Talking to Darren after all these years... / Quizzes
It was very interesting to talk to him... we discussed a lot of stuff:
* our (busy) weeks / plans / how we were / what we did today
* the snow here / the cold here and other places
* Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and other cities
* Chinese food / my brother's weird food combos
* bad reception and not being able to hear each other
* needing to replace the phone in my room soon
* his new place / unpacking / living on his own
* practicums at City Hall / bundled-up people
* the books we're reading now / video games
* how our respective holiday seasons went
* how it was great talking after all these years
* not knowing what to say after about half an hour
* emailing / being online to set up the next time
I definitely would like to talk to him more, but I need convo material!
How much road rage do you have?
Display more anger than half.
Well, I'm not exactly proud. But, at least there are more people who display more road rage than yourself. You may get angry at most drivers, but you aren't a psycho who does drive-by shootings.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Road rage king of the road! (You scored 0)
* One angry road rage bitch! (You scored 0)
* Display more anger than half. (You scored 3)
* Average road rager. (You scored 1)
* Display less anger than half. (You scored 1)
* The happiest person on the road! (You scored 0)
This is exactly why I shouldn't drive, according to my sister: I have road rage issues, and would honk at anyone. :P
How To Tell if your best friend is a psycho?
Your best friend is certifiably insane! Don't fall asleep first, whatever you do!!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* YES, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! (You scored 2)
* No, you're safe..... for now! (You scored 1)
* Can't tell.. But be aware! (You scored 0)
Which mythological creature are you?
A fiery demon that varies in their beliefs, and can only be slayed be a griffin or a valiant knight.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Dragon (You scored 2)
* Phoenix (You scored 2)
* Griffin (You scored 0)
* Unicorn (You scored 0)
What should your nickname be?
you're loud and you're proud.. and you hate your parents
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Ashtray (You scored 1)
* Shorty (You scored 2)
* Dylan (You scored 1)
* Spud (You scored 1)
What branch of the U.S. military is for you?

United States Marine Corps
You are fit to be a Marine! The Marines were fighting battles and winning wars before there ever was a United States of America. You live your life to the fullest, and will take any life that threatens yours, even your mother's! You are one crazy mofo!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* United States Marine Corps (You scored 2)
* Army (You scored 0)
* Navy (You scored 2)
* Airforce (You scored 2)
* National Guard (You scored 1)
* Stay civilian, you nasty thing! (You scored 0)
Which side of Ipath are you?
The Renegade Side
You are the ordinary Ipath. You don't take shit from anyone. You spend most of your day thinking on how you might change things. You are quick to change your mood, depending on what you have to eat when you get home from school,
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* The Angry Side (You scored 2)
* The Renegade Side (You scored 4)
* The Sensitive Side (You scored 1)
* The Bored Side (You scored 1)
Labels: books, chinese, darren m., dragons, dylan, emails, food, friends, games, holidays, maxed-out tags limit, msn, names, parents, phone calls, school, snow, steph, stephen, zenhex