Monday, September 28, 2009

Rain again, jackets, Bonehead chat, and badass weapons!

The rain has started again. Good thing it wasn't raining yesterday on the way home from Jeremy's, otherwise I would NOT have been impressed. Note to self: Take a jacket / coat from now on whenever you go out. (My mom even made a comment in the morning, thinking that I'd have on LAYERS of clothes! Har har har.) Finally got into the Bonehead of the Day Award chatroom... stupid Java! Yay for Daniel and Kelly, though! Talked about introductions, Luna, Carol B., Carol J., Maryann, Steve B., Candy, George, Raging Puppy, typos, Pip Yang, Judy, Angela, and more.

Facebook quizzes taken from Julie S., Amanda B., and Kaitlin:

Leslie completed the quiz "What Career-Type Guy Are You Most Compatible With?" with the result Police Officer. You like your man to be strong and fearless, and able to protect you. You would gladly be his 'damsel in distress,' as long as he breaks out his handcuffs. The uniform makes you feel safe and secure. He's the kind of man you can easily bring home to mom. (Hmm... maybe my sister knows some people.... ;))

Leslie completed the quiz "What old school Gangster are you??" with the result Al Capone. Hothead Maniac. Always needs to be #1. Likes booze, broads, guns, and gambling.

Leslie just took the "Which Weapon Will You Take Into Battle!!!" quiz and the result is Halberd. You are a polearms man / woman. You can't get enough of how much distance you can make between you and your enemy. The more power and skill you have to train with the halberd, the better the damage and possible casualties you will cause.

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