took a nap from 11 to 3:25.. 'twas a good one, indeed..
that is, if you discount repetitive dream cycles happening..
received messages from someone while I got my sleepy bo bo..
said hi, and that he missed me.. we shall see just how prone to sickness he is, or what really happened..
of course, he's idle right now.. that definitely doesn't help..
at least *I* put up an away message when I'm not there! :P
(prevents Geo feeling like an idiot, for one thing.. ha ha ha)

Silent and romantic, you are almost perfect, except
for one thing, your disability to share your
secrets. You work silently, and hardly take any
credit for yourself. Any guy / girl who gets you
as your girl / boyfriend would always be
protected by you. *rate pls?*
What kind of lover are you? (pics) brought to you by QuizillaHmm... I'd have to say that most of it is probably true. Now, should I be embarrassed at the secretiveness... or amused at the bad English in the quiz result? (not that I take these things seriously, of course!)
You should be in the flute section. Man, you could play the piccolo if you wanted to.
Randomness quiz brought to you by Quizilla
Like... demonized elfstone, man!
random quiz (>) brought to you by Quizilla
Meh, you ain't a gnome! You're more or less human!
Gnome Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
bret's quiz brought to you by Quizilla#1: Ha! This quiz was completely pointless! Nice going, crackpot! I hope you've learned your lesson! Listen to your mommy next time!
The Life Quiz brought to you by QuizillaWhatever... it fills up tag space!
No! Are you stupid or something? Come on, Zoe... try again!
Zoe's Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
And I label you... NERD! Well, I don't label you a nerd, because I myself am one... but you like to read and maybe play video games like
Diablo or
Starcraft. Go, us!
How may I label you? (is my first quiz) brought to you by QuizillaYou are bold and independent, and you like to stand out in crowds.
Personality Quiz brought to you by Quizillaryouko
the bow quiz brought to you by QuizillaLabels: dreams, engrish, games, george, msn, music, quizilla, random, sick, sleep, stephen