Talked to Farrah, Eric H., Corey, and Leigh (who added me to Facebook) about things... yay for them!
Friday Five - THE PHONE1. Could you live without your phone for one week for $500? I've done that very recently, but it wasn't voluntary. Possibly I could do it voluntarily, but Eric H. did say it's one of the essentials of life. Let's just say yes for now, due to my precarious financial situation. :P
2. Whom do you talk to on the phone the most? Brother, I guess.
3. Whom do you no longer talk to on the phone, but wish you still did? Alex!
4. If you could get ahold of one celebrity phone number, whose digits would you want? Bono, as he is an intelligent man with a lot of worthy things to say.
5. Do you talk on the phone more or less than you used to? Less, definitely. That's fine by me, though!
You Are an "A-OK"

Your life philosophy can be summed up as, "Whatever will be, will be."
Your greatest wish is to live each day a little better than the next.
You are naturally calm and stable. Some people would call you a rock.
You feel one with the world. You are a spiritual person, though no one who knows you would guess it.
Your Fitness Type: Serene

You find exercise to be a great way to relieve stress.
Getting fit is important to you, but not as important as clearing your mind.
Try exercise that has a mind-body connection, like yoga or tai chi.
You may also enjoy exercising in nature - whether it's hiking or swimming or taking a long walk.
You Are A Little Scared of Commitment

You're open to getting serious with someone... though you can't entirely imagine it.
Maybe you haven't met the right person. Maybe you haven't gotten to the right point in your life.
Your reaction to commitment is very normal - especially if you're young or have been burned before.
Give it time. You'll probably be ready for a serious relationship sooner than you think.
What Your Sunglasses Say About You

You are clever, unique, and a total nonconformist.
Your sense of fashion is based on your own personal creativity.
You need to be shaded from the mundane parts of life.
You feel sunniest when you can express yourself freely and without judgment.
FREELY AND WITHOUT JUDGMENT! That is definitely what I want!
Your Bedroom Personality: Dominant

In the bedroom, you have no problem asking for what you want.
But you're really not the type to ask your partner what they want in return!
And while your dominance may be okay for more submissive types, your one-sided ways can be a total turnoff.
Give a little in return from time to time. You may be surprised what kind of rewards your generosity reaps.
You Have a Fairly Strong Willpower

Temptation doesn't get the better of you all that often.
If you set your mind on a goal, you'll do your best to achieve it.
And while you don't have a perfect record with willpower, you do okay.
If you fall off the wagon with something, you're usually not off the wagon for long.
You Have Fairly Healthy Relationships

You try your best in relationships, and you do a pretty good job.
You're as considerate, honest, and giving as you can be.
There's always more that you can do, and sometimes you do leave people feeling a bit neglected.
Great relationships don't happen overnight. As long as you keep making improvements, your relationships will get better!
You Are Bold When it Counts

You don't make a big fuss about getting what you want... unless it's really important to you.
Then you're as bold as you want to be. You just go for it!
You're often up for a little excitement and adventure. Well, as long as the cost isn't too great.
You enjoy risk, but not for its own sake. Let's just say you've learned a few lessons about risk in your life.
You Are Not a Green Driver

For you, driving green is not important in the least.
You'll drive when you have to... and when you want to.
Even if you don't care about the environment, you could be saving some money if you drove greener.
And if that won't motivate you, than nothing will!
What's funny is that I didn't check ANYTHING since I don't drive!
Also, what's with #7? It's a PEDAL, not a PEDDLE. Stupid quiz maker!
You Are Barbeque Sauce

You are a social person. You enjoy cooking for other people.
You are both skillful and competitive. You enjoy mastering hard tasks.
You appreciate complexity more than simplicity.
Your taste in food tends to lean toward interesting flavors.
You appreciate exotic spice combinations. You tend to like cutting-edge, fusion cuisine.
You get along with all personalities from a distance. Except salsa personalities, who always seem to annoy you.
Me, enjoy cooking for other people?! HA HA HA.
You Are No Swimsuit

You are totally, completely comfortable with your body.
And you're not judgmental about other people's bodies either.
You are connected to nature. You feel best when you are outdoors.
You are a serene and peaceful person. You focus on what's truly important... not material possessions.
NO swimsuit? Oh my.
The Road Trip of Your Life

You see life as a journey to be shared with others. Kinship and sharing are very important to you.
You live life at a fairly leisurely pace. You take time to enjoy the sweeter parts of life, even when you're busy.
You don't like a lot of risk or randomness in your life. You prefer to stick with what's known, even if it's a bit boring.
You are able to find a fairly healthy balance between work and play. You work when you need to, but you never let yourself burn out.
In another life, you could have been a great novelist. You have a knack for describing things in an interesting way.
That's very true, especially the last part. I've had that told to me a few times, at least! (and it's NOT gone to my head!)
You Are a Winter Person

You are calm, serious, and focused.
You're the type of person who appreciates the quiet and calm.
Winter is the perfect time for you to get cozy and work on a hobby.
Summer is a bit too hectic for you. You like the dead of winter... preferably with a roaring fire inside.
You are a Model Citizen of the World

You care deeply about the world, and you do everything you can to help.
You feel like the injustices in the world are your injustices, and you fight to fix them.
You have a deep appreciation for the differences that make up the world.
You feel like you have something to gain from every culture and country.
You Are Break Dancing

You are a rebel and a rule breaker.
You are uniquely you, and you love expressing your individuality.
And while you're different and a bit weird, you're no slacker.
You're extremely hard working. Having unusual talents is not as easy as it looks!
What These Fireworks Say About You

You are focused, single-minded, and intense.
You don't let others see your intensity often, and when they do, they are quite surprised.
You burn brightly, but you also burn steadily.
You have the endurance to get the one thing you desire most.
You Are Pretty Charming

While you're not a natural charmer, you can be charming when you want to be.
And lucky for those around you, you usually feel like turning on the charm.
You project a happy, calm image - even when you're feeling the exact opposite.
You make people feel great about being around you... though you're not always up for putting in the effort.
You Are a Fork

You are truthful, direct, and straightforward.
People find your honesty to be a bit piercing at times.
You are driven and wildly ambitious.
You know what you want, and you take the most direct path to getting it.
What Your Workspace Says About You

You are not organized in the least. Everything in your life pretty much survives off chaos.
You tend to work at your own pace.
You are proud of your life, and you want your co-workers to know how great it is. You're not afraid of some subtle bragging.
You are still trying to figure out your ideal career. You could quit your current job on any given day.
At work, you tend to be an extrovert. You enjoy working with other people and drawing people into your work space.
You Are 90% Yankee, 10% Dixie

You're so Yankee, it's possible you've never even been to the South!
EWWW! Who would have fried pickles?!
You Are a Snake

You have extraordinarily sharp senses.
You sense what's going on almost before it happens.
You connect with the world. People instantly feel close to you.
You are a natural protector. You take good care of your friends.
You are an ambitious person. Your ambition drives you.
But while you are ambitious, you are also humble. You are thankful for everything you have.
You Are a Strawberry Shake

You are a truly sweet person... but not too sweet.
You're a little too sassy and funky to be considered a sweetheart.
You love to flirt and tease. And people love the attention you give them.
You are a true extrovert, and you make new friends easily.
You Are a Salty Person

When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab a bag of chips over a bag of cookies.
There's a good chance you're male (men prefer salty snacks)...
Or at least, you feel very comfortable in male-dominated environments.
Your taste tends to be complex, sophisticated, and adult.
You tend to crave your favorite restaurant meal... or mom's cooking.
I like being around guys because I'm more comfortable with them. NOT because I'm looking to get with them!!!
What the House Test Says About You

You have a high opinion of yourself. You think that you are quite important in the scheme of things... definitely more important than most people.
You can't stand community-oriented people and annoying "buy local" campaigns. You prefer to live the best life possible, and that doesn't really involve many other people.
You are a calm, contemplative, and smart person. You take ideas very seriously.
You look attractive, but mostly because your rely on your natural good looks to get by.
You are moved by romance and love. You are optimistic about people, and you love hearing about happy endings.
This is NOT the result I imagined! Just because I like mansions and libraries...
Your Attention Span is Long

Your attention span is amazingly long.
You can concentrate well, and your mind doesn't stray easily.
Even if you have a mundane task to complete, you can get it done easily.
Because you don't get distracted, you accomplish more than most people.
Your self-discipline is your greatest strength.
You can will yourself to do almost anything. All you have to do is put your mind to it.
What the Beach Test Says About You

You tend to be a very social person. You live for your friends and family. You can get social burnout occasionally, though. You aren't a total extrovert.
You fall in love with ease and confidence. Even if you've had bad experiences in the past, each new love is a reason to start completely over.
You are deeply passionate about several things in your life. You're not passionate about much... and the few passions you have are truly obsessions.
Your sense of humor is very physical. Your facial expressions or spot-on imitations of people are hilarious.
You Are a Little Negative...

You can be negative from time to time, but you rarely go overboard.
You have a realistic view of the world, and most people appreciate your honest insights.
Like everyone else, you have your darker moods.
But when you're feeling super negative, you keep your feelings to yourself.
Your Gemstone Says...

You are simply joyful. You find it easy to have peace of mind.
You tend to think positive thoughts. It's easy to control where your mind goes.
You have great mental powers and self-discipline.
You are able to dream big. You definitely aren't afraid of failure.
You Like Names That Are Classic and Timeless

You prefer quality names that have stood the test of time.
You don't like anything that's trendy today and outdated next year.
Names are important to you, and naming someone should not be an social experiment.
You are the type most likely to name someone after a family member.
Some female names you might like: Andrea, Elizabeth, Hannah, Julia, Marie, Nicole, and Victoria
Some male names you might like: Aaron, Benjamin, Christopher, Jonathan, Matthew, Thomas, and Zachary
Yup! :D
Your Ice Cream Personality:

You are not a particularly modest person. You're proud of who you are, and you don't care who knows it.
You are incredibly cautious. You'd rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible.
You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.
You tend to have a one-track mind. You prefer not to multitask.
You can be a bit dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way.
The only problem with that is.... I DO MULTI-TASK!
You Are a Great Listener

You are the perfect person to talk to.
You are patient, empathetic, and encouraging.
You provide subtle, but important, feedback.
You let people say everything that needs to be said before you weigh in.
What Your Fridge Says About You

You like to be surrounded by things you love. You aren't exactly greedy, but you can be materialistic at times.
You tend to be a fairly thrifty person. You splurge occasionally, but you're mostly a saver.
You are a very adventurous person. You love to try new things, and you get bored very easily.
You try to be responsible, but you don't always succeed. Your heart is in the right place though.
You are likely to be married - and very busy.
Psh! NOT married, thank goodness!
Your Response is: Stay Calm

You don't have much of a fight or flight response.
In fact, you'd rather do neither. You don't like getting worked up.
You are able to approach most threats calmly and rationally.
You don't let your emotions get the best of you!
You Are in the Anal Stage of Development

According to Dr. Freud, you are stuck in the anal stage of development.
If your parents didn't discipline you enough as a young child, you may be messy, reckless, and defiant.
If your parents disciplined you too severely as a young child, you may be uptight, stingy, and passive aggressive.
No matter where you fall, you are likely to have a few problems with authority.
Your Independence Level: Low

You are slightly independent, but you usually don't do your own thing.
You rely on the advice of others... or no advice at all.
As a result, you often end up making decisions that you regret.
Listen to your intuition. You really do know what's best for you.
Your Body's Element is Water

You are a joyful, relaxed, and luminous person.
You love people. You live for making new friends and helping others.
You are enthusiastic, and the ideal person to work with.
You don't mind doing hard tasks, and you have a generous spirit.
Your energy tends to be: conserved
You power color is: black
Labels: aaron, alex, benjamin, blogthings, corey, elizabeth, eric h., facebook, farrah, food, friday five, hannah, jon, lily, maxed-out tags limit, names, nicole, our place, phone calls, victoria