Here are some more surveys from Quizopolis...
![]( | Father Survey
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| | | How old is your father? | 57. | What do you call your father? | Dad. | How is your relationship with your father? | Okay. | Does he have children other than you? | Yes. | Is he a good mechanic? | No. | Where was he raised? | Hong Kong. | Do you love your father? | Sure. | When was the last time you saw your father? | On the weekend. | What is his favorite TV show? | No clue. | What is your father's favorite restaurant? | Chinese stuff. | What kind of music does he like? | Classical / opera. | Does your father work? | Yes. | Does your father spoil you? | Probably not. | What is your father's favorite store? | Not sure he has one! | Does he know who Britney Spears is? | Yes. | Is he a good driver? | Most of the time. | What is his favorite color? | No clue. | Where is your father right now? | Home. | What did you give your father for Father's Day? | Nothing. | Your father is ... | Interesting. | Take This Survey at
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![]( | Mother Survey
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| | | How old is your mother? | 58. | What do you call your mother? | Mom. | How is your relationship with your mother? | Okay. | Does she have children other than you? | Yes. | Is she a good cook? | Yes. | Where was she raised? | Hong Kong. | Do you love your mother? | I guess... | When was the last time you saw your mother? | On the weekend. | Does / did she make you do chores? If yes, what? | She did when I lived at home... everything! | What is your mother's favorite restaurant? | Chinese stuff. | What kind of music does she like? | Hymns. | Does your mother work? | Yes. | Does your mother spoil you? | Probably not... | What is your mother's favorite store? | Dollar stores, haha. | Does she know who Britney Spears is? | Probably... | Is she a good driver? | Yes. | What is her favorite color? | No clue. | Where is your mother right now? | Home. | What did you give your mother for Mother's Day? | Flowers and books. | Your mother is ... | All right. | Take This Survey at
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![]( | Myspace Survey
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| | | How long have you been on Myspace? | Not long. | How did you find out about Myspace? | Through LJ. | How often do you check your Myspace? | Every day. | How many friends do you have? | 17. | Is Tom still in your top 8? | No. | How often do you rearrange your top 8? | Rarely. | Do you ever clean out your friends list? | Haven't done it yet. | Do you forward bulletins sent to you? | No. | Do you create your own bulletins from things you find? | Rarely. | Do you read all your bulletins? | Most of them. | Did you take a picture of yourself just for Myspace? | No. | How often do you change your Myspace layout? | Never. | Do you have a crush on anyone on Myspace? | No. | Have you ever called anyone you met on Myspace? | No. | Have you ever met anyone you met on Myspace? | No. | Have you fallen in love on Myspace? | No. | Have you ever wanted to quit Myspace? | No. | What one thing would you add to Myspace? | Easy browsing. | What one thing could you never be without on Myspace? | Bulletins. | What is the most annoying thing about Myspace? | Bad spelling and grammar. | Take This Survey at
![Quizopolis]( |
![]( | Bedtime Survey
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| | | Have you ever had a recurring dream? If so what was it? | Yeah... being chased by jewel thieves. | Whats your most memorable dream? | Genetic freaks of nature following us around. | How many hours sleep do you get each night? | At least 8. | What time do you get up on a school day? | N/A. | How many times have you stayed up all night? | Quite a few. | Have you ever got so drunk that you dont remember going to bed? | No. | What do you normally do last thing before going to bed? | Turn off all the lights. | Does coffee wake you up? | Yes. | Does vodka put you to sleep? | Sometimes. | Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to how you started? | No. | What was the last time you shared a bed? | Last year. | Do you tend to dream about real life things more, or complete fantasies? | Fantasies. | How long do you remember your dreams for when you wake up? | A few hours, depending. | Which is worse - being too hot in bed, or too cold? | Too cold. | How many pillows do you sleep with? | One. | What was your biggest night time fear as a child? | Monsters in the sky. | What's under your bed? | Carpet. | What do you wear in bed? | Clothes. | Do you read in the evening, the morning, or not at all? | Evening. | Do you eat in bed? | No. | Take This Survey at
![Quizopolis]( |
![]( | Shower Survey
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| | | Do you shower in the morning or evening? | Evening. | Do you use liquid or bar soap? | Liquid. | Do you use shampoo and conditioner, or just shampoo? | Shampoo and conditioner. | Do you brush your teeth in the shower? | Ew, no! | Do you shave in the shower? | No. | Do you sing in the shower? | No. | Do you use a washcloth? | Not in the shower. | Do you have a door or a curtain on your shower? | Curtain. | Have you ever taken a call in the shower? | Um, no. | Have you ever showered in your swimsuit? | For public showers, yes. Never privately. | Have you ever showered with a member of the same sex? | No. | Have you ever showered with a member of the opposite sex? | No. | Do you share a bathroom with someone? | No. | Do you listen to the radio in the shower? | No. | Do you wear a shower cap? | No. | Do you wash behind your ears? | Yes. | Describe your shower in three words | Fun naked time. | What one thing would you change about your shower? | The heat of the water's got to last, man. | What would make your shower time better for you? | Pretty bubbles! | What celebrity would you like to shower with? | Thom Yorke. | What celebrity would you NOT like to shower with? | Tom Cruise. | What is the one thing you can't do without in your shower? | Body wash. | What is the oddest thing that has happened to you in the shower? | I noticed a bruise on my leg. | What is the best thing that has happened to you in the shower? | .... I have no idea. | When was the last time you showered? | Friday. | When are you going to take a shower next? | Tomorrow. | Take This Survey at
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![]( | Brand Survey
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| | | Deodorant: | Dove. | Toothpaste: | Colgate. | Shampoo: | Herbal Essences. | Shaver: | N/A. | Underwear: | Hanes. | Watch: | Don't have one. | Detergent: | Western Family. | Car: | Don't have one. | Airline: | Don't have one. | Backpack / Purse / Wallet: | Roots / MEC. | Computer: | Don't have one. | Search Engine: | Google. | TV Channel: | Pacific Sportsnet. | Cell Phone: | Don't have one. | Beer: | Don't have one. | Soft Drink: | Fresca | Fast Food: | Burger King. | Pizza: | Boston Pizza. | Cereal: | Shreddies. | Chocolate: | Lindt. | Take This Survey at
![Quizopolis]( |
![]( | Girls Survey
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| | | Do you have a lot of make-up? | No. | How much do you put on? | Not much. | How long does it take you to get ready? | Not too long... half an hour. | Do you carry a purse? | No. | What color is it? | N/A. | Where did you get it? | N/A. | Do you have a Louis Vuttion? | No. | Do you like to wear nail polish? | No. | How often do you get your nails done? | N/A. | Do you like manicures? | No. | Do you like pedicures? | No. | Do you have a usual nail salon you go to? | No. | Where do you get your hair done? | Nowhere in particular. | Do you straighten your hair? | No. | How many pairs of shoes do you have? | Six. | Which pair of shoes are your favorite? | Sneakers. | What brand are they? | Brooks. | Do you wear heels? | No. | Where do you buy most of your clothes? | Random stores. | Take This Survey at
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![]( | First Reaction Survey
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| | | Relationships | Stramash. | Your Last Ex | Unreliable. | Power | Telepathy. | Food | Burgers. | Drugs | Cocaine. | The President | Odd. | War | Bloodshed. | Cars | Transportation. | Gas Prices | High. | Halloween | Spooky. | Religion | Church. | Politics | Complicated. | MySpace | Bad spelling and grammar. | Worst Fear | Insects. | Marriage | Expectation. | Sex | Complicated. | Fashion | Trends. | Brunettes | Cool. | Redheads | Quirky. | Work | Responsibility. | Football | Downs. | Animals | Interesting. | Vanilla Ice | Rapper. | Porta Potties | EW! | Pajamas | Comfortable. | Pictures | Nostalgia. | Take This Survey at |
![]( | Finish The Sentence Survey
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| | | My ex... | Never had that much time for me. | Maybe I should... | Branch out of my comfort zone. | I love... | Time with my friends. | People would say that I'm... | Weird and remember birthdays. | I don't understand... | Why people act the way they do. | When wake up in the morning... | I hate it! | I lost... | My sense some time ago. | Life is full of... | Complications. | My past is... | Very boring. | I get annoyed when... | People assume I'm something I'm not. | Parties are... | Interesting. | I wish... | I were different, somehow. | Dogs... | Can be nice. | Cats... | Are cool enough. | Tomorrow... | I will do the same ol' thing. | I have low tolerance... | For bad grammar / spelling, and alcohol. | If I had a million dollars... | I'd buy a lot of books. | I'm totally terrified... | When people leave me alone in unfamiliar situations. | Take This Survey at |
Labels: alcoholic drinks, chinese, colors, computer, dreams, family, google, grammar, jon, maxed-out tags limit, mom, music, myspace, phone calls, pizza, quizopolis, spelling, steph, surveys, tv shows
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