Yay! Jeremy has Mozilla Firefox's dictionary / spellcheck AND an Ubuntu setup instead of the crazy boxes he had before! I remember one time I came over and borrowed the computer, and left about twenty random white boxes for him to clear off the screen - I created one every time I moved the mouse to remove one, so gave up on that pretty quickly. Besides, I figured he'd know how to eliminate them! Crazy system, but it worked for him, I guess. Since his computer's also faster than mine, I have now removed all GJ-based stuff from my Gmail - woohoo! (I also had to increase the text size at least four times to make it readable - I'm getting old, kiddies! :P)
Discussed babysitting the pastor's kids, Grandma's dentist appointment on Friday, Gwyneth and Evelyn punching hard, Jenga Extreme, reports, and other stuff with my sibs on the way to church this morning. At church, I noticed Mei Lin was ushering - cool. I said hi to Raymond, who's coming to the dinner tonight... he took one look at the menu and decided he was going, haha. He's a cool new friend to have! Jeremy said that I should have seen the "recipe ideas" email thread these past couple of days - sounded amusing from what he had to say about it. Dianne told me to look at the invisible thread holding a banner up - it almost looked like it was floating! Phil's sermon was interesting, and I almost fell asleep while praying - oops. (I also glimpsed someone in the process of checking out the banner - almost literally bumped into him downstairs after Sunday School, too!) Said hi to some of the kids later on, then went outside.
Talked to John about his daughter Anne (who was wide awake in her carrier), and saw Sabrina and Auntie Eileen - yup, I'd seen baby Allison yesterday at Frances' baby shower! Said hi to Martin, then went to the back parking lot. Jon had said Eric might be going to the dinner, but he was nowhere to be found since he was counting offering envelopes. Kevin and I talked to Uncle Daniel about Gmail chat / the computer as a tool / his being sick for ten days straight - he couldn't sleep even with sleeping pills and such because his mind wasn't at rest! He couldn't just not go to work because he can't reschedule his patients' dentist appointments THAT easily! (it's an occupational hazard of sorts, we thought) Talked to Grace about giant booster rockets, meeting people, money, and having us over for a future Sunday Dinner. Said hi to Sheena, who I won't be seeing on Friday as they have a small group outing. Ivan, Mike, Lucas, and Sam were discussing how you can buy people on Facebook (they say it's based on popularity) - Grace and I decided that it was a weird application, and nobody could buy us! Tony doesn't have Facebook, so we advised him not to get into it. Greeted Emily L. when she came out, since everyone else had gone to Sunday School / 7-11 already. Julie took pictures, and Cordia bugged Rich about his birthday today. (we're getting old, that's for sure!)
Paid a lot of attention to Amanda during Sunday School since she was the only kid; afterwards, I interacted with Gwyneth / Evelyn / Edward / Rosanna / Christal / others. Edward asked me if it were possible to go around the world with your eyes closed if there were no objects or people in the way - I don't know about that! He, Gwyneth, and Evelyn were going around a pillar with their eyes closed, and bumping into each other and Henry when he came downstairs. Talked to William briefly about Facebook and the VCEFC group - I'll add Lisa, too. Went outside, where Auntie Ping asked me an unexpected question about whether I had a cell phone so she could call me! Nope, but she can look up my number in the church directory and call me at home, haha. Then I went back inside to talk to Karen I. about her busy day yesterday: baby shower, seeing friends, dinner, etc. Grandma was looking for my siblings, who weren't out of Sunday School yet. (Dad had an emergency board meeting) Uncle Johnny said hi and told me about Jon trying to find him songs.
Went to Pho, where we saw Auntie Fonda and her husband Kevin, Wilson, Christal, Wally, Jenny, Vania and her parents, Benedict's dad, J-Mak's dad, Gabriel's dad, and other assorted church people. Danielle, Kevin, Citrus, and Vanessa came in later - the girls wanted to hang out since they couldn't ski, but Kevin wanted to eat. Then again, Danielle was also starving. Steph and I had large #24 - yay for different fare than Friday! Jon came by after his meeting, and quickly determined that Eric was undecided about coming to the dinner tonight. I decided to stay out with Jon, which translated to "stay at Jeremy's while the guys go out to buy food." Jon got Steph to drop us off at Jeremy's on her way home, and Grandma somehow knew we were going to his place - hilarious stuff!
Grandma asked us a funny question about "Wu-So Lo" which only served to clearly demonstrate how the old-school Chinese mind works! She'd seen him talking with a woman after everyone got back from Sunday School, and automatically wondered if she was his girlfriend! I myself had seen the woman, and told my siblings that Grandma had seen Karmie, THE ENGLISH PASTOR'S WIFE! HAHAHAHA! (Grandma: "But I *know* the pastor's wife, and she wasn't Ruby!" Steph: "No... the ENGLISH pastor's wife!") Reminds me of the time that Kelvin Chan's mom had seen us hugging outside the church, and assumed that we liked each other in that way. Um, no... Shirley's brother is eight years younger than I! Then there was the time that Grandma saw Steph hugging Citrus (after he started dating Danielle - not that it makes a difference to us), and said this to our mom later: "She's lying! She DOES have a boyfriend!" Luckily, Mom knew that she was talking about Citrus and not some random boy at church! Oh man!
Chilled at Jeremy's for a while as he ate his random lunch of salad, fish, rice, and other things. The guys discussed interesting beer with saffron as one of the ingredients (Brewery Creek is cool, I'm sure!),
eggplant and tahini,
stewing hen,
chicken tagine with apricots and almonds, skillets, Dutch ovens, aluminium pans, big pots, and more. We're getting closer to being vegetarian / vegan with each recipe the guys do, Jon says. Jeremy and I managed to confuse Ray for a few moments when he came in - we said "Hey..." in unison (perfectly synchronized!) and with the same pitch! Ray came in and was like "What the heck?! I heard one voice!" Hahaha!
Later, the guys went out to buy honey / garlic / fairly sweet dessert to be paired with barley wine (chocolate torte at a bakery somewhere?) / various ingredients. I finished my pop culture / cognitive skills book which Nathan gave me for my birthday - Jon has read it before, and says it's a good one. Definitely makes you think about gaming and focus / reading / TV shows / social networks / mapping! Ray did an impression of a stoned waiter at the Naam - NOT "Nam" as in "Vietnam" since it's a local vegetarian restaurant! You don't normally push dropped knives on the floor while holding a big stack of plates! Just put the heavy stack of plates in the kitchen first BEFORE you go back and pick up the knife! Now they're back and discussing cooking, chicken with wings and backbone discarded, and more. Christon's providing a cinnamon stick and parsley along with other things. One last note: Ray thought parsley and cilantro were the same thing, and flopped down on the couch when he found out (again) that they weren't - not when the recipe calls for both, they aren't! Oh, Ray... *laughs*
Christon, Raymond, and Nathan arrived. Jon put on some weird music (The First Original Silence - Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth?!)... we discussed blogging, Xanga, banking, fellowship in general, Facebook, the holidays, the time it takes to maintain a blog properly, doubling / tripling recipes, school, and more. Things are looking up in the kitchen, yay!
Labels: amusement, emily, evelyn, frances, grandma, jeremy, johnny, kevin, kids, life, lucas, martin, maxed-out tags limit, pho, ray, raymond, ruby, sheena, sunday dinners, tony