Mood colors, Wiccan names, useless superpowers, zombies, and more!
Your Primary Mood Color is Yellow |
![]() You are a enthusiastic and cheerful soul. You have a real zest for life. You have as many troubles as anyone else, but you believe it's important to have a sunny outlook. Life is what you make of it, and you strive to make your life as awesome as possible. You believe in happy endings. You are willing to put a lot on the line in hopes that things will work out. |
Facebook quizzes taken from Gretchen, Kaitlin, Shelley, Sara, and Amanda:
Leslie took What is the best feature of your body (girls only). Bum! An invitation from behind unlikely to be denied. With an ass like yours, you could rule the world!! (I once had a guy with a complicated lifestyle tell me that I had a nice ass. Given that said complicated lifestyle included a bunch of girlfriends and at least one boyfriend, I was very much like o_O ...)
Leslie's just got their Wiccan Name from Name Generators. It's Melodux.
Leslie has taken the What Does Your Birth Date Mean? quiz and her result was - Born on the 17th. You are not a very loud person. But at times, you lose your temper very easily. You have a creative bent in you. You like to indulge in artistic ventures. You are mature beyond your years. You try to be friends with everyone. You are born to flirt with the opposite sex. You prefer independence, and seek space in your love relationships.
Leslie took the What useless superpower should you have? quiz and got the result: Translucency! You're not quite opaque, but not transparent! If you wear dark clothes and stand in a pitch black room, people might not even see you! Blind people may not even notice you at all!
Leslie took the When will you get engaged? quiz and the result is 03!! You guys have it going good so far, but it might be up to three years before you see that ring! By this time, your relationship's probably been tested and reconnected -- that's progress! Keep at it! (Me and WHO?!)
Leslie took the What's your engagement ring cut? quiz and the result is Pear! Sure, you like a bit of simplicity, but that simplicity better be dictated by you. Some might call you high-maintenance, but what's wrong with getting what you want? The pear is calling out to you, princess.
Leslie completed the quiz "Riddles: Can you solve Em'?" with the result Outstanding. You PWNed all of my favorites! Albus PWNS ALL! Awesome!
Leslie completed the quiz "What FarmVille Farmer Are You?" with the result Old Lady With A Garden. I'm sorry. You think you're a farmer, but you're nothing more than an 'Old Lady With A Garden.'
Leslie completed the quiz "Which Horror Villain could you be?" with the result Your Match: Pumpkinhead. Now, this was unexpected. Some of your personal subtleties have paired you with Pumpkinhead. This rare little treat is the ultimate in personal vengeance, without any sissy little firebike, neither. Pumpkinhead is a demon, you see. What you gotta do, if you're willing to pay the price, is dig up his body from the pumpkin patch it's buried in, and get a witch to do some black mumbo-jumbo. Presto-chango, you got your own personal killing machine willing to take out anyone that's ticked you off. When's all said and done though, it ain't Pumpkinhead that's getting buried, since it's the one who summoned him that takes his place as the new Pumpkinhead, and gets his self buried. Circle of life. From what the test says, you're the type to go to any lengths to get yours, and to GIVE theirs.
Leslie completed the quiz "Real Zombie Survival Odds" with the result 95%. I can't say you will survive for sure, but the odds are in your favor. Good luck and know that people like you are what will keep the human species alive through the zombie wars.
Leslie completed the quiz "Which NCIS character are you?" with the result Tony DiNozzo. You are a clown. You crack jokes in serious situations. You're easily bothered and rather gullible. You are good in emergencies, and although you seem lazy, you are really a hard worker. You don't show your true feelings all of the time, but when you do, everyone listens. You like to chase after the opposite gender. You are attractive, but sometimes you're a jerk.
Poo nugget for Monday, September 28: Probiotics - Probiotics are live micro-organisms that can help populate the gut with "good" bacteria that aid digestion. They're often prescribed following a course of antibiotics, and have been reported to help conditions including irritable bowel syndrome. All the rage, probiotics are now found in dozens of food products from yogurt to chocolate bars.
Labels: 2009, amanda, birthdays, blogthings, candy, characters, colors, facebook quizzes, food, generators, kaitlin, maxed-out tags limit, names, page-a-day, palmer, poo, quizopolis, sara, shelley, vivian s.
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