Back from Summer Conference. Citrus, Steph, Vania, and Paul stayed up all night laughing and playing Bum (a card game). Ivan slept on one of the couches, while Danielle went to bed at about the same time I did. (2:30?) Vivian went to bed at 4:30, while Jon got a three-hour nap in from 5 to 8, heh.
Steph was listing the immortal quotes from the Bum tournament: "Vivian makes such a spectacle out of being the Bum over and over again!" / "You go, girl!" (directed at PAUL, corrected with "That just slipped out.. you da man!") / "I hope you all get fungus!" (Vania, disappointed at being the Bum yet again) / "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" (Vivian's response when asked why she took so long to shuffle)
Citrus dozed off during the service, and then got mad when Danielle elbowed him when everyone was standing up. No, he didn't know why he was standing up (dedication of life), but she knew that he wouldn't want to be left out. His side of it: "She elbowed me right when you were standing up! It was far from being REM sleep, but she elbowed me at that exact moment!" A bunch of us did doze off at various times, though. That reminded Steph of how Billy had dozed off at a Fellowship camp: Pastor Glen was speaking; suddenly, she and Jessica could hear faint snoring. She had to tell Jessica that he was their new counsellor (eep), and concluded that he (and Eddie, his brother) must have some form of narcolepsy. (I was also at a service once where Billy was snoring... you can cover it up if people assume you're praying, but not if you're
snoring! *laugh* )
At lunch, Steph was making fun of Chris' ditziness: he'd asked where the washrooms were, as he walked right past them! Derek and Citrus told us the most hilarious stories about Dylan, who's normally a serious sort of person. Derek mentioned that he'd seen Dylan half-dressed with his arms folded across his chest; someone's mom walked by, and gave him a LOOK, haha. Earlier, Dylan went to take a shower sometime: the next thing Derek knew, Dylan was at the dorm room door: "Uh, Derek... I hope you don't mind, but I kinda used your towel by accident. If it makes you feel any better, you can use mine!" Uh... how about NO? *blink*
Citrus then told us how Dylan had walked into the washroom while he was taking a shower, and asked if he was in there. When he said yes, Dylan walked up to the curtain... Citrus thought he might open it, and forestalled it by saying that he could just talk through the curtain. That reminded Erin of something that might go into the collection of "embarrassing Erin stories": she was sharing an apartment with a roommate, and was taking a shower once. For whatever reason, they left the bathroom door unlocked while they took showers. So her roommate walked in and said that she had to get ready for school... the roommate begins brushing her teeth and doing stuff, all the while talking to Erin as she's taking this shower. Erin thought it was very weird! (I told Danielle that Steph or I would tell her the Erin stories later, as most involved sanitary napkins / blood..)
Erin told us that Dylan had picked up her room key from somewhere during the service. Since he thought it was his lost key, he gave it back to Katherine, who was one of the people in charge of planning the conference. Like we said, he thinks any random room key lying around is his to take and give back! (then again, someone stole Cordia's toast yesterday at breakfast... she looked away for two seconds to take care of something, and it was gone!)
Citrus then told us that this morning, he'd been getting ready to leave when Dylan showed up at his door only half-dressed. "Hey, Citrus... *pause for two minutes while scratching his chin* Can I borrow a T-shirt? Do you have a razor?" Why pause for two minutes while standing there with no shirt on? Citrus hadn't brought his shaving stuff with him anyhow, but thought it was funny. Danielle said she shouldn't be laughing so hard, as she was wearing some of his sister Cordia's clothing (and had borrowed bedding from their parents)... but it was so funny! :D
Citrus then said that at least he had balls, which prompted Danielle to ask whether he was sure! He jokingly labelled her "immature," but someone had to do it! She was the most appropriate person to do so, since she's his girlfriend, haha. If my sister was there, she'd be really blunt and say it no matter what! At least we're kid-friendly, unlike my dad: he told Julie that she was holding up the line yesterday! Steph got stuck behind a little kid, but didn't say anything. Kids are really slow, but don't want their parents doing stuff for them either.. can't do much about it!
After lunch, we were free to go. Much fun was had with the megaphone, and Steph bugged Rich about our common last name. We said goodbye to a bunch of the little kids, and most of us went home to crash. (Danielle has marking and other work to do tonight, and has to pick up her brother from the airport later: Jody went to Calgary for the weekend for Stampede. They're planning to surprise their mom for her birthday in November, but think their dad may have let slip some things already... oops!)
Don't know what I'm doing on Friday: it's Nathan Day, or small-group outing. Steph suggested going to Shanghai Wind and ordering 25 steamers of little dragon buns... the waitress was very surprised when she ordered 10 to start with last time! They insisted on keeping them for the photo opportunity, haha. Danielle and I commiserated on missing out, and about Steph messaging us about it right away when we got home from doing various things. So we'll see, haha. It'll be good times... I hope I remember birthday things for Eric T., Connie, Jenny, and Nathan this weekend! I might buy the "Trust in God, But Tie Your Camel" Bathroom Reader for Nathan as well, even though I already bought him one... he likes camels, so I'll be set if I can find a #13 All-Purpose edition at the mall bookstore. On Tuesday, I have a dentist appointment, so I might go to the bank then and figure things out... I have a cheque to cash, also.
Your Career Type: Artistic |
 You are expressive, original, and independent. Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
You would make an excellent:
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for you are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. |
Much thanks to
Vivian for the corrections. :D
Labels: bathroom readers, blogthings, breakfast, citrus, connie, danielle, derek, dragons, dylan, eddie, hilarity, ivan, jessica, julie, maxed-out tags limit, nathan, paul, shuffle, steph, vania