Outside is downstairs in MY world! / Blogthings and Quiz Heaven stuff
When he picked me up today, we discussed how we'd both had noodles for lunch - he had to do a translation (or a "transliteration" as he put it) from Chinese to English for his beef stomach noodles since he only knows the Chinese name! No worries, since I know exactly which dish he means! Then we talked about hockey, Easter, Pastor Edward's sermon load (three a week?), ABC Restaurant / Knight & Day / food quality at those places, Nehemiah and Bible Study, Sunrise Service ("why is it sunrise?" "that's when Jesus was found to be not in the tomb!"), their praise and worship program which I hadn't heard about till just then, and how it was warmer out than the last time we had Awana. He asked if I minded having the windows open and sunroof down - not until the wind nearly blew off my hat, no! :P (I knew I shouldn't have worn the ANGEL hat today, partly because I lost a fake diamond on the floor!)
Got to Awana and gave Chrystal her peppermint bark and birthday card, which she thanked me for. She seemed not to mind that it was only half the box, which is a good thing. I might have bought her a full box if I hadn't fallen sick in March! I asked Winnie about her brother's Bible - she figured I was talking about the white one, and said that people had been asking her and John about it forever. One of John's friends apparently likes writing John's name in stuff, so I just erased the name and put it somewhere with the rest of the Bibles. Heh, I did wonder what John's Bible would be doing in the library on a Friday night of all the times! Mike and Joey were testing the kids on math, and then Mike decided to up the ante by testing them on derivatives - uh, I don't THINK grade school kids know THAT! Joey asked whether I was going to Nathan's tomorrow while telling Mike about the hockey / movie night - maybe! Later, I heard "EWWW!" from their section, so went over to see what was so gross. Apparently Brian kissed a Miss Lee, who is five times his age - he denied it, as well as Justin's assertion that he kissed guys. Ah, Grade 2 / 3 kids... there were also these two kids a few years ago (Raymond and Carmen) who apparently "liked" each other, but that could have been weird kiddy rumors from the other children!
Jason thanked me for the cookies, and his brother Amos mentioned that they'd almost finished them all. Well, I'm not surprised because teenage boys can eat a lot! Andrew asked which cookies they were talking about, so I told him about the Dad's cookies pack: yup, you can definitely get them at Save-On Foods! Good thing Auntie Sarah didn't really notice the box inside the bag - I don't really think she'd kill me for opening her sons' eyes to the goodness that is Dad's cookies, but sometimes I like to err on the side of being paranoid. :P I like Jason, Amos, and Andrew - they're pretty cool once they got past the LASSIE / immature kid stage! (that was mostly Andrew and his brother Adam, to be honest) We also discussed blue jewels, Staples tape, money, change, the hockey games, online RPGs, and other things. Saw Bob with one of his younger brothers, who was fussy and wanted to put his coat down somewhere. I took care of it, and Heyman asked me afterwards where it was - on the chair next to me! Gotta be caring and gentle toward these kids, for sure! I think I broke their reserve when I was half-chasing Bob, Heyman, and Johnny around the basement once before an Awana session started: good times!
Later, I asked Ian if he liked coloring and if he had crayons at home. He said yes to both counts, so tomorrow he gets a 2006 Holiday Coloring Page that Ana (glamourcorpse) mailed to me for Christmas. It's a bit out of season, but I doubt he'll care - Henry and Julie S. were joking around about singing Christmas tunes for the song time today, heh. Henry DID have to tutor at 6:30, but his student cancelled on him... good thing, since we actually didn't leave till 6:35 after debriefing and small group meeting! So when he dropped me off, he was complaining to Teresa via phone that he was the last to know about everything: hey, I get the EXACT SAME TREATMENT! ("Let's get our sister Janet to believe we're going to Best Buy randomly when Uncle just wants to buy her a present! Haha!") Jon says that 9:10 should be fine since he's playing piano - Daniel's leading tomorrow since Eric's doing the Sun Run. Hopefully, I can still find a few of my fave people around! (been promised some decorative tea set with dragons, and new clothing every week - how much do I honestly NEED?!)
Here are some quizzes:
You Are the Ego |
![]() You take a balanced approach to your life. You definitely aren't afraid to act out on your desires - even crazy ones. But you usually think first. Morals drive you as much as hedonism does. You've been able to live a life of pleasure... without living a life of excess. |
You Are a Believer |
![]() You definitely believe in God - and you're very unwavering in your religious beliefs. In fact, religion and spirituality are definitely big parts of your life. Religion shapes how you view right and wrong, as well as the decisions you make. It's hard for you to imagine how your life would be without your beliefs. |
Labels: adam, andrew, awana, bible, blogthings, bob, brian, chrystal, dragons, henry, holidays, ian, jason, joey, john, johnny, maxed-out tags limit, mike k., raymond, teresa