Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How are we supposed to know it's a JOKE?! Idiots.

Today's rant is brought to you by what is contained in these three links:

Incest is amazing, and my opinion is the only one that matters.
Are fags good? Yes or no?
You have the IQ of a pancake because it was obvious that my post about fags was a joke!

Thank goodness that the community in question isn't mine, otherwise I'd be deleting / freezing / banning both comments and people like a maniac. I wonder where the mod of that one is...

I can understand asking questions because you want to know the answer. I can understand having inside jokes about stuff. But what I don't understand is the "you're automatically supposed to take these things as a joke!" mentality. Those posts in question were stupid and pointless, and insulted everyone's intelligence. That's the kind of thing that 12-year-olds do: IMMATURE!!!!

Like we're really supposed to know that you're being sarcastic / "humorous" just by what they type?! I don't know about you, but I would be inclined to take those things seriously at first! And no... incest is NOT good! Damn you, fanfic.... *grumble*

I can take a joke as well as the next person... but these things were not really jokes. If they were, I certainly wasn't the only one who thought these people were being totally serious. Aiya!

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