Hanging out with Vanessa: Fido, exes, and more!
Vanessa H. buzzed me on Facebook, and wanted to hang out - fair enough! We walked to the bank / Staples / the mall, while talking about stupid exes / Erik / white Eric / Korey, borrowing money, Teunis / Krista / Erik / Alicia relationship DRAMA, the changes Richmond has gone through (Staples used to be a London Drugs!), Skype, high school, Asian families, Terren's stupid "news media" comment (she thought it was funny), my sister, hanging up on people who didn't really talk about dogs, and more. I took out some money from the bank... then got a pencil sharpener (for Sundays) and some ballpoint pens from Staples (which might not dry out as fast as the other pens I have here), Uncle John's Unsinkable Bathroom Reader (#21) and a dragon bookmark from Coles, and measuring cups from the dollar store. (we looked at HMV for a bit, too) She got some makeup and a chocolate egg from Shoppers, What Was I Thinking?: 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories (Barbara Davilman, Liz Dubelman) / a Flat Belly diet cookbook from Coles, and some chocolate from Purdy's... I haven't been there in quite some time!
We went to Tazza for some bubble tea, where I got a mango and she got a banana. (flavors, not the actual fruit) Sat down and talked about abuse, Krista's brother Kyle, durian, storing pee in bottles, pot, drug tests, cooking Chinese food, her car trouble (New Westminster?!), TD Bank, small condo space, throwing $300 sunglasses across the room, her and Kyle seeing me and Erik in Church's Fried Chicken, and some other stuff. Then we went to Fido so she could see when her contract ended: she should be able to look it up on the website, man! Much more convenient that way! Cut through the Bay and talked about Maxim's, La Vie en Rose Aqua swimsuits costing $100, and then walked back to where we met - yay for convenient bus stops, even in the rain!
Corey's just linked me to this story about a boy in China who was killed by an anal-penetrating chair. Seems people think it's fake, so want Mythbusters to do something on it, haha.
Thank goodness I got leads on where to watch 24 episodes if Grandma's birthday dinner goes overtime! Huluand Surf The Channel should both have it by tomorrow morning... and I also hear it's TWO HOURS next week! YAY! :D
We went to Tazza for some bubble tea, where I got a mango and she got a banana. (flavors, not the actual fruit) Sat down and talked about abuse, Krista's brother Kyle, durian, storing pee in bottles, pot, drug tests, cooking Chinese food, her car trouble (New Westminster?!), TD Bank, small condo space, throwing $300 sunglasses across the room, her and Kyle seeing me and Erik in Church's Fried Chicken, and some other stuff. Then we went to Fido so she could see when her contract ended: she should be able to look it up on the website, man! Much more convenient that way! Cut through the Bay and talked about Maxim's, La Vie en Rose Aqua swimsuits costing $100, and then walked back to where we met - yay for convenient bus stops, even in the rain!
Corey's just linked me to this story about a boy in China who was killed by an anal-penetrating chair. Seems people think it's fake, so want Mythbusters to do something on it, haha.
Thank goodness I got leads on where to watch 24 episodes if Grandma's birthday dinner goes overtime! Huluand Surf The Channel should both have it by tomorrow morning... and I also hear it's TWO HOURS next week! YAY! :D
Your Birthday Predicts You're Influential |
![]() Ever since you were born, people have found themselves drawn to you. You have a superstar personality. You are charming and fascinating. You believe in hard work and persistence. You know how to make your big dreams a reality. You are demanding, but your standards are reasonable. And you demand the most from yourself. |
Labels: 24, barb, bathroom readers, birthdays, blogthings, bookmarks, bubble tea, chinese, corey, dragons, drugs, erik, facebook, krista, liz, maxed-out tags limit, news, shopping, teunis, vanessa
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