This morning, I mentioned my thoughts of "At least I know I won't get skewered.." to my
Our Place friends. Then I went for a nap, and dreamed about funerals / food / puzzle books. (???) I've always been worried that someone's girlfriends are going to kill / skewer me for what happened before... he called one of them on the phone last night, and she actually reassured me, haha. Let's see how long this feeling lasts, haha. Anyhow, I went back to the board to find that Nutty (one of the board admins) had posted this hilarious image in response to what I'd said:

Hahahaha! I then went to another thread, to find someone else posting that we all need love and affection. Very true! Jim (or should that be Zebedee? haha) knows just how I feel about hugs, even if it can't quite be described in words other than "safe." (the best description for 'em, as he says...)
Palmer was asking me last night just
why I had so many "non-Chris posts." Simply put, Chris is just.. UGH! Almost everything he says is something perverted, or has that kind of meaning attached to it. Here are some relevant links:
iTurf Alphabet Game thread... go back a few pages and read his replies... he's bluecoast47 on there.iTurf thread demonstrating his pervertedness.Char's birthday... you CAN have alone time even when you're married, contrary to what Chris seems to think!Charlotte's immature public entry where she wrote about Chris unfriending her.Best of all, here are two icons Charlotte made when she got inspired:

There are times when I just want to send Chris these two images:

ARGH! He drives me, Richard, Charlotte, and a bunch of other people absolutely NUTS! (and not in the good way, either! :P)
Oh, and since Palmer brought it up AGAIN last night... here is the "buttsex in church" conversation Corey and I were having on April 22, just before I left for Fellowship that night:
[15:06:33] Six Feet Under: uh... what the hell is going on in
this picture????
it's safe :P
[15:12:26] Hamsterette: I have NO idea :P
[15:18:34] Six Feet Under: the kid appears to have a woman holding a bottle to him while he has his pants down... and they're in front of models at a car show or something.... why is this woman storing the kid's pee? if that's what's going on? :P
[17:06:35] Hamsterette: (sorry, I fell asleep :P)
[17:07:58] Hamsterette: I'm not sure I want to know... are you sure this isn't Photoshopped?
[17:11:42] Six Feet Under: well, the lady and kid might be added into that picture... but the lady and kid part looks real :P
[17:11:57] Six Feet Under: it doesn't look photoshopped.. the lighting matches and all that
[17:13:12] Hamsterette: I guess sometimes you never know... but that is one weird picture!
[17:18:48] Six Feet Under: my only guess is that instead of finding a bathroom for a kid they have him pee in a bottle and they throw it away later or something :P or maybe they're major sickos and drink it later ;)
[17:21:44] Hamsterette: yeah, I guess so... I've heard of both things happening..
[17:22:50] Six Feet Under: kids peeing in bottles instead of finding a bathroom?
[17:23:50] Hamsterette: well, maybe not BOTTLES.... but maybe containers..
[17:23:51] Six Feet Under: I almost had to do that once, but that was because I was stuck on the highway in the middle of nowhere and wasn't finding any good places to stop, and had empty drink bottles in the car that I almost resorted to :P ended up finding an exit though
[17:28:35] Hamsterette: good thing you found an exit... I bet you drove straight to the nearest bathroom, and then ran like a bat out of hell :P
[17:36:41] Six Feet Under: I think a bat would do a lot better flying than running
[17:37:54] Hamsterette: well, true... what kind of expression should I use then? :P
[17:48:07] Six Feet Under: I don't know :P I need to go eat.. I'll be back
[17:49:08] Hamsterette: okay then... I need to figure out dinner myself pretty soon before I leave at like 7:10
[18:29:58] Six Feet Under: what kind of trouble are you causing at 7:10?
[18:30:09] Hamsterette: I have to go out!
[18:30:34] Hamsterette: you know, the regular Fellowship doings... and I told Eric about stuff... I don't know what he'll say tonight :P
[18:41:00] Six Feet Under: the next step is buttsex
[18:46:49] Hamsterette: WHAT?!
[18:47:00] Six Feet Under: yeah, that's how it works
[18:47:02] Six Feet Under: :P
[18:47:11] Six Feet Under: kissing and then buttsex
[18:50:51] Hamsterette: WHAT?! *whap*
[18:51:21] Hamsterette: I think there are some intermediary steps along the way...
[18:52:50] Six Feet Under: nope, not anymore
[18:52:58] Hamsterette: says who?
[18:53:15] Six Feet Under: well, the Catholic Church encourages buttsex :P really
[18:53:36] Six Feet Under: as an alternative to regular sex so you don't get pregnant :P
[18:54:16] Hamsterette: since when did you become an expert on the Catholic Church? :P
[18:54:18] Six Feet Under: oh, and it's come out that the new Pope recently was a part of a big document telling all the head church dudes to keep child buttrape stories a secret :P and he was a Nazi :P
[18:54:37] Six Feet Under: you can probably find a story about that somewhere...
[18:54:51] Six Feet Under: it's not just them, apparently lots of groups are advocating that :P
[18:54:51] Hamsterette: yeah, I heard about that..
[18:54:59] Hamsterette: ... oh
[18:56:28] Six Feet Under: so yeah, it's kissing and then buttsex
[18:56:41] Six Feet Under: you can kiss while you have buttsex too if you're flexible enough
[18:57:07] Hamsterette: one would need to be a contortionist for that :P
[19:01:51] Six Feet Under: nah, the pitcher just needs to be taller than the catcher :P
[19:06:14] Hamsterette: thanks a LOT... I'll have that image in my head now... :P
[19:06:29] Hamsterette: just the thing when I'm at church :P gotta leave now... see you when I get back
[19:07:07] Six Feet Under: okay, have fun thinking about buttsex in church ;)
[19:07:08] Six Feet Under: talk to you later
Session Close (Six Feet Under): Fri Apr 22 19:09:19 2005
Ooh, and speaking of pictures... here's one that Corey linked me to just before that portion of chat you see above. I've posted it here before, but it's still mind-boggling!

This morning, Corey messaged me with "buttsex?" (which is supposed to mean "hi" :P), and I told him that it was quite the coincidence that he'd chosen to greet me with that:
[10:24:09] mrptptpt: buttsex?
[10:24:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: ??
[10:24:35] mrptptpt: that means hi
[10:25:04] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh... interesting... hi then..
[10:25:28] AlenaBrolxFlami: funnily enough, Palmer was just saying how you must have perverted my mind because you made me think of buttsex in church (which was only that ONE time...)
[10:25:52] mrptptpt: me?! must have been someone else
[10:26:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, you :P gimme a sec to dig up the logfiles..
[10:26:27] mrptptpt: do you really need to?
[10:35:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: *pastes ICQ chat logs*
[10:35:50] mrptptpt: that doesn't have anything to do with buttsex in church
[10:35:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: *pastes more ICQ chat logs*
[10:37:33] mrptptpt: well, you're the one that brought up the church aspect, so I hardly see how that can be my fault
[10:38:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: you're the one who brought up the buttsex thing RIGHT BEFORE I HAD TO LEAVE FOR CHURCH!
[10:39:31] mrptptpt: I can't control what you're about to go to :P I try ordering you around but you don't follow my commands, so I can't control that :P
[10:44:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: how do YOU know?
[10:47:21] mrptptpt: I can control you?
[10:47:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, I don't think you can :P
[10:47:57] mrptptpt: well, there you go
[10:48:03] mrptptpt: I'm off to class now...
[10:48:09] AlenaBrolxFlami: all right then..
Now when he gets back from dinner, we could have a serious discussion about dildoes. Or maybe not, haha.
Labels: 2005, allie, carol, charlotte, chris, coincidences, corey, death, dreams, icons, jamie, jim, links, maxed-out tags limit, our place, phone calls, photos, sex, stupid idiots, visitors