The people next door who started renovation work before 7:30 AM should die... *grumble*
This conversation is a repost from April, but that's okay. My memories have to be in mostly chronological order. ;) I guess the OK Cupid journal might work, since I figure China blocks Myspace and such. That, or I could do a Google for sites which China doesn't block, hahaha.
Besides, Dawn said that China's blocked her solution to the RSS feeds problem. (so she misses my "great updates," hahaha) I was testing out my MSN connection a couple nights ago since Corey claimed that my connection to it was wonky then. Today, Corey and Jane aren't around anyhow: he kept me amused before I tried to sleep yesterday. ("Call her short, even though you're the same height! If you want to say bad things about her, you better hurry up since she's not in here yet! Oh, Jane's here now. Say hi to Jane!") Pity nothing is open 24/7 at the airport, of all places! (9:45 PM?!)
I hope the kiddies have fun, even if he DOES take her up on any offers since she likes him as more than a friend. Heh, I'll ask him about that once this week has ended. (I should really mail his graduation card too... maybe today!) He also said something about finding pictures online of the weirdass murals at the airport, but I'll ask him about that later. (something about dead people, burning buildings, and all that kind of crazy stuff...)
Corey also thinks that proxy servers might be the way to go with Dawn's RSS feeds thing, although Google Translate will work, too...
[19:23:30] Flami: Industrial Strength Bootine ;): oh, did I tell you that my friend found a solution to that RSS feeds problem?
[19:34:34] Corey: what was it?
[19:35:28] Flami: our friend Dave told her to use Google Translate and then pretend to translate the pages she wanted to read, haha
[19:45:50] Corey: yeah, that would probably work. instead of that, she could find a proxy server, which is basically the same thing.. it's just another server you connect to that goes and grabs the content.. so you're only connected to that server, which can ideally access whatever it wants to
[19:54:30] Flami: yeah, but how do you find out where those are?
[20:01:31] Corey: do a Google search for proxy servers? :P
[20:02:30] Corey: if you were really nice and leave your computer on all the time, you could probably download software to set one up on your computer so she has her own private proxy where she can see anything she wants :P public ones tend to be slow, if they even work
[20:05:34] Flami: yeah, but that sounds weird
[20:17:44] Corey: why does it sound weird?
[20:22:18] Flami: because there are times when I'll surely have to restart the computer like I just did..
[20:22:32] Corey: so, she'd have to deal with that :P
[20:22:42] Corey: she'd only need it for blocked stuff anyway
[20:27:46] Flami: yeah... but how do you know if such a thing is working?
[20:30:25] Corey: you'd have a proxy server program running :P you could see if it worked or not
[20:30:38] Corey: and it doesn't have to be YOU, but if she could get someone outside of China to do that...
[20:37:26] Flami: yeah, maybe... keep that in mind, I shall
[20:38:22] Corey: proxy server :P remember that one. tell her to just do a search.. I bet people have set stuff like that up over there already
[20:38:27] Corey: for that specific reason
[20:41:49] Flami: yeah sure, I'll do that later...
[20:46:26] Corey: there's a bunch of free ones listed
there[20:47:17] Flami: cool stuff
Your Stress Level is: 37% |
 You are slightly prone to stress, but generally you keep it under control. You know how to relax and take things as they come, even when your world seems to be falling apart. Occasionally, you do let yourself get stressed out, but you snap out of it pretty quickly. |
Labels: blogthings, bootybase, chinese, computer, conversations, corey, david, dawn, death, google, jane, maxed-out tags limit, msn, myspace, restarts, sex, sleep, stupid idiots, taiwan, visitors