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Labels: blogging
Come around here and you'll get a dose of what's inside my head! We like people who don't irritate us much, so you're welcome to read if you're not one of them. No real education here, just general tidbits.. so escape from the world if you like!
Labels: awana, birthdays, danny, david, emily, eunice, golden, hannah, henry, hockey, holidays, ian, jeremy, martin, maxed-out tags limit, nina, pizza, rosenda, sabrina, sean l.
Labels: 1994, 2009, annoyances, blogging, facebook, family, laws, news, page-a-day, poo, us, vivian s.
Labels: andrea, christon, chuck, cindy, debbie, dianne, dylan, fellowship, grace, ivan, johnny, kevin, margaret, maxed-out tags limit, mike k., phil, sarah c., sick, teresa, vanessa
Labels: aim, andrea, candy, corey, crap, eric m., fellowship, food, holidays, ivan, jane, kids, phone calls, sick
You Are Most at Home in the Bedroom |
![]() You're the type of person who finds sanctuary in your home. Your home is your private space. While you may be a social person outside the home, it's very rare that you invite people into your home. There's nothing like spending time alone in your bedroom - relaxing and reflecting about your day. You truly treasure your time by yourself. You need to be able to recharge every so often in order to thrive. |
Labels: blogthings, family, friends
Labels: 2009, billie, conversations, corey, facebook, msn, page-a-day, poo, tv shows, vivian s.
Labels: alcoholic drinks, birthdays, blogger, christon, eric m., food, guestbooks, harmony, hockey, isabel, jeremy, jon, martin, maxed-out tags limit, movies, news, phone calls, pizza, teunis, water
Your Southern Name Is Eustice Etta |
![]() Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit! |
You Should Have Super Short Hair |
![]() You are confident and conventional. You are proud of who you are and have nothing to hide. Your hair tells people that you are honest and straightforward. You appear ready to face the world head on. You can be very quiet at times. You aren't shy though... you're just thinking things over. You prefer to plan out the best course of action before you do anything. You want to be able to be your best in every situation. |
You Are the 1990s |
![]() You are a honest, down to earth, and somewhat sarcastic person. You don't front. You appreciate the cynical days of the 1990s, when irony was king. You're somewhat skeptical and mocking of the mainstream. You tend to embrace alternative culture instead. You are open-minded and accepting. You don't judge people as long as they're real with you. |
Labels: blogthings, christon, crap, emails, emily, eric m., facebook, jon, names, phone calls, sick
Labels: 2009, adam, billie, birthdays, daniel, dianne, eddie, eric m., harmony, ivan, janette, jasmine, jen, lists, maxed-out tags limit, natalie, our place, presents, vania, wishes
Labels: australia, birthdays, blogs, candy, cards, carol, david, dreams, emails, eric m., facebook, kempy, mail, maxed-out tags limit, mom, our place, phone calls, sick, sleep, spoz
Labels: 2009, candy, colors, eric m., evites, facebook quizzes, football, games, harmony, helen, hockey, jeremy, jon, maxed-out tags limit, nicholas, page-a-day, phone calls, pizza, poo, vivian s.
Labels: 2009, bubble tea, bubble tea tallies, candy, cards, corey, emily, facebook, food, mail, shopping, sushi
You Are a Soft-Boiled Egg |
![]() You are a very sensitive soul. You are careful with other people, and you expect them to be gentle with you in return. A harsh word or look can destroy your happiness. You are easily affected by what is going on around you. You tend to get stressed out fairly easily. You need to be in a calm, quiet environment to be happy. You gravitate toward stable people. You need a rock (or a few) in your life. |
Labels: 2011, blogthings, candy, food, hockey, kids, mail, new quirky flavors, shopping
Labels: 2009, birthdays, death, facebook quizzes, jon, page-a-day, poo, restarts, shelley, vivian s., water
Labels: annoyances, corey, hester, laundry, management, water
Labels: barry, dallas, daniel, dreams, emails, facebook quizzes, harmony, hockey, jason, laundry, mail, maxed-out tags limit, mom, palmer, phil, pizza, redrum, stanley, steph, water
Labels: 2009, aim, birthdays, chinese, christon, corey, emails, flora, food, grandma, holidays, jane, karen lew, maxed-out tags limit, page-a-day, poo, school, steph, taiwan, vivian s.
Labels: amanda, angela, candy, carol, daniel, facebook quizzes, jeremy, julie, kaitlin, kelly, links, mom, our place, steph, steve b.
You Crave a Cultural Adventure |
![]() Life has gotten a bit routine for you lately, and you'd like to broaden your perspective. You want to learn and grow from your adventure. You want to know the place you visit as well as your hometown. You are an open-minded and curious traveler. You're all about immersing yourself in local customs, no matter how foreign they are. Whenever you're in a new place, you try to speak the language, eat the food, and meet the locals. After all, that's what traveling is all about! |
Labels: blogthings, chris, daniel, dreams, eric m., facebook quizzes, food, grandma, harmony, holly, jeremy, life, mom, money, spoz, steph
Your Primary Mood Color is Yellow |
![]() You are a enthusiastic and cheerful soul. You have a real zest for life. You have as many troubles as anyone else, but you believe it's important to have a sunny outlook. Life is what you make of it, and you strive to make your life as awesome as possible. You believe in happy endings. You are willing to put a lot on the line in hopes that things will work out. |
Labels: 2009, amanda, birthdays, blogthings, candy, characters, colors, facebook quizzes, food, generators, kaitlin, maxed-out tags limit, names, page-a-day, palmer, poo, quizopolis, sara, shelley, vivian s.
Labels: alcoholic drinks, christon, dallas, daniel, eric m., harmony, isabel, jen, jeremy, jon, karen lew, maxed-out tags limit, movies, phone calls, ray, restarts, school, steph, sunday dinners, vivian l.
Labels: bathroom readers, christon, dallas, eric m., grace, grandma, harmony, hockey, isabel, jen, jeremy, jon, karen lew, maxed-out tags limit, movies, nathan, ryan, shopping, sunday dinners, tracy
Your 80s Name Is Kristen Angela |
![]() Totally radical, dude! |
Labels: angela, blogthings, maxine, names, noodles, pizza, sushi, tim