Left earlier than usual to browse the Bay and see what dark towels they might have. Ended up in the clearance section, which suited my budget best - why spend $15 on a bath towel if you don't have to? I bought two for only $12: one is green and the other is this dark red color. Wandered around American Eagle and looked at their clearance section before meeting Eric: yes, this is the last time he'd see the pink shirt I was wearing since it was old and kinda dirty! Too bad it had a pocket in it which proved useful, but maybe I'll find something like that again in the future. He told me that Karen had called him half an hour earlier while he was still at work, wondering whether he was driving me. No, but he would later.
So he handed me his cell phone, saying he'd input her number already since she wanted to talk: fine by me if you turn down Team 1040 so I can actually hear what she's trying to say! I do believe she thought I wasn't there when I asked Eric how long it would take to pick Korey up, haha. I'm still here - keep talking! She wanted to meet me for dinner at Pho, which I had no problem with. Eric and I picked Korey up from his aunt's house and talked about McDonalds (he felt bad about asking Aunt to make stuff), rent for the house, Vancouver being expensive, plans, his mom not being the best, what we'd be doing tonight, how long it would take, which Pho item Eric would like, and various other things.
Got to the church and waited around for 6:45 to hit. Said hi to Dad, Angus, Margaret, and some others meanwhile. Steph thought Korey was Corey from Colorado - haha, no. Korey seemed enthralled by the prospect of Eric singing since he'd never really heard that before, but was disappointed we weren't doing a Starfield song. I led him to the Pho restaurant when it was time to go over there, and told Eric where we'd be - he knew, of course. Saw Christon and Jason Lau doing takeout, so said hi to them. We ordered when Karen had barely sat down, but we'd been there for more than a few minutes - enough time for us to decide! Karen and Korey bonded over the Pussycat Dolls, Britney Spears, Mandy Moore, Christina Aguilera, and IDOL. (which he's tried out for - both American and Canadian versions!)
When I told this to my brother later when he asked how the meeting had gone, he was definitely not impressed! We also talked about flourless bread, his not liking water since it was disgusting, Eric's special diet, soup, noodles, the English translation of some Vietnamese stuff (I'm perfectly calm and NOT bossy! :P), Jello shooters, chips, and packing stuff for later. Saw Dawn, who said that Eni was back - oh good! Apparently, the McDonalds had killed Korey's appetite, but it was all good - I drank the carrot soup which he couldn't finish!
Went back to the church, where it was almost time for Fellowship to start. We said hi to various people before that happened; like I told Korey, he got to meet a bunch of other crazy people! He thought it was funny when Eric paused and said "um" a lot in his public speaking since he really is a shy person. I said hi to Randal and commented on his red bag - might as well buy something for those extra souvenirs on a trip, haha. When we went downstairs, Korey asked Eric what he was doing - he had to finish up some stuff, so I told him to go with us. Listened to some announcements, especially about the barbecue in a couple of weeks - I gotta respond to the Evite soon!
Bible Study was all right - I never read the numbers in the genealogy of Nehemiah 7, Jeremy did, and Dylan preferred to skip over the names! Jeremy and I amused ourselves greatly over calculating the exact number of people, haha. Korey amazed me by sharing some personal details about his life with us, whom he'd just met! (except Eric - they've known each other for a few years) We responded well, and let him talk it out - brain explosions are not good!
Talked to Christon and Sheena about kid games, and asked Grace when her birthday was - the same day as Chalaine's, so it should be easy to remember! Thank goodness I had a spare birthday card at home! (also asked Steph [who noticed my Memorial Cup hat] to sign Alan's card since it was late, and asked her to give Amos' card back to me - I'll give it to him tomorrow if I'm at Awana) Alan says he's going to propose to Tracy in July - Jon and Grace talked about long-distance relationships and communication - so important!
Grace and Phil are going to honeymoon in Maui, and have moved most stuff in except five Texas suitcases - nice! Smelled some AWFUL Fendi women's perfume that didn't get auctioned off - Darren, Melia, Cindy, Angus, Joey, and I all stayed away from THAT area of the basement! Listened to Dylan and Korey talk for a bit, then confirmed that Joey should ask Chris to bus to his house instead of the church tomorrow. Yelled to Michelle that her husband Daniel had been looking for her - she definitely knew, since he'd called her at least once! Told Korey about the small Richmond Crew here - us four and Sam, basically. Jeremy says he's in for the Sunday dinner - I don't know if it's at Nathan's again, but that would be convenient!
Asked Korey for his email address - of course I want it if he's leaving soon and has already made an impact on me! He then gave me his cell number, too - his email address serves as MSN info, which he doesn't prefer over talking on the phone. Seems he's the opposite of Eric (and me, to an extent): an introvert who vastly prefers MSN to the phone since he hates talking on the darn thing.
Jon joked later that he would lose interest in talking to him very quickly if all he says (to keep up with the message flow) is "hi" and "lol." Yeah, I can agree with that - but I'll definitely give it a chance! (damn telephone long distance fees even between here and Vernon, haha) He was pretty tired from being up since 6:30 AM with no sleep - he also had to travel between Powell River and here with bus rides and ferry trips. Maternal manipulation and guilt trips aren't good, especially if you've suffered loss and she's never been there! Yikes!
Eventually, our car went to Dragon Ball - Jon had already been there once today, after he dropped Mom off at a garden show. Steph thought it was a bit excessive, but Korey DID want another strawberry-banana bubble tea before going to Vernon on Monday! He wants to try chocolate-peppermint and pineapple-mango next time he's here, heh. I got honeydew-lychee, Eric got blueberry-peach, and Jon got another weird concoction. After Steph had a bunch of water from my water bottle (which Eric had to put back in my knapsack bottle pouch), she decided to get a mango-lychee after all. Luckily, we could get a table after we ordered, so I went outside to yell that news to Eric and Korey.
The number placards at Dragon Ball have been replaced by a low-tech version, yikes. Talked about Texas Hold 'Em (Viv brought her stuff to play with my parents, haha) / certain insane Facebook pictures / money (Steph took Korey's $20 bill to pay for his, and Eric paid me back my $6.50 for dinner, and gave me back $1.25 that I'd left in his car on Sunday) / church / crying / provocative Chinese magazines / gas prices going DOWN ($1.10?) / shopping with Eric / Eric's parents being in Seattle helping Kieran drop some stuff off / how I was sarcastic like Jon / how Kieran supposedly is adopted because he didn't look like his parents / Eric's hating CAPS LOCK on MSN / having expensive clothing taste. Good times, haha. (Old Navy is good for Korey - but jeans somewhere else for $100?! Dude, wear 'em on Sunday so we can check you out!) Now I'm home, and of COURSE Corey thinks Korey is an impostor and calls me a traitor and accuses me of cheating on him. Yeah, right! Then he wondered if I did certain things with him - other than (thinking of) joking about coupledom, we did NOT! AIYA!
Labels: alan, angus, bubble tea, christon, cindy, darren c., dragon ball, eric m., fellowship, grace, jason, jeremy, karen choo, korey, mandy, margaret, maxed-out tags limit, recipes, sheena, tracy