Dream with Kieran and trucks / Blogthings / Lemmings
I will include this picture because this post mentions lemmings: 
I definitely need to fix my sleep patterns. Let's just say that if I woke up on Saturday at the time I woke up today, I would be SO dead! Stupid late-night distractions and stuff that no longer seems to work... *grumble* Had a weird dream that somehow involved Eric's brother Kieran, squishing together with a bunch of my friends in a dump truck, and getting away from people at a food market. No idea what's up with my subconscious!
Today's Ancestral Yet Truly Morbid Fact!
The practice of burying the dead may date back 350,000 years, as evidenced by a 45-foot-deep pit in Atapuerca, Spain, filled with the fossils of 27 hominids of the species Homo heidelbergensis, a possible ancestor of Neanderthals and modern humans.
Culled from: Discover.Com
Generously submitted by: Amos Quito and Barry
I have run out of time in trying to find a new email server and after trying out numerous services without satisfaction, I've decided to go the free route and use Google Groups. The list will be an announcement-only list, which means it is set up to send out emails, but not to be a discussion list. If you want to start a discussion on any of the facts, you can use the existing Google discussion group.
I will go ahead and move everyone over to Google Groups tonight, so you should be receiving a notification when you have been added to the list. I'm going to set everyone up to receive emails as they are sent; if you want to change this for any reason, or unsubscribe, you can follow the instructions on the email.
I haven't had time to tweak the page exactly as I'd like, but hopefully I will be able to do that in the coming weeks. The MFDJ will be sent using Google Groups starting tomorrow, so please let me know if you have any issues with the new format.
Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions. Let's hope this works out for the best.
Morbid Word Du Jour!
Rutybear sends another morbid word our way:
"I found this in the Urban Dictionary - I think it sums us up *Perfectly!*"
Thanatophile: A person who is fascinated with death.
"Thanatophiles like to see dead people. They like to see people die."
Wow - I think you're absolutely right, Ruty! Perhaps I should create a bumper sticker? "Thanatophiles Of The World, Unite!" Actually, I think I will! Coming Soon to A Plethora Of Viscera!
Urban Legend Du Jour!
grim747 has some sad news for us all (except the lemmings in our midst):
"The world as I knew it just came crashing down. Who knew that [the] famous lemming footage was STAGED?
"Curse the Disney Nature Films of my youth!!!!"
"White Wilderness is an Academy Award-winning nature documentary produced by Disney in 1958 noted for its splendid visuals as well as its propagation of the myth of lemming suicide.
"The film was directed by James Algar and narrated by Winston Hibler. It was filmed on location in Alberta, Canada over the course of three years.
"White Wilderness famously contains a scene supposedly depicting a mass lemming migration, which ended with the lemmings leaping to their death into the Arctic Ocean; however, the entire sequence was staged. The lemmings were not even local (there are no lemmings in Alberta); the film makers arranged to buy wild-trapped lemmings from Inuit schoolchildren in Manitoba and transported them to the set. A few dozen lemmings, placed on a large, snow-covered turntable and filmed from a variety of angles, became a mass migration. As a grand finale, the captive lemmings were herded over a cliff into a river (in the film, this was the 'sea' and the herded lemmings were on a 'suicide drive').
"Generations of TV-watching schoolchildren grew up on the Disney nature films, and the myth of lemming suicide persists to this day."
"(however, that The Far Side panel with the lemmings jumping to their death and getting diving scores from their peers remains in my fave top 50)"

I definitely need to fix my sleep patterns. Let's just say that if I woke up on Saturday at the time I woke up today, I would be SO dead! Stupid late-night distractions and stuff that no longer seems to work... *grumble* Had a weird dream that somehow involved Eric's brother Kieran, squishing together with a bunch of my friends in a dump truck, and getting away from people at a food market. No idea what's up with my subconscious!
What Your Favorite Color Blue Says About You: |
![]() Emotional --- Affected --- Sensitive Peaceful --- Tranquil --- Connected Spiritual --- Experimental --- Deep |
You Are 63% Feminist |
![]() You are certainly a feminist - whether you know it or not. You believe in gender equality, at least most of the time. You also believe there are a few exceptions. |
Today's Ancestral Yet Truly Morbid Fact!
The practice of burying the dead may date back 350,000 years, as evidenced by a 45-foot-deep pit in Atapuerca, Spain, filled with the fossils of 27 hominids of the species Homo heidelbergensis, a possible ancestor of Neanderthals and modern humans.
Culled from: Discover.Com
Generously submitted by: Amos Quito and Barry
I have run out of time in trying to find a new email server and after trying out numerous services without satisfaction, I've decided to go the free route and use Google Groups. The list will be an announcement-only list, which means it is set up to send out emails, but not to be a discussion list. If you want to start a discussion on any of the facts, you can use the existing Google discussion group.
I will go ahead and move everyone over to Google Groups tonight, so you should be receiving a notification when you have been added to the list. I'm going to set everyone up to receive emails as they are sent; if you want to change this for any reason, or unsubscribe, you can follow the instructions on the email.
I haven't had time to tweak the page exactly as I'd like, but hopefully I will be able to do that in the coming weeks. The MFDJ will be sent using Google Groups starting tomorrow, so please let me know if you have any issues with the new format.
Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions. Let's hope this works out for the best.
Morbid Word Du Jour!
Rutybear sends another morbid word our way:
"I found this in the Urban Dictionary - I think it sums us up *Perfectly!*"
Thanatophile: A person who is fascinated with death.
"Thanatophiles like to see dead people. They like to see people die."
Wow - I think you're absolutely right, Ruty! Perhaps I should create a bumper sticker? "Thanatophiles Of The World, Unite!" Actually, I think I will! Coming Soon to A Plethora Of Viscera!
Urban Legend Du Jour!
grim747 has some sad news for us all (except the lemmings in our midst):
"The world as I knew it just came crashing down. Who knew that [the] famous lemming footage was STAGED?
"Curse the Disney Nature Films of my youth!!!!"
"White Wilderness is an Academy Award-winning nature documentary produced by Disney in 1958 noted for its splendid visuals as well as its propagation of the myth of lemming suicide.
"The film was directed by James Algar and narrated by Winston Hibler. It was filmed on location in Alberta, Canada over the course of three years.
"White Wilderness famously contains a scene supposedly depicting a mass lemming migration, which ended with the lemmings leaping to their death into the Arctic Ocean; however, the entire sequence was staged. The lemmings were not even local (there are no lemmings in Alberta); the film makers arranged to buy wild-trapped lemmings from Inuit schoolchildren in Manitoba and transported them to the set. A few dozen lemmings, placed on a large, snow-covered turntable and filmed from a variety of angles, became a mass migration. As a grand finale, the captive lemmings were herded over a cliff into a river (in the film, this was the 'sea' and the herded lemmings were on a 'suicide drive').
"Generations of TV-watching schoolchildren grew up on the Disney nature films, and the myth of lemming suicide persists to this day."
"(however, that The Far Side panel with the lemmings jumping to their death and getting diving scores from their peers remains in my fave top 50)"
Labels: amos, awana, barry, blogthings, colors, death, dreams, emails, eric m., google, icons, james, lists, maxed-out tags limit, morbid, sleep, snow, stickers, words, ynr
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