Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 01 10:19:16 2005
aryk29: Hey, you didn't do the February thread yet?
I just posted it then.flamsterette_x: YOU were supposed to do it. Sheeesh.
flamsterette_x: Besides, I went to bed early.
aryk29: No, I was supposed to do it around 10 or 11 if I could. My DSL went down yesterday afternoon and didn't come up till this morning. I thought you were going to check at midnight and post if I didn't.
aryk29: Oh, okay then. :)
flamsterette_x: Well, I went to bed at 10:45, so there went that plan out the window. :P
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: And no, I did NOT dream of killing anyone.
aryk29: Why would you dream of killing anyone?
flamsterette_x: Because I want to kill these people for falling in love, and I want to kill S. for being what he is. Oh, and while I'm at it, I want to kill a bunch more people for various reasons.
aryk29: You should come play Assassins. :p
flamsterette_x: Hey, they have quick reply boxes now.
aryk29: Yeah I noticed... but you have to actually quote someone to use them.

flamsterette_x: No, you just have to click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to use it.
aryk29: Yeah, that's true too... 'cuz you can always uncheck the quote box.
flamsterette_x: Oh, and by the way... you spelled a word wrong.
aryk29: Ah, crap.
flamsterette_x: Yup. Would you like me to tell you which it was?
aryk29: No, I see it.

<= (that be the smack head smiley)

aryk29: <<--- Spoiled - too accustomed to being able to edit posts
flamsterette_x: Oh, hey. I wanted to send you something anyhow.
aryk29: I gave you my new email address, right?
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 01 10:51:45 2005
aryk29 (10:54:03 AM): 12朵梅�瑰花.pps

aryk29 (10:54:11 AM): uh I mean 12朵梅�瑰花.pps?

flamsterette_x (10:54:25 AM): What?!
aryk29 (10:54:45 AM): It's all funny symbols.
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 01 10:57:27 2005
aryk29: wb
aryk29: Hey, that's really nice! :) Except at the end where it gets all chain-lettery. :p
flamsterette_x: It's not random symbols.. it's Chinese. :P
flamsterette_x: And yes, I thought so too when Eric H. sent it to me.
aryk29: Ah, okay. I don't have the requisite fonts installed then.
flamsterette_x: Did the Chinese show up as weird symbols?
aryk29: I see 12 ae oe mu ae cents symbol underscore, c cedilla - a few more symbols that aren't legible in my hand print font - c cedilla, e grave, capital S with caron, and +/- symbol, yeah.
flamsterette_x: Actually, I see that too. I was talking about the Chinese in the slide show itself.
aryk29: No, I just see boxes.
flamsterette_x: Ah.
aryk29: I'm impressed that Messenger actually transferred the file this time, though. :p
flamsterette_x: Yahoo Messenger?! Sure it did.
aryk29: Oh, you're on Yahoo now, and not Trillian? All right! :D In that case...
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Correction.
aryk29: *sigh*
flamsterette_x: I only went on real Yahoo to transfer that file. Once that was done, I switched back to Trillian.
aryk29: So you didn't see me switch my status text? *pout*
flamsterette_x: No, I did not.
flamsterette_x: Says the same thing it always did... "Custom."
aryk29: Oh well.
flamsterette_x: By the way, did you happen to read my personal thread?
aryk29: At OP?
aryk29: or SDMB?
flamsterette_x: OP.
aryk29: Haven't been there yet today...
flamsterette_x: Cheh.
aryk29: I see your post from January 21. :O :( :( :( :( :(
flamsterette_x: Uh.... lemme look......
flamsterette_x: Ah, Dave getting stabbed to death.
aryk29: Yeah, very sad to hear that. :(
flamsterette_x: Yeah.... that was a real shock. :( Thanks.
aryk29: Sure thing.
flamsterette_x: I meant the thing I posted yesterday.
aryk29: About your 2 friends getting together?
flamsterette_x: Yes! I don't know WHY it bugs me so much!
aryk29: I don't know either, but I'm sorry to hear that it does! :( Maybe if I knew them, I'd have a better idea...
flamsterette_x: No, I don't have designs on either one of them. One is a girl, and I don't swing that way. The other smokes, and that's a minus for me personally.
aryk29: So Cris would be the girl then.
flamsterette_x: But.. I had the thought that they were joking.. or even maliciously saying that they were in love and blah blah because they knew my own relationship's not going so well. (who knows) I know either isn't true, but... eek.
flamsterette_x: Yes, have you ever heard of a girl called Matt? :P
aryk29: :D For once, no.
flamsterette_x: (and no, I don't mean short for Matilda or Mattie :P)
aryk29: Ooh, I hadn't thought of that.
flamsterette_x: But yeah.. you know what would be comedy GOLD?
aryk29: What?
aryk29: (I mean... no, tell me :D )
flamsterette_x: They were both members of an LJ community called Lovers Far Away. (hereafter abbreviated to LFA for obvious reasons :P) That's how I got to know them, in fact.
flamsterette_x: But then they both had real problems with their partners at the time. His partner refused to give up a bad influence in her life, and her partner just wasn't communicating.. for over 7 weeks.
flamsterette_x: They both posted stuff in their personal journals about a "sweetie pie" they'd met. Fair enough, I thought. You move on, you find someone else.. whatever. I admit to having thought some time ago that it would be kinda neat if two people in LFA found each other through the community.
aryk29: And they did. :D
flamsterette_x: Yes, but I never thought my prescient powers would happen to two people I knew!
aryk29: Ah
flamsterette_x: (and I talk way too much.. this is why I'll never get anyone :P)
aryk29: There's someone for each of us.
flamsterette_x: Haha, I know. You've apparently found someone too. Given my current state of mind, I should want to do something to you too, but can't.
flamsterette_x: Or won't.
aryk29: I have?
flamsterette_x: Sure you have... misstee?
aryk29: She's married!
flamsterette_x: So then what in the heck are you doing.......
flamsterette_x: Never mind. I was in that situation once myself, I know how it is.
aryk29: I think it is just that she's curious. And anyway, she started it! :p :D
aryk29: By the way, I did not find the urban quiz offensive.
aryk29: Just got done taking the rest of 'em. :D
flamsterette_x: Phoenix PM'ed me, saying that I might want to slap a language warning onto it.
aryk29: Ah, I see.
flamsterette_x: Nutty doesn't like the T word. (I can't say I much care for it, either)
aryk29: Good thing for that "add edit by line" checkbox, no? ;)
aryk29: Oh ic.
flamsterette_x: Haha, I never use it.
aryk29: Except in wristwatch. :p
flamsterette_x: Alyssa always does.
flamsterette_x: Oh, haha. That reminds me of what happened on the old board, which DID censor all "objectionable" words, and allowed Viper and Nutty to create their own filter.
aryk29: I usually leave it unchecked... unless I specifically want to show when the edit took place.
aryk29: Yeah, you told me once. ;)
flamsterette_x: Oh, all right then. Wasn't sure.
flamsterette_x: Now I'm recycling old stories... must mean I'm either getting predictable, or more comfortable with you. Pick one.
aryk29: When is predictability ever a good thing? ;)
aryk29: brb
aryk29: k
flamsterette_x: k
aryk29: I mean... okay, I'm back. :D
aryk29: So food's going to be ready soon... this time, it's chicken. Mmmmmm, chicken. :D
flamsterette_x: :D
flamsterette_x: Haha, I can just imagine Homer Simpson saying that.
aryk29: Yeah, that'd be where I got it from. :D
aryk29: (Although in his case, he said chocolate... but it's all good.)
flamsterette_x: Haha, it's all good then!
flamsterette_x: Sorry I was a little snarky earlier. Didn't mean it.
aryk29: 'Sokay. :) I didn't perceive it as snarky, just that you were not in a good mood and I was sorry to hear that.
aryk29: (And I almost commiserated...)
aryk29: See, I had certain thoughts yesterday about a certain gateway server... :p
flamsterette_x: (Commiserate all you like. :) )
flamsterette_x: Which gateway server?
aryk29: The one that went out yesterday afternoon.:p
flamsterette_x: Oh yes, your DSL. :P
aryk29: ;)
flamsterette_x: I can understand. I get really annoyed when my Net service won't work for one reason or another.
aryk29: Yeah... especially when obligated to post a thread. :O Not only that, but Dad didn't get a chance to keep up on some items in eBay... it's a joke. Like I said to him, gimme dial up, I'll gladly wait for the pages to load.
flamsterette_x: Sorry. :P
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I can totally understand that.
aryk29: Yup. And hey - in IM chat, the difference in speed isn't even noticeable! :D
flamsterette_x: Definitely not! :D
aryk29: Now we're trying to figure out why AVG isn't working. I considered Pitting them, but decided against it.
flamsterette_x: AVG's not working? Aw man!
aryk29: Yeah, it won't download an update. Plus, the newest version won't run on my computer because I have NT Server installed. Like, yeah, nobody runs a domain server on their home network! *rolleyes*
aryk29: But people would probably just give me grief about: if I can afford NT server, then I can afford to pay for AVG. Which just isn't the case this time...
flamsterette_x: Yeah. So... was I right?
aryk29: ?
About this.aryk29: I have no idea.

aryk29: I am having another dingy moment.
aryk29: Hey, a pun! :D HIC LIBER WALTONIS CUTE COMPACTUS EST - that can be read 2 different ways!
aryk29: (As "hic liber Waltonis, cute compactus est," or as "hic liber, Waltonis cute, compactus est.")
flamsterette_x: All right then.
flamsterette_x: I was obliquely referring to how people can be at the Dope.
aryk29: A Pitting?

It's actually an MPSIMSing. :p
flamsterette_x: No, but how certain people can be about info and cites. Which are all very well, of course.
aryk29: Ah, yeah... do I ever know about that! :O I've come to see their point of view. though... fact-based board and all that. Even so, it is still good to be able to post stuff at OP without being ready to track down a cite.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I've come to see / understand it. But yeah, I definitely know what you mean as well.
aryk29: Happened shortly after I joined when I got my cyberbutt handed to me. But they ended up being right - all I had to do was go outside and look - so that was a major life lesson.
aryk29: You know what's odd about that MPSIMS thread? It's had no replies since I last viewed it. :O
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I've had my own lessons from that board!
flamsterette_x: Really?! Oh man.
aryk29: My turn with - well, not really a prescience but something along those lines. :D
flamsterette_x: Okay, fire away. :D
aryk29: It's almost like I knew when to read that thread. ;)
flamsterette_x: Did I tell you about it before you read it?
aryk29: No... but right after I read it the first time, I went over to OP and saw your post in Weird Stuff.
flamsterette_x: Hah! That is weird. :P
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 01 13:46:06 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 01 16:30:20 2005
flamsterette_x: Hahaha.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 01 16:30:29 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 01 16:30:42 2005
aryk29: Haha what? :D
flamsterette_x: Nothing. You're just online again. :D
aryk29: Was I off? Thought I was just away.

flamsterette_x: I don't know.. I figured your DSL had gone kaput again.
aryk29: Maybe it did... if it showed me disconnecting, then it was out for that duration of time. I've been reading message boards & stuff off and on the whole time though, and didn't notice any downtime.
flamsterette_x: Fair enough. Had nothing from you till now.
aryk29: Had nothing to say.

flamsterette_x: Fair enough.
aryk29: So I wonder if there are any new thread replies...
Ordinary songs that no one notices are actually creepyflamsterette_x: Like what?
aryk29: Elvis Costello's
Alison is mentioned a couple times.
flamsterette_x: Ha, even I know that one.
aryk29: What,
flamsterette_x: Yeah.
aryk29: I cannot believe I misspelled :biggrin2:
flamsterette_x: Misspelled what?
aryk29: :biggrin2:
aryk29: (Yeah yeah, so I edited my post. :p )
flamsterette_x: OH. Haha, I've done that too.
flamsterette_x: There was this time when someone quoted me, and there was the misspelling. *smack*
aryk29: Ouch.
flamsterette_x: Yeah.
aryk29: But see, whatcha gotta do in that case is do them one better: edit your post to fix the typo, then that way... their quote is wrong. Then you can accuse them of misattributing a quote. :p
flamsterette_x: Haha.
aryk29: :D
aryk29: (I betcha that'd even fly too as long as the Edit By line was included and a wink smiley after the second post. :D )
flamsterette_x: Haha, maybe. Not that I'd do it.
aryk29: Yeah, best not to, I suppose.
I'm NOT posting this on the boardaryk29: Ah, geez. :p
aryk29: (You caught me in the middle of a post...)
flamsterette_x: You don't have to do the quiz right away, you know! :P
aryk29: But if I don't, then I have to go looking for it... hey waiminnit - there are different kinds???
aryk29: I have no idea what AberHollisterAE is, but that's what it gave me. *shrug*
flamsterette_x: Looking for it?!
aryk29: Nope.
flamsterette_x: No.. what do you mean, you have to go looking for it?
aryk29: I don't intend to look for it. ;)
flamsterette_x: Never mind then.
aryk29: Hey, did you ever see the finger length ratio thread?
flamsterette_x: Uh... no.
aryk29: lemme dig it up...
Herearyk29: I measured mine back then, one hand ended up being typical for a straight guy and the other for a straight woman... I've since measured them again and somehow got different results.
aryk29: Also
here and
flamsterette_x: !!!!!!! Did you read Kaitlyn's post in that thread?
aryk29: Which one, the first one I linked??? Lemme check!
aryk29: (I can't find it!!!)
flamsterette_x: Um, the second one.
aryk29: I still can't find it. Link?
Straight Dope Message Board - View Single Post - Doper women, would you be impressed with this? (TMI)flamsterette_x: Eek. That doesn't tell you anything.
aryk29: So I was looking at the wrong thread. Okay.
aryk29: (Yeah, it does... because I read the OP and the first few replies earlier. ;) )
flamsterette_x: (I was talking about the thing I first pasted. :P)
aryk29: Heh, look at the responses! :D
flamsterette_x: I know.
aryk29: That's a fun thread. :D
flamsterette_x: I guess.
aryk29: An Anglo-Saxon poem!

flamsterette_x: Where?
aryk29: Near the bottom of page 1 of the Would You Be Impressed thread.
aryk29: So I wore my 42C to go out last night...
flamsterette_x: And?
aryk29: Nobody seemed to notice. :D
flamsterette_x: Tease. :P
flamsterette_x: I thought you said there was an Anglo-Saxon poem on that page. :(
aryk29: Nah, I just wanted to get used to the idea.
aryk29: Nope, just a joke about one.
aryk29: So anyway, I didn't have any padding in them, and I had a baggy sweatshirt overtop.
flamsterette_x: Where did you go?
aryk29: Walgreens.
aryk29: To look for one of those things that makes your waist look slimmer. But their prices are soooooooo ridiculous!
flamsterette_x: Examples.
aryk29: The ones we were looking at were $30, but they were in with the kneepads and medical / surgical stuff, so that's probably why the high price. Going to try Wal-Mart and see if they're any better.
flamsterette_x: So you were out with your parents, then?
aryk29: Yeah.
flamsterette_x: Have you talked much about this with them?
aryk29: Yeah - mostly with my mother; she's ever curious.
flamsterette_x: Would it surprise you to learn that I am also that way?
aryk29: Ever curious?
aryk29: No, no it certainly would not. :)
flamsterette_x: Yeah, that. Not that I want to be a guy because I feel out of place in this body.
aryk29: Right. I didn't think you felt out of place. :)
aryk29: Well anyway, don't hesitate to ask me anything; I'm always willing to answer questions. :)
aryk29: Meanwhile, I've discovered the joys of clear coat. :D
flamsterette_x: For?
aryk29: Nails. They're now longer than they've ever been, for the sole reason that they're not breaking off anymore.
flamsterette_x: Cut them.
aryk29: Noooooooooooo!!!!! :D
flamsterette_x: Why?
aryk29: 'Cuz I likes 'em long. Even if it gets in the way of typing; I'll just learn to keep my hands lower to the keys so that the pads of my fingers make contact.
flamsterette_x: Ah, fair enough then. I like mine trimmed. Personal preference. :)
aryk29: :) (I'm still reading the finger length ratios threads. :p )
aryk29: I must have been measuring them wrong the first time - right hand: 3 1/2 (index) to 3 3/16 (ring) now to measure the left...
aryk29: Left hand: 3 3/8 (index) to 3 3/4 (ring)
aryk29: oops... 3 1/4 (needs to learn how to read a ruler)
aryk29: so that'd be index longer than ring on both hands.
flamsterette_x: What does that say about you?
aryk29: All woman. :D (It also says straight woman, but eh umm... that's not the case at this point in time.)
aryk29: Actually it says I must have had low testosterone levels in utero. The same gene directs both finger length and hormone levels.
flamsterette_x: More evidence that you should have been born a girl, and named Erika. ;)
aryk29: Definitely, although I'd still have decided to use a different name. :p
aryk29: I suspect I still have low testosterone levels, though.
flamsterette_x: Heh, probably. Change it later on, and all of that.
flamsterette_x: Could be... any way to check for that?
aryk29: Have a blood test, which I'm sure they do somewhere along the line. I'll tell you why I think so... several reasons, ranging from mundane to TMI.
aryk29: For one thing, I don't have particularly masculine facial features, and I didn't start shaving until I was about 21 or 22
flamsterette_x: Right.
aryk29: Shall I continue? ;)
flamsterette_x: Sure.
aryk29: I think I could fill an A cup without padding.
flamsterette_x: But the C cup gives you more of a womanly feeling. ;)
aryk29: Yes, it does. :)
flamsterette_x: That is good!
aryk29: Yeah, it is. :) (Sorry, I had to get up for a minute.) It's funny because when I am in regular clothes, I usually feel kinda genderless... but I really like to feel feminine in my gal clothes.
flamsterette_x: So what are you wearing now?
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 01 18:39:08 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 01 18:39:38 2005
aryk29: Your file extension quiz just gave me a rainbowy picture even. :p
flamsterette_x: My what?!
hereflamsterette_x: OH.
flamsterette_x: Never mind.
aryk29: I'm checking out Homestar Runner right now...
flamsterette_x: k.. hang on
*** You have been disconnected. Tue Feb 01 18:50:16 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Tue Feb 01 19:04:03 2005.
aryk29: wb :)
*** "aryk29" signed off at Tue Feb 01 19:04:55 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Tue Feb 01 19:04:59 2005.
aryk29: Hmm, Florence or Godfrey, Florence or Godfrey. Maybe this'd be a quiz to retake at a later date... :p
flamsterette_x: Hey there!
flamsterette_x: You don't know about Homestar Runner?
aryk29: I do now. :p (read the edit in my post :D )
flamsterette_x: Yup, saw it.
flamsterette_x: So... Florence or Godfrey?!
aryk29: (The Nigerian scammer quiz :p )
flamsterette_x: Those are choices?
aryk29: It gives a different answer, depending if you're a boy or a girl.
aryk29: I think I just got sesame oil in my eyes. OUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH! I gotta go wash 'em.
flamsterette_x: Ah, I see.
flamsterette_x: At least it wasn't jalapeno pepper seeds! (happened to a friend of mine once.. ouch!)
flamsterette_x: YOWCHERS, though! :|
aryk29: Jalapeno!? In the eyes!?!? OMG!
flamsterette_x: Yes!
flamsterette_x: That was NOT good.
aryk29: I can imagine! :(
aryk29: g2g back in a few...
flamsterette_x: k
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 01 19:27:30 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 01 21:33:59 2005
aryk29: Duct tape!!!!! :O
flamsterette_x: Sorry, I don't have any here. Go to the store and buy some.

flamsterette_x: Cheaper than my shipping you some. :P
flamsterette_x: (although I wonder just how one ships to an RV in a trailer park....)
aryk29: The park has a regular street address and the RV is in an assigned space number. They even give us mailboxes! :D But that's not important now... what's important now is that big huge quiz you posted. ;)
aryk29: umm, Google meme
flamsterette_x: Hey, cool! I'm not asking for the address, of course. :D
aryk29: Of course.
flamsterette_x: Not sure if there's a time for that, anyhow. Haha.
flamsterette_x: Uh..... what about it?
aryk29: I took the time to dig up all the cites and post to it instead of being in a hurry like I usually am. :D
flamsterette_x: Cites?! Hahaha!
aryk29: Yeah, cites. :D
flamsterette_x: For a meme?!
aryk29: Yeah, umm... wasn't that the idea?
flamsterette_x: Not cites, as such. But certainly links.
aryk29: What's the difference?
flamsterette_x: Eh, none really. But it's quirky that you'd choose the word "cites."
aryk29: Been reading too much SDMB is all. :D
flamsterette_x: Thought so.
flamsterette_x: Now. Duct tape?
aryk29: Read my post! :p
flamsterette_x: Don't tell me you had to construct it with duct tape. :P
aryk29: 'Fraid so. :D
flamsterette_x: Seen it. :P
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: You've not heard of people who make things out of duct tape?!
aryk29: You mean you can actually construct an entire pair of sandals out of duct tape???
flamsterette_x: I don't know about THAT....
flamsterette_x: but......
aryk29: But? But?
flamsterette_x: (he messaged me, but thank goodness I didn't have to deal with answering him! :P)
aryk29: Meanwhile, I'm just checking
flamsterette_x: Sorry, had to distract myself with aspirin. :P
aryk29: ic :(
flamsterette_x: It's not that his messages give me a headache *or* that it's TMT, but I have a headache regardless. :P
aryk29: Yeah, that's what I mean... sorry to hear about your headache. Whose messages, and what's TMT?
flamsterette_x: Stephen's. :P That monthly time. ;) :P
aryk29: Oh okay, I understand. :)
flamsterette_x: LJ not letting you post replies to threaded comments? ;)
That's true. I am happy for them, but... yeah.. *sigh*
"Smoopy poopy" probably has its place, but shouldn't be employed ALL the time. Working on changing those things in myself that shouldn't be there... it's a long, hard process. Thanks, though. :)
flamsterette_x: Eh, never mind that.
flamsterette_x: Using this as a clipboard of sorts, haha.
aryk29: You showed me that once before...
flamsterette_x: Did not.
aryk29: Oh

aryk29: Yes, you did, it's familiar!
flamsterette_x: When!?
aryk29: I don't remember, but I know I've seen that before!

flamsterette_x: What?! I only just typed that out just now!
aryk29: Call it prescience? Or maybe just plain old deja vu?
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Ha. You're just playing with my mind. Aiya.
aryk29: No, I'm serious. :)
flamsterette_x: OMG
aryk29: w00t!
flamsterette_x: (okay, not really :P)
aryk29: But good news nonetheless! :D
flamsterette_x: Yes! I've been frustrated because of... well, many reasons. But he never responds to emails, so I wasn't expecting this. No matter how I may or may not feel about him now, this is good. :D
aryk29: Yes it is, and either way... I am happy to hear it. :)
flamsterette_x: Thank you. :)
flamsterette_x: Now, before I totally forget...
Duct Tape Fashion and
Octane Creative Duct Tape.
aryk29: Oh my god, that is just weird. :-O
flamsterette_x: You started the discussion on duct tape. :D
aryk29: True enough. :)
flamsterette_x: But yes.. that is weird.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 01 23:28:10 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 01 23:45:04 2005
aryk29: I think I am going to call it a night (while it's still night,

)... gettin' tired and my back is killing me. Been fun chatting! :)
flamsterette_x: All right then! I'll have a sushi quiz up for you tomorrow!
flamsterette_x: Goodnight! It's been fun! :)
aryk29: I look forward to it. :D
aryk29: bcnu l8r
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 01 23:46:29 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Feb 03 13:57:40 2005
flamsterette_x: Hey, I forget. Can you access or not?
aryk29: Not last I checked, but I'll try it now...
flamsterette_x: okay.
aryk29: Yeah, I can. w000000t!!! :D
flamsterette_x: *evil grin*
aryk29: uh-oh
flamsterette_x: Just you wait. ;)
aryk29: :P :D
aryk29: Why, what's the quiz called - "are you a man or a woman"? :D
aryk29: Oh, that reminds me!
flamsterette_x: Haha, no.
aryk29: I initially got a different result on the '80s band quiz. Had to go back and change some of my answers.
aryk29: brb
*** "aryk29" signed off at Thu Feb 03 14:05:16 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Thu Feb 03 14:05:19 2005.
aryk29: Okay, I'm back.
flamsterette_x: Stealth mode again?
aryk29: Yup. :D Also had to bring the cat in.
flamsterette_x: Okay, now go look. ;)
aryk29: Done. :D
flamsterette_x: k
flamsterette_x: Am I too evil?
aryk29: No. :p
flamsterette_x: You were kinda scared, admit it. :P
aryk29: Nope.
flamsterette_x: Haha, okay then. :D
aryk29: Hey - if you found and posted a quiz based on the Moir-Jessel test, I'd gladly and accurately report my results. :D
flamsterette_x: The which?
aryk29: Moir-Jessel. Tells ya how male or female your brain is.
flamsterette_x: Haha. Why don't you go find it? :P
aryk29: Very well. ;)
flamsterette_x: Only because you brought it up, hehe.
Heard of it??
aryk29: A few of the questions I am not sure of... so depending on how I fudge them, it gives me a result (in the "born male" column) of anywheres from 45 to 90, so I can't vouch for its accuracy... but it's a fun quiz to take, IMO. (And if you're wondering why I haven't posted it, it's because of the URL. And the graphics on the page.)
flamsterette_x: The URL would be a problem, yeah. I don't wonder on that account alone. The graphics look like clouds to me... unless there's some hidden meaning.
aryk29: No hidden meaning, but it is bright pink with an icon representing TG-ism at the top.
flamsterette_x: Ah, so that's what the little thing is. Right.
aryk29: ;)
flamsterette_x: Oh, now what is THIS supposed to mean? :P
aryk29: What is what supposed to mean?
flamsterette_x: Normal Male in Overlap Range
You score within the expected bounds of the average male, but within the overlap range of 50 to 60 which indicates a thought compatibility between the sexes. Most males will score between 0 and 60.
aryk29: Read the other column. ;)
flamsterette_x: I did!
aryk29: It doesn't ask what you were born with, instead giving 2 answers. You're supposed to disregard the one that's not appropriate.
flamsterette_x: Heh.. well, at least I'm normal? haha
aryk29: Why, what'd you get? :D
flamsterette_x: Normal Female
You score within the expected bounds of the average female. Most females will score between 50 and 100.
aryk29: Do you know my mother took this one for kicks and got a score of 40?
flamsterette_x: Aiya.
aryk29: She's less feminine than I am. :p
flamsterette_x: No comment. :P
aryk29: Meh, I take it in good humor. :)
flamsterette_x: Fair enough. :)
aryk29: And there are so many threads on the subject! I'm reading
this one right now.
flamsterette_x: Cool.
flamsterette_x: Maybe I can read this too? Not sure if it applies to me, but I guess I can learn? Who knows, haha.
aryk29: It never hurts to read a thread, if it is of interest to you. :)
flamsterette_x: True.
flamsterette_x: Upon reading it, I must say that I really had lots to think about that Saturday during Awana right after I read your thread!
aryk29: I can imagine.
flamsterette_x: *is NOT posting to the Gender Confusion Thread*
aryk29: Me either. I was going to, but Arwin linked to the Pit thread in hopes of not hijacking any further...
flamsterette_x: But ultimately, what I came out with was: You're still my friend, no matter what you may feel about your gender idientity. I mean, you're still YOU at the core... whether you be man, woman, something-in-between, or an alien from the planet Zoltan. ;)
aryk29: Right, and that was pretty much what Strangelove said in his (?) OP - but still it's good to hear it from ya. :)
flamsterette_x: Yeah, pretty much that. You may have heard it before, but it's good to hear it again.
aryk29: :)
aryk29: I find myself in agreement with hajario and Lord Ashtar in the Pit thread.
flamsterette_x: What did they say?
Here.aryk29: To paraphrase: why should one continue to read threads that bother them?
flamsterette_x: True enough.
aryk29: Especially when their response is usually a verbal *thud* sans context. :D
flamsterette_x: Yeah, you kind of need context to it, especially there.
aryk29: *yawn* that's a hard read... I'm going to have to go back to it later. *blink*
flamsterette_x: Good idea.
aryk29: It's late afternoon, and as usual I'm tired. :D Which is odd since it's sunny out.
flamsterette_x: So you're only tired when it's not sunny out. Gotcha.
flamsterette_x: I'll get back to you when it's raining. ;)
aryk29: Eh, I have a tendency to be more alert in the presence of bright light. :D
aryk29: Haha.
aryk29: Actually, I've decided to flop down for a while, but will probably be up within the next hour when food's ready.
flamsterette_x: Sounds good then.
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Feb 03 16:18:21 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Feb 03 23:41:45 2005
flamsterette_x: Haha. Do what with the snapback tags?
flamsterette_x: Oh, and Viper's middle initial is J.
Session Close (aryk29): Thu Feb 03 23:42:12 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Thu Feb 03 23:42:24 2005
aryk29: Link to posts outside of the current thread. :D
aryk29: Okay then, J it is
flamsterette_x: Yes, you can do that. Take a look at my reply to you. ;)
aryk29: ok.............
flamsterette_x: k
aryk29: Thinkin' of guy's names that start with J. :D
flamsterette_x: Good idea.
aryk29: *yawn* going to call it a night here.
flamsterette_x: Okay then. Night. Later.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 00:06:54 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Feb 04 13:52:24 2005
flamsterette_x: Oooh, look what I found. ;)
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 13:52:36 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Feb 04 13:53:07 2005
aryk29: ?
flamsterette_x: I was going to link you to some quiz, but apparently it's not there anymore? Weird.
aryk29: Huh.
aryk29: Okay... well, if you find it, lemme know and I'll take it. ;)
flamsterette_x: Okay.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 14:00:02 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Feb 04 14:20:06 2005
flamsterette_x: Searched on Quiz Farm. I'll put it up for the masses' enjoyment. ;)
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 14:20:28 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Feb 04 14:20:55 2005
aryk29: Okay. I'm posting a reply to Weird Stuff (3 guesses what about :p )
flamsterette_x: No clue.
aryk29: *dubious*
aryk29: Ah heck... gimme my Yahoo smileys.

Trillian makes life hard for those who don't use it. :p
flamsterette_x: Haha.
Let me know if the second link on my last post doesn't work for you.aryk29: It does... just needed to use Firefox. :D
aryk29: I just took *that* quiz.... :D
flamsterette_x: Ah, I see...
flamsterette_x: Now I have taken enough quizzes for the time being.
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: So what were you going to say?
aryk29: "Go read my post." :p
flamsterette_x: Which I have. :P
aryk29: The question about women, gadgets, and cars I answered as somewhat true. 2 out of 3, ya know? Anyway, I see the effect that had.
aryk29: I was just discussing with another friend the possibility of designing a VB program that tests word recognition in both brain hemispheres. I think there might be a gender correlation with such a task.
flamsterette_x: I don't know anything about that. But it might be interesting. ;)
aryk29: Yeah I'd need volunteers who would take it. :D
flamsterette_x: Ha. First, you'd have to devise the test.
aryk29: I'm in the process of doing that now. :D
*** You have been disconnected. Fri Feb 04 15:47:39 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Feb 04 15:50:44 2005.
flamsterette_x: Sounds good then. Let me know when it's done.
aryk29: It's almost ready now. :p :D
flamsterette_x: Okay.
aryk29: A very interesting thing happened while I was debugging it.
aryk29: At first, I was getting a much longer delay for the left visual field. As I continued debugging, they evened out and then the right field had a slightly longer delay.
Brain Test.flamsterette_x: Nice. I'll take it later, perhaps. Need to get on the phone with someone.
aryk29: ok :)
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 16:09:07 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Feb 04 16:22:53 2005
flamsterette_x: Blerk. Her line was busy.
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 16:23:13 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Feb 04 16:23:25 2005
aryk29: Well, this way we get to chat some more. :D
flamsterette_x: True. Lesley and Stella just sent me an Evite.. hm.
aryk29: What's an Evite? Invitation to....?
aryk29: Ah ic
flamsterette_x: Another baby shower. Why am I not surprised?
aryk29: Because you have too many friends. :p :D
flamsterette_x: Saturday at 2. Can't go there then..
flamsterette_x: Ha ha ha.
aryk29: :D
flamsterette_x: Wish I could go, but I can't. Well, I might theoretically be able to, but then I'd have to leave way early. Not good.
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: Ah well.
*** You have been disconnected. Fri Feb 04 16:54:11 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Feb 04 17:15:37 2005.
flamsterette_x: What do you know, she's not answering her phone now.
aryk29: ic
aryk29: I'm trying to get the pool game to work in another chat window.
flamsterette_x: Pool?
aryk29: Billiards.
flamsterette_x: Yes, I know.
flamsterette_x: Who are you playing pool with?
aryk29: Well, nobody at the moment. :p Actually, Chimpy.
flamsterette_x: Ha ha ha. I wouldn't call him "nobody." :P
aryk29: Not playing pool because it won't work. ;)
flamsterette_x: Ha, okay then.
flamsterette_x: Hm. What was the link again?
Brain Test. <- that one?
flamsterette_x: Yes, that. Thanks.
aryk29: Sure. :)
flamsterette_x: Hey, it's an EXE file!
flamsterette_x: There's no webpage for it?!
aryk29: Yup
aryk29: Nope.
flamsterette_x: Why?
aryk29: (I wrote it in VB, not PERL. :P )
flamsterette_x: That makes about as much sense to me as if I were telling you about the different types of conjoined twins. :P
aryk29: There are different types? Cool! I'm all ears. :D
flamsterette_x: Look up "Facts About Multiples" on Google. :P
aryk29: Okay, I know what you meant. :D I used Visual Basic to create the program, which is an application that generates an EXE output. Were I to do it up as a web page, I'd have to use Java or PERL or something...
aryk29: ty :)
flamsterette_x: You're welcome. :)
aryk29: I'm going to bookmark that and read it later. :)
flamsterette_x: Good idea. :)
aryk29: Food's almost ready; it's way too hot up here, and my back is killing me. :p What were you going to say?
flamsterette_x: The thing finished downloading in five seconds.. should I be concerned?
aryk29: Nah. It's only 24KB.
flamsterette_x: Heh. Okay then.
aryk29: Food's ready; I'll be back in a few. :)
flamsterette_x: k
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 17:57:46 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Fri Feb 04 18:27:09 2005
aryk29: Ice crew dup.
flamsterette_x: Your brain must be weirder than normal.
aryk29: #define _Normal; // :p
aryk29: But seriously, ice crew dup.
flamsterette_x: Reading
plane crash info.
aryk29: ok
flamsterette_x: so what do you mean, you screwed up?
aryk29: The brain test. I realized, if it does not count wrong responses... then anyone can just strum the keys with their fingers 1231231231312312123321132321321 and beat the test.
flamsterette_x: Um......... sure.
aryk29: I just redid it and got 1044 left to 1071 right; 3 wrong on each.
aryk29: I'll have to get ya to download it over again before taking it. Sorry for the inconvenience. :)
flamsterette_x: Ah, all right then.
aryk29: This site is a list of all plane crashes?
flamsterette_x: Not ALL plane crashes. Just some of them... or at least, the last words on some.
aryk29: 'cuz I was going to say, wow they really are safer than cars. Anyway, I'm just reading Flight 800.
aryk29: Wow. :(
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I just got to that one myself. Eep.
aryk29: Indeed. I remember hearing about it on the news a lot too.
flamsterette_x: Yeah, me too.
flamsterette_x: Take a look at Flight 111. :( Now THAT one, I heard a lot about.
aryk29: Rings a bell to me too... but I coulda sworn it was PanAm.
flamsterette_x: Despite my best intentions, I'm not going out tonight.
aryk29: Why not?
flamsterette_x: Coz I'm tired for some reason.
aryk29: ic
flamsterette_x: Heh, Eric thinks "booooo! I'm not brushing my teeth anymore." is a good response to that. :P
aryk29: Huh?
flamsterette_x: I was like, "I'm not going since I'm too tired for some reason." That was his response.
aryk29: Hmm, okay. So I took some more quizzes. :D
flamsterette_x: Like all the ones I had on the page?
aryk29: All except the WWE and one that I didn't understand. :D
flamsterette_x: Which one did you not understand?
aryk29: The hardcore band one.
flamsterette_x: It's okay. It's cool. :D
aryk29: k :)
flamsterette_x: So what are you going to do if someone calls you on that quiz result?
aryk29: I dunno. :D
aryk29: Part of me wants to stop beating around the bush and just be open about it. Ironically, it's the same part that is tired of trying to figure myself out.
flamsterette_x: What would happen if you were open about it?
aryk29: Probably nothing bad. I'd be concerned how others would feel and react.
aryk29: I'd want to think of the best way to say it though.
aryk29: I've also considered waiting until I have a picture ready, or waiting for a professional diagnosis.
flamsterette_x: True enough. Those things might be helpful.
flamsterette_x: You know me and nutty, though... we're not saying a thing.
aryk29: Much appreciated. :)
flamsterette_x: Not a problem. :D
aryk29: 'Cuz on one hand I could mention the BSTc and give my suspicions about mine... or I could just say something like: don't fit in as a guy, trying being a gal instead... or if I had a professional diagnosis I could say guess what I have GID.
flamsterette_x: BSTc?
aryk29: Basal stria terminalis. I'm not sure what the "c" is for but it's specifically the bed nucleus or something like that.
flamsterette_x: Ah.
aryk29: There's a cite that DocCathode keeps handy that explains all...
aryk29: ... and you'd think it'd be easy to dig up one of his many posts with that cite, but nooooooooo....
flamsterette_x: He's.. um... transgendered too?
aryk29: No.
aryk29: No, he's just knowledgeable with the subject. I didn't find an external link, but I did find
this (and I am so going to read that thread.)
flamsterette_x: k
*** You have been disconnected. Fri Feb 04 20:45:47 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Feb 04 20:49:22 2005.
flamsterette_x: Hey, did you know I read the book based on that kid's story?
aryk29: Which?
flamsterette_x: I don't recall what the book was titled, although I'm sure I could look it up if I was bored enough.
aryk29: Well in any case I'll pretty much guarantee I haven't read it. :p
aryk29: <<-- doesn't read enough books. *blush*
flamsterette_x: Heh, you should. ;)
aryk29: Yeah I know... I spend too much time online.
flamsterette_x: I tend to do that too....
flamsterette_x: By the way, when would you like me to refer to you as... um... er.
aryk29: Whenever you're comfortable with it. :)
flamsterette_x: Which, to be quite honest, is probably not now. Sorry. =/
aryk29: 'sokay. :)
flamsterette_x: Informative thread. Too much info to process at once, but it's okay.
aryk29: yeah, tell me about it. I've made it to post #91 so far.
flamsterette_x: Post #129 here.
aryk29: Shows how good my concentration is right now. *d'oh*
flamsterette_x: Mine is probably as good as yours.
flamsterette_x: Eek. There is no way I want you to get killed / beaten up over this!
*** "aryk29" signed off at Fri Feb 04 21:44:13 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Feb 04 21:44:16 2005.
aryk29: Stinking connection went out. And Yahoo has a bug that refuses to set stealth settings without going visible to everybody momentarily.
flamsterette_x: So did you get my last message then?
aryk29: Last I got was: Flami: Mine is probably as good as yours.
flamsterette_x: (@#*&$(@*#$&
flamsterette_x: flamsterette_x: Eek. There is no way I want you to get killed / beaten up over this!
*** "aryk29" signed off at Fri Feb 04 21:44:13 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Fri Feb 04 21:44:16 2005
aryk29: ?
aryk29: I understand your concerns.
flamsterette_x: Not that every TG person gets beaten up / killed over that, but....... yeah.
aryk29: True. But believe me, I'm concerned too... shoot, sometimes I scramble to get the heck out of the bathroom if a guy is in there singing or grunting (have to use the men's restroom / showers here) because I might be giving off unconscious cues that I'm "something else"... umm, guess I really have that flight response when something creeps me out.
aryk29: (and FTR, that's when I'm not trying to look like a woman)
flamsterette_x: Yeah, I guess you can never tell what would happen. Although I suppose your "flight response" would save you from some sticky situations.
aryk29: Probably.
flamsterette_x: Then again, it might not.. eh. What matters now is that you're still here to talk to.
flamsterette_x: (and yes, I *am* aware I sound like someone who's not had a dose of brain food in weeks :P)
aryk29: It's okay, really - you have every right to be concerned. :) And I would not go out alone, nor defenseless, and would make sure to be as passable as I can.
flamsterette_x: No, I don't think you would.. I'm sure you've researched this out more thoroughly than someone who has only a casual (if semi-vested) interest in it.
aryk29: To the extent that I can between internet downtime, the cat having to be brought in / put outside, and having to lay down and stretch out so my back doesn't kill me. :p
flamsterette_x: I know what you mean. :P
aryk29: Heh, I just read that post more carefully. It was commented in the January 1996 issue of
Discover Magazine. I'm sure I have that issue... somewhere.
flamsterette_x: Really? Hm. Neat.
aryk29: (Although I did stop trusting the magazine more recently)
flamsterette_x: Why?
Reference.flamsterette_x: Haha, nice sig: "How to microwave soup: Get can of soup, Place can in microwave, Set microwave power to "high," Set microwave timer to 30 minutes, Sound of explosion indicates soup is ready."
aryk29: Whose is that?
flamsterette_x: Inoshiro.
aryk29: Ah, okay. :) Anyway,
Discover tried to pawn off a 20-year-old and mostly disputed theory as the latest newest thing in science. Good news is, in subsequent issues, I have not seen that particular columnist write anything new.
flamsterette_x: Good, then!
aryk29: But I stopped buying each month's issue anyway.

flamsterette_x: Haha.
aryk29: *sigh* it's happened again... I'm halfway through post #169 and too tired to continue reading.

flamsterette_x: I skimmed through the latter half of the thread, actually.
flamsterette_x: But I know what you mean.
aryk29: Think I'll take a break from being online... maybe be back in a little while. :)
flamsterette_x: k
Session Close (aryk29): Fri Feb 04 22:43:12 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sat Feb 05 00:25:47 2005
aryk29: ... an hour and three quarters later: still tired.

flamsterette_x: I know what you mean
flamsterette_x: I'm tired, too... might go to bed soon...
aryk29: Me too... in fact, now seems like a good time. :D
flamsterette_x: Hey, would you like to see two stick figures having sex and exploding?
aryk29: Sure, why not? :D
flamsterette_x: Corey was telling me how his ex sent him this postcard with that picture on it.. I thought it sounded hilarious, but couldn't find anything on a search I did for "how stick people became extinct."
Here you go.aryk29:

! :D I get it: they're sticks, which is why they caught fire. That's too funny! Thank you. :D
aryk29: Reminds me of a joke.
flamsterette_x: I may not post it on either board, but if it reminds you of a joke..... I might. ;)
aryk29: ok... :) Pinocchio went to Geppetto (sp?) one day, saying that the women were complaining of receiving splinters while having sex. So Geppetto gives him a piece of sandpaper and instructs him on using it. Later he asks Pinocchio how things are going with the women. To which Pinocchio replies, "who needs women?" :p
flamsterette_x: Oh my. Not sure you should post THAT on the board, either.
aryk29: Hmm, really? I dunno, Viper might allow it. But I wasn't thinking of doing so anyway. :)
flamsterette_x: Maybe, but that might be prudent.
aryk29: Indeed. *yawn* Well, having difficuly keeping my eyes open here. Bcnu later. :)
flamsterette_x: Later.
Session Close (aryk29): Sat Feb 05 00:40:12 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Feb 06 16:53:41 2005
flamsterette_x: Okay, I have to ask. "Tobacco cigar" ?!
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Feb 06 16:56:55 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Sun Feb 06 16:57:08 2005
aryk29: :p
aryk29: If I'm going to be smoking something, it's not going to be tobacco. ;)
aryk29: (about to initiate stealth)
*** "aryk29" signed off at Sun Feb 06 16:57:52 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Sun Feb 06 16:57:55 2005.
*** You have been disconnected. Sun Feb 06 16:58:11 2005.
aryk29: Guess you're offline. :( Food's going to be ready soon and I'll probably be away from the 'puter to eat... so I'll have to catch ya later. :) DSL permitting, of course. ;) [Offline Message (Sun Feb 06 17:17:33 2005)]
flamsterette_x: oops.. sorry about that.. was trying to get a ride to a birthday party, and that's not happening :P
Session Close (aryk29): Sun Feb 06 19:04:44 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 08 14:24:28 2005
aryk29: Re: "flamsterette_x (2/6/05 7:04:30 PM): oops.. sorry about that.. was trying to get a ride to a birthday party, and that's not happening :p" - sorry about what?
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am currently idle.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Tue Feb 08 15:19:16 2005.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 08 15:55:42 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 08 17:32:06 2005
*** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will be received when he/she logs into Yahoo! Messenger.
flamsterette_x: "That" refers to my getting disconnected mid-conversation just when you were going to go into stealth mode. Now I'm the one who can't access .. weird. :P
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 08 17:33:06 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 08 20:52:43 2005
aryk29: Oh, okay... I must have figured you had been disconnected... I honestly don't remember. Anyway, don't worry about it. :)
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 08 21:05:38 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 08 21:06:21 2005
flamsterette_x: All right then. You did ask, so I thought I'd clear it up.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 08 21:06:50 2005
Session Start (Yahoo! - flamsterette_x:aryk29): Tue Feb 08 21:06:55 2005
aryk29: :)
aryk29: Got some updates to The List...
flamsterette_x: Roland Deschains and Stage Manager are banned. Never saw the Stage Manager thing.
aryk29: Stage Manager? Maybe that's what the fuss was about. Anyway...
aryk29: ava changed her name to kimera, and jinwicked was born 2/23/80
*** You have been disconnected. Tue Feb 08 21:09:39 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Tue Feb 08 21:12:23 2005.
aryk29: Hey, if you want to, come join me and brtfnk over at OP chat. :)
*** Auto-response sent to aryk29: I am currently away from the computer.
flamsterette_x: Nobody's ever there when I show up, so WHY BOTHER? :P
aryk29: Cuz now would be an exception. ;)
flamsterette_x: I'm viewing the results of a random poll. Can't. :P
flamsterette_x: Told you.
aryk29: :D
aryk29: I am going to close Messenger so as not to divide my time between two chat windows. :)
flamsterette_x: ACK
flamsterette_x: what happens if I want to talk to you?!
aryk29: umm... hmm...
flamsterette_x: Ha, got you there.
aryk29: okay, I'll leave it open... but if I'm slow to respond it's 'cuz OP chat doesn't have an audible alert.
flamsterette_x: that's fine.
aryk29: so d'ja hear what happened at the SDMB?
flamsterette_x: Stage Manager?
flamsterette_x: aesiron linked to a couple of posts in his journal, but they'd been closed / moved by the time I got around to checking them out
flamsterette_x: Okay, she left. Let's leave.
*** "aryk29" signed off at Tue Feb 08 22:06:32 2005.
*** "aryk29" signed on at Tue Feb 08 22:07:46 2005.
flamsterette_x: ?
aryk29: umm, what I heard was one poster admitted to being a sex offender, something to do with a 14-year-old and some threads were moved to an inaccessible area of the board pending police and lawyer action.
have you been to ATMB lately? :Oflamsterette_x: I saw his admission of being a sex offender. Anything else, I didn't.
aryk29: hmm... well, I don't know what the fuss was about specifically, but Dex said in a couple of days, they'd reveal it.
flamsterette_x: Saw that one yesterday.
aryk29: oic. well, knocking on wood here.
flamsterette_x: k
flamsterette_x: Heh, you can never tell.
aryk29: yeah
aryk29: first message board I ever joined, and until recently, the one with my highest post count
aryk29: (can't believe my OP posts outnumber my SDMB posts!)
flamsterette_x: Haha, really?
aryk29: yup
aryk29: somewhere in the 1920s (heh) vs. 16-something. :D
flamsterette_x: Ha, my OP posts are about twice the number of my SD posts.
aryk29: yeah. just as many threads, but the community is closer-knit :D
aryk29: not long ago I was delighted to have >1000 posts, now I have 3 post counts that are in the 4 digits!
aryk29: total across all 3 is 4830 even :-D
aryk29: your 2 board total is 16393
flamsterette_x: neat
aryk29: even counting all the boards I've ever posted on, my total is still less than your SDMB post count. :p
flamsterette_x: <--- posts too much
aryk29: <--- has too much free time :p
aryk29: 1930 - 1663 = 267; 1663 - 1237 = 426... the SDMB is a relatively close second...
aryk29: brb
aryk29: made myself a rum Pepsi. :D
flamsterette_x: eek
aryk29: what eek?
flamsterette_x: rum Pepsi?
aryk29: yeah... I don't usually like rum colas, but had a taste for one a couple days ago
flamsterette_x: This is coming from the same person who told me a few months ago that (ack...) he wouldn't drink anything alcoholic because the parents would pick up on it. Nice turn-around. :P
aryk29: when did I say that???
aryk29: oh wait, I remember
aryk29: I said I wouldn't drink an entire bottle of tequila 'cuz then I'd have a lot of explaining to do. LOL
aryk29: Or maybe it was brandy
flamsterette_x: Haha. Whatever it was, I certainly remember that!
aryk29: yeah
aryk29: this one has 2 shots of rum in it and I'm halfway through drinking it. :D
aryk29: probably going to bed as soon as it's done... don't want to keep my parents awake
flamsterette_x: Heh, good idea.
aryk29: caffeine + sugar + alcohol: not the ideal combination for someone who is chronically thirsty. :p
aryk29: okay then... g'night! :)
flamsterette_x: Haha, I bet not.
flamsterette_x: Night.
Session Close (aryk29): Tue Feb 08 23:39:47 2005
Labels: alyssa, birthdays, chinese, computer, conversations, david, dreams, emails, eric h., erik, gay, google, matt, maxed-out tags limit, murder, our place, restarts, sdmb, smileys, ym