Wednesday, August 16, 2006

To a certain person that I used to know...

I'm done with you and your kind forever. You know how I know I'm over you? I saw TALLADEGA NIGHTS the other day with the guys, and I didn't even make the connection between the name of the main character's father and the name of your boyfriend... in fact, I didn't even think about that till just now while I was writing this! (although I do think of you on a very rare occasion, such as the time I saw a guy whose lips and glasses reminded me of you in the apartment elevator last week while I was going to the laundry room) I'm holding my head up and going into the light. Sure, I might not have a boyfriend, but you know what? You definitely weren't the right person for me anyhow.

As for my not wanting to get to know certain other people, that's because most normal people have this emotion built into them called JEALOUSY! Nobody wants to know the "competition," so to speak... even if they're just good female friends! I don't care how much you insisted that the girls weren't jealous of me at all. You think that I needed to change my world view or something (I'm too lazy to look at the comments you left me), but I think mine suffices just fine. Sure, I might want to do a little work in being more accommodating for certain other people's beliefs... but that won't be because of you, sweetheart. (note the sarcasm!) That's it... I'm done with you. Over and out.

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