just having all kinds of bad luck with that LDR, from the sounds of it. :(
flamsterette_x (2:32:18 PM): Yeah, I know there's something going on. There might not be, but... you've heard the story.
aryk29 (2:32:39 PM): I heard what you told me, yeah.
flamsterette_x (2:33:20 PM): I did link you to what I posted, right?
aryk29 (2:33:32 PM): The LJ post? Yeah.
flamsterette_x (2:33:53 PM): I didn't happen to link you to what was said the other day, right?
aryk29 (2:34:02 PM): Umm... no.
flamsterette_x (2:34:56 PM): Wait, I can't do that either. It's filtered. Maybe I'll email you instead.
aryk29 (2:35:04 PM): k
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 10 14:39:07 2004
aryk29: wb :)
flamsterette_x: hold on
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 10 14:39:59 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 10 15:02:43 2004
flamsterette_x: Sorry, took longer than expected, but now you have it.
aryk29: I'm halfway thru it
flamsterette_x: And if you email it back to me, I am going to do something to you. :P

aryk29: So since he moved, there haven't been any problems?
flamsterette_x: Since he moved, there shouldn't have been any problems. But there was this one time two weeks ago where I randomly called him to say hi, and he claimed it was his battery. Fair enough, whatever.
flamsterette_x: Then last week when I did the same thing, something happened with either phone that caused it to cut out within 30 seconds. When I talked to him about it, he claimed it was my phone, but I was on the church phone, which of course has no problems with LD calls.
aryk29: Hmm, that's odd. I don't know enough about phone service to say for sure if he's telling the truth. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Keep in mind too that if he is up to something and knows you're on to him, he probably won't try the same thing twice.
flamsterette_x: Of course, he's always said that there are lots of connections and hookups between us, which could be true.. but then why have I not had that problem with my other LD friends? Hmm?
aryk29: Dunno.
aryk29: Do you have any other friends in that part of the continent?
flamsterette_x: Everyone HOPES he's telling the truth, as do I. And no.
aryk29: Hmm...
flamsterette_x: Guess we'll see what happens.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Fri Dec 10 15:22:46 2004.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 10 15:27:21 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 10 16:18:10 2004
aryk29: Sorry, my DSL cut out again. Synchronicity, I suppose.
flamsterette_x: Eh, it happens.
aryk29: There's
a thread over in MPSIMS about saying unfamiliar names, and on page 2, it's started going off on people who have funny names.
flamsterette_x: So... how YOU doin' ... Mr. (?) Gag-nohn? ;)
aryk29: Better Gagnon than Fonda Cox! :P :D
flamsterette_x: Haha, true.
flamsterette_x: Posted.
aryk29: I still don't know how to pronounce that, you know. ;)
flamsterette_x: Which?
aryk29: Last name.
flamsterette_x: Haven't I told you before? :)
aryk29: Nope.
flamsterette_x: Ng.
flamsterette_x: Think of the NHL goalie. ;)
aryk29: Have you forgotten who you're talking to?

flamsterette_x: You.
flamsterette_x: Why?
*** "aryk29" signed off at Fri Dec 10 17:26:47 2004.
flamsterette_x: Never mind.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 10 17:29:01 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Dec 10 18:21:45 2004
aryk29: It did it again. Oh well. Food's gonna be ready soon; bcnu. :)
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am not here... I am elsewhere...
*** You have been disconnected. Fri Dec 10 20:41:45 2004.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Dec 10 22:45:00 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sat Dec 11 20:16:46 2004
aryk29: Testing 123... (Link: C:\Program Files\Trillian\users\default\cache\ca_hwy.png)New file received, click to save (C:\Program Files\Trillian\users\default\cache\ca_hwy.png)
flamsterette_x: ch a thing?! :P
aryk29: Can you see the picture?
aryk29: Or is it just a hyperlink?
flamsterette_x: @$$@#(*&$@( NWPUS...
flamsterette_x: I see a hyperlink.
aryk29: Shoot! :(
aryk29: Oh well. So we checked out Las Vegas' equivalent to Chinatown today! :D
flamsterette_x: Woo.
aryk29: It's several blocks of all kinds of E. Asian restaurants and sundry other businesses. First place we went to, they were pushing carts of food around and we didn't know what the food was. We got them to give us a menu, but there didn't seem to be anyone to take our order. So we left there and found a little hole-in-the-wall type place up on the second story. The food was great!
aryk29: I had the Szechuan chicken. At most places I've had this, it was chicken coated in a spicy hot sweet sauce. The way this place made it, they just fried the chicken in spices and buried it in dried chili peppers. The waiter warned me it was very hot, and sure enough the peppers have a lot of bite to them, but the chicken itself was easy enough to eat. (Then again, I'm someone who will bury a tamale in jalapeno salsa!)
aryk29: Dad wanted to get his usual beef fried rice but the way they served it was just the beef and veggies with the rice separate. Our only complaint was Mom's sweet & sour pork - it was mostly bone and very little meat. But overall, we had a good meal.
flamsterette_x: Awwww.. you missed out on greasy dim sum! They tell you what the food is at those places, you know!
aryk29: Ah well, the first place.... there was, shall I say, a language barrier. What is dim sum?
flamsterette_x: Ooooooooooooooo! Deep-fried Chinese chicken in spices! I ALWAYS do that.. freaked out my cousins once by eating a WHOLE BOWL of the mini-peppers!
aryk29: :O
aryk29: I ate one of those things and promptly finished my soda!
flamsterette_x: Only one piece of chicken? Lightweight. ;)
aryk29: No, one chili pepper. I shoulda saved them for you - I had a whole plate of 'em.
aryk29: Almost took one with me on my way out though. :D
flamsterette_x: Oh, one chili pepper. Haha, you probably should have. Hahaha!
aryk29: Yeah, now I'm wishing I had. Oh well. So dim sum is the stuff they carry around in the carts? Is it like assorted appetizers?
flamsterette_x: Dim sum is the whole experience.
aryk29: oic. Well, we'd never been in that kind of restaurant before, and my parents and I were unsure what to expect.
Google Search results for Dim Sum.flamsterette_x: Eat everything! haha.

aryk29: Haha, I was just about to pull up Wikipedia to look for info, and you send me a Google search! :D
flamsterette_x: Just Google it.
aryk29: IE just went bonkers.

Lousy web browser. Hang on, I'll pull it up in Opera...
aryk29: Oh, okay.
flamsterette_x: Yeah.
aryk29: So basically, sample everything and leave when full? :D
flamsterette_x: I guess.
aryk29: I see.
aryk29: (A whole bowl of dried chilis! Whew. :D My mother gets squeamish if I eat just one.

flamsterette_x: Eat a whole bowl and really freak her out.
aryk29: And set my mouth on fire! :O Suppose if I just keep a napkin handy (tends to affect the sinuses - TMI) and ride out the pain, it could be fun just to be a brat about it. :D
flamsterette_x: Haha, maybe.
aryk29: I have eaten an entire dish of horseradish. The trick is to not breathe out through your nose. :D
flamsterette_x: Hahaha, that reminds me of the time that I walked downstairs at church to find Alan daring Sean to ingest horseradish from the bottle.
aryk29: Did he?
flamsterette_x: Of course he did.
aryk29: And...? :D
aryk29: (I'm imagining either he knew about the exhaling trick or else got a big surprise - unless it was that sissy Horsey sauce they serve at Arby's.)
flamsterette_x: No, this was a bottle of wasabi.
aryk29: *AltaVista-ing for "wasabi"* ah, okay.
flamsterette_x: AltaVista!
aryk29: OH!!!!! This is the stuff a friend of my parents' was telling us about many years ago!
flamsterette_x: AltaVista?!
aryk29: Yeah, believe it or not, I don't Google. :p
flamsterette_x: No... I mean... they told you about AltaVista?!
aryk29: No, he told us about wasabi.
aryk29: All I remembered was that it does that flash-fire and then it's done. No lingering burning.
aryk29: (And you know I *had* to play BNL's
One Week just now. :p )
flamsterette_x: Ah, wasabi.
flamsterette_x: Why the BNL?
aryk29: 'Cuz the song goes "hot like wasabi when I bust rhymes..." :D Just reminded me of it is all.
flamsterette_x: Sure, whatever.
aryk29: I used to Lycos. Then before that, I Infoseeked. (Infosought?) It all depends on which search engine has a functioning Advanced Search - for a while, some of 'em monkeyed with their setup, and I'd keep switching. But AltaVista has been a good engine for a while now, and I've not needed to switch.
flamsterette_x: Fair enough.
aryk29: Besides, a googol is ten to the hundredth power. I don't have enough bandwidth or disk space for a googol search results.
aryk29: I don't think there was an AltaVista back when we knew this guy... we certainly didn't have internet access yet.
flamsterette_x: That's just the name of the site.
aryk29: I was making a pun on it, though. :p
flamsterette_x: Yeah, yeah. Go take my quiz.
aryk29: Where?
flamsterette_x: The usual place.
aryk29: oic... haven't been there in a couple days. I think the new guys signing up are making a certain member nervous and she's taking it out on me with that :whap: smiley. :P
flamsterette_x: Who would that be?
aryk29: I'd rather not say. OMG, separate ladies' and gentlemens' tests? You *know* I have to take them both! :p Still sure you want me to do this? ;)
flamsterette_x: All right, fair enough.
flamsterette_x: Did I say you had to take them both? :P
aryk29: No, I did. :D
flamsterette_x: I'd tell you to pick just one, but do both. Doesn't matter to me.
aryk29: The questions are almost the same, but it's giving me different results.
flamsterette_x: Post 'em up. You know you want to.
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Unless you think that would let more people in on your, er, secret.
aryk29: What secret? I don't want them to get stressed out about it. Otherwise, the world could know for all I care. :D
flamsterette_x: Well.... um... you know... that THING we were discussing a few weeks ago.
aryk29: Yes, I know what you are talking about. :)
aryk29: Okay, I posted.
aryk29: Changing my username was, you see, just one step in my plan to gradually ease into letting them know. :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I know. No worries.
aryk29: While I'm here, I'm also reading up on other poll threads.
flamsterette_x: Sure.
aryk29: So I'm an anarchist, a rainbow, ...
flamsterette_x: !!!
aryk29: Yeah tell me about it!

aryk29: Euterpe...
flamsterette_x: Uh, sure.
aryk29: Muse of music, invention, and everybody being happy!?!? Of course that's me! :D
flamsterette_x: Okay then.
aryk29: Shoulda known Psalm69 would be Lust! :p
flamsterette_x: Ha.
aryk29: I was uneasy when I saw his welcome thread, but his introduction put all my fears to rest. :D
flamsterette_x: Well, that's good.
aryk29: Whew... okay, that's all the quizzes with new posts. :D
flamsterette_x: I really should hang around there more.
aryk29: What, the quizzes forum or OurPlace in general?
flamsterette_x: In general. I hang out at the quiz forum enough.
aryk29: ic. Well, I suppose when one is registered on enough message boards, one tends to phase in and out between them.
aryk29: Just a couple days ago, I was the #1 poster on one board, with >50 posts during that day. Right now, I'm #2. A little over 3 weeks and >280 posts.
flamsterette_x: Haha.
aryk29: On another board, I accumulated 94 posts since February, and the admin wouldn't change my account name, preferring me to register a sock instead. So now I have 3 posts, a registration date of this month, and it'll take a while to reach that 100th post and no longer be called a newbie.
aryk29: AND, tonight I found yet another board.... one that is about, umm, *that* subject, so maybe I'll join.
flamsterette_x: Haha.
flamsterette_x: Ergh. My email is down, so I might as well hang out.
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: Haven't checked it for more than 20 hours.
aryk29: :yikes2:
flamsterette_x: Hahaha! Do you know what that shows up as, in here?
aryk29: No, but just pretend it's the OurPlace smiley, okay? :D What does it shows up as in here?
aryk29: Guess you'll have to tell me later.
SNL is starting in a few minutes. bcnu! :)
*** "aryk29" signed off at Sat Dec 11 23:27:14 2004.

Session Close (aryk29): Sat Dec 11 23:27:29 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Mon Dec 13 15:42:53 2004
flamsterette_x: BOO?
Session Close (aryk29): Mon Dec 13 15:43:01 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Mon Dec 13 15:43:07 2004
aryk29: Hi!
flamsterette_x: Just wanted to let you know that things are okay now. :)
aryk29: What things are okay? :)
flamsterette_x: Er.... the situation I was describing to you last week.
aryk29: Ohhh, that! Good, glad to hear it! :)
aryk29: So, you know who I was talking about with reference to the whap smiley?
flamsterette_x: Carol?
aryk29: Umm, which one. :p
flamsterette_x: Ha, you are learning, my young pup. VERY impressive! :D
flamsterette_x: Nutty.
aryk29: ;) :D
aryk29: Gettin' scary over there... place always leaves the back of my head sore! :p
aryk29: Methinks I might drop her a PM, saying go look at my sig at the SDMB, and that I've been dropping hints on the board. Is it OK to say you're in on it?
aryk29: Or maybe an inner sanctum OP instead of a PM, but then everyone'll see it...
flamsterette_x: What do you wish to accomplish with this?
aryk29: I'm not sure.
flamsterette_x: Do you just want her to know, or the people who have access to the Inner Sanctum?
aryk29: Just the people who would accept it, of course. :p That rules out the Sanctum, though.
flamsterette_x: *whap* Not everyone is going to accept this, you know. ;)
aryk29: *applying opintment to back of head* Yes, I know.
flamsterette_x: But of course I can understand why you'd want people to accept it.. I would, too!
aryk29: Yup.
aryk29: I guess when they say things like "upside down man," I keep thinking they are going to feel so silly if they ever find out. It's not a title I ever felt right about anyway. Plus, I think the community expects its members to insist on being acknowledged...
flamsterette_x: Well, what did you think they were going to call you, with a name like that?!
aryk29: Just "upside down" would be okay. :D
flamsterette_x: Acknowledged, how?
aryk29: As who / what they are. Pronouns, etc, although I'd be happy just wording sentences so as not to require pronouns.
flamsterette_x: So is that a good thing or a bad thing?
aryk29: Probably a good thing cuz it gets me away from the lazy momentum of "I've always been called this" and into "am really that."
flamsterette_x: Plus, I think the community expects its members to insist on being acknowledged... <----- good or bad?
aryk29: Proabably good, because it's natural to be reluctant to go with something that you're not used to or taught was incorrect. There's a lot of that reluctance with me, and the community is very much of the "come plunge in and don't be afraid to be a part of it," probably for that reason.
flamsterette_x: Exactly! Just jump in and post anywhere you feel comfortable!
aryk29: *mindset. They are of that mindset. This is me carrying out two conversations again. :D
flamsterette_x: Hahaha, you should have been here a few nights ago when I was carrying on at least four conversations at once! :D
aryk29: I mean the T* community.
flamsterette_x: Ah.
flamsterette_x: Well, I don't know anything about that.
flamsterette_x: So what are you going to do?
aryk29: I'm not sure. The ones who can accept it have a right to know, I think, and those that don't... well, maybe I can just get them to not refer to me by my gender. :D
flamsterette_x: True... maybe send a PM to nutty? Unless you don't care who knows it in the IS.
aryk29: That's what I was thinking. She'd tell Viper (I wouldn't feel right sending it to him directly!) and they'd tell Phoe, etc.
flamsterette_x: I can understand why you wouldn't want to just make a thread in the IS declaring all that stuff.
aryk29: Definitely not declaring. Even a post just to say "hey folks, check out my sig @ the SDMB" would still be too direct for that wide an audience.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, you never know. So what do you want from me?
aryk29: I wasn't sure whether to tell them that you know.
aryk29: I won't, howzat? But since they know you post @ the SDMB.
flamsterette_x: They know that.
aryk29: So anyway, I'll think about it a while.
flamsterette_x: True, best not to act on impulse.
aryk29: Yup.
aryk29: Ever play Assassins on LJ?
flamsterette_x: Let me know when you do, eh?
aryk29: I'm playing it on another MB, actually. :D
flamsterette_x: And no.
aryk29: It's kinda fun.
flamsterette_x: What do you do, go around and kill people?
aryk29: You have a target, and you try to strike them up in conversation to get them to say their kill word.
flamsterette_x: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
aryk29: Or, if you think you know your assassin and kill word, you have 3 chances to guess it. Guess wrong 3 times and you're out.
flamsterette_x: Reminds me of certain radio contests... ah, the good ol' days!
aryk29: Hey, you're right I hadn't thought of that. :D
aryk29: My target started flirting with me a couple days back, so I played along. :D
flamsterette_x: Haha.
aryk29: My first target was guessed by her target, and became the second casualty of the game.
aryk29: I think a float for a parade just drove out of here!
flamsterette_x: Are you insane?
flamsterette_x: What sort of parade.... oh.
aryk29: It's an older model car, looked to have been repainted recently, towing a trailer covered in white Xmas lights with a red sled on top.
aryk29: (not the kind of trailer one can live in)
flamsterette_x: Hahaha, no. That reminds me of a blogpost.
aryk29: Link? :D (Anyway, you say insane like it's a bad thing... :p )
Effective Advertising on Dave's blog!aryk29: Meow, meow, meow, meow; meow, meow, meow, meow; meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow..... ;P
aryk29: :p
aryk29: So anyway, it's an eye candy bus. :D
flamsterette_x: Meow?!
aryk29: Meow mix. :)
flamsterette_x: Meow mix, we'll deliver!
flamsterette_x: Nathan always says that! :D
aryk29: I don't get it.
flamsterette_x: Meow mix?!
flamsterette_x: Old commercial, I think... used in AUSTIN POWERS, maybe.
aryk29: Oh. I never saw
Austin Powers.
aryk29: I remember 10 or 11 years ago though one of the postal companies ran a campaign "we'll deliver for Yule." :D
flamsterette_x: Hahaha! My brother's predicted he might have an MSG addiction / Pho addiction!
aryk29: Guess he likes the soy sauce as much as I do! :D
flamsterette_x: Maybe.
aryk29: Seriously, I bury my fried rice in that stuff when we have it at here home. *yum*
flamsterette_x: Haha, that reminds me. Sean's mom used to buy a lot of that stuff... wonder if she still does?
aryk29: Maybe. :D
flamsterette_x: Eh.. maybe I'll ask her sometime.
flamsterette_x: Time to email Chrystal!
aryk29: Good on you! :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, we were discussing blogs and such yesterday.
flamsterette_x: (and I know I'm telling you all this like you know the people involved :P)
aryk29: 'Sokay, you know how I am with names. :D I'll just invent personas to represent them.
aryk29: g2g meal time... bcnu. :)
flamsterette_x: Haha. Okay then. See ya.
Session Close (aryk29): Mon Dec 13 17:22:29 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 15 16:05:29 2004
aryk29: Boo! :D I see you're idle, just wanted to point out Elenia28 is now Anaamika. Time to update the list for Nov 30, 1975.
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am not here... I am elsewhere...
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 15 16:40:05 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 15 16:53:48 2004
flamsterette_x: Thanks! Just got home from spending time with the family.. always a dicey proposition. ;)
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 15 16:54:19 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 15 16:54:33 2004
aryk29: You're welcome! :)
flamsterette_x: This is a bad habit.. leaving everything connected when I go out. :P
aryk29: I shut my computer down when going anywhere. Can't have fire hazards in an RV. :O
flamsterette_x: Ha, no.. that's perfectly understandable.
flamsterette_x: Now, the question is... am I crazy enough to go to a different Shoppers Drug Mart and make sure I spend $100 more before taxes?
aryk29: $100 more for what? :O
This stuff.flamsterette_x: I went in there just now and was $4 / one card short. DAMN.
aryk29: Somebody got a D- in their Java.
aryk29: Oh, okay... different stuff... Xmas gifts for friends?
flamsterette_x: What's wrong with the page? It looks fine to me, but then I'm not a programmer. :P
aryk29: It gave me a Javascript error. :p
flamsterette_x: Yeah, mostly stuff for others.. chocolate and cards, most likely.
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: Funny. I didn't get anything like that.
aryk29: Maybe you have it set up to not show Javascript errors. Programmers tend to have all manner of MS developer tools installed on their PC *raises hand, waves* and some of them integrate with IE.
flamsterette_x: Well, I'm using MF, so that may be part of it?
aryk29: Mozilla Firefox?
aryk29: Or MFD as in ROTFFLMMFAO? :D
aryk29: *the D is a typo
flamsterette_x: Considering I have almost NO idea what the last means... yes, Mozilla.
aryk29: Eh, maybe it's better I not say what I think it means. :p Anyway, yeah Firefox more than likely doesn't give Javascript errors and I guarantee it doesn't integrate with MSDEV tools. 'Course I haven't used Firefox, but if it's anything like Opera...
aryk29: Food's here.
flamsterette_x: Haha, okay.
flamsterette_x: Talk to you later then.
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 15 17:06:38 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 15 17:06:58 2004
aryk29: B4 I go...
This could be Nutty... :D
aryk29: bcnu
flamsterette_x: That doesn't mean it's the same person!
flamsterette_x: But now that I read the post, yeah. Probably is Carol Baker.
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 15 17:08:49 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 15 17:15:51 2004
aryk29: It's her, trust me. ;)
flamsterette_x: I know.. as soon as I read the line about her grandson being killed in a freak accident. ;)
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: How did you know?
aryk29: Just a minute...
aryk29: (trying to find a rum ball recipe, @ Mom's request...
flamsterette_x: Sure.
aryk29: Okay, umm... I knew because... I have my ways. :D
flamsterette_x: Riiiiiiiiight. Let me guess: you PM'ed her instead.
aryk29: Let's just say she *knows*. :)
aryk29: brb
flamsterette_x: She KNOWS?! Um.... are we talking about something else now that I don't know about?
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 15 17:25:41 2004
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Wed Dec 15 17:26:07 2004
aryk29: Nope.
aryk29: (Sorry, cat was being rowdy & throwing his weight around the other 2)
flamsterette_x: So........
aryk29: We didn't just simulpost again, did we?
aryk29: (You got my message about the cat?)
aryk29: So, she says the board is all about diversity.
flamsterette_x: Yes, I got your message about the cat. :)
aryk29: :)
aryk29: So should I decide to post, it sounds like things will be okay. Not ready to do THAT just yet, of course!
flamsterette_x: So how did you tell her?
aryk29: PM
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I figured THAT. :P What did you tell her?
aryk29: Aren't we nosy! :p I linked to the SDMB, like I said I would! :D
aryk29: Her initials are CB?
flamsterette_x: Well, you didn't have to tell me if you didn't want to! :P
flamsterette_x: Yes.
flamsterette_x: You knew that.
aryk29: True, I didn't have to. :) Cool Beans! Seriously, how cool is that. No wonder they wanted to call me that. :D
flamsterette_x: Cool Beans, City Boy, Carol Baker..... seems like we're on a CB kick today. ;)
aryk29: Pun intended. :D
flamsterette_x: Haha, I knew that too. :P
aryk29: Citizen's Band, He

203)... :p
aryk29: Lousy coding error
aryk29: Hex (203)
flamsterette_x: That's better. The other one came out with an emoticon in the middle.
aryk29: Yup.
aryk29: So now I know x ( is

. Neat thing to have memorized.
flamsterette_x: Indeed!
aryk29: Why do programmers mistake Halloween for Xmas?
flamsterette_x: Is this some joke I won't get?
aryk29: How would I know? ;)
aryk29: Oct 31 = Dec 25.
flamsterette_x: Seems too familiar.
aryk29: Maybe someone posted it at OP. Seems to me someone posted it somewhere not too long ago.
flamsterette_x: I'm not searching for it. You can, if you want. :P
aryk29: Me either. Anyway, octal 31 is decimal 25. It's funny 'cuz it works. :D
aryk29: So I compressed some of my music...
flamsterette_x: And?
aryk29: This works especially well with classical, if you compress the dynamic range so that the quiet stuff becomes loud, you get to hear stuff you haven't heard before even if you're familiar with the song. :D
flamsterette_x: Um....... sure...............
aryk29: I call it deranged music. :D Anyway, it's handy when you have to keep the volume down, cuz then you can hear the whole thing without keeping a finger on the volume control knob.
flamsterette_x: Ooh, deranged music sounds just like what I'm listening to now. :P

flamsterette_x: Alexis On Fire... look 'em up. Though they're not QUITE as weird as Melt Banana / Merzbow / the Boredoms / other noise music.
aryk29: Maybe I will, a little later.
flamsterette_x: Sounds good.
flamsterette_x: Or I could TRY sending you the two Merzbow songs I have on here.
aryk29: I suppose...
aryk29: Lemme send ya a deranged audio sample...
flamsterette_x: Hang on.
flamsterette_x: I swear I knew how to send files in Trillian before..
aryk29: k
flamsterette_x: It worked with someone else last week or so..
aryk29: Can you receive okay?
flamsterette_x: Hmm.. I apparently can't send you files over Yahoo Trillian. Hold on.
Session Close (aryk29): Wed Dec 15 18:13:27 2004
Labels: alan, anagrams, carol, chrystal, computer, conversations, erik, google, halloween, india, kelly, lj, maxed-out tags limit, natalie, our place, pat, restarts, sdmb, smileys, steve b., ym