Triple Action Relief Gold Bond lotion with medicine! / 4-1 win over dirty Senators
Labels: christon, food, games, hockey, new quirky flavors, noodles, shopping, wesley
Come around here and you'll get a dose of what's inside my head! We like people who don't irritate us much, so you're welcome to read if you're not one of them. No real education here, just general tidbits.. so escape from the world if you like!
Labels: christon, food, games, hockey, new quirky flavors, noodles, shopping, wesley
Your Soul's Spice is Basil |
![]() You value deep, authentic relationships. You're not big on small talk. You are deeply spiritual, even if you don't talk about it much. Deep down, you are good with yourself and the world. You are unpretentious and natural. You couldn't be another way even if you tried. You have a beautiful soul, and it shines through in the way you treat others. |
Labels: amusement, annoyances, blogthings, comments, crap, facebook, photos, product warnings, shopping, steph, triplets, vanessa
Labels: 2011, babies, daniel, food, friends, lj, michelle, money, msn, nathan, parents, parties, recaps, sex, sick, surveys, vanessa
Your English is Somewhat Americanized |
![]() Hmmm... the way you speak English is very interesting. You sound like someone who grew up everywhere! There is definitely an American influence on how you speak, but that may be just from television and movies. It's hard to predict how you'll express yourself with language. You have a rich vocabulary. If there's one thing for sure, it's that your way of speaking English is distinctly you. |
Labels: birthdays, blogthings, cards, christmas, facebook, games, karla, kathy, languages, mail, maxed-out tags limit, movies, pictures, postcards, rich, tv shows, water, wishes, words
Labels: friends, games, hockey, laundry, lyrics, memegen, memes, music, sleep, songs, words
You Are a Peacemaker |
![]() You value loyalty and harmony. You try to bring people together. You believe that there is more common ground than others realize. You strive to find it. People see you both as reserved and sweet. You are never overbearing. You tend to be very sensitive and observant. You truly see people for who they are. |
Labels: church, dawn, death, eric h., eric m., football, hockey, megan, messages, msn, nathan, news, pho, pizza, shopping, steph, vanessa
Your Spiritual Style is Natural and Nurturing |
![]() You are grounded, stable, and secure in who you are. You don't second-guess your intuition. You would never be accused of taking yourself too seriously. You are able to lighten up when needed. You see the magic in each moment. You try to never take your life for granted. You're a bit of a flower child, and you love to be outdoors. You see nature as a gift. |
Labels: 1992, blogthings, cards, christmas, holidays, life, lunch, mail, msn, vanessa, victoria
Labels: alex, daniel, david, games, hockey, news, sean c., twins
You Are Somewhat Comfortable Naked |
![]() You don't mind being naked if the occasion calls for it, but you don't go out of your way to flaunt your stuff. You are okay with your bod, but you're definitely not in a hurry to show it off to the world. Over time, you've been able to accept your imperfections and possibly even love them. They're what make you special. You don't have to strip down to know that you're happy with who you are. Deep down, you love yourself. |
Labels: blogthings, characters, dungeons, games, ocdl, photos, sleep, tagging, twins, weird stuff
Labels: characters, dragons, games, pictures
You Are Calm and Content |
![]() You are calm and relaxed. You seek out serenity and tranquility. You are agreeable... to a point. You know when it's time to do your own thing. Building real and deep relationships matters to you. You are a person of substance looking for others of substance. You are accommodating and peace-seeking. You do your best to make others happy. |
Labels: annoyances, blogthings, cards, christmas, crap, dreams, hockey, james, julie, mail, raymond, snow, ym
You Are the Sifting |
![]() You find meaning in your career. You would be lost without work that you love. You are incredibly competent and intelligent. You've had a very high success rate in your life. You can't deal with routine, rules, or structure. You're easily bored. You are a dynamic, energetic person. You tend to change quickly and often. |
Labels: blogthings, candy, emails, eric m., food, halloween, life, phone calls, recipes, sean c., sleep
Labels: birthdays, blogging, candy, christmas, consumer whore, conversations, corey, eric m., games, jane, messages, parties, phone calls, pictures, shopping, sushi, taiwan