Fellowship transportation, Sunday dinner email, fall fashion, and change
Eric got on MSN this afternoon to ask how I'd like to get to Fellowship tonight. Uh-oh... he's going early for worship practice again and leaves at 6! From past experience with the Cambie / Jacombs thing, I'll have to leave at 5-ish if I want to have any hope of getting there around that time. (the Translink site says it takes 20 minutes, but I don't trust it now!) Looks like Pho for dinner tonight: sure, I could go to the "Church's Chicken and healthy stuff" dinner, but I don't feel like it.
Sex headaches... I always knew sex had side effects, but nothing like THIS! o_O
Steph forwarded me the email that Jon sent to her, Dallas, Jeremy, Eric, Nathan, Justin C., Bryant, Dawn, Jen, Alan ("aquan" is not "Aqua N."!), Christon, Kevin, Erin, Brian, Sean, Vivian, Andrew, Andrea, Citrus, Danielle, Justin L., Phil, and someone else I can't identify by their email address. I still don't know if I'm going or not because he didn't invite me. We'll see if I get an official invite or not. That's something I'm firm on. Brothers!
Hey folks. For those of you who are confused by the subject heading of this e-mail [Sunday dinners], here's the explanation. Starting this January while I was still in Toronto, my fellowship began meeting on Sundays to cook and eat dinner together (we went to Smokeless Joe on the other Sundays). It started out as something small and unofficial, but began taking a life of its own as more and more people joined in to leisurely talk and eat with each other, the result being not only a greater appreciation for food, but also greater depth of friendship and bonds within the fellowship. All in all, good, even great things, and I fondly look back on these parties as amongst the best memories I'll have of Toronto (I'm sure Dallas will agree with me on this). I've seen the "younger" members of Daniel Fellowship start this process as well, as they've hung out more often this summer, and I can see them becoming closer, which gives me great joy.
So we're going to try doing dinner parties in Vancouver. Don't worry if you can't make it this week, we'll be doing them more frequently, I'd say at least every other week. This week we'll be at Jeremy's, and he can comfortably seat 10-12 people. Let's say we'll start at around 6:30PM. Just let me know if you're coming. I'll send out an address and directions later on in the week.
The tentative menu:
Singapore Hainanese Chicken
Moutarde Mussels: A favorite of just about everyone who went to Smokeless Joe (say, about 2/3rds of my fellowship, or about 25 people)
Vegetable stir-fry of some sort
Lamb (maybe): Dallas might attempt this
tea / cheese / beer / wine: Can't guarantee on the cheese or wine, but I know Jer has lots of tea and homebrew!!!
Menu might change depending on the whims of the cooks and the # of people attending.
Thanks again. If you're leaving town soon, it'd be great if you could drop by.
I may have the attitude for this, but I don't have the BODY for it! o_O
Sex headaches... I always knew sex had side effects, but nothing like THIS! o_O
Steph forwarded me the email that Jon sent to her, Dallas, Jeremy, Eric, Nathan, Justin C., Bryant, Dawn, Jen, Alan ("aquan" is not "Aqua N."!), Christon, Kevin, Erin, Brian, Sean, Vivian, Andrew, Andrea, Citrus, Danielle, Justin L., Phil, and someone else I can't identify by their email address. I still don't know if I'm going or not because he didn't invite me. We'll see if I get an official invite or not. That's something I'm firm on. Brothers!
Hey folks. For those of you who are confused by the subject heading of this e-mail [Sunday dinners], here's the explanation. Starting this January while I was still in Toronto, my fellowship began meeting on Sundays to cook and eat dinner together (we went to Smokeless Joe on the other Sundays). It started out as something small and unofficial, but began taking a life of its own as more and more people joined in to leisurely talk and eat with each other, the result being not only a greater appreciation for food, but also greater depth of friendship and bonds within the fellowship. All in all, good, even great things, and I fondly look back on these parties as amongst the best memories I'll have of Toronto (I'm sure Dallas will agree with me on this). I've seen the "younger" members of Daniel Fellowship start this process as well, as they've hung out more often this summer, and I can see them becoming closer, which gives me great joy.
So we're going to try doing dinner parties in Vancouver. Don't worry if you can't make it this week, we'll be doing them more frequently, I'd say at least every other week. This week we'll be at Jeremy's, and he can comfortably seat 10-12 people. Let's say we'll start at around 6:30PM. Just let me know if you're coming. I'll send out an address and directions later on in the week.
The tentative menu:
Singapore Hainanese Chicken
Moutarde Mussels: A favorite of just about everyone who went to Smokeless Joe (say, about 2/3rds of my fellowship, or about 25 people)
Vegetable stir-fry of some sort
Lamb (maybe): Dallas might attempt this
tea / cheese / beer / wine: Can't guarantee on the cheese or wine, but I know Jer has lots of tea and homebrew!!!
Menu might change depending on the whims of the cooks and the # of people attending.
Thanks again. If you're leaving town soon, it'd be great if you could drop by.
This Fall, You Should Wear a Wrap Dress |
![]() You've got the attitude to wear a body-hugging, slightly boyish dress like this one. Pair your wrap dress with some sexy heels to femme it up a bit. |
I may have the attitude for this, but I don't have the BODY for it! o_O
You've Changed 60% in 10 Years |
![]() You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person. Your clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but it hasn't changed you. |
Labels: alcoholic drinks, andrew, blogthings, brian, christon, citrus, dallas, danielle, dawn, jeremy, joe, justin, kevin, maxed-out tags limit, msn, nathan, phil, sex, sunday dinners, ynr
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